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Persona 4: Arena |OT| Midnight's Just Around The Corner



Please say no one took the Aigis avatar on left!?

EDIT: FUUUUU....was taken.....:cry

deim0s, are there any other Aigis avatars you could make like that for me? Not good at making even edged renders yet and I cant find any other already cut out renders to make into an avatar.


Onemic was thrashing me as Mitsuru, but I managed to learn what new tricks he'd picked up since we last fought. You aren't escaping the fire that easily!

FYI, you kept falling for my Fire Break'd Maragidyne, which is unblockable. If you see me cast that, be ready to super jump over the fire unless you like taking damage.

Noi you made me want to go into the screen and tear yukkikos hair out. SOmeone please tell me how to deal with two things. Her instant overhead which seems like it is by far the fastest in the game in terms of startup time, so it can be included at the end of a string and its next to impossible to react to it and her sp skill attack which is an unblockable and can come from either the front side or the back side.

It's not. I use Fire break before using it, which makes my next Fire move unblockable. That's why you were able to block some, yet others hit you.


I. Fucking. Hate. Yukiko.

Noi you made me want to go into the screen and tear yukkikos hair out. SOmeone please tell me how to deal with two things. Her instant overhead which seems like it is by far the fastest in the game in terms of startup time, so it can be included at the end of a string and its next to impossible to react to it and her sp skill attack which is an unblockable and can come from either the front side or the back side. All that shit made me forget my combos that I practiced all day today :/

ggs though

I really need to learn Mitsus SP skill attacks as I literally dont know any and it only ever comes out if I do a full 5A combo.


So a friend and I decided to go into training mode and test out a bunch of instant kills just to find ways to NOT get hit by them online, or offline, or anywhere ever in our entire lives. Thought would it would be fun to share with GAF!

Yu Narukami: Has a pretty long start up on his IK, but he's fully invulnerable as he's doing it. Actually one of the more useful IK's because of its invul. You can use it to punish people who do full screen supers, like Ziodyne or Maziodyne. Also works on Elizabeth's Zio-watcha ma call it, but you need to predict it, rather than call it out on reaction like the two aforementioned. One of the better IK's

Yosuke Hanamura: Pretty bad. Visually I'm not a fan, and also it takes ages for it to come out. Long start up, but also has invulnerability. I don't think it goes full screen though, so it's worse than Narukami's. All and all not a very good IK.

Chie Satonaka: Looks great, but unfortunately suffers from stocky range syndrome. The range on this thing is horrible, not to mention it comes out slowly and is easily blockable on reaction. I can't really think of what you'd use this for.

Yukiko Amagi: Looks fast, but actually comes out pretty slowly also. Range is pretty good though, and you're invulnerable during start up. Not a great IK.

Kanji Tatsumi: This one is pretty interesting. Lots of invulnerability frames, but really slow start up. It'll be great for going through random supers if you can buffer it fast enough. Has a very subtle start up too. The flash doesn't appear until the moment he's about to grab...and by then it's too late :<

Naoto Shirogane: I see this IK being a big problem for people at first. I mean it was problem even in Japan. However this IK isn't that great either. The main problem with this IK is that there's a deadzone right next to Naoto's persona, about 3/4th of the screen away. Just stand there when she casts it and you should be golden. Naoto is also invulnerable, I believe, for the entirety of this animation (though it's not really like you'll be weaving through reticules to hit her anyway).

Teddie: This IK is also in the crap department. Pretty slow, but it can also be used to punish random supers (seeing a pattern here?) It looks funny though but isn't really much of an issue.

Akihiko: If there was a gutter trash tier for IK's, this one would be in it. Akihiko's IK is so bad. Hold back if they're trying to get you at full screen. If they're smart, they'll try and get you in the corner. What to do? Well jump away and laugh as Akihiko just wasted 100 meter. If the Akihiko is REALLY trying, he'll get you with his Maziodyne, which inflicts shock, and then try and draw you in. Oh noez. I can't move, I can't jump. What to dooooo? Quick escape will ruin that Akihiko's day as you do the electric truffle shuffle through Caeser. You can also R action depending on your character choice. Kanji, for example, can just spam his while inside Caeser's little globe and not be affected. Excellent. If you get hit by this...you'll never live it down.

Mitsuru: This IK is faster than other IK's, but still blockable on reaction. It has invulnerability and can be used to punish other supers and IK's. Overall because of its speed, I think it's one of the better ones.

