Starting with the P3 side means you get to start with Aigis, which automatically makes Persona Q a better game. Therefore, the choice is obvious.
I'll start with the P4 route, even if it's going to be kinda weird with Yosuke and P3MC...
I've been torn on which game's route to prioritize and which party members to use ever since PQ was announced. I expect I won't figure it out until I actually play it.
So I finished P4 a few days ago and I just found out that there was another actual final boss that I completely missed :/
Guess that gives me an incentive to buy Golden and play it all over again...
Sounds like fun.
I'll probably swap Aigis in quite a bit
Starting with the P3 side means you get to start with Aigis, which automatically makes Persona Q a better game. Therefore, the choice is obvious.
Having Aigis at the start is not the worst idea in the world. Just uh...don't go nuts with Orgia mode. Unless you're prepared for hilarious consequences.
I wrote the cleared save on top of it because my PS2 memory card has no space left @___@If you didn't write over your saved game with a Cleared save or a new game, you can still go back and get the true ending.
Having Aigis at the start is not the worst idea in the world. Just uh...don't go nuts with Orgia mode. Unless you're prepared for hilarious consequences.
So on the P4 side you get to hear one Yosuke and one.... awesome... Yosuke.
Woops, should have checked the previous page. A reason to have both in one's party, huh. That's interesting, if it's something other than special dialogue, heh.
As expected from the Ultimate Gamer...
Dammit, I'm so sure I won't be able to find it in launch day
Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I'm aware I have two garu users and zio users in my P3 team but oh well, the risks of using your favorite characters...
Nah, I'm sure Koro's interactions with Kanji and Teddie will be fun to see.
I'd normally say Makoto moveset-wise and resistance-wise is pretty bad or least below average based off of what I initially saw, but this one thing I assume is being referred to is enough of a reason to keep him. Plus I feel obligated to play with the MC considering he was, at one point, me (the player). And his personality is great (probably will play P4 side for this reason). Narukami on the other hand already has good resistances at the very least.
Actually, Makoto's base moveset is pretty solid. He gets what he needs, and skill cards/sub Personas round his moveset out nicely. And you forget to take his stat spread into account, which is outright exceptional.
So on the P4 side you get to hear one Yosuke and one.... awesome... Yosuke.
TBH I didn't look at all at his stats. I know his magic is higher than his strength though. I don't know exactly how the system works though, in terms of resistances. Because he has two fire based spells, does that mean neither work if the enemy nulls fire? Or does the physical one count as slash first and fire second? If so then that's quite a bit better, since I assumed that he'd be kind of bad if the enemy resisted or nullified fire.
To keep things short, his Magic and SP are among the best in the game and his Strength is very good for a caster.
Regarding your 2nd question, I believe it's the latter. His "Crimson sword" skills are just physical attacks that are assigned the Agi element solely for weakness/resistance purposes. So it's a physical attack skill that does more damage against Agi-weak enemies and less damage against Agi-resistant enemies.
I think it still does damage against Agi-null enemies, but i'm not sure. In any case, that's what sub Personas/skill cards are for! Covering your blind spots.
Sure, but that doesn't preclude PxD from actually being pretty awful (which it is).
Starting with the P3 side means you get to start with Aigis, which automatically makes Persona Q a better game. Therefore, the choice is obvious.
It is surprising how bad it is. I've only read two chapters, and I can definitely say that it's not good. I was pretty happy that it focused around Naoto, but it turns out that they didn't really capitalise on anything that makes her an interesting or good character.
I do still think long haired Naoto is the best, though.
So, coming from someone who is playing PQ as his first Persona game, how do you feel about it?
The Persona Q & A video was amazing!
Hey guys, I've a question. Do we now if the tarot cards for Persona Q are limited to the "duh" Limited Edition? Or do they also come as a pre order bonus?
It's such a wonderful blend of EO and Persona. Only 7 hours in but I'm having a great time. Always been a fan of dungeon crawlers.
