Input the 2x QCB motion as the car is starting!
Guess I'll remake the room; who's up for playing again?
I get flustered in real matches. I just need to play more.
Big two about start and Persona is gonna be in the lin up.
Mad Catz
‎Level|Up Series is teaming up with Mad Catz & Atlus USA for a special Persona 4 Arena launch tournament this coming weekend! Win an exclusive custom Mad Catz P4A FightStick PRO! -
This is a very pretty game.
Fable 2
Forza 2
Half Life: Orange Box
Tony Hawk's proving grounds
Mass Effect 2
Devil May Cry 4
Dead Space 2
Mirror's Edge
King of Fighter's XIII
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Marvel vs Capcom
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom
Grand Theft Auto IV
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
All 360
I thought that was only you and three other guys lol.
Couldn't get Teddie's IK to work
Trade-in List
what was happening? as long as they get hit by his persona it should be fine
Got frustrated trying to do some challenges on Aigis. Thumb is red raw from trying the input string.
Know if it'll be on stream?
unused avatars, up for grabs:
If anyone else wants an invite, just let me know. Only 2-3 spots left though.
Are the challenges even worth trying? Or is this like BB?
unused avatars, up for grabs:
Fuck, Brofest End.
I'm a noob at fighting games, so they're handy for me. Good way to practice comboing/input strings.
I'm going to have to save for an actual stick, prolonged play on a standard dualshock gives me a blister. Might take a few months, but eventually....
Can you make some Aigis avatars?
I'm the only Aigis avatar.
From my FB: levelup madcatz event
I wanted to main her. I hate charge of any kind.
Is there anyone in this thread that bought the game solely because they were a Persona fan and not a fighting game fan? I'd still like to hear impressions from someone who isn't really into fighters. Just curious.
Telling you man, the charge isn't even that bad. Your loss though =3 though Aigis is just as good I suppose.
Just wouldn't come out, but I think I need to buffer down more on ground
I get that the story mode is good and requires minimal fighting, but I'm curious about their take on the fighting mechanics outside of story mode.It's already been said about three billion times that story mode is amazing for a Perosna fan, and not really all that difficult if you're new to fighters.
Aigis is bestest character. Truth!
Is there anyone in this thread that bought the game solely because they were a Persona fan and not a fighting game fan? I'd still like to hear impressions from someone who isn't really into fighters. Just curious.
I get that the story mode is good and requires minimal fighting, but I'm curious about their take on the fighting mechanics outside of story mode.
TruthAigis is bestest character. Truth!
Does it take anyone else a really long time to get a ranked match? Like it's up to 2 minutes of searching for me sometimes.
Aigis is 2nd best character. Truth!
Aigis doesn't roll in a limosine rockin' hawt heels and a stylish fur coat.
Even though I'm awful as Labrys and hate her accent in this, I can't help but like her.