What the f is wrong with you people? Alot of hate for them doing the right thing. F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
i dont think many people here would dispute him being an idiot......but there are also alot of idiots idiots on the left side of things that sprout garbage just as much as the rightwing groups and they also need to be held accountableWhat the f is wrong with you people? Alot of hate for them doing the right thing. F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
No, it's whatever "offends" certain groups of people. None of the shit that offends me ever gets removed."Hate" these days is pretty much whatever offends anyone, anywhere.
Why everyone hates facebook now? Did I miss anything?
What the f is wrong with you people? Alot of hate for them doing the right thing. F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
I get that black being at the beginning of the name isn't needed but how are the group themselves, misleading?I'm waiting for them to ban the Black Hebrew Israelites pages.
Bet it won't happen.
oh ok.Some companies are saying they are supporting hate speech/racism because they are refusing to censor certain speech that they don't like. They are attempting to force them to change their policies.
Problem is of course, who decides what should or shouldn't be censored. And it looks to be purely politcal
oh ok.
I am nok with censoring everything nowadays, so facebook is actually ... good ?!
you want us to get on our knees for sony for TEMPORARILY suspending their ads on 1/1000 shitty social media sites? Are you insane?What the f is wrong with you people? Alot of hate for them doing the right thing. F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
Nah, they are a racist organization. They stand on street corners calling white people the white devil, they are anti-semitic as well.I get that black being at the beginning of the name isn't needed but how are the group themselves, misleading?
As far as any Isrealite group preaching inaccurate Doctrine isn't out of the realm of possibility.
People need to remember just because you don't agree with something or what someone is saying doesn't necessarily means it's false.
The platform holder joins Coca-Cola, Honda, Unilever, Ford, Starbucks and Microsoft
PlayStation is the latest major organisation to temporarily stop advertising on Facebook and Instagram.
It's part of the #StopHateForProfit campaign. Facebook has drawn criticism for its rules around allowing hate content and misinformation to be visible on its platform. Whereas other social media outlets, including Twitter and Twitch, have recently started cracking down on hate speech
PlayStation said in a statement: "In support of the #StopHateForProfit campaign, we have globally suspended our Facebook and Instagram activity, including advertising and non-paid content, until the end of July. We stand for working (and playing) together for good."
Microsoft has also reportedly stopped advertising on Facebook for the month, although it awkwardly follows news that it has partnered with the firm over its Facebook Gaming streaming platform.
PlayStation suspends Facebook advertising
PlayStation is the latest major organisation to temporarily stop advertising on Facebook and Instagram.www.gamesindustry.biz
What do mean by "you people"?! How dare you. I am offended.What the f is wrong with you people? Alot of hate for them doing the right thing. F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
What do mean by "you people"?! How dare you. I am offended.
i dont think many people here would dispute him being an idiot......but there are also alot of idiots idiots on the left side of things that sprout garbage just as much as the rightwing groups and they also need to be held accountable
sony removing their advertising really does fuck all except tick that feel good box that the left all love but is of not much actual substance
Is the Zuck, dare I say it, /ourguy/ ?Facebook is right on this, “hate speech” is a very ambiguous word that can and WILL be used to silence diverging opinions if possible. Facebook already policies its social network for abusive posts, it’s more than enough.
As for what those companies are trying to do, here’s what will happen at the end of the year:
F Trump and the racist a$$ rightwing.
...is English a second language for you?
I'm sad that he's fucked off. I wanted to hear more of his intelligent insights.Complains about right wingers being racist. Insults someone else's English as they may not be native speaker. The tolerant and virtuous left everyone. Shitting themselves in public yet again.
