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PlayStation Network Thread | May 2015


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I need Chronos Materia.

Am sad that the game still seems to be sitting out in limbo. And the HP still exists too to add further insult to injury. D:

Wonder if come TGS time or before that if anything will happen with the title? Since if no show at TGS guess we can all chalk it up to being dead lol


Am sad that the game still seems to be sitting out in limbo. And the HP still exists too to add further insult to injury. D:

Wonder if come TGS time or before that if anything will happen with the title? Since if no show at TGS guess we can all chalk it up to being dead lol

Last update was July 2013. I think it's dead dead.
Considering you are not there taking care of your own OT and how the regulars in this thread keep pushing Demon Gaze to everyone that shows up, its no wonder why it happens with conversations here. :)

Folks say the same thing about this thread with why is it even a "PSN" thread when all everyone talks about is Vita related content. lol

Be there to answer questions? lol
Not answering 10 day old, already answered, questions is clearly the reason why Demon Gaze discussion is blowing up in this thread rather than that one. Man, Zero should really get his act together, huh?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Last update was July 2013. I think it's dead dead.

Usually if thats the case a company as large as Koei Tecmo would remove the site. Weird too that even the music and whatnot still works.

There was some 2ch posts about people hearing rumors its still active around early 2014, but nothing came of it and as usual we got other Gust titles out instead. So everyone is back to saying its dead. lol

Then again like NISA with their title witch and the hundred knight something similar happened and it went into delay hell for a long while.

For now guess will have to take the continued hope once the other higher priority titles are pushed out the door, they will get back to finishing it.

That or will be made into something terrifying like a social game app... Since Koei seems to also be enjoying that lately.

May god help us all...

Though when you see it in motion it actually looks like it might be interesting.


How's the vita version of Dustforce? I'm enjoying the demo but I sort of remember people having negative impressions of the port when it first came out. Also, just wanted to say as someone who's played a ton of platformers and SFIV on the 3DS XL that the dpad placement on the Vita makes more sense and feels a lot more ergonomic.

I personally thought that the demo controlled great, but the frame-rate in a game like that really needs to be locked down, and from what I read online, the game has a sub-30FPS frame rate.....not the best for an platforming game like that :(

But if it means anything, I did really enjoy the demo and I do want to pick up the full game at some point, so I highly recommend the PS3 version (which runs at 60FPS I think :D).


Keep in mind that only the PC version got the Dustforce DX update, which overhauled a lot of difficulty issues and added more levels. Every port other than the original PC version is now out of date and there is no sign that updated ports are coming.

I personally thought that the demo controlled great, but the frame-rate in a game like that really needs to be locked down, and from what I read online, the game has a sub-30FPS frame rate.....not the best for an platforming game like that :(

But if it means anything, I did really enjoy the demo and I do want to pick up the full game at some point, so I highly recommend the PS3 version (which runs at 60FPS I think :D).

Thanks everyone for the replies.

I already have Dustforce on Steam (it plays great, even on a low-end PC) but playing it on a Vita was amazing (the demo at least).

I thought it performed fine but I know lots of other people complained. Not sure if was a prepatched version.

You're giving me hope. I don't know how well-regarded Dustforce is at large but personally I think it's a great platformer and having a decent Vita version would make me happy.


Started playing more of Demon Gaze today and I am wondering if I am on the right track so far;
-Beat Mars once
-Explored a good amount of the first area (to the point where I only have three other demon portals to take care of)
-Got three party members so far (alongside one demon)
-Sold a item worth 3,000 Gold and have 1,200 Gold left over
-Set difficulty to 'Cold' (easy mode I think)
-Took on all the missions in the hall (though didn't complete any of them yet)

So, am I doing things right so far? Never played a DRPG before, so this is all new to me. Kinda weird you have to buy your party members but then again, you normally start out with two-three in most JRPG's, so 'buying' them seems to be somewhat fair I guess :).

I never sell things, but yeah, it sounds fine. I'm not one for easy mode but since it's your first one it makes sense. It's hard to 'mess up'... i suppose you could mess up a trophy or something, but that's about it.

The way DG deals with adding party members is rather unique. I can think of games with slots for npcs/summons/mercs, but usually you start with a full team under your control other than that.

