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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Welp, the hype was too much for me to bear, so as of two nights ago, count me in the ranks of PSVR owners.

Set up wasn't bad and the mess of wires isn't as horrifically unruly as I'd feared. I have taken to pulling my PS4 on top of my TV stand as it sound like a jet engine inside the shelving, moreso now with the extra processor in there. Also keeping a close eye on my dogs as I'm worried they're going to run past and trip up on the headset cable.

As for the games and demos I tried:

REZ: Always loved this game and it didn't disappoint in VR. Blown away when the running man flew past me. Seemed easier in VR. Will definitely pick up at some point.

Thumper: At first I didn't really get what was going on, but once the rhythm kicked in, I had a blast. Mouth agape, grinning and head bobbing to the beat. Great time.

Job Simulator: Didn't expect much, but had a blast with this demo. Such a great sense of being in that vibrant, cartoony office. Making coffee, throwing mugs and paper airplanes...who knew that would be so much fun? Demo went by far too quickly. Let my kids try it last night and they were laughing hysterically the whole time.

Kitchen: I sat there at the start screen for the longest time looking around, trying to convince myself to play and not nope the fuck right out of there. Glad I sacked up and experienced it. Such a great sense of being in that room.

Batman VR: Played through this last night and was utterly floored. Amazing, amazing experience. Yes it's short, but does such a wonderful job immersing you into that world. Huge Batman fan, so putting on the mask, attaching gadgets to my utility belt, throwing batarangs, descending into the Batcave...all a dream come true.

Set my wife up with Ocean Descent as she's not a big gamer. She was fine until the shark attack..when that came, she ripped the headset and headphones off, heart racing and palms sweaty. Never dreamed she'd have that severe of a reaction; been to Disney & Universal Studios with her and she loves rollercoasters and all those experiences.

Yes, I'm still in the honeymoon stage, but I'm really loving what I've played so far. The sense of total immersion has been amazing. Can't wait to get home and play more. Worried about fighting my kids for time with it. :)
My 4 year old daughter absolutely loves the ocean dive wildlife tour. She asks me all the time if she can play with the nice fishes. I noticed the box says not for children under 12.

Sad Panda.


Haven't been getting drift as bad as the first couple days, but every single game starts to do that wobble/seasick shit after ~10 minutes and it's pissing me off. Turn off living room lights, pulled in the computer chair to 4-5 feet from tv, ran all the extra calibration things multiple times. Dunno.

Here They Lie is still the only one that actually made me stop cuz I thought i was going to puke. Can't decide if it's the controls or the negative 1000 anti-aliasing in there that hits me so hard.

Got around to playing London Heist. Had way more fun with it than I expected too.

Absolutely loved how you can not only light your cigar in the beginning, but actually smoke it as you would in real life.

As you exhale in real life, you can see the smoke being exhaled in front of you. Blew my freakin' mind.

If you wave your hand side-to-side you can push the smoke around too.


Yeah Robinson, Eve, and Battlezone are kinda scary at full price, but I think they could still be an okay value. I'm gonna wait for a PSN sale for Eve and Battlezone probably.

I got paid today and I think I'm gonna pick up VR Worlds. I really enjoyed the Heist and Underwater demos and the pong game sounds really cool too.

IMO, Danger Ball is one of the best experiences of the launch line-up. Easy to pick up, and extremely addictive!


Was put off Eagle Flight thinking it was just a multiplayer game, but as there's single player and some kind of free flight I think for under £30 I'll bite, be something new for Pro week as well.

IMO, Danger Ball is one of the best experiences of the launch line-up. Easy to pick up, and extremely addictive!

Still not got around to trying that one, will have to give it a go this evening.


Haven't been getting drift as bad as the first couple days, but every single game starts to do that wobble/seasick shit after ~10 minutes and it's pissing me off. Turn off living room lights, pulled in the computer chair to 4-5 feet from tv, ran all the extra calibration things multiple times. Dunno.

Here They Lie is still the only one that actually made me stop cuz I thought i was going to puke. Can't decide if it's the controls or the negative 1000 anti-aliasing in there that hits me so hard.

I guess the standard question about the drift/wobble at this point is, "Have you powered down your PS4 at all over the last few days, or just been keeping it in rest mode?"

As far as Here They Lie goes, you're definitely reacting to the controls. Some people are reacting badly to them.


I guess the standard question about the drift/wobble at this point is, "Have you powered down your PS4 at all over the last few days, or just been keeping it in rest mode?".

Yeah, I read that and completely stopped using rest mode since I got psvr.

Only thing I haven't tried is running it with the tv off to see if the light from that is screwing anything up.


I just tried the bumper-cam in Driveclub VR, it's much much better than the in-car view because you see more of the environment and it gives a sharper impression.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I just tried the bumper-cam in Driveclub VR, it's much much better than the in-car view because you see more of the environment and it gives a sharper impression.

I've tried it too. It's like being in a kart.


While I've had my PSVR core unit since launch, I've only been able to try it out over the last few days. The experience, while quite awesome, has been dampened somewhat by tracking and drift issues, both of the headset, and the move controllers.

I've tried running the camera calibration procedure several times, and moving my camera both on top, and below my TV, but the issues seem to persist.

The main headset issue I've experienced is a left directed drift of the center of the screen view. I'm able to play games fine, but I constantly have to rotate my body CCW to keep my head centered in view. When I hold the Options button to center my view, the it centers my view in pitch (vertically), but not in yaw (rotation). While this issue seems to be more prevalent in certain games (driveclub, playroom VR, RIGS), I have experienced it in all of the demos I've tried.

With regards to the move controllers, I've noticed in the London heist and Harmonix VR paintbrush demos, that my controllers move around on their own when I hold the controllers still. Also, sometimes they don't point in the correct direction.

Has anyone else experienced issues similar to these? I've read about some people fixing tracking issues by bypassing the headset extension cord, and plugging directly into the processing unit. I've yet to try this, but was curious if anyone could comment on this helping.

Should I contact Sony for support?


Man, The Assembly's image quality is TERRIBLE. It's about as bad as the Kitchen demo. I almost want to rule out any game that has bad image quality regardless if the game is good or not.


While I've had my PSVR core unit since launch, I've only been able to try it out over the last few days. The experience, while quite awesome, has been dampened somewhat by tracking and drift issues, both of the headset, and the move controllers.

I've tried running the camera calibration procedure several times, and moving my camera both on top, and below my TV, but the issues seem to persist.

The main headset issue I've experienced is a left directed drift of the center of the screen view. I'm able to play games fine, but I constantly have to rotate my body CCW to keep my head centered in view. When I hold the Options button to center my view, the it centers my view in pitch (vertically), but not in yaw (rotation). While this issue seems to be more prevalent in certain games (driveclub, playroom VR, RIGS), I have experienced it in all of the demos I've tried.

With regards to the move controllers, I've noticed in the London heist and Harmonix VR paintbrush demos, that my controllers move around on their own when I hold the controllers still. Also, sometimes they don't point in the correct direction.

Has anyone else experienced issues similar to these? I've read about some people fixing tracking issues by bypassing the headset extension cord, and plugging directly into the processing unit. I've yet to try this, but was curious if anyone could comment on this helping.

Should I contact Sony for support?



Some people have had luck with powering down the ps4 fully (not rest mode) and then restarting.

I think the extension thing is just that it forces you to be closer and so the tracking improves.

People are saying having light behind you can really mess it up, try it will all the lights of and blinds closed just to test.
Yeah, I read that and completely stopped using rest mode since I got psvr.

Only thing I haven't tried is running it with the tv off to see if the light from that is screwing anything up.
Made a post earlier about lights on/off.

Oddly enough with lights on I get better tracking. Makes sense since the cam won't spaz autofocus and muck things up.

Tracking is just about as perfect as I think VR can be for the headset. Move and Dualshock are still meh but they only have 1 light each so I'm not expecting perfect tracking like the headset. With several lights, tracking distance and rotation using them is quite easy with the gyro, with just 1 light it's much harder so you still get some in/out pulsing.
I have finally mastered darts in SportsBarVR, did a little celebration dance!



Well I got paid today and I decided to try to track down a launch bundle. A lot of sites looked like they had it in stock but only routed the listing to a pick up in store option. Of course none of the stores had it in stock.

I decided to check Target and saw that a store 40 minutes from my work had one in stock. I called and they actually had it! They agreed to hold it and I was able to run out and get it.

Now I'm back at work and counting the hours until I can get home and start messing with it. I'm definitely disappointed to hear that- EVE is crap though. Space games are most of the reason I want VR! Hopefully a better one will come along.


Some people have had luck with powering down the ps4 fully (not rest mode) and then restarting.

I think the extension thing is just that it forces you to be closer and so the tracking improves.

People are saying having light behind you can really mess it up, try it will all the lights of and blinds closed just to test.

Thanks for the reply. I turn my PS4 down completely every time I'm done playing, but in this case, the issues persist.

With regards to lighting, I've tries turning all of the lights off and have the blinds closed. The drift issue persists. Also, the only stationary light I have in the game room is adjacent to the TV, so it can't shine directly into the PS camera. Whether this is on or off, I still seem to get the drift issues.
Well I got paid today and I decided to try to track down a launch bundle. A lot of sites looked like they had it in stock but only routed the listing to a pick up in store option. Of course none of the stores had it in stock.

I decided to check Target and saw that a store 40 minutes from my work had one in stock. I called and they actually had it! They agreed to hold it and I was able to run out and get it.

Now I'm back at work and counting the hours until I can get home and start messing with it. I'm definitely disappointed to hear that- EVE is crap though. Space games are most of the reason I want VR! Hopefully a better one will come along.
No it isn't, it's awesome. My favorite VR game actually. I've played it for somewhere around 30 hours and I can't get enough of it. I think it just makes some people dizzy and some people dislike that there are microtransactions to help you level up quicker. I don't use any of the microransactions and I'm able to level up just fine by playing the game. The dizzy aspect is on a case by case basis. I haven't gotten dizzy yet in all my hours of play. Try out the demo that comes with PSVR and see if it's something you may like.
No it isn't, it's awesome. My favorite VR game actually. I've played it for somewhere around 30 hours and I can't get enough of it. I think it just makes some people dizzy and some people dislike that there are microtransactions to help you level up quicker. I don't use any of the microransactions and I'm able to level up just fine by playing the game. The dizzy aspect is on a case by case basis. I haven't gotten dizzy yet in all my hours of play. Try out the demo that comes with PSVR and see if it's something you may like.

I have Eve on the Rift and I just started playing again after a few months; it's improved a lot since I last played it. One reason being they probably did some big updates planned to be patched in right before PS VR release, another is that I think PS VR and Rift are cross-play so I'm getting matched with a lot more real people lately. Yea, it's pretty darn good, I wish the maps were a little more varied though, they all play so similar to me. There could be way more upgrades too.

I haven't messed with the gold currency yet, why can't I buy those pack things? Do you have to have a combo of gold and real money? If so, what else is gold good for?

Edit: I don't know how I got gold currency if the only way you can get it is by buying it with real money, but I do have some. It still won't let me buy the gold pack things though, it takes me to the menu where you have to buy shit, I don't get it.
Today is Day 3 PSVR for me.

AS cool as the tech is I was more excited about BF1 launching last night.

I think VR could be really cool for games in the future. But the experience needs to be much simpler and more soothing.

I played Until Dawn And BattleZone. Until Dawn is them showing off visual effects. It feels like a virtual amusement park ride. Graphics are all cool, but I was bored.

BattleZone really makes you feel like you are piloting a hovercraft bumper car in a big arena. It's cool, and fun. But it isn't soothing to the senses as with almost VR stuff.

It's like 3d on the 3ds x 10. 3d mode on the 3ds is cool, but I find that its hard on the eyes and your eyes love it when you switch back to 2d after awhile. VR is like that for me.
Those are not the first 2 I'd try. Thumper, Rez, RIGS, Batman, Wayward Sky, Music VR are all way better imo.

Was playing Batman last night and got to the sewer scene.... I wasn't ready for what I assume is Killer Croc... I need some time. But that game is worth every penny. So wonderfully detailed, plenty to do in the batcave. For once I am interested in playing with all the art models in the hologram case and moving them around. A long held trope of achievement unlocking is now fresh and interesting thanks to VR.

