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picked up killzone...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
element said:
story so far is pretty damn cool too.

I bet it is like Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. Kick-ass graphics, cool story over-all, some bugs here and there, but very enjoyable game.

Musashi Wins!

Anamoly said:
Can you confirm any sort of campaign co-op mode?

I don't think so. Though it appears you can play multiplayer with bots and another person. As the game progresses more characters open up (main characters), but it appears the one your not playing as just becomes a NPC.

I have to admit, though I was laughing at some of the glitches in the beginning, I just keep playing it. Playing it and wishing it was on PC or maybe Xbox...because some of the design is just so cool. There's a few really good firefights too.

And online multiplayer has been great fun in a few matches, it deserved to be talked about more in the reviews.
Kabuki Waq said:
i thought there was campaign CO-OP was confirmed by IGN?

Nope. Just a two-player splitscreen maps with bots. The two can be on the same side or not. So, that sort of co-op as some of the maps are "goal" based, but it's certainly not part of the main campaign.

Some very brief impressions

Pros: (after 2 hours not going online yet)
1) So far the graphics are pretty nice. I've certainly seem the frame rate take some hits, but on the whole, this is an extremely nice looking game
2) Weapons & controls both feel pretty good
3) So far Enemy AI is pretty good. They're hella good shots and they take cover and attack from multiple areas. They also don't seem to have a "cone of vision" where if you're outside of it, they ignore you. They'll attack you from way across the level.
4) Nice voice acting and special effects.

1) Extremely linear. Point a to b with very little deviation on the path allowed.
2) Each level is broken up into smaller pieces and once you finish you can't go back. There also way too small. A level completion screen after only 10-15 minutes really takes you out of the game. This would work much better as a GTA/Jak style constantly streaming world. I can take some load times between major sections, but this is a bit of a pain.
3) Graphics look good, but can have some crappy moments. Death animations can be weak or good, but depends on what terrain is around you as it tries to do the right thing,but can be screwed up. There also some weak draw-in for some things. There was some mobile infantry coming in in one level and you could see something shooting across the level and right in front of you it turns into a vehicle loaded with Helghast.

Overall, I'm liking it, but it's clearly not fully done or realized.
I've finnaly got all 4 cast members in my group (you only start of with Templar). Here's some short impressions.

- The graphics are a big mixed bag. The backgrounds look fairly good. The mall (the level that was probably showed off most in screens) is especially nice. What I don't like is the change in details with the characters. You'll be looking at a character one second and they look terrible, then all of a sudden they look pretty nice.

- The AI flat out sucks on both sides. I've literally been walking through a room and there will be a Helghast standing on the side of me look directly at me and he isn't doing anything. I'll turn and point my gun and start firing and he'll finnaly react. The team AI isn't any better really. I've been marching through certain levels with my squad and I turn to see where they are and they're gone. Then I run back like 2 or 3 rooms to find them looking at the same damn position they were looking at when I left. They'll follow you at certain points and leave you hanging for no real reason at others. Another annoying thing about them is they don't really work for you. The only way you can get them to cover you is if you're stick yourself out there and start firing at enemies. It's especially bad when you're low on health and you've got to risk yourself just to get your team to help you. An example of this is the level I was on previously. I had maybe 25% health left and there was a guy on a turret. Instead of my 2 team members helping me out, I have to go out and start taking this thing on myself and end up dying. The topper for this is while i'm laying on the group dead Rico says:

"Watch out there's a machine gun!"

Luger replies:

"We're on our way to help"

Thanks alot! So I restart this level thinking they're are going to help me through this (when you continue you only restart with how much health you had last time). Turns out, they didn't help me in this situation either so I had to figure out how to take this turret out on my own. Once I finnaly took it out they finnaly came.

- Why do I have to unload 20 bullets into these f'ckers before they go down?

- The first level is bad.

- Levels are usually split into 3-4 sections. Each section has about a 10 second load time. One thing to keep in mind with this is that sections don't save. So if you beat a section and decide to quit, you're going to have to start over on the first section.

- The art direction in this is really nice. The enemy designs look cool and the levels are really nicely done.

- Music is incredible.

- Weapon animation and reloading as everyone has seen in the vids is really well done.

- Weapon targeting seems really touchy.

- Levels are too straight forward. This is made even more obvious since the last game I played before going into this was San Andreas.

- I hate ragdoll physics.


I just made it to the 4th mission I think, and have 3 of the 4 characters available.

Since I posted alot of negative things in the other threads, though they are very warranted, I'll start with some good things.

