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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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there's minor residue on them and they also fog up. you're not supposed to keep them on. bet you the games will look better without them.

Obviously I know they're not supposed to be kept on, but I really would appreciate china to start pumping out lens protectors for them. The lenses are most likely plastic (as oculus and vive are) and that means scratches, even using the microfiber cloth.

The only time I've had trouble with condensation was when I was playing whist having wet hair having just had a shower. Usually it's crystal clear and I play for around 2 hours at a time.


If they nail a good sense of building stuff in Dreams, that's going to be the ultimate VR app for me. Nothing should come close.

Yeah, I have to agree. I was mildly curious about Dreams when it was announced, but after trying the easel in the Harmonix visualizer, I'm a lot more sold on the creation tools in Dreams if they're going to be more comprehensive. It's going to be ZBrush For Dummies.
So, let me get this straight:
The PS4 Media Player 2.50 does not view any stereoscopic 3D content (side-by-side, over-under)?
Only 360 equirectangular photos/videos, which are displayed as flat panoramas around the user?

YEP, its completely useless until they patch in support for 3D content.


So I just picked one up on a whim. I haven't done much research on library up to this point but, what is the current consensus of must-have games?


Obviously I know they're not supposed to be kept on, but I really would appreciate china to start pumping out lens protectors for them. The lenses are most likely plastic (as oculus and vive are) and that means scratches, even using the microfiber cloth.

The only time I've had trouble with condensation was when I was playing whist having wet hair having just had a shower. Usually it's crystal clear and I play for around 2 hours at a time.

The lenses are glass. Not Fresnel or whatever that is like the Vive/Oculus. I've used the cloth to rub them down often and no scratches. :eek:

You can check out there teardown here. Conventional lenses!
maybe you're like those people who can't see stereoscopic 3D as well as others or at all? the depth is vital to VR, if you can't experience that then it's no better then a 360 youtube video playing on vita strapped to your face.

I can see 3D in movies just fine (but I do hate watching 3D movies), and I have no problem with depth perception. It's not like VR doesn't "work" for me, it's more like I'm not really impressed with it. For something that costs hundreds of dollars, the technology still feels pretty nascent. I just don't really feel "immersed" in the same way that people describe.

I think part of it is just that I'm a pretty emotionally tame person. I see reaction videos on YouTube and think, "do people actually act/feel that way?" I really want to get excited about VR but I'm standing in the middle of this space with stuff happening all around me and my first thought is, "that's it?"


I let my mom try DriveClub and she was trying to turn the wheel like it would actually turn. I couldn't help but laugh inside.


I'm at work, so I can't check, but, man, I was in such a hurry to play I didn't even check to see about a protective plastic sticker on the lenses. I'll be sure and check when I get home.

As for impressions, I don't regret the purchase at all. Games have me excited in a way I haven't been excited since I was a kid. Even with the lower resolution, the immersion is fantastic, and I've only played (some) of the free demos so far.


The lenses are glass. Not Fresnel or whatever that is like the Vive/Oculus. I've used the cloth to rub them down often and no scratches. :eek:

You can check out there teardown here. Conventional lenses!

I checked it out, but saw no mention of glass :/ Fresnel and Conventional just refers to the type of lens, not the material they're made from.


Anyone got a direct link to the amazon warehouse Ines? Can't seem to search for them unless they're already all gone


Neo Member
Has anyone else noticed that the button on the back of the headset to loosen the strap doesn't really do anything? For instance, I can tighten the strap using the wheel, but when I push the button the rubberband strap still doesn't loosen. Is everyone's like this? If so, I'm not quite sure what the button then is actually for because it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm hoping I don't have a defective unit...


Is Sports Bar VR still happening today? The store has had it's Tuesday update and it's still not up.

I am not seeing it either. I bought a code from Amazon and they sent me the code but it's reading as an invalid code on PSN as well.

EDIT: According to THIS the game should be on the store, but it isn't. And my code from Amazon still ain't workin'


I checked it out, but saw no mention of glass :/ Fresnel and Conventional just refers to the type of lens, not the material they're made from.

Well, I've seen no scratches from normal use so I dunno. But leaving the film on seems like a bad idea to me for visual quality. Can't help but think the residue from the film is actually making the games look worse. When I removed the film, there was some residue on the lenses and I had to wipe them off.


