GGs guys! I have to go eat dinner. Nice Yu, like always, Twilt
Alright who wants to play against my shitty Akihiko?
XBL: ContinuityHive
no offense twilthero, its just happens to be you set it off but GOD DAMN yu is the scrubbiest character ever.
Fuck I'm mad salty. I play smart but Yu gets to late hit confirm his slide ala SF3 chun li? And then a totally inv super that isn't punishable.
I dunno, Kanji can be pretty srubby too. And Chie's 5AAAAA to some degree.
I dunno, Kanji can be pretty srubby too. And Chie's 5AAAAA to some degree.
I'm not talking at bad play level. Even at decent level of play its just "really?".
I don't get to OMC a whiff super, but Yu does? lol?
lol, nothing like Yu
Once he gets his awakening, he's instantly scrubgod
no offense twilthero, its just happens to be you set it off but GOD DAMN yu is the scrubbiest character ever.
Fuck I'm mad salty. I play smart but Yu gets to late hit confirm his slide ala SF3 chun li? And then a totally inv super that isn't punishable.
GGs. Sorry if you didn't had fun fighting me. =/
Your Yukiko's crazy good at pressure; put mine to shame in the earlier matches.
EDIT: Though in my defense, I was just trying to make good reads with Yu.
Naw its was fun. Don't worry we'll play more. I'm in salt mode at the moment.
Its only when I fight Yu and "MAYBE" mitsu I get this salty. Something about him.
How do you deal with Yukiko as a mitsu player? I find that im completely free against yukiko and her persona attacks. I cant advance using droit because her fans are too fast and I can't play it patient or else yukiko sends her persona for a long range overhead attack.
It's good enough to beat me.. . . i feel so ashamed of myself
i'm sorry my elizabeth is so terrible
You walk her into the corner. Quite literally. You stay in that range and just poke her with 5A everytime she presses buttons. You get her to the point where she is almost persona broken and scared.
If she rushes you down should win that lol.
For me, I will almost always forsake dmg (unless it kills) for an oki setup. And honestly that is how I think mitsu should play against yuki until the corner comes in.
I'm not talking at bad play level. Even at decent level of play its just "really?".
I don't get to OMC a whiff super, but Yu does? lol? Nor do I get to super cancel my dp
Its just insane that on a good read I get 1.5k (no super) to 2.5k (w/ super). Yu makes one right read and I lose 40% and eat a oki setup.
"I can never do it because she keeps me zoned out for the reasons mentioned above. I try to close in using droit I eat a fan due to its fast startup and recovery. If I try and be patient and bulldog my way through with dashing and blocking she just uses her long range persona overhead and those fireball things."
He said walk, not droit. You walk forward, block (blocking doesn't push you back as much as you would expect) and continue to walk forward more. There's no chip damage, so there's no reason to be impatient because you're blocking a ton of shit.
you can't OMC a whiff super. if it whiffs, it whiffs. i tested both supers. okay, you don't get to super cancel your dp, but not only Yu can do that. Akihiko can, Mitsuru can, Aigis can, etc.
also, narukami isn't the only character with a nonpunishable super. aigis' awakening super is much of the same
Fine a blocked super. Too bad it never gets to the point where it just blocks. It just either hits or whiff pending on spacing. I know that yu isn't the one with all those. But for some reason I don't hate them. I hate yu though. I hate how fullscreen slide is a viable option. I hate how I can't punish a B sword dive unless I IB it or whiff punish it. Yu just gets me salty.
do you mean narukami's are just full screen ziodyning you? or waking up and cross slashing you? or a combination of both?
full screen slide is an iffy option. yeah it works because of how his hitbox gets flattened to the floor, but it is oh my lordy so negative on block. it's definitely a risk for narukami to just whop it out there.
also trying to insta block anything online is usually asking for trouble. B raging lion's problem comes from its ass start up. you should be able to r action it on reaction.
R-action with yukiko against that is not a great option. Often times it clashes and I lose since he recovers before I do.
Full screen slide is a free get in if you don't jump over it if they have 50sp. And if they see you trying to punish it before it FULLY recovers they can Cross slash it. It happened to me twice. I blocked the slide and hit 2a. I'm almost sure that is a late cancel like 3s chun li.
The part that bugs me about wakeup cross slash is that I can't punish it. Full invul and I can't punish it. It basically gives him the option to reversal anything without fear.
Naw its was fun. Don't worry we'll play more. I'm in salt mode at the moment.
Its only when I fight Yu and "MAYBE" mitsu I get this salty. Something about him.
Not calling you scrubby. Your grab reads were solid. Your dp bait was pretty decent. In some of the cases when I super super on awakening I was testing to see if you knew the setups. Unfortunately if you do I die LOL but I have to test it just so you have to respect the option.
If I had better execution I could punish a bit harder. I had really solid spacing but punishing a roll with 2AA and dropping the 5A sucks balls.
Don't we all. =PFor some reason it feels like when a Yu wins it was because of Yu, not because of the player. I know its stupid but whatever. (i know he isn't top tier) Leave me to be in my salt mines and never bring up yu again. (I feel bad for twilthero =( NOT RAGGING ON YOU. it was fun I just get salty!)
i'm testing out yukiko's r action against b raging lion right now and i've never seen it clash. and it knocks narukami pretty far away on ch. try it yourself if you don't believe me though.
as for the slide cross slash. i've never seen that gimmick, but i can see the timing that you're talking about, where you think it's safe to punish but it's not. i'd say in general, just block. i think that it's pretty fair that narukami can spend 50 meter for a safe way to get in, just like how yukiko, or any character, can spend 50 to push him away.
and yes, even as a narukami player, i think that cross slash being nonpunishable is pretty stupid. though i don't nearly abuse that as much as i should.