Decided to start on Hard difficulty. Haven't had much trouble. Been spending my time grinding a little and buying the strongest equipment the store offers at the moment. I'm sure it's not needed but that's just something I enjoy doing. I like how SP recovers after battle. Reallyyyyy love the whole "weakness" system. You guys won't be disappointed.
I bought the regular edition and it came with the tarot cards. Pretty sure you'll be fine if you don't pre-order it.
Took 2 pictures. Dunno if they would be considered spoilers so just to be on the safe side, click the links to view:
I randomly picked party members. Don't know who's good at what. Just going with whatever happens.
In the IRC Sophia found this, and pretty fitting for this time of year, and plus FemMC is just adorable in that pic.
Bad Sonia, bad.Starting with the P3 side means you get to start with Aigis, which automatically makes Persona Q a better game. Therefore, the choice is obvious.
Hmm, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I have faith in Koro-chan!And I think there will be some good interactions with Kanji, Teddie, Shinji, and Aigis outside battle during certain scenes. But Koro, unfortunately, will never be able to contribute to a discussion without the aid of Aigis though. So a lot of stuff is likely one-sided in terms of talking.
Great to hear! The idea of PQ is exciting to me because fans that don't know about Persona and are planning to buy the game will be introduced to BOTH casts! If I didn't have a PS2, I would have totally waited for PQ to launch to be my first Persona game.It's such a wonderful blend of EO and Persona. Only 7 hours in but I'm having a great time. Always been a fan of dungeon crawlers.
Decided to start on Hard difficulty. Haven't had much trouble. Been spending my time grinding a little and buying the strongest equipment the store offers at the moment. I'm sure it's not needed but that's just something I enjoy doing. I like how SP recovers after battle. Reallyyyyy love the whole "weakness" system. You guys won't be disappointed.
Bad Sonia, bad.
Not really related to much of anything at hand but I'm retroactively eating crow right now.
You're getting way too in-character, pal!
Taking my time, but I'm really liking this sub-persona function thing in Persona Q.
Much more comfortable with farming/exploring now.
I'll start out with the P3 side since P3MC is my favorite protagonist. But I'm not sure if I should like, complete a dungeon in one side, and then the same one on the other side
*looks at post* Woooow. Only now?
I'll start out with the P3 side since P3MC is my favorite protagonist. But I'm not sure if I should like, complete a dungeon in one side, and then the same one on the other side, or first complete a side to then play the next one.
So who are you liking most so far?
I'll start out with the P3 side since P3MC is my favorite protagonist. But I'm not sure if I should like, complete a dungeon in one side, and then the same one on the other side, or first complete a side to then play the next one.
Bad Sonia, bad.
Hmm, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I have faith in Koro-chan!
Great to hear! The idea of PQ is exciting to me because fans that don't know about Persona and are planning to buy the game will be introduced to BOTH casts! If I didn't have a PS2, I would have totally waited for PQ to launch to be my first Persona game.
So who are you liking most so far?
And on an unrelated note, I like to believe that all the personas are secretly best buddies and have fun while they're not fighting.
I'm curious. Is there a specific moment that just made you go "Nope!" on the whole thing?
On a related note, I hope this game kind of explains what the rest of the cast is doing while you explore if you can have events occur in dungeons while you are only exploring with 5 characters. I just assume they sit at the front of the dungeon.
They come along with you. When I played the demo at MCM, I had mini-scenes inside the dungeon that involved members who weren't in my fighting party.
So a basic way of explaining it is, everyone goes into the dungeon and explores but the ones not in the fighting party play go fish when enemies appear.
Edit: Also this arrived today.
I'll post pictures of what cards I get and what doubles there are so people can ask if they want them.
*Huff Huff* Want some of those cards.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys!
Is anyone actually getting the Persona 3DS XL.
Is today your birthday? Then happy birthday, Gooch!
They come along with you. When I played the demo at MCM, I had mini-scenes inside the dungeon that involved members who weren't in my fighting party.
So a basic way of explaining it is, everyone goes into the dungeon and explores but the ones not in the fighting party play go fish when enemies appear.
Edit: Also this arrived today.
I'll post pictures of what cards I get and what doubles there are so people can ask if they want them.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys!