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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!

I understand the lack of spyro. Crash. Cloud and even Snake. What I don't understand however is the lack of RE rep and Lara croft. I mean... Really? I know the guys working on Lara don't want her in all stars. But damn... It'd be a good promotion.

And for an re rep? I thought that'd be a done deal. Wesker or Leon yo
I understand the lack of spyro. Crash. Cloud and even Snake. What I don't understand however is the lack of RE rep and Lara croft. I mean... Really? I know the guys working on Lara don't want her in all stars. But damn... It'd be a good promotion.

And for an re rep? I thought that'd be a done deal. Wesker or Leon yo

Nah man, BIRKIN.


I understand the lack of spyro. Crash. Cloud and even Snake. What I don't understand however is the lack of RE rep and Lara croft. I mean... Really? I know the guys working on Lara don't want her in all stars. But damn... It'd be a good promotion.

And for an re rep? I thought that'd be a done deal. Wesker or Leon yo

Maybe they decided to go for one rep per publisher.


Leon would've been cool. Chris and Jill get all the RE crossover action. :(

At least Sackboy seems to have learned his suplex.


You guys are doing teams? That sounds awesome.

Obligatory: I'm ready to Smash Bros...Superbly.
I generally suck at fighting games, but I'll be getting this!


Neo Member
Definitely want in on this action. My Parappa might not be the best of the best (TEACH ME MASTER ACQUI), but it got me plenty of kills in the beta. Didn't get to spend the full time with it, but what I lack in practice I make up for in pure unadulterated self belief!

...so, anyone else want to scumbag it up with me?


As in "Heathcliff"
2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom and Napalm_frank
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
???? - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus and B.O.O.M
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
?????? - Sponge and tribal24

Looking for Partner
Acquiescence (?)
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)
Snapshot King
Tricky I Shadow

Pending Partner
Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama

FigBoy79 and JawMuncher, you should come up with the name, but I have a suggestion since your names made it easy for me to come with one. It's FigMuncher.

Same for Tribal and Sponge, come up with name for your team, thanks.

Thanks SSReborn. Was stuck in Borderlands 2 PT2
I'd love to have end of Resistance 2 Hale as a playable. Or maybe a stage hazard would be awesome.

In truth, I'd love to see a Chimera as a playable fighter. Since this thread needs more stuff we've talked about before in it, this is my personal top 8 list of DLC editions I'd love added to the game (bringing the roster up to 30). All first and second party (probably the easiest characters to land)

1) Ellen - Folklore - Her attacks would be a mix of the various Folks she captures.
2) Alundra - Alundra - He would use all of his tools and skills from his game. Very Link like, actually.
3) Jen Tate - Primal - This is a serious one. I love Jen. She's use her different forms to change her fighting style, and can summon Skree to help her in battle as well.
4) Lazarus Jones - Ghosthunter - Yes, he's human, but his arsenal would be his cool ghost capturing equipment, and he could utilize his astral projection powers in his supers.
5) Rau Utu or Tati - The Mark of Kri/Rise of the Kasai - Rau would be the anti Kratos. Tati would be the anti-Dante or Raiden. Rau is brute strength, Tati is lightning speed and agility.
6) Max or Monica - Dark Cloud 2 - Personally, I just want some Level 5 reps in the game. Jeanne D'Arc, Jaster Rogue, or Max and Monica.
7) Chimera - Resistance - Like the Helghast, I think the Chimera are pretty cool and iconic looking. I'd like to maybe see the Berserker, with some of the alt skins of the other species. The weapons of the Resistance series were always awesome, so that alone would make the Chimera a different beast from the other projectile users.
8) Gabe Logan - Syphon Filter - I don't think Gabe gets enough love, but to me, he's just as much PlayStation as Kratos, Ratchet, and Nate Drake. His gadgets and tools would also give him the chance for a really unique and fun combat style.

And those are my top choices. With their addition to the roster, I'd really geek out on a PlayStation nerd high.

If the third parties want to play:

1) Tifa Lockhart or Vivi
2) Tomba
3) Crash Bandicoot
4) Solid Snake/Big Boss/Old Snake/The Boss
5) Chris, Jill, Claire, or Leon
6) Amaterasu
7) Klonoa
8) Ubisoft wild card: The Prince of Persia. Screw Ezio or Connor, bring in the original acrobatic badass. Sands of Time version, with time altering abilities as supers, and have his alts be from the other PoP games (from Sands, through to PoP 2008).

