I feel like learning a new character but I don't know who to choose.
Every time I play ranked it takes forever to find a match if I customize it to find people with a good connection. It makes me not wanna play ranked at all.
You got a lot better man. Your set up is tight and it really made me want to consider banking on riskier, high damage combos because your defense was just great throughout. Typically I can bait with my face against Yukiko's because the damage output simply isn't all that high and I have the lifebar to eat it then make opponents pay later but you played great man.
But yeah, I never have my mic on - I typically sit it on the dresser but when they barged in I'm sure you just heard a lot of wtf.
Thanks >_<. Playing against Ragingnight's Yukiko made me try different ways of pressuring and step up my game in general. I also don't really have any good combos, so I gotta make up for it elsewhere heh. You definitely pulled off some high-ish damaging stuff (at least way more damaging than the stuff I can do haha) a few times though, so I had to be a little more cautious.
In a way you just described Naoto, so you should try her out if that's what you are looking for.So I should be getting the game sometime this week. Not sure who to play but I'll definitely be trying every character. Just wondering which characters excel at zoning and keepaway but are capable of decent mixups up close. Any suggestions? I'll probably be trying Yukiko first.
Aww, Yu with Nanako is so sweet.
"Good luck big bro!"
How do you unlock her?
Someone on 360 help me train my Akihiko. I'm losing to mashing Chielol
GT: G0lden 5un
Nothing but fraudulent Mitsuru's all night. The fact that ending 5AAA with her charge strike makes all combos safe is nuts, more so that it can combo into a 60% 9 hit combo if you chain it with EX.Bufu. Kanji damage with no risk involved. They block, you're safe, you whiff, you're safe or you can cancel into 5C. There's no risk being in people's faces at all times due to the low charge time for that strike move.
Can you punish if you IB the coup?
On the combo that was being done to me in the last game before I put up the sticks, no, because even if you IB the coup, you get hit with either 2C or ex_Bufu, depending on the variation. I wanna say the combo was
5AAA, Charge Strike, 214b (CDT forward) Sweep, 2B, j.A, j.B, ex_Bufu.
The last part, the j.A, j.B might be wrong, I don't play Mitsuru.
Screw whoever thought of challenge 29. Took me like an hour. My thumb still hurts. :|
Yukiko added to my hate list. Faced a pair of high level Yukikos today and it seemed virtually impossible to get in. All my tools that I used to use again liz like coup are completly worthless as her recovery on her fans are too much and she can throw another one before the coup animation finishes. If I try jumping her persona which she sends at the same time as fans will either AA or catch me with her mid screen fire blast thing. If I try to be patient and block her persona gets sent for a cross up causing me to be blocking her fans on one side and her persona on the other. I just cant.....
I posted some more on my blog, but yeah. It looks like it was printed over an old disc or there was some residue on the stamp.
Thats not a crossup. You always block where the point character is.
GIF saved.
Got any tips for Trial 29? Sometimes my Persona will come out the other side, even though I'm clearly on the left.
Isn't it supposed to be super rare? :lolHow do you get Teddie to pop out naked?
I only got it once ever.
Yes lol, fuck my internet.Did you dc Golden Sun?
By the way, whats the max lobby size?
Just got done running sets with Lord Knight, he showed me some neat little tricks to improve my Chie game.
Gotta start putting in more work, Summer Jam is just around the corner.
GGs RAWR. Hate Elizabeth. @_@
Send me a FR + invite. GT: Chocopolka
Up for some more games?
On the combo that was being done to me in the last game before I put up the sticks, no, because even if you IB the coup, you get hit with either 2b or ex_Bufu, depending on the variation. I wanna say the combo was
5AAA, Charge Strike, 214b (CDT forward) Sweep, 2B, j.A, j.B, ex_Bufu.
The last part, the j.A, j.B might be wrong, I don't play Mitsuru.
Combo makes absolutely no sense.
Mitsuru can't combo into ex bufu after coup anyway. But she can set out an ex bufu after coup to put you in a high/low/nothing guessing game.
Sure why the hell notYeah I was scratching my head on that.
anybody wanna play?
Sure why the hell not
That's only if you're trying to get in on me.
And even then, you can still use that on screen Agi, and I still can't use it, cause I'll just get out of it.
You can still completely zone me out and there's nothing I can do about it.
I can't call items or set up TVs (only SBs), and then once you're bringing out Sakuya, I can't punish.
I just feel that there aren't really many options I can use to get in.
Anything I can are really easy to spot.
The only normal I can use when you're using you're low pressure is the cr.A, which has like no range at all, so when you're using Sakuya to keep me at full screen, I'm kind of stuck.
I definitely throw out too many Bear Screws, but that's just about the only way I can get in and hope to sneak in some damage. It punishes mid-screen Sakuya, so that's the major reason.
For the autocombo, yeah, that's why I ended up stopping a lot even after the 3rd hit connected, cause I kept expecting blocks.
It's hard to setup up Teddievision pressure mixup situations when you can break Kamui from fullscreen.
Even then, Teddie can't overhead you, so the only thing you'd have to worry about is a grab if I'm coming low.
Is there a way to set up a guaranteed Teddie unblockable super? Can you force them to block the barrel then cancel into super?
Also has a european release fate been confirmed yet?
Is there a way to set up a guaranteed Teddie unblockable super? Can you force them to block the barrel then cancel into super?
Also has a european release fate been confirmed yet?