Why do you put virtue signaling in quotes? Do you not believe its a thing?In a choice between so called "virtue signaling" and doing noting, "virtue signaling" always wins. I fail to see how the choice of inaction would be superior. Could they do more? I'm sure they could, but this boycott is intended to pressure FB and other social sites into updating their policies on certain types of content. Playstation joining the boycott lends itself to that movement more than doing nothing would, and clearly more than anyone in this thread could. Individuals lack the clout to make a large platform implement change. But the threat of reduced ad revenue will certainly be more convincing. As more companies join the boycott, momentum is gained. This is just one of numerous attempts to affect change, so it's worth supporting. Unless you like the status quo, in which case, good for you. A public facing brand doesn't have the same level of anonymity or irrelevance.
Complains about right wingers being racist. Insults someone else's English as they may not be native speaker. The tolerant and virtuous left everyone. Shitting themselves in public yet again.
In a choice between so called "virtue signaling" and doing noting, "virtue signaling" always wins. I fail to see how the choice of inaction would be superior. Could they do more? I'm sure they could, but this boycott is intended to pressure FB and other social sites into updating their policies on certain types of content. Playstation joining the boycott lends itself to that movement more than doing nothing would, and clearly more than anyone in this thread could. Individuals lack the clout to make a large platform implement change. But the threat of reduced ad revenue will certainly be more convincing. As more companies join the boycott, momentum is gained. This is just one of numerous attempts to affect change, so it's worth supporting. Unless you like the status quo, in which case, good for you. A public facing brand doesn't have the same level of anonymity or irrelevance.
I don't think anyone has said it's a bad thing per se.
Anti-racism is a codeword for..
Affirmative Racism.
So some of you are okay with Facebook being used to spread racist nonsense and conspiracy theories that are being created by Russian Intelligence?
Almost. Once you realise that the narrative is not so much about being pro one race as it is being against another then much becomes clear.
You're being disingenuous about why people are siding with Facebook on this one.
If they complied, we'd see more stifling of actual voices with substance, just as Google has been doing as well as Twitter.
Using "Hate Speech" as a Trojan Horse to crush our freedoms is a real and genuine thing. Wake the fuck up.
I need to look into this more. I found it funny for instance that Microsoft announced the same thing, but also at the same time announced that they're partnering with Facebook Gaming.
First of all the first amendment does not protect hate speech or racism. Second, some of the conspiracy theories being posted and reposted all over social media were started by Russian Intelligence, such as "wearing masks affects your oxygen intake." I think some of you are well aware of the misinformation being spread about SARS COVID 2 and the overt racism towards Muslims, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. So when you accuse someone of being disingenuous, know and understand that when you support lies, half-truths, and overt racism, you are on the wrong side of the Constitution of the United States.
Freedom of Speech does not mean you can say whatever you feel like saying...
Perhaps you don't understand that you cannot run into a crowded theater and yell "fire" when there is no fire.
First of all the first amendment does not protect hate speech or racism. Second, some of the conspiracy theories being posted and reposted all over social media were started by Russian Intelligence, such as "wearing masks affects your oxygen intake." I think some of you are well aware of the misinformation being spread about SARS COVID 2 and the overt racism towards Muslims, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. So when you accuse someone of being disingenuous, know and understand that when you support lies, half-truths, and overt racism, you are on the wrong side of the Constitution of the United States.
Freedom of Speech does not mean you can say whatever you feel like saying...
Perhaps you don't understand that you cannot run into a crowded theater and yell "fire" when there is no fire.
First of all the first amendment does not protect hate speech or racism. Second, some of the conspiracy theories being posted and reposted all over social media were started by Russian Intelligence, such as "wearing masks affects your oxygen intake." I think some of you are well aware of the misinformation and overt racism towards Muslims, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. So when you accuse someone of being disingenuous, know and understand that when you support lies, half-truths, and overt racism, you are on the wrong side of the Constitution of the United States.
Freedom of Speech does not mean you can say whatever you feel like saying...
Perhaps you don't understand that you cannot run into a crowded theater and yell "fire" when there is no fire.
Edit: I was mistaken when I said hate speech wasn't constitutionally protected, however, it is true that you can't say whatever you want to say. Posting lies and certain "ideologies" on the internet is the same as running into a crowded theater and yelling "Fire!"