Fig Boy you my friend have spectacular taste.


So here's my History with playstation (Did my best to condense it).

While growing up I recall playing NES and such, but I was so young I don't really count it towards starting me as a gamer since I can't remember it. However what I do count is getting a PS for my 7th birthday.I remember a few weeks before my birthday my mom asked me if I wanted a N64 or a PS1, I have no idea why I chose PS1 (Seriously drawing a blank) but I did. Really glad I did though since things would have been much different had I got a N64.

So comes my 7th birthday, and needless to say it was awesome.
I remember getting both The Lost World Jurassic Park (Huge Dinosaur fan if you couldn't tell) and Crash Bandicoot. Played the hell out of both of those games. Even if I had to use cheats on both to actually beat them. The other really important thing I remember from that era was Metal Gear Solid 1. My dad just came home with it one day and played the hell out of it. I absolutely loved watching him play as well. When he finally beat it and unlocked everything it was finally my turn to play and needless to say i was hooked. That game has left such an impression on me that I seriously believe it helped developed a lot of the tastes I have as an adult now.

Moving into PS2 I remember for the longest I was bothering my step-dad to get one. Lucky for me both my Dad and Step-Dad are gamers so as a kid i always had acess to new games. Anyway I remember one day at the dinner table he told he had got a PS2 but then traded it later in the day for a Car Stereo. Needless to say I was bummed, however a week or two later I come home to him and my mom playing Madden on the PS2. Not caring about football i sure was excited to see a PS2 in the house finally! After that not much went on since the PS2 was kept in the living room and I kept the PS1 in my room. However this led to another moment I highly remember. My step-dad brought me a basket with all his old PS1 games and I remember being overjoyed in seeing all these games I never played. However there was one that stuck out which was Reident Evil 3. I remember trying to play the game numerous times but always being so scared. My Step-Dad noticed this and ended up helping me overcome the fear of playing it. RE3 and MGS are probably my favorite games of all time thanks to the relationships they helped me develop with my Dad and Step Dad.

Anyway back to the PS2 era, man that was an awesome gen of gaming. Like a lot of others I remember getting ZOE and playing the hell out of the MGS2 demo more than ZOE itself. Seriously I think I still have played that demo more than MGS2 itself even. Then moving onto the PS3 I remember for my birthday my stepdad said to go look out on the porch and lo and behold was a brand new 40gb PS3 sitting out there for me. Was so awesome and ended up playing that sucker all night.

(Yeah realized my history wasn't as great as some other's but I blame it on my memory, seriously it's pretty bad sometimes which kind of worries me)

Regardless though Playstation and all it's cast and characters really helped shaped the gamer I am to day, and to a certain extent even the person I am.

FigBoy79 and JawMuncher, you should come up with the name, but I have a suggestion since your names made it easy for me to come with one. It's FigMuncher.

Same for Tribal and Sponge, come up with name for your team, thanks.

Thanks SSReborn. Was stuck in Borderlands 2 PT2

I like the sound of Figmuncher, but i'll leave it to Fig what he wants the name to be.
I'm thinking perhaps Figmuncher vanguards of the verbose or something that incorporates the two.
Holy freakin crap how did I miss this

"Fat Princess is insufficient fap material! Western Devs must commit Sudoku!!!!!"

Got this ordered on the PS3 but have a feeling I will be playing it more on the Vita, either way I cannot wait for this game to release. Considering all the hate it got to start with it seems that the community is pretty buzzed for it now.


Unconfirmed Member
You mean this?:

I hate to seem like a negative nancy, but there is something about the game that's nagging me. Has there been any talk from the devs about how some characters may have better overall movesets, but be rendered more or less terrible by bad super 1s? I mean, I love third strike and all, but that's certainly not the part I'd like to bring over from it.

They talked a lot about how supers were the most important thing to make sure is balanced. I'd assume any level 1 that can be combo'd into would be ideal since there would be 0 risk in doing it. So parapa's level 1 is about as powerful as you can get because a mic grab is instadeath 1v1, and if he misses the mic grab, he still saves his super and gets to try again.