I really enjoying the fight scene, everything was so real around me and the stakes were so much higher. So far the highlight of my VR experience.

Played and bought Thumper too, beat Level 2 and it is starting to become maniac and fast. I love it! Less bosses in Level 2 so I hope 3 and on rectify that. Was a bit disappointed that there is a Non VR mode... I get it but that implies to me that it is not a true VR game. Still one of the best uses of VR despite that.

I don't know if I can without using cinematic mode anymore. Games without cinematic mode seem dull and lifeless now. I played Dragon Quest Builders both ways and was blown away by how much of a difference it made even on a 2D game. Assuming PS doesn't patch away the use of VR on other platforms... this could be a dream purchase for ANY console for years to come as long as the resolution isn't key to the game.

I fully intend to buy RIGS soon, I hope the multiplayer holds up. Despite what I said about Thumper maybe a non VR mode would help draw numbers to that game. Does it have custom matches for friends?
I'm definitely disappointed to hear that- EVE is crap though. Space games are most of the reason I want VR! Hopefully a better one will come along.

It's certainly not crap. The enjoyment of piloting the ship is excellent. What will make or break the game (besides simulation sickness if you are unfortunate enough) is if you like/dislike the multiplayer structure.
It's certainly not crap. The enjoyment of piloting the ship is excellent. What will make or break the game (besides simulation sickness if you are unfortunate enough) is if you like/dislike the multiplayer structure.

The in-menu UI is also really unintuitive, stuff is all over the place, to the point where messing with your ships and upgrades is straight up annoying (to me). It looks cool though, haha.


Please help me GAF.
I have a 20€ PSN card and can't decide which game to buy:
Batman or Until Dawn?
Which one would you recommend first?


Misinformation City here. It's a multiplayer-focused game. That's where all the content is.

Yeah, unfortunate, but not for me. If they had something like Wipeout or Wing Commander with a dedicated single-player campaign, I'd be there in a heart beat. I can't justify CAD$80 to pay for "spectator mode." I'm not very good at multi-player so I wouldn't get much actual playtime being constantly shot down five seconds into spawning.


Please help me GAF.
I have a 20€ PSN card and can't decide which game to buy:
Batman or Until Dawn?
Which one would you recommend first?

Until Dawn is longer, but Batman is a pretty mind blowing VR experience, though it clocks in at about 90 minutes or less on average for a first playthrough.

Depends on whether you want more of a light-gun shooter experience or "be" Batman.


Thanks for the reply. I turn my PS4 down completely every time I'm done playing, but in this case, the issues persist.

With regards to lighting, I've tries turning all of the lights off and have the blinds closed. The drift issue persists. Also, the only stationary light I have in the game room is adjacent to the TV, so it can't shine directly into the PS camera. Whether this is on or off, I still seem to get the drift issues.

By chance, do you have a white wall directly behind you as you're playing? I've heard that the light from the headset can reflect off walls and possibly cause tracking issues. Some people have gone as far as to hang black cloth behind them to avoid any light reflections. I'd imagine that anything that reflects light should be moved out of the way or at least covered up with something opaque and non-reflective.


Alright, so... I did it so you wouldn't have to. I tried VR Porn in PSVR. Downloaded some from Pornhub and popped them on a flash drive.

That fucking sucked, no pun intended. Most videos were centered almost behind you, resulting in you having to do some neck exercises while holding down the Options button in order to try and center it in front of you. After you do that, you are greeted by GIANT women who don't even look human due to the heavily compressed 720p video being pushed up against your eyes.
Tho I'm sure that's someone fetish, in which case you're golden.

I know a lot of people were curious, so there you go. Only way it's going to be any good is if companies start making porn focusing on PSVR. But unless it becomes this huge force and companies see money to be made there, it's unlikely.

This was exactly my experience. I was also super disappointed to find out that there is no way to play stereoscopic 3d movies with the media player yet, just equilateral 180 video. I had really high hopes for that shit. Just so so lame.
Please help me GAF.
I have a 20€ PSN card and can't decide which game to buy:
Batman or Until Dawn?
Which one would you recommend first?

Until Dawn.

