Wife and I are back in our rooms, time to wind down and get some sleep.
Overall, I feel plus and negatives for this PSX. Somethings were done better, somethings not so much or still new to the planning that they will hopefully fix next year.
Quick Summary:
Keynote was awesome, getting in line at 5AM was really good again, had nice bleacher seats, enjoyed the overall presentation, was surprised with some announcements, and eager to see more things at E3 next year.
Some games had insane lines on the show floor, as I waited 2 hours for a 5 minute AC7 VR demo (Which was pretty incredible, but still). Later I walked to a no line kiosk for Miku:Future Tone which was on 2 units.
My wife braved the gear line for 2 hours as well, got me some nice things, a journey scarf, a replacement beanie for the one I lost on the way here, plus some parappa swag (Beanie and plus) and some things for herself. As someone stated, the lack of a bandai namco booth was disappointing as she was really looking forward to that.
I will hopefully get a few more game demos in tomorrow if lines are not as bad.
And finally, the Kojima insanity. I don't know if they will have him next year, but oh man, did they not expect the level of people who waited for him. My wife goes to check out the line about 1PM while I was at the panel, was told to come back at 1:30. She comes back and says there's only a standby line, so I figure I might as well wait with her and watch the 2nd part of the panel online. As we are waiting, we are told about a dozen times "This line is not going to see him, we are at capacity" but we waited. Hope was fleeting, I was posting memes in line chat to keep my sanity. Fiddles were played, Fissions were mailed. Then out of the blue, they moved us near the front. We were like 8 people from steps up there. Then a miracle happened, they let like 20 of us go. We ran up there, I snuck in a selfie that will go down in history.
That moment made all the waiting, all the sore muscles, all of it worth it in that instant.
So I bid you all good night! Was always awesome to meet new people and see old friends. We will be around tomorrow, so take care and get some sleep!