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Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth |OT| -- No Dating, Just Dungeons


Hmm, I had a lot of trouble with the first boss. I might've just been underleveled, or maybe I'm just not that good at RPGs lol.

Here's a QR code. :D

Thank, This has been extremely helpful for me. Anyone have a similarly useful code for a Navigation support they might want to share?


hey, in the 3rd dungeon, wheres the reference room?
(And no, that doesnt spoil a thing, seeing as I dont even know what the hell this room is)

Sera O

hey, in the 3rd dungeon, wheres the reference room?
(And no, that doesnt spoil a thing, seeing as I dont even know what the hell this room is)

Is there a hint as to what you find there? I note most of that stuff on my map, but not the room names.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Oh man. I love the fact that higher damage elemental skills replace lower damage ones instead of taking a "free slot" from another skill. That needs to come to SMT/Persona proper. Agi->Agilio is one example of this.


Man magic sucks in this game. Bosses have no weaknesses to take advantage of, so you'll run out of SP faster than HP, and your navi can pretty much take care of all the healing with per turn recovery and Life Aid. Furthermore, elemental phys moves totally remove the main advantage of spells, and phys moves just hit harder in general.
Oh man. I love the fact that higher damage elemental skills replace lower damage ones instead of taking a "free slot" from another skill. That needs to come to SMT/Persona proper. Agi->Agilio is one example of this.

I don't see what the significance is. You get to choose what skills to replace in SMT, so you can overwrite the lower skills yourself anyway.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't see what the significance is. You get to choose what skills to replace in SMT, so you can overwrite the lower skills yourself anyway.

You can't reorder the skills until the "skills are full" issue comes up in SMT/Persona. In PQ this replacement frees up a skill slot and saves time for something that people should want anyway.
You can't reorder the skills until the "skills are full" issue comes up in SMT/Persona. In PQ this replacement frees up a skill slot and saves time for something that people should want anyway.

I understand the first part because I never really liked that SMT doesn't typically let you reorder skills.

I don't understand your second sentence, though. How does freeing up a skill slot matter when the skills are still just appearing in order in both situations? After the skills fill, I'm not seeing any real difference in function. How is it "saving time" and what "should people want anyway"? I've been in situations in SMT where I appreciated having both the stronger and weaker variants of a skill available for a while.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's streamlining, and honestly: I've never been in a situation where I want a Zio over Ziodyne. Maybe SMT's dungeon crawling changes SP gain from Persona where you can regain it while walking (P1/2) in a dungeon and regain it by going back to the lobby (P3) or main floor->Fox (P4, granted you had to pay for this) to where SP "conservation" was needed.

People should want the Agi->Agilio upgrade no matter what. Doing more damage than the Agi? Yes, please.
It's streamlining, and honestly: I've never been in a situation where I want a Zio over Ziodyne. Maybe SMT's dungeon crawling changes SP gain from Persona where you can regain it while walking (P1/2) in a dungeon and regain it by going back to the lobby (P3) or main floor->Fox (P4, granted you had to pay for this) to where SP "conservation" was needed.

Yes, it does.

People should want the Agi->Agilio upgrade no matter what. Doing more damage than the Agi? Yes, please.

I have to strongly disagree with this. I'll always prefer maximum control over my available skills to saving a few seconds because I "should" want the stronger version. I've definitely been in situations where having both was helpful for at least a little while, though I can't think of them at present. Not to mention PQ has one instance where a skill is replaced by a different skill entirely.

Have you played core SMT? Skill sets on demons can't be done automatically because a lot of them aren't simply stronger versions of the same thing.


I have to agree, there are some times where I'd rather have both the weaker and the stronger skill, if not purely for SP preservation's sake.
Thankfully it doesn't auto replace on subpersonas.
Third labyrinth up to third floor

Fuck FOEs

Fuck corrosions

Finally they brought the difference of years, and Mitsuru noticed that it could probably mean they win in the timeline!

Gotta love Koro and Teddie's relationship

And oh my god I love the dead end where
Yukiko talks about the old lady from the hospital and two of the answers are "She must be Death" and "I often see a ghost kid"

Why isn't there any form to take screenshots of the game? Not even Miiverse? .l Specially since this is Persona we're talking about.

Sera O

It's streamlining, and honestly: I've never been in a situation where I want a Zio over Ziodyne. Maybe SMT's dungeon crawling changes SP gain from Persona where you can regain it while walking (P1/2) in a dungeon and regain it by going back to the lobby (P3) or main floor->Fox (P4, granted you had to pay for this) to where SP "conservation" was needed.

People should want the Agi->Agilio upgrade no matter what. Doing more damage than the Agi? Yes, please.

In this game I'm ok with the replacement because I avoid using SP for elemental damage spells. They are totally inferior to anything else you could use SP for (hama/mudo, ailments, binds, buffs/debuffs). At lower levels where I'd have thought a weaker elemental spell would be useful, it's more effective to have a few characters at using something like swift strike (almost always crits) or an elemental HP skill (boosts off crits + elemental weakness instead of just the latter).

What I really dislike would be not getting to keep single target -unda spells. I only use them for bosses, and the more costly multi-target debuffs mean having to wait for a boost in bad circumstances.