Aigis: Can only be done in the air. She used to be able to combo into this nonsense, but not anymore. Blockable on reaction also. I'm not entirely sure how to use this one or what situation it would be used in. I suppose it'd be useful as a counter against other IK's?

Labrys: Another blockable on reaction. It looks amazing, visually, but it seems really slow. It does have invulnerability like the other IK's, so it can be used to punish specials and the like on reaction.

S. Labrys: For all intents and purposes this probably would be one of the worst IK's in the game. For one, the motion to grab 222 A+B is ridiculous, and for another, it's really slow to start up. However to the best of my knowledge, this is the only IK that can currently be comboed into. That's right. If the S Labrys player has 150 meter, they can combo directly into this instant kill. And because of that, this is the best IK in the game at the moment.

Elizabeth: This is probably one of the most interesting IK's in the game. It has the potential to be the most dangerous. The mechanics of this IK are that the counter circle that Elizabeth makes must be hit 3 times for it to be activated. However, it also counters projectiles. Meaning, on reaction, if you try a random Ziodyne, Maziodyne, or any other multihitting projectile, she will ruin your day. Also, every time you hit her circle, for the rest of the round, the amount of hits needed for the trap to activate will be reduced by that amount it was hit at before. For example, Elizabeth activates her IK and I hit it 1 time. Next time she activates her IK, I only need to hit her 2 times for the trap to activate (this is in the same round). Now getting enough meter for two IK's seems impossible, but because of Mind Charge and Liz's SP up skill, it's certainly viable for her to attain this threshold. Also, this attack can be blocked. For example, if you fire Ziodyne from full screen, then One More Cancel it as it hits Liz's IK and block, you will not die. All and all though, probably one of the best IK's in the game.

SO ALL AND ALL. What my friend and I have learned and what we wanted to share with GAF was that if you see your opponent's portrait flashing, you probably shouldn't fire off that Ziodyne you've been saving. It could be your last.


Aigis: Can only be done in the air. She used to be able to combo into this nonsense, but not anymore. Blockable on reaction also. I'm not entirely sure how to use this one or what situation it would be used in. I suppose it'd be useful as a counter against other IK's?

Yeah that air requirement hurts. I've used it against the computer no problem, but I have yet to find a situation where it's actually useful against a player because they see it coming a mile away. And there's almost always a better option.


Bit of challenge mode advice, at least for Elizabeth: jump canceling is your friend. Unlike BB, P4A doesn't prompt you to jump cancel or high jump during air combos, and it makes them much easier.
I. Fucking. Hate. Yukiko.

Noi you made me want to go into the screen and tear yukkikos hair out. SOmeone please tell me how to deal with two things. Her instant overhead which seems like it is by far the fastest in the game in terms of startup time, so it can be included at the end of a string and its next to impossible to react to it and her sp skill attack which is an unblockable and can come from either the front side or the back side. All that shit made me forget my combos that I practiced all day today :/

ggs though

I really need to learn Mitsus SP skill attacks as I literally dont know any and it only ever comes out if I do a full 5A combo.

She has an instant overhead? First I heard about it... I do know her strings are jump cancelable so I don't know why she would have an instant overhead. That would mean every blockstring is a 50/50 between 2a or the IO (if she has one).

Lastly the unblockable is superjump/double jump able. Also it tends to take blue health. Its a lot of risk since its unsafe if you avoid it.
Yeah that air requirement hurts. I've used it against the computer no problem, but I have yet to find a situation where it's actually useful against a player because they see it coming a mile away. And there's almost always a better option.

What about a character playing a heavy keepaway? (Elizabeth, Yukiko)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Does the PS3 version work on PC? Can anyone confirm?

Yes. Since it's normal USB compared to 360's XID.

Dual-mod it and you then get PS3, 360, AND PC for the price of a stick.

onemic said:
Why did you leave Seks? You could have seen what I do to get in on YUkiko. Although it by all means isn't expert level, it would have given you a good idea on what to do.

Game was lagging. My connection has been shit for the past six months,
which is why I haven't been playing shooters online daily for the past six months
and those rounds were literally two second reaction time lags. That's why you'd see me rushing at you (you'd get in the air and I'd still be rushing as you'd rushed past me and then suddenly stop only to rush back towards you as you rush over me AGAIN) or eating projectiles after attempting to get through an opening and then attempt to block to stop from being knocked back.

