Playstation Awards 2016 Set for Dec 13th [Now Live]



UPDATE: Link to the stream is up

**Awards Show Livestream**

**Livestream with Guests**

Detail of PlayStation® Awards 2016

  • Date:13th December, 2016 (Tuesday) 16:00 HKT * Livestreaming for show is planned
  • Venue: Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa, Tokyo Japan
  • Prizes: Platinum Prize : Software titles (DL) with an accumulated shipment quantity (including download quantity) of over 1 million copies
  • Gold Prize: Software titles (DL) with an accumulated shipment quantity (including download quantity) of over 500,000 copies
  • PlayStation™Network Award: Top 3 network sales titles will be awarded (period: From Oct 1st 2015 - Sept 30th, 2016)
  • Users' Choice Award : Top 10 titles voted by Japan and Asia users. (Released in Oct 1st 2015 - Sept 30th, 2016)
  • PlayStation®VR Special Prize: 3 titles which have contributed to PlayStation®VR will be awarded
  • Indies Special Prize: 5 titles which has contributed to PlayStation® will be awarded.

It's that time again wherein we find out what game sold how many copies...

also, for this band to make to make sweet, sweet, SWEET love to our ears


Now, while the prizes will be awarded to game's hitting sales milestones, there'll be 10 games picked based on user's voting. This is specifically only for people with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesian PSN accounts and while everyone will get a custom theme for their troubles, a total of seven PSVR will be given to seven lucky winners (one for each country)

Voting Page


Users Choice Award
Bloodborne - The Old Hunters' Edition
Dark Souls III
Fallout 4
Uncharted 4
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Dragon Quest Builders
Persona 5
Yakuza Kiwami
Rainbow Six Siege

Indies Special Prize
Goat Simulator
Salt & Sanctuary
Touhou: Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity
Rocket League

PlayStationVR Special Prize
Northern Lights: The Story of the Lights Shining in the Northern Sky
Playstation VR Worlds
Rez Infinite
Summer Lesson
Hatsune Miku VR

Playstation Network Award
Winning Eleven 2016
Dragon's Dogma Online
Phantasy Star Online 2

Gold Prize (500k copies sold or more)
Dark Souls III
The Last of Us Remastered
Uncharted 4
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2016
Sword Art Online Lost Song
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Dragon Quest Builders
Persona 5


UninterestingUncharted 4 will win best PS4 game

EDIT: Oh this is Asia? Ryu ga Gotoku 6 would've gotten in if it wasn't slated for November, so as is Persona 5 has the highest chance.
I am honestly a bit annoyed that they only included those country despite Sony actually having a presence in my country. >___>

P.S. I am currently playing Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. If you guys don't vote for that, you guys are shit. For real.

Edit: edited coz I like roman numerals.


So hold on. Is this Sony having an awards ceremony for itself?

That's a bit strange.
They've been doing this for years and it's not an award ceremony for them but rather for the developers. Here is Miyazaki getting an award for Bloodborne


They even had an award for Microsoft (for Minecraft) but no one showed up to pick it up.
This is the classiest award show in the industry(sorry Keighley). The music last year was so good and probably one of the reasons Sony did a live orchestra at E3.


You'd think that an official pic regarding voting instructions with only 20 words on it wouldn't have any typos on it :/

I feel kinda bad for the people who missed it :/


Deft Beck

This is the classiest award show in the industry(sorry Keighley). The music last year was so good and probably one of the reasons Sony did a live orchestra at E3.

They even had the Parappa creator Masaya Matsuura perform one year, and I'd link the performance I ripped from the stream upload to you, but Sony BMG doesn't want you to see it outside of Japan.
Voted for:

- Uncharted 4
- Overwatch
- Trails of Cold Steel 2
- SRW OG: Moon Dwellers
- Dark Souls 3

Now, reveal onto me, Sony of Asia, how thou shall choose my comments and how I shall be win a free PSVR unit.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Best Touhou got an award.


Playstation Indies Special Award Winners:
  1. Down Well
  2. Goat Simulator
  3. Salt and Sanctuary
  4. *A Japanese Indie*
  5. Rocket League

User Choice Award Winners:
  • Bloodborne the Old Hunter
  • Dark Soul 3
  • Fallout 4
  • Uncharted 4
  • Overwatch
  • COD Black Ops 3
  • Dragon Quest Builder
  • Persona 5
  • Yakuza Kiwami
  • Rainbow Six Siege


Why is TLOU:R there? Isn't that a 2014 game or is any game that sold more than 500k within a certain period eligible for this award?
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