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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Worth the money? How young do you think kids could be to do this?

Definitely worth the money for me. I don't know if young kids would manage it. Some of the stuff is pretty complicated, my 19 year old girlfriend and I (24) struggled with some of it.

You can check out the defusal manual at http://www.bombmanual.com and see if you think your kids could understand it


Best Buy has a store branded one for $19.99 I picked one up to move the camera to the top of my tv to hopefully help out with standing games like job simulator.

That's definitely the lowest price I've heard so far, thanks! That's exactly why I want it, too. The default cable can barely make it up high enough to be effective for standing games. Plus, I want to mount it to a microphone stand soon so I can just move it wherever I happen to want to play.
Was there any technical changes in design/quality of the launch unit from the demo units Best Buy had this summer?
Screendoor effect is wayyyyyy better now


Just played Rez Area X. Seriously next-level gaming type shenanigans going on there.

Rez 2 has to happen. Please for the love of everything that's good, it has to happen.

Look for Child of Eden, it's from Mizuguchi as well and it would be a dream in VR
played it today. My first VR experience. Awesome. Played job simulator and rush of blood.

Job simulator was fun experience but hardly a game in traditional sense. Good tech demo though.

I could not play rush of blood much at all since I was scared. I was so much in fear that something will creep up near me that I had to turn it off. This was very effective.

Good future. I hope this becomes wireless in the future.


Fuckin Brookhaven man... Even on normal the shit is not easy at all. Can't get past the Storm drainage level. Got to the final part but then I lost control of the situation and died...


We have games with head turning where you can jump, double jump, boost, 180, 360, 720, 1337, etc.

Why would this work any different. Turn your head, you turn in game. You don't have to ever pick your feet up from the ground or butt off the chair.

If youre talking about Rigs, then I think thats controlled prety differently than Farpoint. Farpoint is more a standing game. But again we will see.


But can't you move freely in Farpoint? Hence the analog stick on the Aim Controller?

Yes, Analog stick controls character movement, but you can only turn based on where you look. I have only played demos of Farpoint and Rigs so far.

So my memory could be wrong and I wasn't specifically taking notes, but pretty sure its like this.

Thumbstick, moves you forward, backward and strafe
The headset fully controls your view/turning.

So its easy to get turned around while standing, and I dont recall anyway to turn with the sticks. I think either both sticks did the exact same thing or 1 of them did nothing.

Though, it was a demo, so there could be some other control options in retail.
Regardless its pretty cool and felt natural.
Just played Rez Area X. Seriously next-level gaming type shenanigans going on there.

Rez 2 has to happen. Please for the love of everything that's good, it has to happen.


That was incredible. It blew my mind and has to be a hint that they want to make a new Rez. Right?... Right????? A full fledge follow up would be what we need.

I can't wait to play Resident Evil 7 in vr. The kitchen demo completely sold me on the game. It's gonna be fucking intense!

Yeah I was thinking it would be too pixely to play on my first playthrough in VR. But after the demo and feeling the "presence" I think I'm down to play this in VR on day one.


Finally got mine today and it lives up to the hype. When it was announced I just thought "Hmpf cool I guess", but this is an experience. When the guy points the gun at you in the Heist game I actually cringed a bit. It was a crazy experience realizing that not only can I look behind me but I can lean and move a bit. I can barely play regular horror games (I did beat Alien Iso) so there is no way that I will even try those demos.
Preorder Robinson at $40/32 (if you have Prime) from Amazon before they update MSRP to $60.


PSVR Robinson: The Journey - PlayStation 4 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M5BODWT/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Crytek announced MSRP at $60 today. http://crytek.com/news/crytek--s-ro...-available-from-early-november-for-5999--5999

Edit: Wario64 says same price at GameStop FYI.

Done. Much thanks. I got in the Eve deal as well and Amazon was a good sport about it.


Looks like Star Trek: Bridge Crew has been delayed to March 2017. On the one hand, that sucks, on the other, I hope they use the time to really polish the title, and the delay pretty much guarantees Pro support.


Anybody else putting on their headset before reaching for headphones, controllers, beverage, etc? Lol!

The best is the games that render the controller in game like vr playroom platformer. Even when you put it down you can find it. Always makes me laugh


I'm looking for a game to buy the full version of, and I absolutely LOVED the Until Dawn demo, are you liking the full game? How many hours have you put into it? Do you think it's worth the cash?

