Any chance the VR Hardware will get any sales/bundles over the holidays? Would like to get PS VR at some point but not in a hurry and waiting for some deals.
i've seen no mention of even game sales for BF so far
Any chance the VR Hardware will get any sales/bundles over the holidays? Would like to get PS VR at some point but not in a hurry and waiting for some deals.
Well shit. The right side rubber strap on my PSVR snapped.
It's been a little over a month but I'm asking Amazon to replace it.
Alright guys so after one cool demo of the London Heist at a Sony store, I walked out with both a PS4 Pro and a PSVR Launch Bundle. I've set it up and have played a bit of the demos on the demo disc and PS VR Worlds and so far:
1) London Heist has been by far my favorite experience. I love how natural the interactions felt. Is there anything else like it?
2) Harmonix Music VR with the 3D sculpting blew my mind. This is a whole new dimension and it would be awesome to see more of stuff like this.
3) Driveclub VR, RIGS and Scavenger's Odyssey made me feel sick. They didn't send had me vomiting right away but I could only do one short session before I had to turn them off and take a break. I'm guessing it has to do with the movement.
4) EVE Valkryie I only had the demo to play and it was pretty short, but it seemed okay in terms of motion sickness. Is the game fun? $60 is no joke for a game I might not even be able to play for long periods of time.
So, I haven't bought any games yet, but based on the few demos I've liked a lot I have to admit that this technology is amazing. I hadn't tried VR at all before so I'm pretty impressed. That said, is there anyway to combat the motion sickness that I've felt with the aforementioned games? Are most games like that? This is what my Amazon cart currently looks like:
What are the definitive VR experiences on PSVR right now?
Alright guys so after one cool demo of the London Heist at a Sony store, I walked out with both a PS4 Pro and a PSVR Launch Bundle. I've set it up and have played a bit of the demos on the demo disc and PS VR Worlds and so far:
1) London Heist has been by far my favorite experience. I love how natural the interactions felt. Is there anything else like it?
2) Harmonix Music VR with the 3D sculpting blew my mind. This is a whole new dimension and it would be awesome to see more of stuff like this.
3) Driveclub VR, RIGS and Scavenger's Odyssey made me feel sick. They didn't send had me vomiting right away but I could only do one short session before I had to turn them off and take a break. I'm guessing it has to do with the movement.
4) EVE Valkryie I only had the demo to play and it was pretty short, but it seemed okay in terms of motion sickness. Is the game fun? $60 is no joke for a game I might not even be able to play for long periods of time.
So, I haven't bought any games yet, but based on the few demos I've liked a lot I have to admit that this technology is amazing. I hadn't tried VR at all before so I'm pretty impressed. That said, is there anyway to combat the motion sickness that I've felt with the aforementioned games? Are most games like that? This is what my Amazon cart currently looks like:
What are the definitive VR experiences on PSVR right now?
Most would recommend Batman, Thumper, Rez, Until Dawn, etc.
And yeah I think some of that motion sickness treatments work. You could try something with ginger. Also you may be able to revisit those nasuea inducing games later after you get some more VR under your belt. Lots of people have claimed becoming more tolerant over time. But dont try to power through any sickness, just immediatly take a break if it starts to creep up.
Fortunatly, I havent had much to any motion sickneas on PSVR. Nothing nearly as bad as stuff on GEAR VR.
Is Until Dawn scary? I know that's the pedigree, but I'm not really good with scary games.
I've heard lots of good things about Batman, Thumper and Rez. Is Batman highly mobile or more static? I played the Rez demo but it didn't seem like it was that much more immersive with VR, but that might have just been the demo.
How about EVE? What's the consensus on the game? I like sci-fi and space and the EVE Online setting, but no point in spending that much on a game that might not be that enjoyable.
Well shit. The right side rubber strap on my PSVR snapped.
It's been a little over a month but I'm asking Amazon to replace it.
