Is Double Dragon (Arcade Port) releasing today on the store?
So bought if so.
Looks like it's up.
Has anyone bought it yet? How's the emulation?
Is Double Dragon (Arcade Port) releasing today on the store?
So bought if so.
I need to purchase a PSP soon. I had the original (gave away), 2000 (sold off). I'm looking into buying one off eBay. Revision 3000 is the one to purchase?
I need to find a clean version of the EO image everyone was talking about earlier and make it my new avatar.
Well of course that's easy...me on the other hand, I should have asked for a transparent version when I commissioned this one. The manually re-transparent'd one I use for Youtube is...best seen not at native scale
Speaking of, I made something for you:
And when you see it, you spent two hours making avatars. Most of them you'll never use. Aye.
These days are gone now, at least.
If you want a really cheap PSP you can buy the E1000 (Street) which is surprisingly sturdy. The screen is also really good but has absolutely horrible viewing angles. It also has no wifi.I need to purchase a PSP soon. I had the original (gave away), 2000 (sold off). I'm looking into buying one off eBay. Revision 3000 is the one to purchase?
I need to find a clean version of the EO image everyone was talking about earlier and make it my new avatar.
Something amazing.What have you done??? Now I'm torn if I should use that one, it's so pretty.
What image is that?
link in the OP of http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1044937
I actually have the artbook so I'd just need to scan it, but the background isn't white, oh well.
Does that mean you also have the image for the guys?
Yep, pretty sure they are in the artbook, I could PM you later when I get home.
I'm not aware of any issues with the 3000. Absolutely avoid the 1000 and 1000E. Is 3000 the one that finally removed the ghosting effect that blacks had on the PSP? If so it's definitely what you want...I forget which revision I have, but that was as big a gamechanger as the smaller size.
If you want a really cheap PSP you can buy the E1000 (Street) which is surprisingly sturdy. The screen is also really good but has absolutely horrible viewing angles. It also has no wifi.
If you want the best overall, I guess it's up to you if you prefer ghosting (2k) or interlacing (3k). Or, you know, just a Vita and you're good.
Is SAO good? There are quite a few people in here that seems to like it, but I have 0 knowledge about it.
Is SAO good? There are quite a few people in here that seems to like it, but I have 0 knowledge about it.
People forgot the PSP Go already? Best model is best!
People forgot the PSP Go already? Best model is best!
I wish I bought a PSP Go years ago, but then again, I decided to go with a PSP-3000 then because of UMD-only games, although now it's harder to find a PSP Go than a PSP-3000.
Is SAO good? There are quite a few people in here that seems to like it, but I have 0 knowledge about it.
Tap Tap was unsure which model he has. But since you have a 3000. Did you experience any issues as report in the link I quoted from Tap Tap? Interlacing? Will it affect gameplay?
One word: Custom firmware. Makes the PSP Go a thing of absolute beauty. Pretty sure I even have EEE ripped (using my PSP 2000) and copied over to my PSP Go... such awesome.Doesn't the PSP Go lack the UMD drive? If I recall correctly the Go is pretty much a lower performance Vita that can only retrieve games through PSN (or was that taken away also?)
I am consistently pleased to find that Massa and I have similar opinions. It makes me think I have good taste.Yep! The Go is an amazing little device. Easily the most comfortable PSP, with the best screen too.
Just pre-ordered The Witcher. I know I won't finish it, but the hype around it was stronger than me
Is SAO good? There are quite a few people in here that seems to like it, but I have 0 knowledge about it.
I wish i had the Monster Hunter PSP LE. Everything about it looks amazing. The concave analog nub, the better grip, bigger battery, man.
My brother had one, until he forgot it on a cab.
Yup and yup, hoping it translates well to the Vita, cuz if so that's how I will be playing it. I don't own a PC powerful enough to run this beast aha.on PS4? I was wondering if I should get it to RemotePlay
but I'll just play it on PC when it's out (got the Steam version preordered for... months)
You know if that new DQ8 were released on the PSVita, it would've gotten some nice sale boosts.
Not that Sony Japan cares THAT much sadly.
You know if that new DQ8 were released on the PSVita, it would've gotten some nice sale boosts.
Not that Sony Japan cares THAT much sadly.
...It will sell more on the 3DS.
no Tizoc. you would see 3DS portbegs and no one getting banned.
Who cares, it'd look sexier on dat OLED~
I mean let's say DQ8 Remake is an N3DS game not a 3DS game; people would still gotta buy a new handheld for it!
Careful mate, you're proving that my 'Blindly faithful Nintendo Bias' conspiracy to be true.
Who cares, it'd look sexier on dat OLED~
I mean let's say DQ8 Remake is an N3DS game not a 3DS game; people would still gotta buy a new handheld for it!
what are you talking about?
you would see PS4 portbegs and no one would be banned too
tizoc pls,
dq8 3ds gonna be a port with some added content
Now you're going into 'It's OK because it is on PS4' bias conspiracy territory!
Now you're going into 'It's OK because it is on PS4' bias conspiracy territory!
So what was Persona 4 Golden?
It's already announced as a regular 3DS game.
Plus the port begging in that thread as it is hasn't been what I'd call egregious.
Bit of a bummer, but wouldn't it being on the N3DS let the game benefit from its stronger hardware?
Capcom are at the top when it comes making good looking and animating games on 3DS.