Okay, one more question. How do I determine which weapon has the higher attack? What's better, 19X2 or 10X3? I looked at the in-game help and it doesn't explain this.

Also, any particular strategy deeper than basic grinding to catch up new party members with the rest of the party?

I can't remember specifics of demon gaze, but usually when talking combat you've got a range of damage times number of attacks, displayed in various ways.

For example 3D6 = 3 rolls of a 6 sided die, so damage is 3-18. Or you might have a weapon that does (10-12) x 2, would do 20-24 damage.

I can't remember exactly how DG works, but I'm going to guess
19X2 or 10X3
2-38 vs. 3-30 (assuming the range is 1-19 for the first, 1-10 for the second)

So the first weapon is [generally] superior.

Now, there are three things to keep into account:

1) The more attacks/dice involved, the more the results average out to the middle range, and extremes are less likely. So in the case above, the 3-30 is slightly more consistent, but not enough to make it better. But for example, given two weapons 50x1 vs 10x5 the 10x5 is more consistent in avoiding low damage but also less likely to give the full 50 damage.

2) Depending on the game, there may be other benefits to multiple attacks -- for example, if each attack has a chance of stunning or poisoning an enemy, then the extra attacks can be important -- for example, if you have two weapons that do, say 10X3 vs 15x2 (essentially equal damage), the X3 weapon is actually far superior since it gives an extra chance to apply stun or poison. (And this effect may be powerful enough that you're willing to accept significantly less damage than a different weapon).

3. Number of attacks can have other in game considerations, dependent on game. For example, if an enemy is blocking, a weapon with 5 attacks helps ensure at least some attacks get through, whereas a successful block of a far more powerful weapon with 1 attack will block all damage. On the other hand, if it's some ninja enemy that can counter attack every time it successfully parries, you're actually much safer with a weapon that has less attacks... imagine swinging at that ninja with 10x5, and getting countered 5 times in a row. [can't remember if enemies like this exist in DG, but it's more food for thought].

Again, I can't remember exactly how DG works but I think most/all of the above is correct and it generally applies to most rpgs.

ZHP has gone on sale. I really liked that game. Haven't played a true rogue game lately. Still hoping for Vita Shiren the Wanderer despite playing that version 5 years ago.

zhp definitely has gone on sale, because it went on sale shortly after i paid full price. great game.

I just sold my Shiren... i don't have a ds/3ds so it was just gathering dust... never got around to playing it.


FigureGAF just got permanently shutdown.

This is a friendly reminder to avoid any talk of banned Vita games in here.

Man, that sucks. Always sad to see a whole community get shit down.

We seem to be doing alright, though. No one's breaking rules or even stepping on the line here. At least, as far as I know. Though I have made an account on the Vita Lounge just in case, lol.
FigureGAF just got permanently shutdown.

This is a friendly reminder to avoid any talk of banned Vita games in here.
Read about it on AnimeGAF, I wasn't a poster or anything there but I'd hate to see a community that I am part of get slammed. Folks tread carefully, let's keep this thread as clean as possible.
Can't wait for Neptunia U, I've heard some pretty positive things about the game from people that have review codes. :3:

Also let's get the Demon Gaze chat going on in the Experience community thread, love Exp as a developer now, they're up there with Atlus. So let's get things going!! ^_^


Read about it on AnimeGAF, I wasn't a poster or anything there but I'd hate to see a community that I am part of get slammed. Folks tread carefully, let's keep this thread as clean as possible.

If we don't start posting creepy stuff then we're fine...
Can't wait for Neptunia U, I've heard some pretty positive things about the game from people that have review codes. :3:

Also let's get the Demon Gaze chat going on in the Experience community thread, love Exp as a developer now, they're up there with Atlus. So let's get things going!! ^_^


Cool! I actually got that one pre-ordered and it looks like a fun game to play until Operation Abyss drops. I really need to finish Xenoblade before then though, I want to give OA the attention it deserves.

If we don't start posting creepy stuff then we're fine...
Can't say I remember ever seeing anything bad posted here. Whenever anyone does post anything that is of a more suggestive nature, they have the decency of making it a clickable link with a warning too. I don't know what the circumstances were for the thread to get locked, but I don't think I need to think to hard to come up with an answer. We are all good people here.


Read about it on AnimeGAF, I wasn't a poster or anything there but I'd hate to see a community that I am part of get slammed. Folks tread carefully, let's keep this thread as clean as possible.

