Gaming is for 'everyone'- yes, in the same way that anyone can enter a library and read or borrow a book (or these days one of the other media items they also len out). We call this 'equality of opportunity'.
But does everyone game? Absolutely not. Gaming is a vastly male success, with females doing far less gaming, and far less with age as well. Adult female gamers are so tiny in number they are statistically irrelevant.
So why would MS cuck boy lie about this simply, undeniable fact? You cannot imagine a more male nerd culture success story than MS- did Gates marry an engineer or coder? hahahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah right. Being straight, the chances of that were around zero.
Today MS does employ a lot of females, and the male employees have to carry their weight and their own. But given the profit per employee at MS, this isn't actually much of a burden- the bigger issue being the SJW positive discrimination promotion of females into leading management positions- but managers tend to be crap as a species anyway, regardless of sex.
Romantic novels are largely for the ladies, games for the blokes. Those that publish romantic novels would love (for reasons of pure profit) for more men to buy these books. MS and other gaming devs would love it if more women bought their games. But it ain't gonna happen.
I see the regular MS shills are present in this thread again. The paid troll farms monitor the internet- so those stains that can never be washed out are always suited idiots sitting side by side in warehouses monitoring us and adding their propaganda to any thread that touches upon corporate issues. Yawn!
Twiddling on a phone is the *same* conceptual thing as reading the funnies in the newspaper. I know female twiddlers in my family- at least during those short periods when some loot box phone/facebook nonsense is currently 'fashionable'. Here's the funny thing- as much younger people (kids) they did have a greater interest in gaming, but it was always apparent that *they* felt that females shouldn't do such things- and *not* cos any male was telling them this. I witnessed the phenomenon and it was an *internal* voice.
Guess what- these internal voices are why males and females are different. Do we understand where these internal voices come from? No! But they exists and their sociological effect trivially observed and measured.
The entire computer revolution from the first machines thru the key maths onto current consoles and games is a 99% white male thing- fact! PS Indians are 'white' - today Asians are having a massive impact thanks to the move by powers in the West of engineering from West nations to Asia.
Ever hear of Boolean logic? And who was Mr Boole? Onto Godel, then Turing. The engineers and maths experts behind the mechanical calculation machines, and then the first electronic valve based computers around WW2. The semiconductor breakthroughs- the transistor and the chip. Telecommunications and the microprocessor. The coding languages and the OSes. Take away the white males and *all* of this vanishes- never happened.
The white male nerds making this tech wanted fun, tech based fun, so they invented all sorts of 'games' that ran on the tech- some you've heard of (maybe), some you have not. And this eventually gave us modern gaming.
But let's imagine a planet where only the female sex exists. Look out of the window- oh wait, that no longer exists either. Nor does anything else, including written language. Just another animal species, with maybe more advanced language and co-operative skills than the apes.
A lot of very destructive female feminist anger is driven by awareness of this fact. That women can seek to be equal in a world built by males, but without males there wouldn't be an advanced Human world to be equal in.
Today the forces behind the alt-left are wholly determined to drive a tsunami of weaponised disrespect at the processes and people who built the modern world. To set a war between the *makers* and the *takers*.
Yet the *makers* never set themselves up as an elite or acted to enslave the *takers*. Quite the opposite. The *makers* were proud to enrich the lives of the *takers*.
So why does MS's lead public facing figure wage war on the *maker* class? - it's *not* in search of more profit since MS's core audience and money makers are the conservative (mostly) white males who keep MS so healthy in the server sector. With MS console gaming it is males of all backgrounds and ages who make up 98%+ of MS profit.
Look higher. Look to the background of Bill Gates, whose trust fund fortune allowed him the freedom to start Microsoft in the first place. *Eugenics*- a man whose familiy background is USA Eugenics, the *same* movement that was gifted by American eugenicists to the nazis (ever wonder why IBM was front and centre of the industrialised crimes of the nazis?).
Cuck boy Spencer uses the phrase “Defenders of Joy” . Ever read 'Brave New World"? If you had, you'd know *why* he uses this term.
Few here get the true degree to which the owners and controllers of the tech giants in the USA are literal demons. I'm reading Orwell's Homage to Catalonia at the mo, and am amazed at how appalled Orwell is everytime he gets a sense of the organised alt-left during his first hand experiences with the worker revolts of pre-WW2 Spain. Orwell is solidly pro-working-class. In Homage, he is starting to realise how the organised alt-left is completely anti-working-class.
Orwell went on to write Animal Farm and 1984 as a direct result of his awakening to the truth about the alt-left, and how it plays ordinary people for the benefit of high level monsterous forces. How the alt-left uses ordinary people like 'batteries'- sources of energy that are then drained to empower the elite.
In revolutionary Spain, there were plenty of Spencers telling ordinary good Spainish people to lay down their own arms, and go join the soviet controlled divisions that worked hand-in-hand with the same old boss class of Spain at the time. The end result being that Spanish people lost, and Franco won- the soviet plan all along. Yet all the time the soviet message in Spain used 'politically correct' arguments- just like this MS propaganda.