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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Just finished Batman. Incredible! Can not believe what I'm playing sometimes. I'm playing VIrtual Reality in the same room I played my first video game ever, Pong(45 yrs old and bought moms house).
The tracking was superb. I must have perfect lighting or something as I've had little to no issues so far.

So it was my first time using the Move controllers. Worked great but outside of the game I'm lost. How do you move to the right, left, up and down in the menus? I was mashing on buttons and occasionally I could get it to move.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
So it was my first time using the Move controllers. Worked great but outside of the game I'm lost. How do you move to the right, left, up and down in the menus? I was mashing on buttons and occasionally I could get it to move.

Hold trigger on a remote and use motion to move around the menus.


The Media player just updated tonight to support 360 degree images on the PS VR headset. I'm assuming that this means 360 only, and that 360/3D VR videos like the ones that play on Vrideo are still not viewable?


No. When you look down at your feet, the game shows roughly where you should be standing and the image you see has the feet deliberately facing 45 degrees to the left of your camera because they thought this would help prevent occluding the Moves. However you don't have to stand that way. I never do that. I always sit or stand directly facing my camera and have no tracking issues. I never have any issues with controllers as long as you have a good camera height and distance.

Also, you can move all around the bar by teleporting or using "hulk mode" where you move yourself like you have virtual ski poles. That's also how you can turn to face any direction. The amount of freedom in this game is more than any other VR game I've played on PSVR so far.

Here is me and my friend playing it to give you an idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd3OONwrKWA

You could use hulk mode to rotate. That's what I use. Just hold the move button on each hand and rotate by pulling on one hand and pushing on the other.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the response!
The ending of Arkham VR was borderline too spooky for me. I just cannot handle VR scares lol. Super fun though!

Just went through Arkham VR tonight start to finish, and holy moly you're not kidding! What a wild ride. Things are so, real. VR is the most amazing thing I've ever experienced, and I continue to be in awe every time I put on the headset.


I gave Tethered a whirl tonight after watching my wife play it for a bit. She sorely understated how fucking cool it is when you have the headset on. It's relatively average seeing it on the TV, but when you have the headset on, you're right there in the world and feel like you can reach out and touch the Peeps and the world around them. I feel like every time I try a new PSVR game, I'm always quick to proclaim it "the most immersive PSVR game," but seriously, Tethered is legit.

Since it's hard to put into words how the sense of immersion feels, this picture most accurately portrays it:


...but man, do you feel like a sack of shit when you screw up and a Peep offs himself.


Alright you guys playing Tethered tell me if I'm wrong here. Just finished the third island. It seems that there is no real risk of a fail state during a game, you're just going for efficiency/higher score. At a point, I had a bunch of all materials, saw no real point to upgrade building further, and just kinda waited around until I got enough energy to end the level. The slugs were never a real threat, I had more Peeps than I knew what to do with.

If the motivator is just to see how good you can do and how quick you can do it, instead of really being challenged with failure each level, I'm going to lose interest quick. Right now it seems like the game is simply a waiting game to slowly gather energy if you're not interested in your rankings at the end. Is there more risk of actually failing as you progress or is this just the nature of the game?


Alright you guys playing Tethered tell me if I'm wrong here. Just finished the third island. It seems that there is no real risk of a fail state during a game, you're just going for efficiency/higher score. At a point, I had a bunch of all materials, saw no real point to upgrade building further, and just kinda waited around until I got enough energy to end the level. The slugs were never a real threat, I had more Peeps than I knew what to do with.

If the motivator is just to see how good you can do and how quick you can do it, instead of really being challenged with failure each level, I'm going to lose interest quick. Right now it seems like the game is simply a waiting game to slowly gather energy if you're not interested in your rankings at the end. Is there more risk of actually failing as you progress or is this just the nature of the game?
I'm not sure what you're referring to with "no risk of a fail state," but it's totally possible to fail and have to restart a stage. It happened to my wife earlier; all her Peeps either committed suicide or were killed by the enemies during the night. Maybe it's hard for that to happen if you're good at RTS'es? I suck at them, and I'm pretty sure she does too. They aren't normally our type of game, but I was drawn into Tethered by its charm and all of the awesome impressions in this thread.
Looking forward to The Journey and to see what improvements the PS4 pro can offer it.

Exciting times indeed, like the first time booting up Rage Racer on the PS1.

Nothing in gaming feels immersive as i now feel when in VR. It's as simple as that really for this 33 year old gamer who's seen it all in gaming.