Probably 2 full hours - been switching between various games and had to replay level 3 because I got stuck on the boss. For $19 I think its worth it. There are 7 levels and it has replay ability for high scores and hidden items. If you liked the demo and want another 6 levels of that quality it's a no brainier.


I just bought my PSVR and I was loving messing around with the Playroom and Demo CD. But then I played Driveclub. At first I thought it was really cool and I loved looking around while I was driving in the car. But with everyou turn I could start to feel motion sickness creeping along until I had to stop and exit the game. After that all other games I tried were too much. Even though I can tell the games themselves arent as bad as Drive club in terms of motion sickness but the damage was already done at that point. I took a little break, came back and tried out Witcher 3 with the goggles on and that was really amazing. But again, I was still feeling a bit nauseous so I just turned off the whole system for now.

Any tips to minimze motion sickness like this? I don't typically get this feelings like on roller coaster or rides etc. Is it settings/calibration? is my brain just still getting used to it all? Or are there just games like Drive club that make you feel sick no matter what?
I just bought my PSVR and I was loving messing around with the Playroom and Demo CD. But then I played Driveclub. At first I thought it was really cool and I loved looking around while I was driving in the car. But with everyou turn I could start to feel motion sickness creeping along until I had to stop and exit the game. After that all other games I tried were too much. Even though I can tell the games themselves arent as bad as Drive club in terms of motion sickness but the damage was already done at that point. I took a little break, came back and tried out Witcher 3 with the goggles on and that was really amazing. But again, I was still feeling a bit nauseous so I just turned off the whole system for now.

Any tips to minimze motion sickness like this? I don't typically get this feelings like on roller coaster or rides etc. Is it settings/calibration? is my brain just still getting used to it all? Or are there just games like Drive club that make you feel sick no matter what?

Many people notice they build tolerance over time to motion sickness. Perhaps take your time to get used to it more.


Yah I figured ultimately it will be a test of time. Practice makes perfect right?

Don't practice when you start getting sick. Play low to medium intensity games to build up tolerance.

And yeah I'm like you I got sick in Drive Club demo and couldn't even play with cinema mode. But after 6 days of usage my tolerance is so much better now.


Don't practice when you start getting sick. Play low to medium intensity games to build up tolerance.

And yeah I'm like you I got sick in Drive Club demo and couldn't even play with cinema mode. But after 6 days of usage my tolerance is so much better now.
That's good to hear for sure. Sucks though cause my friend loves racing games and I'd love to show her that but it's probably better if we start off with something simpler hah.


Yah I figured ultimately it will be a test of time. Practice makes perfect right?

Try those less intense games first to ease yourself in, not DriveClub or Rigs, maybe things like Batman, Tumble or London Heist.

You can try the popular remedies for normal nausea.

Ginger (ale for example) is a popular one that should help.
Let a lot of fresh air into the room.
Fresh, but not overwhelming scents like cut lemon or mint.

I've had some acupressure bracelets as a kid that seemed to help me with motion sickness in a car.


I saw a post from someone recommending adjusting the player seating position in DC so there's more dashboard showing - maybe somewhere ITT?
Not only is a crappy game, Scavengers Odyssey is the first VR game that may have made me a little queasy. Even Drive Club VR was ok.
Just had this same experience. No issues with DCVR but I couldn't make it 20 minutes in this. I think the combination of stick movement, stick camera, VR look/aim and a varying 3D background environment all at the same time is too much. Even in something like Rigs with the first 3 of those 4 you have a constant, steady horizontal plane for reference.
I saw a post from someone recommending adjusting the player seating position in DC so there's more dashboard showing - maybe somewhere ITT?
Leaning forward/backward from your sitting position and recalibrating during the in-car seating adjustments can get you some extra visibility. Just be careful if you recalibrate in the middle of your event after that.
Pixel Gear, which came out in Tuesday, is a pretty fun game for the price(under $10 for psplus). Easy platinum trophy too for the trophy hunters.

I was surprised with how accurate it is. Reminds me of those older light gun shooters but with mine craft graphics and cool looking guns.


Looks like Star Trek: Bridge Crew has been delayed to March 2017.