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
I'm halfway through Rush of Blood and I'm surprised at being able to play it. It's damn scary (more so than just about any horror movie) but it's not scary enough to make me stop because it's so compelling. When I do freak out, it only lasts for a moment and then I immediately start laughing at my own reaction. It's also surprisingly long. A great value at just $20.

Tumble VR
My other favorite VR title. It's such a simple concept but is perfect for VR since manipulating objects in 3D space is so intuitive. However, I'm stuck on puzzle 19 so if anyone knows the trick, I'd appreciate a tip. Again, a great value for just $10.

As for my stomach, I'm pretty sure I'm getting more tolerant to VR but it's not perfect and I still feel a bit "bleh" hours later. Even though the science is mixed, I think I'm going to try some ginger pills and see if that does anything because I do so enjoy PSVR.


I can see 3D in movies just fine (but I do hate watching 3D movies), and I have no problem with depth perception. It's not like VR doesn't "work" for me, it's more like I'm not really impressed with it. For something that costs hundreds of dollars, the technology still feels pretty nascent. I just don't really feel "immersed" in the same way that people describe.

I think part of it is just that I'm a pretty emotionally tame person. I see reaction videos on YouTube and think, "do people actually act/feel that way?" I really want to get excited about VR but I'm standing in the middle of this space with stuff happening all around me and my first thought is, "that's it?"

It's fine if you're not really impressed, but are you sure you turned on VR mode for Thumper? It's a specific option that you have to choose in the main menu. That's in the main game, I don't think it applies to the demo. Just want to make sure you're getting the full experience.

Wait, how can I play the Re7 kitchen VR demo? I launched the beginning hour and it didn't work, don't see it on the store either.

It's a separate demo on the PSVR demo disc/download.

Here's a link to the download.


The lenses are glass. Not Fresnel or whatever that is like the Vive/Oculus. I've used the cloth to rub them down often and no scratches. :eek:

You can check out there teardown here. Conventional lenses!

Fresnel is a type of lens, not a material. You could make a Fresnel lens out of glass (though it would kind of defeat the weight savings we're after here). PSVR just has simple lenses. Like the DK1/DK2.

I'd be surprised if they were glass though. Plastic with a hardened coating would make far more sense from a weight perspective.


Fresnel is a type of lens, not a material. You could make a Fresnel lens out of glass (though it would kind of defeat the weight savings we're after here). PSVR just has simple lenses. Like the DK1/DK2.

I'd be surprised if they were glass though. Plastic with a hardened coating would make far more sense from a weight perspective.

Two other Gaffers told me it's glass. I'll search for other sites to check.


Anyone have any advice as to the best pistol shell for a move controller? The official Sony one?

I NEED two for Until Dawn. I NEED IT.

EDIT - The Gamestop I was just at in lower Manhattan had preowned move controllers for $14 a pop and still had a few available. YMMV


Two other Gaffers told me it's glass. I'll search for other sites to check.

Just leave a comment asking on the iFixit article, they will probably respond.

I can see 3D in movies just fine (but I do hate watching 3D movies), and I have no problem with depth perception. It's not like VR doesn't "work" for me, it's more like I'm not really impressed with it. For something that costs hundreds of dollars, the technology still feels pretty nascent. I just don't really feel "immersed" in the same way that people describe.

I think part of it is just that I'm a pretty emotionally tame person. I see reaction videos on YouTube and think, "do people actually act/feel that way?" I really want to get excited about VR but I'm standing in the middle of this space with stuff happening all around me and my first thought is, "that's it?"

I think that's just the limits of PSVR, I have the same problems. Most "life size" intended games look maybe ~70-80% scale (miniaturized) to me and I often get a sense it's just a giant 3DTV strapped to my face. Believe it's a function of PSVR's lack of a physical IPD adjustment (which also seems to be introducing lens distortion artifacts for those on the extremes) and omission of a real floor or height calibration. Do you know your IPD, did you try running the set up where the camera attempts to measure it? The headset is designed for 63mm and 63mm only, the further you're off from that, the worse your experience is going to be in several respects. Their software solution seems dubious and possibly buggy or poorly implemented. Sony gotta save them costs, just be glad they're making profit from day 0 at our expense.
I struggled a bit using my glasses at first, then remembered I had a pair of prescription sports goggles.