They haven't really addressed 1v1, but they talked a lot about 2v2, which leads me to believe the game is balanced around 2v2 where things like parapa's level one aren't as great as something that could more easily get 2 kills.

It'll be very interesting to see where the metagame goes with a super system like this. I always believed level 2 and 3s would eventually be considered worthless, at least with the comboable supers, but we'll see what the ap requirements are like and if people's dodging abilities get better. Especially since a lot of level 2s and even some level 3s can be completely dodged from someone that really knows what he's doing.


Aftershock LA
So here's my History with playstation (Did my best to condense it).

While growing up I recall playing NES and such, but I was so young I don't really count it towards starting me as a gamer since I can't remember it. However what I do count is getting a PS for my 7th birthday.I remember a few weeks before my birthday my mom asked me if I wanted a N64 or a PS1, I have no idea why I chose PS1 (Seriously drawing a blank) but I did. Really glad I did though since things would have been much different had I got a N64.

So comes my 7th birthday, and needless to say it was awesome.
I remember getting both The Lost World Jurassic Park (Huge Dinosaur fan if you couldn't tell) and Crash Bandicoot. Played the hell out of both of those games. Even if I had to use cheats on both to actually beat them. The other really important thing I remember from that era was Metal Gear Solid 1. My dad just came home with it one day and played the hell out of it. I absolutely loved watching him play as well. When he finally beat it and unlocked everything it was finally my turn to play and needless to say i was hooked. That game has left such an impression on me that I seriously believe it helped developed a lot of the tastes I have as an adult now.

Moving into PS2 I remember for the longest I was bothering my step-dad to get one. Lucky for me both my Dad and Step-Dad are gamers so as a kid i always had acess to new games. Anyway I remember one day at the dinner table he told he had got a PS2 but then traded it later in the day for a Car Stereo. Needless to say I was bummed, however a week or two later I come home to him and my mom playing Madden on the PS2. Not caring about football i sure was excited to see a PS2 in the house finally! After that not much went on since the PS2 was kept in the living room and I kept the PS1 in my room. However this led to another moment I highly remember. My step-dad brought me a basket with all his old PS1 games and I remember being overjoyed in seeing all these games I never played. However there was one that stuck out which was Reident Evil 3. I remember trying to play the game numerous times but always being so scared. My Step-Dad noticed this and ended up helping me overcome the fear of playing it. RE3 and MGS are probably my favorite games of all time thanks to the relationships they helped me develop with my Dad and Step Dad.

Anyway back to the PS2 era, man that was an awesome gen of gaming. Like a lot of others I remember getting ZOE and playing the hell out of the MGS2 demo more than ZOE itself. Seriously I think I still have played that demo more than MGS2 itself even. Then moving onto the PS3 I remember for my birthday my stepdad said to go look out on the porch and lo and behold was a brand new 40gb PS3 sitting out there for me. Was so awesome and ended up playing that sucker all night.

(Yeah realized my history wasn't as great as some other's but I blame it on my memory, seriously it's pretty bad sometimes which kind of worries me)

Regardless though Playstation and all it's cast and characters really helped shaped the gamer I am to day, and to a certain extent even the person I am.

I like the sound of Figmuncher, but i'll leave it to Fig what he wants the name to be.
I'm thinking perhaps Figmuncher vanguards of the verbose or something that incorporates the two.

Great story, and Figmuncher is awesome. Lol. It's much better than Boymuncher or Figjaw.


So here's my History with playstation (Did my best to condense it).

While growing up I recall playing NES and such, but I was so young I don't really count it towards starting me as a gamer since I can't remember it. However what I do count is getting a PS for my 7th birthday.I remember a few weeks before my birthday my mom asked me if I wanted a N64 or a PS1, I have no idea why I chose PS1 (Seriously drawing a blank) but I did. Really glad I did though since things would have been much different had I got a N64.