Ah, pushed back to Switch release for the VR adapter

I just bought my PSVR and I was loving messing around with the Playroom and Demo CD. But then I played Driveclub. At first I thought it was really cool and I loved looking around while I was driving in the car. But with everyou turn I could start to feel motion sickness creeping along until I had to stop and exit the game.]After that all other games I tried were too much. [/B Even though I can tell the games themselves arent as bad as Drive club in terms of motion sickness but the damage was already done at that point. I took a little break, came back and tried out Witcher 3 with the goggles on and that was really amazing. But again, I was still feeling a bit nauseous so I just turned off the whole system for now.

If you start feeling like that take it off and go do something else. Trying to persevere won't end well.

I saw a post from someone recommending adjusting the player seating position in DC so there's more dashboard showing - maybe somewhere ITT?

I have no issues at all with this game, I match my wheel to the in-game one as closely as possible, usually this means as far forward as possible and higher than default.
For anyone that might have missed it like I did, Robinson The Journey is launching on 8th/9th of November!

Nice, sooner than I expected.


Was wondering about when we'd get a date since it got delayed from launch at the last minute. Makes up for the Star Trek delay.

I actually think it's a good thing Robinson got pushed back slightly since now there's a new title that I want so soon in a couple of weeks even beyond everything that came out day one.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
For anyone that might have missed it like I did, Robinson The Journey is launching on 8th/9th of November!

Nice, sooner than I expected.

Oh fuck. Awesome. Day before the Pro. Hope it has a patch...

So I hooked it up yesterday for a couple hours after work. Pleasantly surprised. It's not quite as impressive as my Vive, but considering the price and the hardware, it holds up VERY nicely.

Played some demos, as well as Robot Rescue, The Depths, and Rigs. Rigs is fanstastic, the options are well thought or, and it's a lot deeper than I expected. Can't wait to play more.

One thing of note, and I noticed how much of an effect is has with my Vive, supersamling is a HUGE deal for these VR games. Really hoping Sony will have hear VR games getting Pro Patches, because with some sumpersampling, games like Rigs, Robinson, EVE, etc will look STUNNING on PSVR.


Oh fuck. Awesome. Day before the Pro. Hope it has a patch...

So I hooked it up yesterday for a couple hours after work. Pleasantly surprised. It's not quite as impressive as my Vive, but considering the price and the hardware, it holds up VERY nicely.

Played some demos, as well as Robot Rescue, The Depths, and Rigs. Rigs is fanstastic, the options are well thought or, and it's a lot deeper than I expected. Can't wait to play more.

One thing of note, and I noticed how much of an effect is has with my Vive, supersamling is a HUGE deal for these VR games. Really hoping Sony will have hear VR games getting Pro Patches, because with some sumpersampling, games like Rigs, Robinson, EVE, etc will look STUNNING on PSVR.
If I understand this correctly Pros GPU has some extra features that will improve VR-performance, and just not better raw power.
I'm on mobile so it's hard to link to, but I'm going by Crytek's twitter which clearly states Nov 8 for US, Nov 9 for the rest.

I see, maybe Amazon will adjust the release date then. Looking forward to play this game and i'm glad it's coming out sooner than i expected


If I understand this correctly Pros GPU has some extra features that will improve VR-performance, and just not better raw power.

Hardware assist for multi-res rendering, allowing periphery to be generated cheaply. DF going to write up the VR side of Pro in a separate article soon apparently.


Alright, so... I did it so you wouldn't have to. I tried VR Porn in PSVR. Downloaded some from Pornhub and popped them on a flash drive.

That fucking sucked, no pun intended. Most videos were centered almost behind you, resulting in you having to do some neck exercises while holding down the Options button in order to try and center it in front of you. After you do that, you are greeted by GIANT women who don't even look human due to the heavily compressed 720p video being pushed up against your eyes.
Tho I'm sure that's someone fetish, in which case you're golden.

I know a lot of people were curious, so there you go. Only way it's going to be any good is if companies start making porn focusing on PSVR. But unless it becomes this huge force and companies see money to be made there, it's unlikely.


Oh fuck. Awesome. Day before the Pro. Hope it has a patch...

One thing of note, and I noticed how much of an effect is has with my Vive, supersamling is a HUGE deal for these VR games. Really hoping Sony will have hear VR games getting Pro Patches, because with some sumpersampling, games like Rigs, Robinson, EVE, etc will look STUNNING on PSVR.

This is one of my primary concerns. Worried it's being released a day before so they don't have to bother with mandatory Pro support.
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