You can't escape from an FOE battle on risky, which makes them super dangerous. Thing is, I just noticed there is an escape battle navi skill: Sutakora Foot. Do you guys now if this skill works for escaping FOE's on risky?

So... which persona drops the binding hands skill card?

Belphegor, a lvl. 63 persona.


You can't reorder the skills until the "skills are full" issue comes up in SMT/Persona. In PQ this replacement frees up a skill slot and saves time for something that people should want anyway.

Due to how boost mode works, I'd definitely want to have both a weaker and a stronger variant of the same move.


Third labyrinth up to third floor

Fuck FOEs

Fuck corrosions

Finally they brought the difference of years, and Mitsuru noticed that it could probably mean they win in the timeline!

Gotta love Koro and Teddie's relationship

And oh my god I love the dead end where
Yukiko talks about the old lady from the hospital and two of the answers are "She must be Death" and "I often see a ghost kid"

Why isn't there any form to take screenshots of the game? Not even Miiverse? .l Specially since this is Persona we're talking about.
I can definitely put screenshots on Miiverse. PAL version, New 3DS if that makes a difference.


I'm looking into building the ultimate navi persona's. You guys can help me out.
Update: problem solved. Check the end of the post.

First of all you will be using 2 persona's. One for labyrinth navi skills and one for battle navi skills. Luckily you can do this by using Fuuka for the one and Rise for the other. To read up on what skills do check out this link: http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Persona_Q_Skills

Labyrinth skills:
Someone on gamefaqs already made an very complete labyrinth persona:

It has all the skills you want. It's not ultimate, because there are better versions of three of the skills it has:
Paths of Light – HP restore for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)
Farsight – Reveal treasure boxes, FOEs, and shortcuts in a wide area.
Magic Mallet – Higher rate of rare materials from Power Spots.

Still, at level 27 it's an amazing persona to have on the team. In fact, getting those better versions is probably not really worth it.

Battle skills
This one is much harder. Here is a list of all the skills you need:

Yomi Return – Revive, with half HP restore. (1 ally) (3 gauges)
Eternal Melody – Extend stat buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party) (3 gauges)
Purifying Rain – Remove all Binds and ailments. (Party) (2 gauges)
Renewal Aura – Moderate HP restore (3 gauges)

Hunting Prayer – Slightly higher rate of material drops from enemies. (passive)
Sutakora Foot – Attempt to escape from the battle and teleport to the entrance of the floor (1 gauge)
Heroic Wind – Restore 5% of HP each turn. (Party) (passive)
Victory Cry – Full restore at end battle (passive)

The good news: Kaguya, the free DLC persona, learns the first four skills.
The bad news: Getting victory cry and sutakora foot is a pain in the ass.

So yeah, to get the remaining four you'll have to extract skill cards and use them on your battle navi character. Here are the persona's that you can extract the skills from:

Hunting Prayer: Azumi (lvl 3)
Heroic Wind: Leanan Sidhe (lvl 36)
Victory Cry: Beelzebub (lvl 85)
Sutakora Foot: No one (fuck)

Let's solve Victory Cry first, because no one wants to wait until level 85. Well guess what, Orpheus Telos, the other free DLC persona, learns this skill. It's going to take some work though, because he learns it at level 32 (he starts at 26). Furthermore, Victory Cry is not inheritable, which means you'll have to get all the other skills on Orpheus. Not a huge problem, just use your fully upgraded Kaguya. Here's a formula for Orpheus with Kaguya: Pyro Jack + Kaguya + Incubus. Otherwise you can also just settle for Life aid (20% instead of full restore). You can get that skill card easily from Archangel (lvl 14).

Sutakora Foot is the skill I will need help from you guys to get. How do we get this skill on Kaguya (or in a Orpheus formula including Kaguya)? I haven't found a recipe for fusing Kaguya that includes a persona that knows Sutakora Foot. Here are the persona's that learn the skill natively: Koropokkuru(2), Jack Frost(20) and Suzaku(51). The skill is inheritable though, so you can pass it on to most persona's. Help me find a formula!

Update: Solution
After some experimenting I finally found a formula. Jack Frost + Koropokkuru + Empusa (lvl 5) will get you a Kaguya with Sutakora Foot. After that just sacrifice persona's until you get enough XP for Eternal Melody.

Fuse: Pyro Jack + Kaguya + Incubus to get Ortheus Telos. Pass on the following four skills: Eternal Melody, Purifying Rain, Sutakora Foot and Renewal Aura. You'll skip Yomi Return. Level up Orpheus until you get Victory Cry. It's a good idea to sacrifice persona's again or it will take forever.

Put on the following skill cards on the character that you'll be using for navi (I'd recommend Rise, because you'll already have Renewal Aura for healing):
Hunting Prayer: Azumi (lvl 3)
Heroic Wind: Leanan Sidhe (lvl 36)
Yomi Return: Shiisaa (lvl 18).

Boom, done. Ultimate battle persona.


the holder of the trombone
Actually that would be really helpful because I was super confused as to which navi skills are battle or lab skills.

