I finally started learning Naoto today.It's a lot easier now that I have some experience under my belt.
I figured out how to loop and the whole mudo > trap thing, but I have a question.
How do you do more than 3 loops in corner?I haven't figured how to do it.
I really wish there was a demo for this game :/
It's a fun game. Go buy it. It has my unsubstantial stamp of approval.
You know, I always expected you to be playing Naoto based on that avatar.
But then Kanji.
I'm seriously tempted to go buy it with this next paycheck. But damn.
The Show 2012
Dark Souls
Or P4A
Hate being a college student sometimes. Lol.
Entered a tournament in Kendall today. Lost both matches. Mitsuru(who won the tourney) then an Aigis. Blech.
I thought I gave you good aigis experience
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Yep. I love P4A, but Dark Souls.
Are there any good resources for this game online? I seriously haven't been into fighting games for like 10 years and I am just getting pounded online since I came back to the genre with this one. I used to play the shit out of them and was always one of the best in my circles, but that was before you could play online... so maybe I was never as good as I thought? Anyway, I really need to improve my gameI've probably only put in about 15 hours so far though, but I've been dedicating that time to a couple of characters instead of just one :/ I haven't played ranked matches yet, but I'm like 3 - 10 right now online, heh.
Edit: part of the problem is that my mid-air game SUCKS. I've never played a fighter with such a large focus on that and I really need to improve that for sure.
Are there any good resources for this game online? I seriously haven't been into fighting games for like 10 years and I am just getting pounded online since I came back to the genre with this one. I used to play the shit out of them and was always one of the best in my circles, but that was before you could play online... so maybe I was never as good as I thought? Anyway, I really need to improve my gameI've probably only put in about 15 hours so far though, but I've been dedicating that time to a couple of characters instead of just one :/ I haven't played ranked matches yet, but I'm like 3 - 10 right now online, heh.
I really need to stop playing this game on Ranked.
setting up my new ps3 (other one was my brothers) so now I have a ps3 on my desk.
I might be down for games to test lag.
Just make sure it's wired!
Bleeeh. After finally getting the time to pick up this game, and after going through a rather frustrating training session of essentially trying to relearn everything that I learned last week (essentially the only real time I had to play the game), I think I have come to the conclusion that I may not have enough time to dedicate to a fighter between work and school.
*feels bad man*
Just play when you have free time.
wanna play some rounds?
Just play when you have free time.
wanna play some rounds?
invite meeeee
you wont tech my throws so no :<
I'd like an invite too if you guys still have room though I'll probably only play a couple matches.
Yeah, I'll just auto skip for a bit and observe. Now I feel like I'm wasting people's time.
Yeah, I'll just auto skip for a bit and observe. Now I feel like I'm wasting people's time.
YES! Marin Karin 5.5K combo plus free oki works! Just have to get it ingrained so its automatic.
I'm just practicing stuff, thats why I'm spamming 4B all over the place. player matches are for messing around and doing things you wouldn't normally do in serious matches. I did call the lobby practice after all ;p
See, people say number notation is less confusing, but this is like 1 of the few times I see "4" and have to wonder which player side you're on.
If you're on P2 side, it would be 6.
It makes things more complicated.
See, people say number notation is less confusing, but this is like 1 of the few times I see "4" and have to wonder which player side you're on.
If you're on P2 side, it would be 6.
It makes things more complicated.