Buy Batman VR physical if trading it or selling it is an option. It's fantastic but it is a short experience. I don't know how much you might go back to it.
I have Eve on the Rift and I just started playing again after a few months; it's improved a lot since I last played it. One reason being they probably did some big updates planned to be patched in right before PS VR release, another is that I think PS VR and Rift are cross-play so I'm getting matched with a lot more real people lately. Yea, it's pretty darn good, I wish the maps were a little more varied though, they all play so similar to me. There could be way more upgrades too.

I haven't messed with the gold currency yet, why can't I buy those pack things? Do you have to have a combo of gold and real money? If so, what else is gold good for?

Edit: I don't know how I got gold currency if the only way you can get it is by buying it with real money, but I do have some. It still won't let me buy the gold pack things though, it takes me to the menu where you have to buy shit, I don't get it.
I think you need gold and real money. I haven't really messed around with gold or any of the microtransactions yet. I have been doing all my upgrades with silver. I don't plan to spend real money anyway, the multiplayer is fun enough that I don't mind grinding to level up.


Much less excited about this game after learning it doesnt use the Move controllers. Games with the DS4 aren't nearly as immersive. Plus the character is basically holding a Move in the game, wtf!
It doesn't use the Move controllers? Damn, that's a bummer.

I only got queasy at the end of my session as I was playing through the first chapter of Odyssey...or whatever that space mech game is. The jumping and twisting of the screen into different orientations (especially in combat) is what did it, I think. I find that if I turn my head and turn the camera in the exact same direction, that is when the queasiness sets in. Unfortunately by the time I figured it out it was too late and I had to give it a rest. Funny thing is that rigs demo never made me queasy and it moves in very much the same way.
No other games or demos I've tried so far have made me queasy, but the sections you mentioned in Scavenger's Odyssey did. It's good to know I'm not alone. It's a bummer though, because I love the atmosphere of the game.


By chance, do you have a white wall directly behind you as you're playing? I've heard that the light from the headset can reflect off walls and possibly cause tracking issues. Some people have gone as far as to hang black cloth behind them to avoid any light reflections. I'd imagine that anything that reflects light should be moved out of the way or at least covered up with something opaque and non-reflective.

Yes actually I do... Don't know how the wife would feel about backdrops though...

Gosh, Sony really needs to release some patches for this thing. Can't see how this would work well for most people.

Thx for the reply.


I made the Biggest mistake by buying the PSVR

though Best Buy's in store pick up when it wasn't in stock. I could've had it already delivered yesterday and it's still not in.


No it isn't, it's awesome. My favorite VR game actually. I've played it for somewhere around 30 hours and I can't get enough of it. I think it just makes some people dizzy and some people dislike that there are microtransactions to help you level up quicker. I don't use any of the microransactions and I'm able to level up just fine by playing the game. The dizzy aspect is on a case by case basis. I haven't gotten dizzy yet in all my hours of play. Try out the demo that comes with PSVR and see if it's something you may like.

I would sign that without any words. Was really long on the fence to get some "main title" for VR and finally bought EVE and I couldnt be happier with my purchase. It's the right game you can go back to every day for a good round. This is my MP shooter this year because all other shooters are not my cup of tea this year. I don't get why it gets do much hate. The micro transactions are optional and aren't getting in your way. Also many people are forgetting that there will never be paid dlc for EVE, every content that gets patched in is free. If you compare the EVE on Occulus at release with what we get now on PSVR, it's like a different game.

Go for it.
I would sign that without any words. Was really long on the fence to get some "main title" for VR and finally bought EVE and I couldnt be happier with my purchase. It's the right game you can go back to every day for a good round. This is my MP shooter this year because all other shooters are not my cup of tea this year. I don't get why it gets do much hate. The micro transactions are optional and aren't getting in your way. Also many people are forgetting that there will never be paid dlc for EVE, every content that gets patched in is free. If you compare the EVE on Occulus at release with what we get now on PSVR, it's like a different game.

Go for it.

You answered the first bolded with the second bolded. The game had bad word of mouth because it had a very poor release with Oculus. It feels low on content/shallow in some ways, but for a VR title it's actually almost the opposite.
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