Things pick up at the 3rd mission, and it feels like the framerate stays at least at a level you can aim decently. You also encounter some new variations of Helgast, although they are just as retarded. The plus being they dont look like black paper silhouettes sliding around. Finally have access to a new heavier weapon, though killing the guys with it can be a pain. Another thing that makes the 3rd mission and up good is your invincible sidekicks, however they have downsides, more on this later.

I started using Luger when she became available, really just cause the gun she starts with kicks ass. Its so much more efficient than any others, just due to its minor recoil.

The combat situations can be fun, although nothing new or special. Encounters normally happen in a room or hall with some cover placed in it. So most of the time you just fire, duck and reload and then repeat. This sounds crappy but it feels good and has kept me going. I really like the grenades, they are slow as this game is in general, but I can lob them into windows easily. I cant say their impact physics are good though.

Once again the first person animations and models are unmatched, they really feel good. However one downside is when reloading, it moves your reticle around, and doesnt return it to where your aiming, kind of annoying.

Another nice thing is the enviroments are varied, but like I mentioned above the situations stay the same. You start in the trenches, enter a demolished city, go through a mall then through a park. This is as far as Ive been, it does keep it fresh though.

The game is somewhat fun, and at least Im still playing, I cant say the same about alot of games.

Unfortunantly the bad HEAVILY outweighs the good here, its a freaking shame, and I cant recommend a buy. This will be a rehash, but I cant say enough how bad some of this is.

The framerate really is atrocious, its so bad at points it prevents you from being able to aim.

Some of the "cool" moments such as dropships or jetbikes, render the framerate to nothing, so you just kinda watch and get shot at till the script makes them leave or run into a wall.

The AI. while it will try and take cover, and at times it seems scripted to seek the strategically placed cover in a situation, is freaking retarded. More times then none they just stand and take a beating. They are also NOT aware of their surroundings, you will hear them say "quiet, I heard something" but they dont actually look around.

The comabt dialog, holy christ, its horrendous. Like I said in the other thread its completly unacceptable, and I dont see how anyone approved this. They repeat at most 5 different lines, over and over. There seems to be 2 different death screams, problem is your butchering 20 guys at a time and it repeats on everyone. Like the framerate this can make the experience almost unplayable. You can be in firefights with 8 Helgast for 3 minutes sometimes, now imagine them barking the same command, or yelling something like "keep fireing" in the same voice, looped for 3 minutes, its awful. This just makes me say WTF?

Now I mentioned you get to fight along side the characters you dont select to play as. This is cool, cause they dont die in 1 minute like the ISA soldiers fighting beside you in the first 2 missions. Their AI sucks though, they dont cover you, theyre just there for some extra firepower I guess. There main use is to draw "some" fire.

Now this is whats retarded! I pick to play as luger, which changes the layout of enemies somewhat to a more stealth approach. So here I come sneaking up to a helpless Helgast with his back turned. All the while Templar is following, in a silent crouched crawl, whispering something along the lines of "keep hidden" or "stay quiet". Yeah I know you ass, now shutup Im tired of hearing this loop. As I approach for my melee kill, my favorite AI buddy yells "OPEN FIRE" and all hell breaks loose. The Helgast turns around and kicks my ass, again Im left saying WTF?

So Ive played 2 missions with Luger I think, and have yet to be able to sneak up on enemies due to Templar or Rico declaring WW3 on my helpless victim. Im really hoping I missed a way to tell them to stay put, but no luck yet.

Anyways I could think of more here, Im sure I will as I progress. However I cant help the feeling that im playing a defective product at times, and again dont buy this unless your a total FPS whore like myself.
"Now this is whats retarded! I pick to play as luger, which changes the layout of enemies somewhat to a more stealth approach. So here I come sneaking up to a helpless Helgast with his back turned. All the while Templar is following, in a silent crouched crawl, whispering something along the lines of "keep hidden" or "stay quiet". Yeah I know you ass, now shutup Im tired of hearing this loop. As I approach for my melee kill, my favorite AI buddy yells "OPEN FIRE" and all hell breaks loose. The Helgast turns around and kicks my ass, again Im left saying WTF?"

:LOL I had something similar happen. I turn on her night vision and start sneaking up to a Helghast with her knife out thinking I was about to slit a throat, I got maybe 2 or 3 feet from him and then all of a sudden I hear a gun blazing behind me and it turns out to be Templar screwing my stealth kill over. I stopped using Luger because of that. If you can't take advantage of what she's suppose to do then there's no use for her. She also seemed to take more damage than Templar so i've basically stuck with him since then.
SolidSnakex said:
"Now this is whats retarded! I pick to play as luger, which changes the layout of enemies somewhat to a more stealth approach. So here I come sneaking up to a helpless Helgast with his back turned. All the while Templar is following, in a silent crouched crawl, whispering something along the lines of "keep hidden" or "stay quiet". Yeah I know you ass, now shutup Im tired of hearing this loop. As I approach for my melee kill, my favorite AI buddy yells "OPEN FIRE" and all hell breaks loose. The Helgast turns around and kicks my ass, again Im left saying WTF?"