That one round with that random person was just as bad so I like "yeah, I'll attempt to level up to 30 [hah, fat chance of that] online in the morning..."


What about a character playing a heavy keepaway? (Elizabeth, Yukiko)

Well, certainly would have a better chance. It's still easily readable and blockable. I haven't had a chance to land it on a Yukiko player however, because I've rarely found myself in a situation where it's the best choice. (Haven't even seen an Elizabeth character online yet...)

Game was lagging. My connection has been shit for the past six months,
which is why I haven't been playing shooters online daily for the past six months
and those rounds were literally two second reaction time lags. That's why you'd see me rushing at you (you'd get in the air and I'd still be rushing as you'd rushed past me and then suddenly stop only to rush back towards you as you rush over me AGAIN) or eating projectiles after attempting to get through an opening and then attempt to block to stop from being knocked back.

That one round with that random person was just as bad so I like "yeah, I'll attempt to level up to 30 [hah, fat chance of that] online in the morning..."

Our game seemed pretty lag free on my end.


Unconfirmed Member
Aigis: Can only be done in the air. She used to be able to combo into this nonsense, but not anymore. Blockable on reaction also. I'm not entirely sure how to use this one or what situation it would be used in. I suppose it'd be useful as a counter against other IK's?

Can you hit people out of their IK animations? This would have been useful against a naoto I faced earlier. They did the IK and it was the first time I had ever seen it so I just sat there blocking while they got me with the reticule.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So a friend and I decided to go into training mode and test out a bunch of instant kills just to find ways to NOT get hit by them online, or offline, or anywhere ever in our entire lives. Thought would it would be fun to share with GAF!

SO ALL AND ALL. What my friend and I have learned and what we wanted to share with GAF was that if you see your opponent's portrait flashing, you probably shouldn't fire off that Ziodyne you've been saving. It could be your last.

Honestly, you shouldn't be doing IK's in the first place outside of show-boating. I feel the IK's will be ignored (and rightly so) like other Arc fighters in high-level play. I don't think I've ever seen IK's pulled off with consistency in high-level play. Then again, I haven't followed Arc's fighters too closely to really know if IK's are the end-all-be-all round-ending in high-level play.


She has an instant overhead? First I heard about it... I do know her strings are jump cancelable so I don't know why she would have an instant overhead. That would mean every blockstring is a 50/50 between 2a or the IO (if she has one).

Lastly the unblockable is superjump/double jump able. Also it tends to take blue health. Its a lot of risk since its unsafe if you avoid it.

Ya she spins around and you must block standing. Every character has an instant overhead as it allows you to go into that brawl animation. Yukikos IO has a super low startup and great range compared to Mitsuru.

Honestly, you shouldn't be doing IK's in the first place outside of show-boating. I feel the IK's will be ignored (and rightly so) like other Arc fighters in high-level play. I don't think I've ever seen IK's pulled off with consistency in high-level play. Then again, I haven't followed Arc's fighters too closely to really know if IK's are the end-all-be-all round-ending in high-level play.

They're useless in BB

I can only see them being used in high level play if you have totally downloaded your opponent and even then only certain characters IK's are actually viable(S.Labrys, Mitsuru, Elizabeth)


Can you hit people out of their IK animations? This would have been useful against a naoto I faced earlier. They did the IK and it was the first time I had ever seen it so I just sat there blocking while they got me with the reticule.

I think they're all invulnerable, save shadow labrys'
Can you hit people out of their IK animations? This would have been useful against a naoto I faced earlier. They did the IK and it was the first time I had ever seen it so I just sat there blocking while they got me with the reticule.

They‘re all invincible on start up AFAIK. If they weren‘t they‘d be even more useless.


Yikes, the lag in this EVOL and Esura match is pretty bad.

EVOL, don't immediately skip the intros. They help with the netcode sync at the very beginning, making the beginning of the matches less slideshow-y.
Honestly, you shouldn't be doing IK's in the first place outside of show-boating. I feel the IK's will be ignored (and rightly so) like other Arc fighters in high-level play. I don't think I've ever seen IK's pulled off with consistency in high-level play. Then again, I haven't followed Arc's fighters too closely to really know if IK's are the end-all-be-all round-ending in high-level play.

Well, in BB they can be useful, the problem is meeting the requirements in a match vs someone decent.