Crossslash is a godlike super but its definitely not safe. Roll after the super flash. Slide is also not a free get in, if you predict slide jump and you get a jumpin combo, if they don't have 50 meter just block it. Also the persona can't be slid under, so if they're sliding a lot use less ground fans.
Also watch Stunedge vs Jiyuna (Yu vs Yukiko). part 2/3 are also there.
Crossslash is a godlike super but its definitely not safe. Roll after the super flash. Slide is also not a free get in, if you predict slide jump and you get a jumpin combo, if they don't have 50 meter just block it. Also the persona can't be slid under, so if they're sliding a lot use less ground fans.
Yukiko doesn't get a 50sp blockback on wakeup. Yu can DP every single time on super flash.
It clashed 2-3 times I played against Twil. Every single time I got punished for it.
Wait so you're suggesting that I shouldn't punish Yu in fear of cross slash cancel on a block slide? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? I have a feeling I'm reading this wrong.
For the record, I didn't get body by Yu at all.
Wait so you're suggesting that I shouldn't punish Yu in fear of cross slash cancel on a block slide? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? I have a feeling I'm reading this wrong.
Crossslash is a godlike super but its definitely not safe. Roll after the super flash. Slide is also not a free get in, if you predict slide jump and you get a jumpin combo, if they don't have 50 meter just block it. Also the persona can't be slid under, so if they're sliding a lot use less ground fans.
Also watch Stunedge vs Jiyuna (Yu vs Yukiko). part 2/3 are also there.
Ragingnight, I'd like to play you tomorrow if possible. And if you wanna go up against a Yu, that is
Yukikos are my new bane, so I need some practice.
Would you try to punish an Akuma sweep when he has a full Ultra meter?
Look at his meter, if he has meter, look for options that beat spamable attacks. And yes, if you block a slide or DP when Narukami has meter, you should wait for him to cancel into super (that's his only option, and it probably causes you to lose the round - so why would you risk it?)
i wasn't talking about your super. i was talking about counter assault. the thing that nobody ever uses.
sorry, that's not what i was implying. and it's not as if the narukami player knows whether or not you're gonna punish him or not. more often than not, he'll just cancel it to make it safe. but, since i was a bit worried about this sort of meta game, i tested the r action in the gap between the slide and super cancel. it seems to work. again, test it if you want proof. dia doesn't always hit narukami, but if he doesn't cross slash, he gets blown back. if he does, he wastes 50 meter and doesn't hit you with anything, and you recover at about the same time.
For some characters (lol akihiko) position is almost more important than life lead. Ignore meter, you need to be in the kitchen cooking dat work. If you guess wrong, its simply a super instead of an already cray DP - and if you're laying on the wood thick enough to begin with, they'll be rewarded with meter anyways. Its going to happen. Especially because blockstrings simply aren't that tight in this game.Would you try to punish an Akuma sweep when he has a full Ultra meter?
Look at his meter, if he has meter, look for options that beat spamable attacks. And yes, if you block a slide or DP when Narukami has meter, you should wait for him to cancel into super (that's his only option, and it probably causes you to lose the round - so why would you risk it?)
Sure. Btw I don't play like most yukikos. Atleast not the ones I fought on gaf or online.
Crossslash is a godlike super but its definitely not safe. Roll after the super flash. Slide is also not a free get in, if you predict slide jump and you get a jumpin combo, if they don't have 50 meter just block it. Also the persona can't be slid under, so if they're sliding a lot use less ground fans.
Also watch Stunedge vs Jiyuna (Yu vs Yukiko). part 2/3 are also there.
wow, i didn't know this. that's cool that you can punish cross slash. i couldn't do it reliable with yukiko's 5a, but i think hers is also slower. i think a 5 frame 5a can just about always get the trick done.
unfortunately, from as far as what i can see, i think dp -> cross slash is a free get out of jail card.
derp. nevermind. if you instant block the dp, you can r action or use an invulnerable super of your own to beat it.
IB-ing a dp is really hard in a real match. The risk/reward is so skew towards yu if you make that choice.
also since you tested it I wonder if 2A has the range. 2A is 5f I believe. 5A is 7f or 10f. I forget.
Well I said on wakeup. I would have to block first in order to do the blowback. Thus eating atleast 1 mixup and guessing right.
But that is still a bad situation to be in if I dia and we recover at the same time. I don't want to be next to him. I'll just block it and deal with it. I still think its stupid.
yes, i don't recommend trying to ib the DP and punish. but if you happen to do it, you know what to doalso to note, ib'ing the dp does not allow you to roll. you will only get hurt.
ah yes! it seems that 2a can get the job done. i don't know the actual punish combo, so i just auto comboed. but it works.
i don't really understand. narukami's wakeup requires you to block izanagi, which already means you can blow him back with counter assault. without izanagi there, narukami doesn't really have a wake up game.
and if you just block the cross slash, then it pushes him back to if you counter assaulted him. i think that's a reasonable range for you to work with.