Yeah, this hits hard for me, this was the community I was most involved here these days, I ended up being #2 in posts, it was my new VitaGAF.

Thankfully we managed to gracefully migrate to our existing MFC group so we're gonna be OK.
Yeah, this hits hard for me, this was the community I was most involved here these days, I ended up being #2 in posts, it was my new VitaGAF.

Thankfully we managed to gracefully migrate to our existing MFC group so we're gonna be OK.
Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you guys found a solution for yourselves. I come on GAF mostly to post on the communities that I am part of, not even so much the gaming or off-topic side of the forums. We hope that even without FigureGAF you still stick around! We won't be going anywhere :p


I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll post it here since it's Vita/PS3/PS4 related:

I've been watching Neptunia U videos and I've realized that 1) I really like the writing/characters of this series and 2) It looks like fun to play. Problem is, I'm afraid of being completely lost if I jump in at U (I know literally nothing about this series other than the general story setup and that they are mostly all RPG's). What's the best Neptunia game to jump into as a newcomer to the series? Is there a specific game I should start with or are they stand alone?


I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll post it here since it's Vita/PS3/PS4 related:

I've been watching Neptunia U videos and I've realized that 1) I really like the writing/characters of this series and 2) It looks like fun to play. Problem is, I'm afraid of being completely lost if I jump in at U (I know literally nothing about this series other than the general story setup and that they are mostly all RPG's). What's the best Neptunia game to jump into as a newcomer to the series? Is there a specific game I should start with or are they stand alone?

I'd start with Re;birth1. It's much better than the PS3 original, and introduces you to the main characters of the series (though the spinoffs have some characters that don't appear in the main games).


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll post it here since it's Vita/PS3/PS4 related:

I've been watching Neptunia U videos and I've realized that 1) I really like the writing/characters of this series and 2) It looks like fun to play. Problem is, I'm afraid of being completely lost if I jump in at U (I know literally nothing about this series other than the general story setup and that they are mostly all RPG's). What's the best Neptunia game to jump into as a newcomer to the series? Is there a specific game I should start with or are they stand alone?

yeah if you have a vita most def the rebirth series as they did a great job with the updating of the game system making it far superior to the ps3 ones.


If I had no idea what was going on in Ar Ciel and didn't really enjoy it should I even bother with any of this Ar No Surge stuff? I got to the first "go inside the maiden's mind" thing and nothing actually happened and I was pretty meh on the whole situation in general. Kind of thinking it'll just end up being another one of those JRPGs I never play if I even bought it.

I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll post it here since it's Vita/PS3/PS4 related:

I've been watching Neptunia U videos and I've realized that 1) I really like the writing/characters of this series and 2) It looks like fun to play. Problem is, I'm afraid of being completely lost if I jump in at U (I know literally nothing about this series other than the general story setup and that they are mostly all RPG's). What's the best Neptunia game to jump into as a newcomer to the series? Is there a specific game I should start with or are they stand alone?

Neptunia U is pretty light on the story, though you won't understand a lot of the in jokes or character interactions. Rebirth 1 is fine to jump into though be warned it has a few difficulty spikes (or more like unreasonably hard bosses) that none of the other games really have. So it might require a bit more grinding than normal. It's great otherwise, good writing and all.

Also Neptunia Victory for PS3 would be a fine starting point though you just missed a $7.50 sale on that. I honestly might start recommending people play Rebirth 3 first because it should be free of the difficulty issue.

An unfortunate thing is you're going to kind of need to play rebirth 1 and 2 to get everyone's personalities down, since the little sister characters are barely in rebirth 1 or 3 (postgame only in 1, barely in the very end of the story of 3).

edit: oh right, don't forget to check out Neptunia GAF if you like http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1016302, the games all have OTs but you can post questions about games and other stuff in there too.

FigureGAF just got permanently shutdown.

This is a friendly reminder to avoid any talk of banned Vita games in here.

Fucking lame


If I had no idea what was going on in Ar Ciel and didn't really enjoy it should I even bother with any of this Ar No Surge stuff? I got to the first "go inside the maiden's mind" thing and nothing actually happened and I was pretty meh on the whole situation in general. Kind of thinking it'll just end up being another one of those JRPGs I never play if I even bought it.