Honestly, you shouldn't be doing IK's in the first place outside of show-boating. I feel the IK's will be ignored (and rightly so) like other Arc fighters in high-level play. I don't think I've ever seen IK's pulled off with consistency in high-level play. Then again, I haven't followed Arc's fighters too closely to really know if IK's are the end-all-be-all round-ending in high-level play.

they're not, but that won't stop people from getting hit by them. but information is information after all. only slabs right now is truly viable.

EVOL 100%

Yikes, the lag in this EVOL and Esura match is pretty bad.

EVOL, don't immediately skip the intros. They help with the netcode sync at the very beginning, making the beginning of the matches less slideshow-y.

Okay, got it.

If the lag gets unbearable, tell me guys. I really don't want to be a bother.


I just tried Score Attack and I actually had fun. I was actually going toe to toe against the cheap bastards. It was so intense. I only got to the third fight (Yukiko) though. I was in the middle of doing the combo that would've killed her but I dropped the super at the end and she killed me. I'll probably end up buying Fuuka. This shit is way too hard.


Ok, I got demolished by a Gaffer (I think) who used a Naoto.

I had no clue how to get in with Chie. The ultimate shame. Oh well, good game Noisama or whoever the one that used Naoto. Also good game to Saruman, the Teddie savant.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, in BB they can be useful, the problem is meeting the requirements in a match vs someone decent.

I doubt it. They're way too situational, same as P4Us. GG's, I could sort-of see an argument of using in high-level play. But that has the "risk-reward" system (which is good, compared to P4U's "LOL BUILD UP 100 SP AGAIN AND TRY AGAIN!") of if you fail to Instant Kill them, you lose your super meter for the rest of the match (or round, forgetting) which is a price to pay for show-boating.

EVOL 100%

Ok, I got demolished by a Gaffer (I think) who used a Naoto.

I had no clue how to get in with Chie. The ultimate shame. Oh well, good game Noisama or whoever the one that used Naoto. Also good game to Saruman, the Teddie savant.

That was me. Was the lag on your end okay?
I doubt it. They're way too situational, same as P4Us. GG's, I could sort-of see an argument of using in high-level play. But that has the "risk-reward" system (which is good, compared to P4U's "LOL BUILD UP 100 SP AGAIN AND TRY AGAIN!") of if you fail to Instant Kill them, you lose your super meter for the rest of the match (or round, forgetting) which is a price to pay for show-boating.

ABC into Astral is impractical? Overhead into Astral? Throw into Astral?

The only problem is keeping the meter and burst.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ABC into Astral is impractical? Overhead into Astrat? Throw into Astral?

Which characters can ABC into Astral? I don't think Bang can. I know ^-11 can't, and ^-11's Astral outright SUCKS because of that short-ass grab-have-to-reaction-it (which, bizzarely, they make the universal command of her Astral be the Instant Kill command for P4U) and the others from when I was messing with combos to do the trophies for them in CS1/2 seemed too impractical to just fire off in a combo due to the command inputs required to activate them.


Wait what the heck.
How do those lobbies work?

I created the room, and only played 2 games.
Everyone else has played more!

Oh, sorry. Good game. You got a sick Naoto.

It was laggy, but beary-ble.

i can't bear-lieve you just said that

Hmm whats with the words cancel being cut off at the bottom of my screen (main menu)? I see the game has different scaling options, but still...that just strikes me as strange.
ArcSys fighters are the same way for me on my TV. I have to change it to Scaling B or whatever for it to fit fine, and even then I get black bars on the sides of the screen.


Hmm whats with the words cancel being cut off at the bottom of my screen (main menu)? I see the game has different scaling options, but still...that just strikes me as strange.


Please say no one took the Aigis avatar on left!?

EDIT: FUUUUU....was taken.....:cry

deim0s, are there any other Aigis avatars you could make like that for me? Not good at making even edged renders yet and I cant find any other already cut out renders to make into an avatar.

Here's one if you still want one... not a P4A sprite anymore, but from FES:



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hmm whats with the words cancel being cut off at the bottom of my screen (main menu)? I see the game has different scaling options, but still...that just strikes me as strange.

Scale to B or set the HUD up/down/left/right adjustments. Go into options. Option A is above 720p (or something, not even 1080p on my monitor. :/) and "overscans" or something it seems.


Gah, I fall for Naoto's damn kicks every time.

Yeah, that's what I set, but then you guys all lost, and then it only went back to Esuna or Noi.
Never me!

It's been happening all day, weirdly enough. I had to sit through 2 rotations without a match once, could hardly bear it. :(
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