It makes PSVR feel like a bit of a ritual, slide the sofa apart, move my office chair into the living room, don the goggles and go in. But, it works quite well.

My big issue is that I picked up the Playstation Eye to use with my PSVR bundle move controllers to try and play some light gun games (RE: Umbrella Chronicles & Darkside Chronicles) and cannot get it to calibrate properly for the life of me. Cursor jumps all over no matter the lighting, distance, etc. It was a used PS Eye but the video feed seems fine, not sure of the problem at all.
It sounds more complicated than it is

Put the headset on and tighten it 75%
Shut one eye and move the headset up down left right until that eye is crystal clear, now close that eye and move onto the other, whilst adjusting for the second eye frequently check the first is still clear.

The headset may feel like it's sitting funny when you finish but you'll have perfect vision and should get zero bloom when reading the adjust headset text, even at the edges.

Thanks the advice and for clearing that up! On my way home now, can't wait to try this!!!
Got my launch bundle yesterday, my first experience wasn't that good. I started with London Heist. When the actual game play started I began to feel a lot of frustration because I had trouble reaching out for stuff/hiding, kept going out the camera view. So after constantly repositioning my view I decided to stop and rearrange my room to get more space between the camera and me.

After that I was just really into it, I loved being able to interact with all the stuff, reloading the gun feels so satisfying! The car chase was also amazing, really liked moving around to try and shoot the other guys.

After that I played the playroom vr platformer, which was really good, felt kinda funny when the camera pulled back.

Thumper was amazing, definitely getting that. Also loved battlezone but I'll probably get it on sale eventually, probably too expensive at the moment for me.

I was expecting to get really sick with driveclub but I was able to complete the race without a hitch (and in first place!) but the low resolution is really a shame, maybe if it gets patched with the Pro I'll get it then.

I think the biggest let down was Rigs, I just wandered clueless and got shot til death until the demo was over, lol.

Scavenger's odyssey from PSVR worlds was another highlight, even though it started to give me a bit of cold sweats when I was jumping around too much. I ended up playing until 3 in the morning without realizing it!

Must say, coming from a gear vr, I was really impressed that there's pretty much no screendoor effect here (even though I had read about it). Excited to try batman tonight!
Jumping onto the impressions bandwagon. I own (and love) my Gear VR. Played a lot of Vive (we have one in office) and a good amount of RIFT. Spent a good two hours with PSVR last night. The FOV is a little narrower than I'd like. The GEAR VR definitely offers more immersion which just feels more encompassing with that wider FOV. However with regards to hardware, that is my only gripe. The comfort of the headset goes a LONG way to making longer play sessions easier. I've never spent two hours in VR on Gear VR. On PSVR, depending on the game, it's possible.

DriveClub VR
I didn't get sick, but the low resolution hurts this game. The modeling inside of the vehicle is amazing, and actually makes you feel like you're in a car. However, the resolution is so low in the distance that it's very difficult to judge turns to race effectively. It's pretty disappointing because despite the drop in visual fidelity (and cars, and weather effects) from the non-VR version, the game runs great. The tracking problems are real. Similar to the giant bomb video, you'll begin sinking into your vehicle which will require a re-synch.

I'm going to give this another go tonight. I'm not sure if I need to re-calibrate, but using the VR head tracking option in the game causes wild overcompensation when turning. Turn your head just a bit, and your entire RIG spins too much in a direction, which is weird.
Not sure if i enjoy the arena-based esports aspect of it. That might change once I get a good grasp of the controls, but with the issue above in mind, the game plays smoothly. I think i'd much rather a campaign or open map team-based battle game, though. Mech Warrior or Titanfall, please. This will do for now, though.

London Heist
Woah. I wasn't prepared for how awesome this would be once you get the move controllers working correctly. If sony decides to come out with another/better controller/camera and charge $200.00 for it, I'll buy it. PSVR really shines when you have a properly functioning Move Controller/camera setup. Sitting at the table talking to the mob boss, picking up your phone, smoking your cig, wafting smoke....just freaking amazing. I haven't tried Arkham yet, but this is easily my favorite experience so far. It actually caught me off guard how impressed I was because i've had quite a bit of experience with VR prior. More of THIS please.