Do you need to be standing up to play Batman? I know that's the case with Job Simulator, which is a bit of a bummer as it's not easy to do in my current set up.For me Batman Arkham VR and Job Simulator are my favorite experiences so far with PSVR. Anything that makes proper use of the Move controllers will take immersion in VR to the next level.
Well actually after a couple hours of using it, I really didn't notice much of a difference. It's slightly looser when I extend it, but I can still tighten it with the gear on the back. So, no biggie.A big fear of mine. So what happens? The headset just doesn't snap back when you pull on it? You can still wear it and tighten it right?
Good luck.
Do you need to be standing up to play Batman? I know that's the case with Job Simulator, which is a bit of a bummer as it's not easy to do in my current set up.
I tried to play it sitting, but I don't think my gaming area is large enough because I could never get the calibration quite right. It has you do this sort of two-step calibration. First it asks you to make sure you're standing in a bat symbol (you just look down) and then it asks you to line your headset up with a box on the screen. I'd always be in the symbol, but my headset would be just above/outside the box. I just ended up standing and it was mostly fine. It's actually better standing anyways because of when you need to reach down to either side of your hips or in front of your "belt" to grab various gear.Do you need to be standing up to play Batman? I know that's the case with Job Simulator, which is a bit of a bummer as it's not easy to do in my current set up.
Do you need to be standing up to play Batman? I know that's the case with Job Simulator, which is a bit of a bummer as it's not easy to do in my current set up.
Is Until Dawn scary? I know that's the pedigree, but I'm not really good with scary games.
I've heard lots of good things about Batman, Thumper and Rez. Is Batman highly mobile or more static? I played the Rez demo but it didn't seem like it was that much more immersive with VR, but that might have just been the demo.
How about EVE? What's the consensus on the game? I like sci-fi and space and the EVE Online setting, but no point in spending that much on a game that might not be that enjoyable.
Did anybody actually get that Collective Minds stand? I preordered it the weekend the PSVR came out, it was supposed to be out a couple weeks later, but the day it was supposed to be out my order changed to "Out of stock-we'll notify you when we have more". Did they just under ship these? Any impressions? Wondering if I should just bite on the more expensive PowerA stand.
Is Until Dawn scary? I know that's the pedigree, but I'm not really good with scary games.
I've heard lots of good things about Batman, Thumper and Rez. Is Batman highly mobile or more static? I played the Rez demo but it didn't seem like it was that much more immersive with VR, but that might have just been the demo.
How about EVE? What's the consensus on the game? I like sci-fi and space and the EVE Online setting, but no point in spending that much on a game that might not be that enjoyable.
His VR coverage for EZA is greatly appreciated, he's the only Ally who bought PS VR while most of them got a Pro.![]()
Just be aware that he's playing Eagle Flight "wrong" though before you make your decision. You just tilt your head to varying degrees instead of turning it (that's why he's getting that gentle error message so often) and the game is best played sitting down. Most games are except for those that ask you to stand. That makes playing the game much more relaxing than it looks in his video while it still retains its challenge. The same goes for Robinson. It also might be why he is so exhausted at the end.
I got my Collective Minds stand it works great for me since I have two move controllers and a PlayStation Pulse Elite Headset to hang on the rear also the area where you hang your headphones also has an extra USB slot so you can hook up a cable to charge your headset. The only negative I have about the stand is the led lights on the unit are always on "blue" when it's done charging and normal operation and red during charging.
Thanks. I think I'll hold out and wait for another shipment. Reading some of the reviews of the PowerA stand and it seems like there is a lot of complaints about the headset sliding off the front.
Thanks. I think I'll hold out and wait for another shipment. Reading some of the reviews of the PowerA stand and it seems like there is a lot of complaints about the headset sliding off the front.
I think it's fine. People have been requesting impressions and you're not spamming the thread. Also you did review VEV I see![]()
Do Harmonix VR (especially Easel mode), you havent experienced anything like it yet.