So comes my 7th birthday, and needless to say it was awesome.
I remember getting both The Lost World Jurassic Park (Huge Dinosaur fan if you couldn't tell) and Crash Bandicoot. Played the hell out of both of those games. Even if I had to use cheats on both to actually beat them. The other really important thing I remember from that era was Metal Gear Solid 1. My dad just came home with it one day and played the hell out of it. I absolutely loved watching him play as well. When he finally beat it and unlocked everything it was finally my turn to play and needless to say i was hooked. That game has left such an impression on me that I seriously believe it helped developed a lot of the tastes I have as an adult now.

Moving into PS2 I remember for the longest I was bothering my step-dad to get one. Lucky for me both my Dad and Step-Dad are gamers so as a kid i always had acess to new games. Anyway I remember one day at the dinner table he told he had got a PS2 but then traded it later in the day for a Car Stereo. Needless to say I was bummed, however a week or two later I come home to him and my mom playing Madden on the PS2. Not caring about football i sure was excited to see a PS2 in the house finally! After that not much went on since the PS2 was kept in the living room and I kept the PS1 in my room. However this led to another moment I highly remember. My step-dad brought me a basket with all his old PS1 games and I remember being overjoyed in seeing all these games I never played. However there was one that stuck out which was Reident Evil 3. I remember trying to play the game numerous times but always being so scared. My Step-Dad noticed this and ended up helping me overcome the fear of playing it. RE3 and MGS are probably my favorite games of all time thanks to the relationships they helped me develop with my Dad and Step Dad.

Anyway back to the PS2 era, man that was an awesome gen of gaming. Like a lot of others I remember getting ZOE and playing the hell out of the MGS2 demo more than ZOE itself. Seriously I think I still have played that demo more than MGS2 itself even. Then moving onto the PS3 I remember for my birthday my stepdad said to go look out on the porch and lo and behold was a brand new 40gb PS3 sitting out there for me. Was so awesome and ended up playing that sucker all night.

(Yeah realized my history wasn't as great as some other's but I blame it on my memory, seriously it's pretty bad sometimes which kind of worries me)

Regardless though Playstation and all it's cast and characters really helped shaped the gamer I am to day, and to a certain extent even the person I am.

I had to (literally) beg my dad to buy me a PS1. The PS2 was less than a year away by the time i got mine :(

It took him more than a decade to reverse his anti-gaming stance (after watching me play UC2).


Aftershock LA
LOL too true.


Oh yeah, I got The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Horrible game up until you got to play as the T-Rex. Playing as the human was one of the most unbelievably frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had in my entire life.

I still own that game. Lol. I think I never traded it in, just out of pure spite. I did throw it against a wall during a particularly frustrating gameplay session back then. I think the developers made it surprisingly resilient, because it didn't break. Perhaps that's why I've kept the disc after all these years. It's a harsh reminder of what shitty gameplay can really be, when GAF gets bent out of shape over some minute detail of the latest game that just "ruins" the whole experience. Lol.



Oh yeah, I got The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Horrible game up until you got to play as the T-Rex. Playing as the human was one of the most unbelievably frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had in my entire life.

I still own that game. Lol. I think I never traded it in, just out of pure spite. I did throw it against a wall during a particularly frustrating gameplay session back then. I think the developers made it surprisingly resilient, because it didn't break. Perhaps that's why I've kept the disc after all these years. It's a harsh reminder of what shitty gameplay can really be, when GAF gets bent out of shape over some minute detail of the latest game that just "ruins" the whole experience. Lol.

To true absolutely hated the game as a kid. Hell playing as both the Compy and Human are just trials of horrible gaming. However even with all that it still has a place with me.
Though I completely agree about GAF when they get bent out of shape over a small detail.
Sort of like how some posters were all "hurt" when they announced PSAS

Lord Phol

You guys are doing teams? That sounds awesome.

Obligatory: I'm ready to Smash Bros...Superbly.
I generally suck at fighting games, but I'll be getting this!

Hey mate wanna teamup? I'm not all that good at fighting games either but I'm determined to change that with this game :p.
You mean this?:

They talked a lot about how supers were the most important thing to make sure is balanced. I'd assume any level 1 that can be combo'd into would be ideal since there would be 0 risk in doing it. So parapa's level 1 is about as powerful as you can get because a mic grab is instadeath 1v1, and if he misses the mic grab, he still saves his super and gets to try again.