They need a way to illustrate it better.


Just updated my post. Getting the ultimate battle persona is easy.

Btw. when I use both, Rise and Fuuka as Battle/Labyrinth support, do they get less exp?

As far as I can tell, no. But it really doesn't matter because you'll have all the skills you need.


Finally beat the shit out of the Queen. All this new content! Side quests! A new dungeo-

*killed by three rocks and two angels*

goddamnit persona q. can't believe some of you guys are playing risky lol


Finally beat the shit out of the Queen. All this new content! Side quests! A new dungeo-

*killed by three rocks and two angels*

goddamnit persona q. can't believe some of you guys are playing risky lol

Ha, yesterday I finished this really tricky puzzle section, got caught by an FOE and just managed to beat it by the skin of my teeth and then got jumped by 3 supreme hands, one of which instantly mudo'd my MC. That's the Risky™ difference!


as someone only just discovering the joys of having a fulltime job losing an hour of progress has become even more irksome than it used to be


Made it to about 40% of Dungeon 4.2 last night. Man, those FOEs are no joke - luckily I managed to kill the first one that I stumbled across, but the next one got me when I ran out of fire one step in front of him. Learned my lesson there.

So far, still a great game. The fire mechanic in the fourth dungeon is a little annoying, but it's not too bad I guess. It at least forces you to think a little bit before moving around.


Man, Akihiko is destroying FOEs with his Double Link skills. I notice that FOEs give you pretty high level Personas. Is there a list of what you can get from them anywhere?


the holder of the trombone
Seriously though, it's not that hard to cheese this game, even on risky. It's also not that hard to make sure nothing touches your mc.

I've had a few wipes bit nothing that's too bad.


Normal is too easy imo. I'm not familiar with EO games but am definitely familiar with SMT and Persona and I have yet to have a wipe at all. Haven't been doing any intentional grinding and haven't redeemed any of the DLC either.


Seriously though, it's not that hard to cheese this game, even on risky. It's also not that hard to make sure nothing touches your mc.

I've had a few wipes bit nothing that's too bad.


Here's your game breaker.
Just finished Story 2 of Dungeon 3... could not for the life of me figure out how to sneak by the two FOEs that come down the hall near the area with the squeaky floors
ended up killing the first one so I could dodge the second

My younger stepbrother got the game. I was happy for him to be able to play his first persona game but...it's too bad it's in english only (we are french). he was disapointed because for him the game is mostly people talking a lot in a language he hardly understand and dungeon crawling, while trying to master the english menu. That's a bit of a problem for niche games : Because they are niche they aren't localized and because they aren't localized...well, they have few chances to become more than niche :-(

My children (who spoke nothing but French until they were 7 and 5) started to learn to read English playing Pokémon on their Game Boy Colors...

There's so much entendre and word play in the English translation - this would be a right PITA to translate into French, too...
A little disappointed to find that the first FOE's common drop seems to be useless. It's okay money, I guess, but not worth the amount of time it takes for me to kill them. Progress is steady enough, but strongly considering ditching Mitsuru for Teddie. Opinions on best ice user?


Is this game super difficult? I never played a Persona and was thinking about this one.

It's not too bad, especially if you play on the easier difficulties, but a part of the appeal of this game is the crossover element. You won't be completely lost going into it, but you will appreciate the characters and interactions much more if you've played Persona's 3 and 4. If you care about those aspects then I'd recommend checking those out first if you can. If you just want the dungeon crawling though then this is the best Persona to go for.
It's not too bad, especially if you play on the easier difficulties, but a part of the appeal of this game is the crossover element. You won't be completely lost going into it, but you will appreciate the characters and interactions much more if you've played Persona's 3 and 4. If you care about those aspects then I'd recommend checking those out first if you can. If you just want the dungeon crawling though then this is the best Persona to go for.

Hm ok, thanks. I might have to get my PS2 out, haha.


Neo Member
as someone only just discovering the joys of having a fulltime job losing an hour of progress has become even more irksome than it used to be

I'm very careful. I just play until I find the next shortcut, then I use a goho-m, save, etc. and head back. I rarely go > 30 minutes without saving.


Hm ok, thanks. I might have to get my PS2 out, haha.
I think it needs to be said that the game makes little to no attempt to introduce any of the characters, except those unique to this game (Zen, Rei). Everyone else is just sort of there, doing their thing.

It might be different for others but it would bug me to come into this game cold with no experience of the games it draws from.


Thanks for helping with the list, guys. I think these are the only ones I am not sure of:

Level	Arcana	Persona	Skill Card
51	Devil	Belial	?
56	Tower	Mara	?
62	Hermit	Arahabaki	Life Wall?
66	Chariot	Atavaka	?
71	Judgement	Michael	Punishment?
71	Hermit	Ongyo-Ki	Quadruple Link?
74	Hanged Man	Attis	?
78	Death	Mahakala	Brutal Slash?
80	Moon	Sandalphon	Primal Force?
86	Sun	Asura	Shura Instincts?
87	Judgement	Armored Zeus	?
89	Judgement	Ardha	Golden Link?
93	Judgement	Lucifer	?
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