No idea about No Surge, but I can tell you that the first game (Ar Tonelico) is one of three JRPGs I have ever finished (the others being P3P and P4G) and it was also the first.

It had this excellent battle mechanic where you basically focused on protecting your reyvateil (like a sorceress who uses songs for magic) until she has built up enough power to nuke the opposition. And also an amazing OST.

I don't know if No Surge has any of this, though.

Edit: Also major waifu.


No idea about No Surge, but I can tell you that the first game (Ar Tonelico) is one of three JRPGs I have ever finished (the others being P3P and P4G) and it was also the first.

It had this excellent battle mechanic where you basically focused on protecting your reyvateil (like a sorceress who uses songs for magic) until she has built up enough power to nuke the opposition. And also an amazing OST.

I don't know if No Surge has any of this, though.

Edit: Also major waifu.

Yes there were inklings of this in Ar Ciel but like far too many JRPGs it takes forever to actually reveal it's interesting mechanic for normal play. I only got to see that aspect in a scripted encounter like once, I think. And yeah everyone seems to mention AR Tonelico when mentioning the series not Ciel so maybe it's just a bad one especially to start with.

I was thinking of this after Omega Quintet, it would be cool if JRPGs had an "advanced"/skip the bullshit mode where you just start off with all game mechanics unlocked, level permitting. I understand the pacing of new mechanics to teach players, but the games are usually pretty bad at it and I find just reading up on mechanics online is a way better idea than the ingame tutorials.
Yes there were inklings of this in Ar Ciel but like far too many JRPGs it takes forever to actually reveal it's interesting mechanic for normal play. I only got to see that aspect in a scripted encounter like once, I think. And yeah everyone seems to mention AR Tonelico when mentioning the series not Ciel so maybe it's just a bad one especially to start with.

I was thinking of this after Omega Quintet, it would be cool if JRPGs had an "advanced"/skip the bullshit mode where you just start off with all game mechanics unlocked, level permitting. I understand the pacing of new mechanics to teach players, but the games are usually pretty bad at it and I find just reading up on mechanics online is a way better idea than the ingame tutorials.
When you think of RPGs you think of long hours of gameplay. If they gave you everything from the start, wouldn't that be boring? I love that Xenoblade keeps teaching me new mechanics 50hrs in, it keeps combat fresh.


When you think of RPGs you think of long hours of gameplay. If they gave you everything from the start, wouldn't that be boring? I love that Xenoblade keeps teaching me new mechanics 50hrs in, it keeps combat fresh.

There's a balance. I like how FF8 managed progress--you more or less get all of your major gameplay features (aside from the airship) in a few hours, but since you don't have access to higher level enemies or certain GFs you're limited in various ways still. But this "you can't even use the goddamn summon command for 20 hours" no, I don't really find that enjoyable at all. There's nothing more boring than those first few battles where you basically only have the normal attack command. There isn't even strategy at that point, it's just a DPS race.

Disgaea does a good job with how it gates stuff IMO, Item World takes a few story missions to unlock, but for the most part you're only gated by level/mana rather than progressing the story to earn the right to use magic or whatever.
I havent been active the past few days but if the three rumored vita games were true, I'll be the happiest Gaffer here. Been such a fan of the Civ series and XCOM.
I'll buy Typ0 too.
I'm also learning to use Unity for the Vita, even applied for a PSM dev license. I know it is shutting down but I want to atleast try to create something for the Vita. I keep complaining for games so I decided to try create one. I'm currently reading the Unity books / and other stuff while waiting for my license. Nothing will probably come out with this experiment with PSM, but I see this as a step in dipping my toes on actually creating a game.
Anyone refresh my memories but when is that dengeki bunko fighting game coming out? I'm actually waiting for that
and the missing Tetris Ultimate

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Started playing more of Demon Gaze today and I am wondering if I am on the right track so far;
-Beat Mars once
-Explored a good amount of the first area (to the point where I only have three other demon portals to take care of)
-Got three party members so far (alongside one demon)
-Sold a item worth 3,000 Gold and have 1,200 Gold left over
-Set difficulty to 'Cold' (easy mode I think)
-Took on all the missions in the hall (though didn't complete any of them yet)

So, am I doing things right so far? Never played a DRPG before, so this is all new to me. Kinda weird you have to buy your party members but then again, you normally start out with two-three in most JRPG's, so 'buying' them seems to be somewhat fair I guess :).

