Anyone down for some games?
I'm up for some games if you're still playing, onemic. Haven't played too much lately...
ggs noi
I am so goddamn free at this game. 2 days doing nothing but training and I feel I've gotten a million times worse.
ggs noi
I am so goddamn free at this game.
ggs noi
I am so goddamn free at this game. 2 days doing nothing but training and I feel I've gotten a million times worse.
One major thing many people don't realize is that any training mode in a fighting game allows you to practice your offense/combos/setups and has NOTHING to do with your defense/reactions.
Have you been learning mixups and oki setups? That's probably more important than learning a specific combo.
Well, you can also use it to practice blocking common strings so you know when to block high and low.
baby baby baby baby baby baby
So good.
Sooo much out of practice.... need to play 24/7 but life doesn't permit that. ;_;
Gonna stream matches in a little bit.
Name on PSN: K0FF1X
down to play a few if you're still on
ggs Sollune. I really need to work on Mitsus throw setups. I only know the one from her block string, but clearly from my matches with you there are a ton more.
Anyone still on? Want to invite me PSN: Roe-Bear
down to play a few if you're still on
ggs Sollune. I really need to work on Mitsus throw setups. I only know the one from her block string, but clearly from my matches with you there are a ton more.
Shit sorry I passed out while watching Floe's stream.
I'm up and early right now Persona folk.
Let's play!
This actually bugs me a lot. There are a lot of chances for them to use music at opportune times during this game and they don't. Not using I'll Face Myself for P4 mirror matches is a big mistake for one.
Only US players at 'PersonaGAF' spreadsheet.
It sucks to love a game nobody plays in your country.
Many of us have work.![]()
I guess they wanted to use the normal battle themes for mirror matches because that's what you hear most often in the RPGs. Still, they could have at least allowed us console players to choose those songs. Personally I'm most disappointed by the lack of Master of Tartarus.
On a related note, is The Ultimate based on a track from the RPGs? I don't remember hearing anything sounding like it, yet the one in the game is referred to as "Stage Edit", implying there's another version out there?
Yeah well I'm enjoying my days off after 3 weeks of waiting.
If anyone wants to play I'm in the room that says gang.
I'm playing with those pros
GGs. I think you were only susceptible to throws because of the 5AA pressure. I haven't tested it but in mirrors I think you can sweep under it like Yosuke can? And I only started throwing them out because I couldn't open you up.
Anyways you've improved alot, your hitconfirms are way cleaner (and nicer) than mine. I gotta start that hyperbolic time chamber again.
Hey, at least you can get online.
kay that's enough for me GG
ggs, I think you should stick with Naoto or Yu, you already seemed to know one of her persona mixups, at least from what you were doing in the first two matches with her.
me thinks it'll take a lot of practice to master Naoto, the gunslinger.
Can she do trick shots?
me thinks it'll take a lot of practice to master Naoto, the gunslinger.
Can she do trick shots?
smp loops all day.
unrelated question but what capture device do you use to stream?
I think it's time to take my losses and rank down my fraudulent B rank.
Well that didn't go according to plan. Instead of ranking down I ranked up to B+. Time to go into hiding again.
Well that didn't go according to plan. Instead of ranking down I ranked up to B+. Time to go into hiding again.
Chie shits on my homie Akihiko.
It seems you're doing something right. I told you you to work on those mixups/oki setups man.
Why are you so traitorous D:Chie shits on my homie Akihiko.