NOTE: so every game needs to program a mode where your controller or MOVE wands can be seen once you enter the viewing space of the camera. You should be able to see the corresponding buttons on the device. Seriously.
Alright, so after trying all available demos, I kinda made the weird call to make Harmonix VR my first VR purchase. There are several other games I am really interested in, but for now I would just like to focus on this, as I read some reviews before I bought it and most people are trashing it to hell and back.

The easel mode is genuinely awesome and the best VR feeling I have encountered so far. Its a 3D drawing application with the strokes reacting to the music. To get the bad out of the way: The rest of Harmonix VR is kinda... pointless, which is also the reason why most reviews turned out so incredibly negative. Most of the other stuff is actually pretty shitty, so I will likely never do much in those modes, but I came back to that 3D drawing again and again and again. Drawing around me feels so much more vivid in VR than any of the other VR experiences managed to be so far. Its still a bit janky and probably overpriced for what it is, but omg do I love this ... lets call it application instead of game.

This is making me want Dreams VR sooooo much. If you are a creative type and you like doodling around with different brushes and whatnot, definitely try the Harmonix VR demo. Unfortunately, you will need to finish the pointless first level first, but in the Easel mode, you can already check if this is something for you or not.

I made some screenshots to share, but keep in mind that its of course not even remotely as interesting to look at them as screenshots (and drawing them yourself is even better). I usually tend to load up my playlist with stuff from the USB stick and draw something that the first random song inspires me to.



I really wish Harmonix would continue to expand on this, as this is genuinely the only "game" so far that drags me out of reality into this little VR world that I interact with.
My wife and I did the exact same thing. Our first purchase was Harmonix Music VR mostly for The Easel.

I really hope they do more with it, I'd like to see more shapes, colors, objects, etc... But we lost all of last night playing it. She made a Halloween scene with a Skeleton, Witch's Cauldron, Ghost and Pumpkin. (Pics to follow) It was all very impressive, and flat pics do these drawings no justice. I ended up making a cross-eyed dragon blowing kisses at a disco snail. It is stupid fun and unlike anything else on the store. I really recommend it just for Easel alone.


people making me paranoid about wearing glasses. it is a little unwieldy putting the headset on as a glasses wearer.

albeit i have google cardboard and those lenses have been scratched and that didn't really affect the viewing experience.


I'm having the following issues with my newly unboxed PSVR.

-Lots of drift in cinema mode, like correcting it every 5 mins
-Debris in the optical path on the right side, looks like a lint or fuzz inside
-Red and blue fringing around white objects or lettering (red top, blue bottom)

Is this fairly normal stuff, or should I swap it?


London Heist
Woah. I wasn't prepared for how awesome this would be once you get the move controllers working correctly. If sony decides to come out with another/better controller/camera and charge $200.00 for it, I'll buy it. PSVR really shines when you have a properly functioning Move Controller/camera setup. Sitting at the table talking to the mob boss, picking up your phone, smoking your cig, wafting smoke....just freaking amazing. I haven't tried Arkham yet, but this is easily my favorite experience so far. It actually caught me off guard how impressed I was because i've had quite a bit of experience with VR prior. More of THIS please.
Seconded so hard. I wasn't expecting to be as floored as I was by The London Heist. There are so many little things that blew me away. I left off on the highway chase last night, hoping to go back and get past that tonight; died a few times before having to call it quits last night to do stuff around the house.


people making me paranoid about wearing glasses. it is a little unwieldy putting the headset on as a glasses wearer.

albeit i have google cardboard and those lenses have been scratched and that didn't really affect the viewing experience.

Tbh you're eyes are so close to them it probably won't effect your viewing experience. My glasses are pretty scuffed up anyway and i don't notice unless i take them off to inspect them.
Seconded so hard. I wasn't expecting to be as floored as I was by The London Heist. There are so many little things that blew me away. I left off on the highway chase last night, hoping to go back and get past that tonight; died a few times before having to call it quits last night to do stuff around the house.