Just to let people know, the anti nausea bands work. I got one with Velcro so it would last longer than ones with elastic bands. I can now play Riggs and Windlands without issue, and I had no problems with the VR Worlds Space adventure thingy I tried tonight. You might still have to build some VR legs, though. When I first played Robinson the journey, I couldn't turn quickly without feeling weird. Towards the end of the game, I was moving all over the place just fine.
I bought Time Machine VR experience, it's f'ing amazing.Any impressions for Space Rift or Time Machine?
Both released today on PSN.
I see The Martian is trash.
I bought Time Machine VR experience, it's f'ing amazing.
I'm really into paleontology in real life so this mindblowing for me. The sense of scale is amazing and the time machine you pilot is so cool. I love taking it high in the air and feeling vertigo and swimming in the ocean with it is so relaxing. It's like you have your own personal submarine in VR. It reminds me of this baby from Jurassic World but better since it can fly and go underwater....
Time Machine VR is one of the best VR experiences in my opinion and well worth the $30 I spent on it.
Don't get The Marian VR, it's trash from what I hear and it's too short.
Never had any experience with VR at all.
What have i done???
Never had any experience with VR at all.
First impressions.
- First 10 Minutes: Pixels are really noticeable when you are in PS4 dashboard and in non-vr game. This theater mode is pretty cool but not good enough compared to real big TV obviously.
- Playroom VR First Mini game( where you drop coins and receive 3d models ): HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!
This is just amazing, holy shit. Rarely a game can make me laugh and especially dance but this minigame did it instantly. Need to try other minigames and demos, also have around $80 left to get some games.
Only posting the link again because people keep asking for impressions on lots of games. I've reviewed a load here:
So far I've reviewed:
Robinson: The Journey
Eagle Flight
Pixel Gear
Job Simulator
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
Carnival Games VR
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
I'm adding one to two reviews a day. Will hopefully get Space Rift and Martian VR reviews up tomorrow. I've only briefly tried Space Rift and Martian is still downloading.
I do hope posting this every few pages isn't a bannable offence - just keep seeing people asking for impressions. (And to be fair, I started writing the reviews 'cos you guys urged me too lol)
Thanks! Yeah i have two move controllers which are left from PS3( hopefully now they will get some use )Enjoy! I'm still waiting for my Pro, (10 days to go, 40th Birthday present)
In terms of where to spend your money, my most time has been spent with Battlezone, Driveclub and Until Dawn.
Do you have move controllers as well? If so then I'd recommend Batman and Until Dawn as pickups. played a bit of PlayroomVR and its NIGHT AND DAY on ps4pro. The picture quality is so much fucking better its not even funny. from a 5/10 ---> 9/10. Completely changed what I think PSVR could be. Sony really shouldnt' be pushing PSVR with the standard console.
PSVR + PS4PRo is the ONLY way it should be played.
*Add. that said, I got a lot of black screens and red lines showed up also. WTF. What's sony saying about this?
Thanks! Yeah i have two move controllers which are left from PS3( hopefully now they will get some use )
I think that Until Dawn and Batman are must haves, also Driveclub will be $20 so really tempting as well but need to try demo first. Battlezone looks cool from videos but is too expensive and also need to try demo.
I swore that i will never fall to this WiiMote/Kinect type of shit again, but here i am and looks like this time it's really something special.
So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
WHO WERE YOU DENVERCODER9?So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
So played a bit of PlayroomVR and its NIGHT AND DAY on ps4pro. The picture quality is so much fucking better its not even funny. from a 5/10 ---> 9/10. Completely changed what I think PSVR could be. Sony really shouldnt' be pushing PSVR with the standard console.
PSVR + PS4PRo is the ONLY way it should be played.
*Add. that said, I got a lot of black screens and red lines showed up also. WTF. What's sony saying about this?
So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
So after contacting support, without blatantly stating it, they inferred that launch units lacking a specific id# from the launch batch are critically flawed. They aren't fixing my unit, they are retrieving it and giving me a new headset and processor unit.
You can't drop a bomb in the thread like that then take a walk. Info please.
What is your barcode number on your headset? (just above the lenses on the inside of the headband)