They haven't really addressed 1v1, but they talked a lot about 2v2, which leads me to believe the game is balanced around 2v2 where things like parapa's level one aren't as great as something that could more easily get 2 kills.

It'll be very interesting to see where the metagame goes with a super system like this. I always believed level 2 and 3s would eventually be considered worthless, at least with the comboable supers, but we'll see what the ap requirements are like and if people's dodging abilities get better. Especially since a lot of level 2s and even some level 3s can be completely dodged from someone that really knows what he's doing.

It'd be a crying shame if the game ends up incredibly unbalanced 1v1 considering 2v2 well, yeah.


Would it be okay to team up with a non-gaffer for 2v2? Me and him partnered up for most of the beta, and he lives closeby so I probably wouldn't have to worry about connection problems/problems getting someone from another country to join my party.


Unconfirmed Member
If you guys want to talk about personal playstation history then settle in because I have a pretty crazy history with them.

My parents gave me a whole lot of money for food and souvineers during a week long out of state middle school trip to washington DC. The first mall we went to for lunch I saw a store with (late in the generation) PSOnes being advertised for an amount lower than the money i had in my wallet. Obviously I didn't even have a choice and I ended up spending it all my money on a PSOne and FFVII which I ended up carrying all over the east coast.

I pretty much only ate a side of fries or a bag of potato chips at every meal, but it was worth it. To help me get by I even sold some Victoria's Secret catalogs from that same mall to some pansy pervs that were too afraid to walk into the store and ask for one themselves.

Usually I'd be a pansy myself and would never be so rash and do either of those things. But it was basically the first day I was away from my parents and I felt like an individual getting to do things without thinking "what would my parents think". So in a way it symbolized more than a PSOne purchase but also a step toward adulthood. Either way it was one of the best and most memorable days of my life.

Getting my PS2 was also one of my most memorable days of my life too, for a different reason. On christmas eve my dad caught my mom cheating on him, and he took me away from my mom and her family at a timeshare in vail to drive back home to denver just me and my dad, while he told me everything on the drive back. Next morning I found a PS2 hooked up to the tv with mark of the kri and gran turismo 3 sitting next to it. I never expected a PS2 to the point where I never even bothered asking for one even if it was basically my most wanted thing ever.

I figured he just bought it to make up for the unusual Christmas we had but I don't know if stores are open on christmas eve for things like that. The PS2 was my third console ever, the first I actually went to the store with my parents to get the N64 and the second was the PSOne thing I mentioned earlier, so it would have been the biggest bestest surprise ever. But circumstances really hampered the mood a whole lot.

You could say it was another important step in adult hood, because even as a freshman in highschool I was still pretty protected and was in an every sunday church going type of family and thus still felt that most adults were the type to never do wrong, and always followed the bible's teaching, especially when it came to my parents. I learned the world and especially humanity wasn't as perfect as I thought it was.

My parents ended up divorced a year later, but divorced parents aren't the worst thing ever after you get used to it. In some ways gran turismo 3 and mark of the kri hold a special place in my heart as games that helped me through those tough times, though I knew licencing of gran turismo was too crazy and mark of the kri too niche to ever expect it for PSASBR.

Every other console was just normal, boring saving up and buying myself, often used. Its just a coincidence the two unusual acquisitions of consoles happened to be the two you guys are also talking about.


If you guys want to talk about personal playstation history then settle in because I have a pretty crazy history with them.

My parents gave me a whole lot of money for food and souvineers during a week long out of state middle school trip to washington DC. The first mall we went to for lunch I saw a store with (late in the generation) PSOnes being advertised for an amount lower than the money i had in my wallet. Obviously I didn't even have a choice and I ended up spending it all my money on a PSOne and FFVII which I ended up carrying all over the east coast.

I pretty much only ate a side of fries or a bag of potato chips at every meal, but it was worth it. To help me get by I even sold some Victoria's Secret catalogs from that same mall to some pansy pervs that were too afraid to walk into the store and ask for one themselves.

Usually I'd be a pansy myself and would never be so rash and do either of those things. But it was basically the first day I was away from my parents and I felt like an individual getting to do things without thinking "what would my parents think" that day. So in a way it symbolized more than a PSOne purchase but also a step toward adulthood. Either way it was one of the best and most memorable days of my life.