Same here, still loving it and can't wait for Robinson: The Journey which I was looking at for launch since the games list thread. My next purchase plans are planned to be Robinson and The Assembly as soon as I get the next paycheck.

All the posts and reviews are definitely making me consider Tethered soon as well.
Yeah, if it's anything when i started the game my knees were a bit wobbly for the first session but after that i have slowly lost that weird feeling of imbalance. Though there hasn't been a game yet that has made me physically ill. The game also has some comfort options but i turned them all off when i started playing thinking that if i had all of the control i would get used to it faster.

Edit: Oh shit, i just thought that Windlands might not support move controllers on the ps4, which would be bizarre as hell. I haven't tried the game out with a controller so i can't say how fun the game is with more traditional control scheme.

Edit2: They are planning on adding move support in a future patch. Source

Thanks for the impressions! Friend of mine bought it. Gonna try tonight ;)

I gave Tethered a whirl tonight after watching my wife play it for a bit. She sorely understated how fucking cool it is when you have the headset on. It's relatively average seeing it on the TV, but when you have the headset on, you're right there in the world and feel like you can reach out and touch the Peeps and the world around them. I feel like every time I try a new PSVR game, I'm always quick to proclaim it "the most immersive PSVR game," but seriously, Tethered is legit.

Since it's hard to put into words how the sense of immersion feels, this picture most accurately portrays it:


...but man, do you feel like a sack of shit when you screw up and a Peep offs himself.

That's it. That picture did it for me. As a kid, I used to go to a themapark over here in the Netherlands that still has a hall with Dioramas ( for Dutch Gaf, it's de Efteling ). I was blown away by that. We are talking the seventies here, but I'm still amazed by Dioramas. Buying this today 👍


Given there are a whole suite of tricks in the GPU that can directly affect rendering for VR (e.g. the FP16 processing, which can be used for rendering the parts of the display that aren't in the players view; the edge tracking which can be used to significantly reduce aliasing), not to mention the CPU bump, yes I think we will see some dramatic improvements in some titles.

And yes, supersampling is completely possible. The PS4 isn't rendering to two panels, it's rendering to one panel split in two, so it is still rendering to a single 1080p screen (ok, so you have the 1.4x requirement, which in itself is a kind of supersampling anyway, which is one of the reason Bound looks so clean) so a native render at 1800p displayed on PSVR will be supersampled.

The amount of panels doesn't change the workload in this case. The PS4, like my PC or Gear VR, has to render a stereoscopic image. Essentially, two angles of the game at the same time.

You're right about GPU optimizations to help alleviate the load. Taking everything into account, I expect to see more games running at native resolution with a few extra bells and whistles for sure.


Sorry if it's already known:

A patch was just released for Hyper Void adding VR. You need to download a free DLC too.


Sorry if it's already known:

A patch was just released for Hyper void adding VR. You need to download a free DLC too.

Hyper Void looks amazing in VR, really impressed. It's a simple shooter but has really clean visuals and is super smooth. VR really makes it shine and I'd say to everyone go and buy it now..

...if it wasn't for an annoying bug.

If you're playing in VR and press options to re-centre your view..it does re-centre..but the entire VR image also switches from 3D to 2D for the rest of the game. You have to completely shut down the game and restart to enable 3D in the VR mode again.


Just went through Arkham VR tonight start to finish, and holy moly you're not kidding! What a wild ride. Things are so, real. VR is the most amazing thing I've ever experienced, and I continue to be in awe every time I put on the headset.

Arkham VR ending shit me up a bit. Having all that stuff happening around me and changing when i turned around... I jumped a fair bit. Hell of a ride though, absolutely loved it. Wish it was longer.
Is Batman best played standing or sitting? I wanna buy this and want the best experience!
Much more immersive standing but boy it took its toll on this old body. My back was killing me by the time I finished. The Batman doesn't sit(unless he's tied up)!

On another note I fired up Danger Ball for the first time last night. Yet another great launch game.

Oh and London Heist was the first game where bad tracking completely took me out of the game and got frustrating. Anyone else have issues behind the desk? I couldn't reach some of the things like the vase until a dozen tries. Too bad too because everything else was perfect.


Everybody who grabbed VEV, be sure to download the newest update today;
as mentioned, adds a guide to the left monitor in the main menu, and remixed the calibrations stage to enhance comfort in VR (also looks cooler IMO ;-) )
Doesn't it auto-download?

I've not felt compelled to buy any full games yet, but Tethered looks interesting. When is the next wave of game releases?

Robinson comes soon I think?
I was so into VR lately that I totally forgot I've got an EU early access code for Modern Warfare lol... no VR , but you can play this in cinema mode and it's still pretty good it seems.

