Screw that, you're all going feel the same as me eventually! Muahahaha.
B+D seriously activates Orgia mode....? ;.;
It's called Escape Change for a reason.
Unless it's a subtle anti-Obama naming scheme.
360 games anyone? ;_;
Screw that, you're all going feel the same as me eventually! Muahahaha.
B+D seriously activates Orgia mode....? ;.;
Does Chie have any follow up options if she lands a throw or air throw? Or do I just set up the 5D, DD Oki mix up?
I'm still having extreme difficulty going from Aigis's combos to Megido Fire. Often I attempt to jump cancel and somehow end up preforming the gatling gun instead. Really screwing up my game.
EDIT: Ah, I see we have a GAF Lobby going. Appears to be full however. I need a separate display for the PS3 so I can actually SEE this shit.
You're pressing the wrong button (lol deadpool). Gatling gun is with your character button (A, B). Megido fire is your persona button (C, D).
Just msg QisTopTier on psn.I'm down for a few games if a gaf lobby is going on
No I'm well aware of which buttons are which. The problem is I'm still getting the gatling gun even after I hit C or D.
No I'm well aware of which buttons are which. The problem is I'm still getting the gatling gun even after I hit C or D.
I hope you are ready to play later
someone go in and beat this dude. Once I play with your character in challenge mode, I'll get a better idea what they hell i'm getting hit by. As of now, I have no clue what the big blob do.
Does Chie have any follow up options if she lands a throw or air throw? Or do I just set up the 5D, DD Oki mix up?
Actually, Marrshu, are you getting gatling gun when you j.B? Where exactly are you getting it?
Right about the j.B, yeah. I imagine I must be inputting it too fast as vocab says.
In the challenge mode I've been getting stuck in the high teens with every character. I do exactly what is on screen but seem to never get it and have no real feedback telling me if I'm messing up timing or what. Very frustrating, still loving story mode though.
In the challenge mode I've been getting stuck in the high teens with every character. I do exactly what is on screen but seem to never get it and have no real feedback telling me if I'm messing up timing or what. Very frustrating, still loving story mode though.
got beat badly, ggs to dynasty and Q. So mad about that Akihiko Instant Kill.
^ scrub.
In the challenge mode I've been getting stuck in the high teens with every character. I do exactly what is on screen but seem to never get it and have no real feedback telling me if I'm messing up timing or what. Very frustrating, still loving story mode though.
Good god, Qis.
I told you he's free.
What I just played was not a fighting game match. It was more like an execution.
Does Chie have any follow up options if she lands a throw or air throw? Or do I just set up the 5D, DD Oki mix up?
So I'm probably not getting home until 7:00 PM or so instead of the 5:30 that I thought it was gonna be. If anyone wants to play some matches, see you then!
I'm not playing Q until I have reliable CH/FC combos.
You can have everyone after Im done with them when you get home :lol
You can have everyone after Im done with them when you get home :lol
We are talking about how bad I am at inputting instant killsStop leveling people up. Also sounds kinda kinky
Wait what are we talking about again?
LOL fuck I lost, that's what I get for goofing around vs akihiko hahaha
We are talking about how bad I am at inputting instant kills
Aigis has the WORST IK.
I said I teach how to block LOLI'm glad you lost. I at least learned something playing DY_nasty. It was an actual fight and not a Saw-esque torture section.![]()
Aigis has the WORST IK.
I'm telling you guys, shadow lab is easy to play
Design philosophy with Aigis: Oh hey, we'll just make everything several times more difficult than any other character. And her instant kill? PULL IT OFF IN THE AIR. And give your opponent about 5000 million years to block it.
"They're equally matched. Who will win!?"
Fuck you announcer.... just... fuck you.
This is definitely true.I said I teach how to block LOL
Aigis is not THAT hard. Once you get the concept, she's pretty straightforward. Then again, I'm coming from characters like Rachel and Relius. Valk and Tsubaki don't count.
Out of all the characters I've played she's by far the hardest of the bunch.
She looks like she plays like Carl.
I hate Carl.
Nothing like carl
Ah. So how she play?