:LOL I had something similar happen. I turn on her night vision and start sneaking up to a Helghast with her knife out thinking I was about to slit a throat, I got maybe 2 or 3 feet from him and then all of a sudden I hear a gun blazing behind me and it turns out to be Templar screwing my stealth kill over. I stopped using Luger because of that. If you can't take advantage of what she's suppose to do then there's no use for her. She also seemed to take more damage than Luger so i've basically stuck with him since then.

LOL. Boomer returns. Too bad you can't kill friendly's.


SolidSnakex said:
I stopped using Luger because of that. If you can't take advantage of what she's suppose to do then there's no use for her. She also seemed to take more damage than Luger so i've basically stuck with him since then.

Her zooming auto pistol with no recoil kicks ass though, can Templar pick one of these up?
If he can I haven't seen them. So far the weapons i've got with him are 2 pistols, 2 machine guns, a gatlin gun style thing that some of the Helghast carry, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, a sniper rifle and a shotgun. I'm on the 5th level at the moment, it's called "Misty Waters". So i've got 6 more levels to go.


Who is the 4th guy?

Anything special about him?

Oh yeah I forgot about the shotgun, it kinda sucks, shotguns dont have slow moving tracer fire lol. The standard helgast rifle has a shotgun alt fire, I feel like its better.
The 4th character is Hahka. He's an ex
which means he can go into certain areas without having everything go crazy.
HeH... I like how the characters stay in their 'draw-distance' form even when you go up and talk to them ... they pop higher-poly versions in once they start chattering.

but it's like a snap-second shot of PS1 - PS2 visuals, hehe goofy.

element: thanx, I'm happy ya like my work I should paint a image of Guirilla studios being cluster-bombed by an SCEA plane with X-mass lights all over it.


they pop higher-poly versions in once they start chattering.
I've noticed that as well.

The game is buggy, but more of a polish issue. Such as seams in the level geometry that shimmer. Just some goofy stuff.
Ok i've completed 2 more stages. They get much longer (about an hour and a half long) as you advance. The level designs also improve since unlike previous levels they're really long without any level loading. The enemy AI doesn't get any better but once you get the 3 other squad members in your group your ally AI seems to go up a bit although not as much as i'd like. It becomes much more action packed and actually keeps you interest unlike the early levels where its really slow and almost seems empty at times.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
But, but Killzone is teh Halo 2-killer! I haven't fired up my PS2 in ages and was actually looking forward to this title. After hearing these initial impressions, I think I'll just continue my game fasting by waiting for Halo 2...then Metroid Prime 2...then Half-life 2. SEXXXX!


Mistaken iRobbery!
Mushashi, lets get some online games going like in SOCOM II. My SN is:


and not Ace this time around :p
Send me a invite or I'll send you one...

Musashi Wins!

Defensor said:
Mushashi, lets get some online games going like in SOCOM II. My SN is:


and not Ace this time around :p
Send me a invite or I'll send you one...

I'll be playing around 10:30, 11 eastern tonight. My screen name is "musashi"


Mistaken iRobbery!
Musashi Wins! said:
I'll be playing around 10:30, 11 eastern tonight. My screen name is "musashi"
Cool, I'll log in around that time then. Go ahead and send me a invite and if it doesn't go through to when I first log in tonight, I'll send you one. Plus I gotta play more of "After Hours" map for SOCOM II with Nos later on... Are you a ISA or Helgast fan Musashi?

Musashi Wins!

good games...what a great change of pace from Socom.

I cringe to say it but this game is INCREDIBLY fun online. If you're looking for an online shooter on PS2 give it a rent.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The TV ad I saw tonight is really good, I bet some casuals get it based on the ad.


Well I was looking forward to KZ, and then Edge made a comment and I wasn't, but then I enjoyed the mall level on UK OPM disc and I was again, and now the US reviews indicate its cak, so I'm not again.

Shame as I was looking forward to playing online with my mate. I'll put it on hold and see what Edge say, doesn't look likely now though.

But from the demo, there were things I liked, and I thought Penny Arcade's Tycho summed up some of it with this:
nicest thing one could say is that the developers have an intuitive grasp of the first-person perspective, and they use it as well as anyone ever has. Reloading, executing melee attacks, and interacting with the environments are as convincing as I have ever seen communicated visually.