Quote to reveal the code and enjoy :D

Quote to reveal


Hyper Void looks amazing in VR, really impressed. It's a simple shooter but has really clean visuals and is super smooth. VR really makes it shine and I'd say to everyone go and buy it now..

...if it wasn't for an annoying bug.

If you're playing in VR and press options to re-centre your view..it does re-centre..but the entire VR image also switches from 3D to 2D for the rest of the game. You have to completely shut down the game and restart to enable 3D in the VR mode again.

I can re-centre it without it going 2D. Hopefully they'll sort it out for you though.


To those without 4K sets and only have PSVR, are you sold on the Pro, purely for 'better performance' for VR?

I'm like 95% there but there's no impressions yet of how it will improve games across the board

Purely for better performance on my 1080P TV and PSVR. Not that I really play much on the TV atm :)
I bought our kids a PSVR launch bundle but personally haven't had much time to play it - only about 5 mins of the breakout game and the underwater cage experience in VR Worlds last weekend. I really want to find more time to actually sit down & lose myself in VR, because the little I played was amazing (first experience with VR of any kind). Last night when the kids went to bed I went to their gaming room to shut everything down & the PS4 was still running. I plugged in some controllers to charge them overnight then randomly decided to slip the headset on. After it checked for my head position it popped me into the last game they were playing, so suddenly I was in some sort of menu screen in an outdoor arena in RIGS. I audibly gasped when it happened, then couldn't stop smiling! The sense of scale was amazing. There was an AI character standing next to me and my brain had to process that it wasn't a real person standing there. It was so strange and so exhilarating, I can't wait to check out more!


I bought our kids a PSVR launch bundle but personally haven't had much time to play it - only about 5 mins of the breakout game and the underwater cage experience in VR Worlds last weekend. I really want to find more time to actually sit down & lose myself in VR, because the little I played was amazing (first experience with VR of any kind). Last night when the kids went to bed I went to their gaming room to shut everything down & the PS4 was still running. I plugged in some controllers to charge them overnight then randomly decided to slip the headset on. After it checked for my head position it popped me into the last game they were playing, so suddenly I was in some sort of menu screen in an outdoor arena in RIGS. I audibly gasped when it happened, then couldn't stop smiling! The sense of scale was amazing. There was an AI character standing next to me and my brain had to process that it wasn't a real person standing there. It was so strange and so exhilarating, I can't wait to check out more!

Haha sounds awesome


Seconded about Hyper Void. I know it's simple and it's not something I'd play for more than a couple of minutes on a flat screen, but in VR it's pretty impressive.

I know I'm in my VR honeymoon but remember people were impressed and excited by pacman and space invaders once upon a time. We're at that stage now and something comparitively simple goes to show what we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg of.


Back home and set up all my stuff again (damn all these wires lol). Hyper Void patch patch downloaded and VEV update installed. Saw I got some Amazon credit through for doing a PlayStation Voice 1-on-1 survey thing so going to throw that at Windlands and tethered later.

Let's see if Hyper Void works this time!


Neo Member
I bought it yesterday and the first thing I tried was DanganRonpa trial. Monokuma was perfect. A bit scarier than in the game because well.. he's just there, in front of you and he is totally unpredictable. Hope we'll have the full game in VR, it's perfect.


Bought rigs last night. Loving it so far and it hasn't made me feel in the slightest bit nauseous.It really needs a quick match option though.
Haha yeah, I know we're in the honeymoon and I guess for the first time ever we're self-aware of it. Before, when Mario 64 and Doom and such came out, we probably didn't think much about it. But having gone through enough revolutionary steps in game history I can see both the mind blowing present and also know that in 10 years this will seem cute and primitive in the same way Mario 64 technology is today (it's a good game, of course, I'm talking purely "wow" factor technology!)

I'm seriously buying so many games just to experience different places and sensations. Just like I did with the NES and just as I did with the dawn of 3D gaming. It's huge!

Considering Robinson when that lands, but really want to see the reviews on it first to see if the controller thing is wack. Having no move controller support seems *really* bizarre.
Considering Robinson when that lands, but really want to see the reviews on it first to see if the controller thing is wack. Having no move controller support seems *really* bizarre.

Move lacks a method of locomotion. In games that require locomotion the move pretty much becomes useless.
Haha yeah, I know we're in the honeymoon and I guess for the first time ever we're self-aware of it. Before, when Mario 64 and Doom and such came out, we probably didn't think much about it. But having gone through enough revolutionary steps in game history I can see both the mind blowing present and also know that in 10 years this will seem cute and primitive in the same way Mario 64 technology is today (it's a good game, of course, I'm talking purely "wow" factor technology!)