A bit late here, but that item you sold for 3,000 was probably an artifact gem. That's...kinda not good. There's a limited number of artifact gems in the game (34 I think?). From all I've read, you should never sell those.

*lots of stuff*

This was all really, really helpful, thanks! Although now I feel a bit dumb because it's obvious what the damage stats mean (3 hits at 20 or 2 hits at 15, etc.), and I should have figured that out. :lol But all the stuff about elemental/status effects and having a higher chance to trigger them with more hits versus fewer hits doing more damage was something I hadn't thought about. So yeah, thanks!


I'm also learning to use Unity for the Vita, even applied for a PSM dev license. I know it is shutting down but I want to atleast try to create something for the Vita. I keep complaining for games so I decided to try create one. I'm currently reading the Unity books / and other stuff while waiting for my license. Nothing will probably come out with this experiment with PSM, but I see this as a step in dipping my toes on actually creating a game.
Good luck, I ended up doing the same last year but trying to learn Unity while having to manage work and college didn't go too well.

Would've gave it another try after this semester was over but eh, not sure anymore since PSM is closing and all.


A bit late here, but that item you sold for 3,000 was probably an artifact gem. That's...kinda not good. There's a limited number of artifact gems in the game (34 I think?). From all I've read, you should never sell those.

Don't sell items which are marked with a star in general since those are unique items. And yes, Artifact gems are limited in this game so never sell those either!
Good luck, I ended up doing the same last year but trying to learn Unity while having to manage work and college didn't go too well.

Would've gave it another try after this semester was over but eh, not sure anymore since PSM is closing and all.

While PSM is shutting down, I think Unity for the Vita isn't so I'm learning that more than the PSM studio. I entered since I have a Vita to run test codes and its free so its perfect as a beginners choice for a coding a game targeting console platforms.
While PSM is shutting down, I think Unity for the Vita isn't so I'm learning that more than the PSM studio. I entered since I have a Vita to run test codes and its free so its perfect as a beginners choice for a coding a game targeting console platforms.

Good luck. I am actually a programmer. I have no desire to program anymore unless I have to for work. The tools today to program games seem awesome and I wish they existed when I was trying to program games when I had the time and desire. Attempting to program games as kid did result in a good career for me even if all I do now is boring software. Maybe it will lead to more for you too. Keep it up.


Good luck. I am actually a programmer. I have no desire to program anymore unless I have to for work. The tools today to program games seem awesome and I wish they existed when I was trying to program games when I had the time and desire. Attempting to program games as kid did result in a good career for me even if all I do now is boring software. Maybe it will lead to more for you too. Keep it up.

This is kind of where I'm at too, coding is a bit much to bother with for fun for me. Heck my non-coding hobbies are already a ton of work (youtube, reviews, I haven't even bothered to get back into fiction writing yet).

Seems like a good time to get into that stuff though, Unity and gamemaker (please don't die) seem like great stuff and you have the possibility to actually get self published now. Though because of that there's also much more competition in trying to get noticed. But if it's just for fun, the tools have never been better.
Been experimenting with remote play on Android devices. It actually looks really nice on my Nexus 7, I was expecting a 720p stream on a 1200p screen to look bad. Switching the framerate to 'high' really shits things up, sadly. Sometimes I just get a black screen.

Although I can connect my DS4 via an OTG cable too, I don't think this will replace my Vita for remote play since it's obviously less stable.


Thanks for the input on the neptunia question I had everyone! Now time to look for the cheapest place to get a physical copy of rebirth 1...
Cool! I actually got that one pre-ordered and it looks like a fun game to play until Operation Abyss drops. I really need to finish Xenoblade before then though, I want to give OA the attention it deserves.

I've been meaning to buy Xenoblade after I buy a n3ds but my Vita and Nocturne are taking up my gaming time. I feel bad for my PS4, it's just sitting there collecting dust.


When you think of RPGs you think of long hours of gameplay. If they gave you everything from the start, wouldn't that be boring? I love that Xenoblade keeps teaching me new mechanics 50hrs in, it keeps combat fresh.