Getting my PS2 was also one of my most memorable days of my life too, for a different reason. On christmas eve my dad caught my mom cheating on him, and he took me away from my mom and her family at a timeshare in vail to drive back home to denver just me and my dad, while he told me everything on the drive back. Next morning I found a PS2 hooked up to the tv with mark of the kri and gran turismo 3 sitting next to it. I never expected a PS2 to the point where I never even bothered asking for one even if it was basically my most wanted thing ever.

I figured he just bought it to make up for the unusual Christmas we had but I don't know if stores are open on christmas eve for things like that. The PS2 was my third console ever, the first I actually went to the store with my parents to get the N64 and the second was the PSOne thing I mentioned earlier, so it would have been the biggest bestest surprise ever. But circumstances really hampered the mood a whole lot.

You could say it was another important step in adult hood, because even as a freshman in highschool I was still pretty protected and was in an every sunday church going type of family and thus still felt that most adults were the type to never do wrong, and always followed the bible's teaching, especially when it came to my parents. I learned the world and especially humanity wasn't as perfect as I thought it was.

My parents ended up divorced a year later, but divorced parents aren't the worst thing ever after you get used to it. In some ways gran turismo 3 and mark of the kri hold a special place in my heart as games that helped me through those tough times, though I knew licencing of gran turismo was too crazy and mark of the kri too niche to ever expect it for PSASBR.

Every other console was just normal, boring saving up and buying myself, often used. Its just a coincidence the two unusual acquisitions of consoles happened to be the two you guys are also talking about.

Great read.
Hope some more people chime in. Love to hear about people history with playstation. Not to mention it just fits the thread so well.
So has there been discussion of the movesets of Emmet and Kat?

Kats Level 2 should definitely be the glide kick thingy. I only played the demo so thats all I know. :p Level 3 should be similar to Big Daddy and Coles. Everyone kinda floats around and Kat goes in front of the screen and you kinda aim the cursor at the enemies. :3

Emmet... I dunno. Level 3 is obviously a Warhawk


Just finished watching the 2 hour stream from IGN, some interesting stuff on there, love the new levels shown as well as that one huge practice stage that's just all over the place.


So has there been discussion of the movesets of Emmet and Kat?

Kats Level 2 should definitely be the glide kick thingy. I only played the demo so thats all I know. :p Level 3 should be similar to Big Daddy and Coles. Everyone kinda floats around and Kat goes in front of the screen and you kinda aim the cursor at the enemies. :3

Emmet... I dunno. Level 3 is obviously a Warhawk

Emmett Graves playstyle will be based upon stuff found in these videos
Also they should allow him to use the Jetpack from Starhawk too. If they allow him to be able to build walls and stuff of that nature then he could be really good for 2 v 2 play. I really don't know how they will implement the vehicles from his game though.


Alright, bought my copy from the PSN store. Cheaper than retail and I get all that costume nonsense. Pretty excited to play this. I enjoyed the beta but really want to play around with the other characters.


Emmett Graves playstyle will be based upon stuff found in these videos
Also they should allow him to use the Jetpack from Starhawk too. If they allow him to be able to build walls and stuff of that nature then he could be really good for 2 v 2 play. I really don't know how they will implement the vehicles from his game though.

Bob should be Emmett's alt costume lol
Emmett Graves playstyle will be based upon stuff found in these videos
Also they should allow him to use the Jetpack from Starhawk too. If they allow him to be able to build walls and stuff of that nature then he could be really good for 2 v 2 play. I really don't know how they will implement the vehicles from his game though.

The Jetpack could be used for double/triple jumps or for evasive maneuvers like Sly's parachute. Level 1 super could be dropping a pod or a structure on someone, level 2 a jetbike dash that would cover a certain length of the screen and as some people have mentioned previously, level 3 could be a Starhawk in flight or mech mode. Though the latter two might end up a bit too similar to Sweet Tooth's level 3 super and Radec's/Ratchet's/Sly's level 3 super. Not that my suggested level 2 wouldn't be very similar to a number of existing supers, but maybe Superbot will be more imaginitive than i am. I guess they could also have a Starhawk fly over the screen and wreak some havoc.
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