I'm seriously buying so many games just to experience different places and sensations. Just like I did with the NES and just as I did with the dawn of 3D gaming. It's huge!

Considering Robinson when that lands, but really want to see the reviews on it first to see if the controller thing is wack. Having no move controller support seems *really* bizarre.

I've been doing the same thing. I started losing interest in most traditional games. And now with VR, I've lost interest and all of the upcoming game releases for the rest of the year. I've been hyped for Skyrim since they announced it. Now? I'm waiting for the inevitable bomba sale in 2017. Same with titan fall 2...if I get them at all!

The PlayStation pro wasn't even on my radar until I started with a VR. Now I just want something that's going to enhance the experience even more. I'm one of those crazy people who likes drive club VR. It's very blurry in the distance, and my hope is that PlayStation pro will significantly improve that.

So now I'm scouring the web and look for reviews are games I probably shouldn't try, like Brookhaven experiment, or loading human. I buckle, and bought loading human. I saw a YouTube review, and it looked really interesting. I'm done for a long time. Star Trek was pushed back until March of next year, and Robinson doesn't have MOVE support. So I can't think of anything else that I'm interested in for the remainder of the year. It's not like I don't have a back catalogue already. VR has totally revitalized my enjoyment for this hobby.
I saw on YouTube that Loading Human chapter 1 has a very good workaround, and it uses the move controllers exclusively.

Not sold on the move hand forward or back for locomotion especially for quicker games and really dislike teleportation myself. It should be an option but isn't really ideal. Ideally Sony will bring out a hardware revision that includes an analogue in the moves so it opens up the ability for devs to give full control as well as both hand control. Massive oversight unless there is a hardware limitation of some sort.
Move lacks a method of locomotion. In games that require locomotion the move pretty much becomes useless.

Oh, that's true. It's something the "nunchuck" on Wii really helped with. A bit of a shame, really.

Edit: I just assumed Robinson was teleport locomotion (in truth I've been trying to avoid a lot of media so I can go in fresh). I'm actually now hesitant to grab it if it's not teleport. I get sick in under a minute with RIGS, Battlezone, Here They Lie, etc. Anything that has the camera moving without your direct head control makes me feel blech.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
Wanted to join you guys in VR today, but alas it would seem that the units are all sold out in my area. I guess word of mouth has really taken off. So I am still playing the waiting game. I hope I don't have to wait too much longer.


Oh, that's true. It's something the "nunchuck" on Wii really helped with. A bit of a shame, really.

Sony had one as well, but I think they have been discontinued for some time.

I just assumed Robinson was teleport locomotion (in truth I've been trying to avoid a lot of media so I can go in fresh). I'm actually now hesitant to grab it if it's not teleport. I get sick in under a minute with RIGS, Battlezone, Here They Lie, etc. Anything that has the camera moving without your direct head control makes me feel blech.
It's pretty much an FPS.


Wanted to join you guys in VR today, but alas it would seem that the units are all sold out in my area. I guess word of mouth has really taken off. So I am still playing the waiting game. I hope I don't have to wait too much longer.

If it makes you feel any better, I have to wait till December to get mine. Think it would have been worse had Sony not ramped up production.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Sony had one as well, but I think they have been discontinued for some time.


Yea I still have mine from a few years ago. Played Bioshock Inf., Resistance 3, Killzone 3, and Okami HD with it and the Move. Honestly felt it was the best way to experience all of them, so enjoyable with pointer aiming.

Though I don't recall if the Analog wand had accelerometers in it as I can't remember any motion tracking for it. Could be wrong, but IIRC it was just an analog stick and buttons that was far more comfortable with Move than holding a DS3 controller in one hand for the same purpose.


Hyper Void is decent. vs the 2d game, it's way easier to judge position/shots. Laughed when it said "eat electric death", it's got a few things in common with t2k/TxK but isn't really in the same league. However, for the low price it's well worth it and seems to have a decent length. Got to around level 7 I think, unlocking "hyper" mode on each level (although no idea what that does) but unfortunately the game crashed at this point!

Weird thing then my son demanded to play Playroom VR cowboy game. Only played it once before but this time my son couldn't describe what I should be shooting for some reason. then we sacked that off and went for the cat & mouse, but as the mouse, all I saw on the screen was the cat's eye view - obviously Hyper Void crashing had arsed the 2nd screen!
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