But then he goes onto say:

Then, once they managed to put me utterly in the game context, I immediately wanted back out. The game itself plays like a kind of dystopian Hogan's Alley.

And if you haven't seen it, this is brill, again from Penny Arcade :



And even i am moderately surprised
I picked this up today and , although i've only gotten 3 or 4 levels in, it's not too bad.
It certainly has plus / negative points.

The funniest part so far was during the intro when my gf rolled her eyes at the music and started singing "hoohhaahhooohoohoahoo" a la halo, only for her to stop and discover that the vocals were actually there.

But i digress....

Graphically, so far, it's pretty solid and looks very nice, if a touch too sepia-y.
The frame rate has been a solid 30fps so far, noticed no slowdown and despite
early taunting of the music, it's pretty damned good.

There is no recticle aiming as per halo, which feels a little odd, but no points lost there.

The main beefs so far are that an enemy can take nearly a full clip to kill close up, but will drop in two shots over long distance... which is slightly nonsensical.

And the AI is basically AWOL in most cases - Drop a grenade at their feet and they will shout "GRENADE!!!!" in a panic... yet stand next to it. Odd.

The movement you have seems a little restricted, and the lack of a jump becomes annoying when there is a 10 cm chunk of concrete stopping you going where you want to.

And on the sniper part of level 2, i was stuck on the ladder for an age... press X to get on, it instantly gets back off... for about 10 times, then finally goes down the ladder. Hmph,

As mentioned by everyone, the UI is very nice, and the sniper view is very very cool indeed.

Early days, but so far, it seems like a fairly decent game, but it definitely has rough edges. Ignore the Halo killer tags, and i'm sure people will be able to find some enjoyment.
A definite rental game, but PS2 owners desperate for some FPS action should get a good kick out of this.
Beat it yesterday. Final thoughs..

- The team AI does improve as I said earlier. It's not amazing or anything because they still do really stupid things at times. But once you get them all you can hide in certain areas and let them take on the enemies if you're low on enerfy/ammo which is nice.

- Enemy AI is AWFUL from start to finish.

- Level designs get pretty good near the end (excluding the terrible last level). The early levels are in such broken up levels that its hard to get any sort of flow going with them. Once you reach the later levels they're much longer and aren' tnearl as broken up.

- As I said above the last level is terrible. I don't know what the f'ck they were thinking. And talk about anti climactic. For the first time ever in a game I sat there and said "...that's it".

- The background graphics aside from the sound is the best thing about the game. They're always pretty consistant.

- It feels too linear.

- The story. I heard alot of things about how epic it was meant to be. There's not much to it.

- The voice acting aside from Luger is mediocre. Not everyone has to have some fake grimey voice.

- I never really had any problem with the framerate. There was alot of talk about the game having tons of slowdown but I didn't notice it.

- There are some bugs I noticed. I got stuck in a certain level and couldn't move so i ended up pulling out a grenade and holding it till it exploded to kill myself. Then the game froze. I got stuck again in a level but luckily it didn't freeze this time.

- Once again the last level is sucks. :)


SolidSnakex said:
- The team AI does improve as I said earlier. It's not amazing or anything because they still do really stupid things at times. But once you get them all you can hide in certain areas and let them take on the enemies if you're low on enerfy/ammo which is nice.

- I never really had any problem with the framerate. There was alot of talk about the game having tons of slowdown but I didn't notice it.

I agree with these two things. The framerate IS very stable (only a few drops here and there, but they are pretty rare if you ask me).
The rest I cant comment on yet, I just got to the docks level. :)

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Do we have different versions? Because my Framerate sometimes falls so low i can barely target.

I still like the game though,the level enviropements are done very nicely,and combat is exciting,really makes you simply unload your magazine to the enemy direction,look for cover,reload and continue firing until nothing moves.

My biggest complaint is that there is almost no use for Lugers Stealth skills(i havnt finished the game yet though) and the enemy generally start shooting at you as soon as you enter the room.

I would give singleplayer 78%

P.S: Pacific Assault,Vamire Bloodlines,HL2,Halo 2,Ghost Recon 2,Call of Duty,Metroid Prime 2 and Rogue Agent are still up ahead :)


I forgot to mention that I run Killzone off the HDAdvance harddrive, that MIGHT make a difference in the framerate (at least, that was what someone from Killzonegames.com said). But I doubt it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Playing it myself now...

Few things...

The levels and atmosphere are amazing and it is disappointing that the PS2 was unable to do them justice. They LOOK very good, but the engine just can't handle it. It's one of the most visually impressive FPS titles I've seen, just not from a technical standpoint. It also has a fantastic sense of scale, believe it or not...