It's best to introduce the mechanics fairly early (not all at once, necessarily, but not FFXIII levels of waiting either) and then get people using them through solid enemy encounter design.

I'm perfectly fine with everything [near] the start... I'm just not ok with games that don't keep a solid challenge throughout.

Good luck. I am actually a programmer. I have no desire to program anymore unless I have to for work. The tools today to program games seem awesome and I wish they existed when I was trying to program games when I had the time and desire. Attempting to program games as kid did result in a good career for me even if all I do now is boring software. Maybe it will lead to more for you too. Keep it up.

Programming burnt me out hard. I used to code for fun. Then for pay. Now I don't at all. It's too all-consuming. If I'm working on a project, mentally I want to just go all out, even if that means coding through the night. I live in the code. It's just impossible for me to keep a healthy, sane, happy, family oriented lifestyle at the same time. It's all or nothing. Thankfully it got me positioned in the world, paid off my debts, and such.

I occasionally daydream of designing and coding a game. Then I remember what a terrible idea that would be for me. Maybe when I was 20.


<-------------- throwback time!
Wipeout Pure <3

It was the game that made me fell in love with the series, after trying Fusion which I didn't like at all.
I still remember Medievil Resurrection with Wipeout Pure and Fired Up demos packed in... I remember I spent a lot of time on the Fired Up demo too.

Just pretend E3 is on the 20th. Isolate yourself from the Internet.

It will be hard ç_ç


<-------------- throwback time!
Wipeout Pure <3

It was the game that made me fell in love with the series, after trying Fusion which I didn't like at all.
I still remember Medievil Resurrection with Wipeout Pure and Fired Up demos packed in... I remember I spent a lot of time on the Fired Up demo too.

Pure was the first Wipeout game I owned, I played a couple of the (PS2?) games with my uncle but never owned them. Then I got Pure and liked it, absolutely loved HD. 2048 was pretty good though I didn't play it as much as HD.
<-------------- throwback time!
Wipeout Pure <3

It was the game that made me fell in love with the series, after trying Fusion which I didn't like at all.
I still remember Medievil Resurrection with Wipeout Pure and Fired Up demos packed in... I remember I spent a lot of time on the Fired Up demo too.

Hear, hear!

Amazing game, also loved the free DLC.
I've been meaning to buy Xenoblade after I buy a n3ds but my Vita and Nocturne are taking up my gaming time. I feel bad for my PS4, it's just sitting there collecting dust.
My PS4 hasn't been turned on in a good while either. I don't really mind, I like the fact that I have and if something interesting drops, I can just buy it. Also, being able to play Persona 5 on my Vita when it launches thanks to remote play is going to be a joy lol.

Good luck. I am actually a programmer. I have no desire to program anymore unless I have to for work. The tools today to program games seem awesome and I wish they existed when I was trying to program games when I had the time and desire. Attempting to program games as kid did result in a good career for me even if all I do now is boring software. Maybe it will lead to more for you too. Keep it up.

Programming burnt me out hard. I used to code for fun. Then for pay. Now I don't at all. It's too all-consuming. If I'm working on a project, mentally I want to just go all out, even if that means coding through the night. I live in the code. It's just impossible for me to keep a healthy, sane, happy, family oriented lifestyle at the same time. It's all or nothing. Thankfully it got me positioned in the world, paid off my debts, and such.

I occasionally daydream of designing and coding a game. Then I remember what a terrible idea that would be for me. Maybe when I was 20.
I'm studying software development too, and let me tell you I went blind into it, without any prior knowledge or interest in the matter. I can say that I still don't hold a particular interest in it, and I only really code when there is an assignment or something like that (I guess kinda like FriedConsole that only codes for work). Not to say that I am bad at it, I am no genius either, but I do really well in class. I can see how people enjoy it and could spend their whole day just tinkering around with it, but the interest in that for me just isn't there. I see my coding as a means to an end, which is to make money to live and sustain myself, my interests and my loved ones. Once I finish my degree, that will pretty much be it.
Careful, that's how I ended up doing engineering for 15 years

2 year Drafting degree cuz I didn't know what else to do turns into 5 years of, "I'll just do this for a little while, I sure don't want this to be what I do with my life," then suddenly you blink and it's 10 years later and you realize you're old, doughy, and in the middle of a career

I'm of the "if you can't do what you love, love what you do" school though
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