I stopped at the hotel shootout. Calibration issues and VR fatigue. Still pretty amazing. I actually had to look down the gun sights to shoot properly. Didn't realize that I naturally tilt my hands/head/body in a direction, and VR exposes these tendencies. Ducking and standing and aiming and shooting - it's wildly entertaining. As you begin reloading and shooting and getting into that rhythm? I feel like great game designers can takes these tools to extraordinary places. Honestly, this game made me think that I would love a HITMAN game in VR. I don't want to shoot a DOZEN people but focus in an open world to assassinate ONE person. Just amazing tech when done properly.


I'm having the following issues with my newly unboxed PSVR.

-Lots of drift in cinema mode, like correcting it every 5 mins
-Debris in the optical path on the right side, looks like a lint or fuzz inside
-Red and blue fringing around white objects or lettering (red top, blue bottom)

Is this fairly normal stuff, or should I swap it?

With regards to your third point, try moving the headset down towards your nose, such that your eyes are are positioned closer towards the top part of the lenses. This seemed to be the sweet spot for me.

Also, try doing the eye distance calibration operation in the ps4/devices/PSVR settings menu. Make sure your eyes are actually 2' away from the camera, as it asks for. I used a tape measure to do this.

In addition to helping the read shift, it made the headset WAY less nauseating to use during longer sessions.

Hope this helps.


maybe you're like those people who can't see stereoscopic 3D as well as others or at all? the depth is vital to VR, if you can't experience that then it's no better then a 360 youtube video playing on vita strapped to your face.

I can't see stereoscopic or 3D in movies and VR works perfectly for me. Depth is great.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
I'm halfway through Rush of Blood and I'm surprised at being able to play it. It's damn scary (more so than just about any horror movie) but it's not scary enough to make me stop because it's so compelling. When I do freak out, it only lasts for a moment and then I immediately start laughing at my own reaction. It's also surprisingly long. A great value at just $20.
I'm in the same boat as you. Horror games aren't my favorite; the anxiety just becomes too overwhelming for me.

However, I adored Until Dawn (PS4 game)! It mastered the ebb and flow of suspense, scares, and then release. The scares that did happen, I reacted the same way as you. I especially loved how Until Dawn uses the PS Camera to record the player leading up to a scare and then capturing the reaction.

I think Rush of Blood follows exceptionally well in its predecessor's footsteps. The same, suspense, scare, release pacing is perfect. And I think the replayability is definitely there. I accidentally discovered that there are multiple paths throughout the levels. I am excited to not only try to beat my scores, but also experience the different parts of each level.
I did this for about 15 minutes while playing it in the beginning and then let my daughter do the same. Arkham VR is a legitimately awesome experience, but it's hilarious that I found the dancing animation of Batman to be the most impressive aspect of it.

Also, was I the only one who felt actual immersion when going down the elevator? It felt like I was actually moving down.

I felt it too


A friend of mine got his PSVR today and he told me that the resolution on his Samsung TV switches to a sub-1080p one when playing a game in VR. When he closes the game the resolution switches back to the regular one.

Has anyone here figured out a solution for this? I think I saw some people having the same issues, but not sure if anyone managed to get it fixed.
A friend of mine got his PSVR today and he told me that the resolution on his Samsung TV switches to a sub-1080p one when playing a game in VR. When he closes the game the resolution switches back to the regular one.

Has anyone here figured out a solution for this? I think I saw some people having the same issues, but not sure if anyone managed to get it fixed.

Isn't this normal?


Been using this one on my 3 year old, but it is losing effectiveness. She called my bluff when I told her the restaurant would call the police if she didn't finish her Mac & cheese.
😂😂😂 I cant stop laughing! I dont think my son would fall for it, kid is freaking smart.


A friend of mine got his PSVR today and he told me that the resolution on his Samsung TV switches to a sub-1080p one when playing a game in VR. When he closes the game the resolution switches back to the regular one.

Has anyone here figured out a solution for this? I think I saw some people having the same issues, but not sure if anyone managed to get it fixed.

I had my ps4 set to "auto" resolution and it seems to be doing some odd things sometimes when someone is playing VR.

One time when we went back to the main page of the demo disk the TV just went black and would not come back until we shut the headset off. Everything else was fine.

I also get weird resolutions when someone is playing thumper.

I don't think the tv supports 1080p, that might be part of it.
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