The framerate is absolutely terrible. TERRIBLE. It is always playable, but it just feels so clunky and awful. It has a hard time running at 30 fps and it really hurts the game. It's just a damn shame...

Gameplay is actually not bad. I'm not particularly blown away by it, but it IS pretty fun and I'm eager to continue.

I'm curious, though...is there ever music during gameplay? I have yet to hear one piece of music played during the game (only in cutscenes) and I am disappointed with that. The sound effects are incredible, but using a few well placed tunes could really help.

Honestly, though, the framerate is the one issue that continues to spring to mind. I just can't get over how crappy it is. I mean, I was unhappy when my PC would drop to 30 fps during Doom 3...but damn, this an entirely different ballgame here. CHOP CHOP CHOP

BRUTE FORCE > KillZone :p

Now that's a big HELL NO. Brute Force had truly awful level design that was just flat out tedious. While KZ has plenty of problems, the level design is quite good and provides some interesting scenarios (scripted, of course). Amazing it is not, but comparing it to Brute Force is just a bit TOO harsh...


One of my coworkers pointed this out...

"You know, if you're not going to have a jump button, you really shouldn't design your levels with all kinds of crap that you should be able to jump over."


PS: I think the game kinda sucks, too. 6.8!

Musashi Wins!

I agree with Dark totally. Some of the later levels are masterful....the mall and right after...some of the dock fights. Their incredibly compelling, but the game chugs so bad at times that your eyes bleed. Such a shame. If this game was running with better code it would really be garnering some praise for matching up with other linear shoot-em ups. One of the stronger "what could have been" games for sure.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The levels and atmosphere are amazing and it is disappointing that the PS2 was unable to do them justice. They LOOK very good, but the engine just can't handle it. It's one of the most visually impressive FPS titles I've seen, just not from a technical standpoint. It also has a fantastic sense of scale, believe it or not...

The framerate is absolutely terrible. TERRIBLE. It is always playable, but it just feels so clunky and awful. It has a hard time running at 30 fps and it really hurts the game. It's just a damn shame...

Gameplay is actually not bad. I'm not particularly blown away by it, but it IS pretty fun and I'm eager to continue.
Just played the OPM demo that has the 'Slums' level. What Dark said here are my thoughts exactly. The atmosphere seems second to none. The sound effects are just so incredibly atmospheric. I'm not sure if I'd even like the game to have the music during the gameplay. The way they use the filters and sound effects shows some clear inspiration from Ico - I can now totally understand the comments like "Ico goes to war". It's too bad they couldn't make the framerate more stable, as it constantly fluctuates between 20-30FPS, and sometimes goes even below 20. The fact that the game is being played slow helps a lot though. There's pretty much no reason to run around and rotate the point of view and shoot while you're running. That usually just gets you killed very fast. Since you move slowly and aim slowly, you don't get to see often that framerate is bad.

Enemy AI is really bad, but shooting at them feels very good. Weapons in general feel just right. The one thing I don't like about the default weapon is that the muzzle flash doesn't have any randomness to it. Looks fake. I liked using Helghast gun for the exact reason of it's muzzle flash being more believable looking.

Slums levels is totally linear in it's progression, you can move around and explore details in the environment, but there's always just one way to go if you want to make progress.

As I had a chance to play the Area 51 demo some days ago, I'd have to say that Area 51 has much more stable framerate, has halo-like detail upclose textures (not as good as in Halo, but Killzone doesn't have them at all) has halo-like flashlight effect, has much smarter squad AI, better ragdoll physics, and no visual glitches worth mentioning (KZ has some polygon seams and other small weird glitches in places, probably due to it's LOD system). However, despite all that, Killzone ends up looking better, in the same way that Ico looks better than some generic PC game with high res textures and whatnot. The use of effects and filters in KZ is really nice, and art direction is just very solid, unusually solid, I'd say compared how unpolished some other aspects seem to be.

From what I've seen, despite all it's flaws, I'd say that I'd still rather play KZ than any other PS2 shooter. I couldn't stand the incredible blandness of Timesplitters 1/2 and Red Faction 1/2 for example. I value the atmosphere so much that if it grabs me, I'm ready to overlook so many game's flaws, that it's not even funny. However, the KZ is not perfect even in the atmosphere department. As someone mentioned, voices often seem out of place, and all the characters in the game are just so unlikable that I'd rather choose to go through the levels alone with one faceless guy. So yeah, I'd play it - if I was really into FPS shooers. Since I'm not, I don't see a chance of paying $50 for it - not with so many better games that I already have to skip for now due to my backlog.
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