PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Just finished a 7 hour Headmaster marathon with my 37 yo brother who usually isn't into games at all. He was fascinated, jerking around like a little kid who plays games for the very first time.

Big shoutout to the devs here, what a special game. 13€ during today's discount is a steal!


Just finished a 7 hour Headmaster marathon with my 37 yo brother who usually isn't into games at all. He was fascinated, jerking around like a little kid who plays games for the very first time.

Big shoutout to the devs here, what a special game. 13€ during today's discount is a steal!
I really wanted to like Headmaster, but I couldn't for the life of me get the hang of hitting the ball right. It would always go straight, but arc super high and over the net. I don't think I hit one target on the later challenges (in the demo) where you had to hit it in different directions. :(

I beat the last mission in I Expect You to Die the other night. I'd love to get all of the souvenirs in every mission, but fuck if the speed runs aren't damn near impossible! I had mission 2 down to a science (I thought), and kept coming up seconds over 2 minutes. I think I got 2:04 once and basically had it with trying.

I'm definitely looking for something to buy/download for the Christmas holiday. I get the impression that Wayward Sky is pretty good?
I have a Ps4 pro and lately the breakout box never turns off (stays white) when I put it in rest mode. Is there a permanent fix other than turning the ps4 off?
I have a Ps4 pro and lately the breakout box never turns off (stays white) when I put it in rest mode. Is there a permanent fix other than turning the ps4 off?
Try a different HDMI cable. It turning on and off is dependent on the signal from the HDMI cable. Do you have anything going between the two?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Man what the hell is up with the knife throwing in Lethal VR? It consistently goes too far to the left. Can't hit shit. This is broken. Lame because it was fun until the knife shit started happening.

Are you throwing overhand? That works best for me.


Too bad the upgrade version of Driveclub VR didn't get a discount, it still costs €20, just like the regular version is now on sale. If it also was %50 off I'd get it now even though I don't really like racing games anymore.


Good Art™
So i bought Thumper with the big January sale.

So.. This is what the Hell is really about right ?
I've been as far as the 3rd level but i don't think i want to go further lol.

It's great by the way!
So i bought Thumper with the big January sale.

So.. This is what the Hell is really about right ?
I've been as far as the 3rd level but i don't think i want to go further lol.

It's great by the way!
I've recently rewatched my recording of the final stages and I don't know how I ever managed that lol.
How many stages are there ? Not many right ? Tell me the third one is already pretty hard...

I have bad news for you my friend. There are
stages and it gets way, way more intense. But you can do it. Stage 5 was my personal "I can't believe this is a game for humans to play" moment, but I managed to finish it fairly well.


Good Art™
I have bad news for you my friend. There are
stages and it gets way, way more intense. But you can do it. Stage 5 was my personal "I can't believe this is a game for humans to play" moment, but I managed to finish it fairly well.

Yeahhhh it's enough for me i think it was seizure inducing. But it was an intense and awesome 3 levels!

Was disappointed the graphics are kinda the same for the 3 levels and same boss to..


How blurry is PS VR supposed to be? I've been playing Arkham VR and it's not so blurry that I can't see anything, but it's nowhere near sharp either. I tried the eye spacing thing but that didn't seem to help.

Also, is it normal that light kinda seeps through the bottom part of the headset? Like if I look down I can see some of the real world.


How blurry is PS VR supposed to be? I've been playing Arkham VR and it's not so blurry that I can't see anything, but it's nowhere near sharp either. I tried the eye spacing thing but that didn't seem to help.

Also, is it normal that light kinda seeps through the bottom part of the headset? Like if I look down I can see some of the real world.

It shouldn't be blurry. When I use it the image is crisp although it is kind of pixelated which is expected. The only thing is that you can kind of see a grid like filter kind of like looking through a screen door. Nothing should be blurry though.

I get a little light leakage through the bottom, but it can be mosty mitigated. Make sure you have the screen pushed up close to your face and also try lifting up the band that goes around your head. Think of more like a crown. Then tighten it with the clicky thing.


So i bought Thumper with the big January sale.

So.. This is what the Hell is really about right ?
I've been as far as the 3rd level but i don't think i want to go further lol.

It's great by the way!

Thumper is what Satan has nightmares about.

I beat the game by playing it in 15 minute chunks. It is very intense and hard to marathon.

My first time through I didn't care about scores. I just wanted to learn the mechanics and survive. Now I am going back through and S ranking every level. I am half way through level 3 getting all S ranks. It is such a great game.


How blurry is PS VR supposed to be? I've been playing Arkham VR and it's not so blurry that I can't see anything, but it's nowhere near sharp either. I tried the eye spacing thing but that didn't seem to help.

Also, is it normal that light kinda seeps through the bottom part of the headset? Like if I look down I can see some of the real world.

Push the neck band further up on your head. Should fix both problems. Presses the screen nearer to your face.


Thumper is what Satan has nightmares about.

I beat the game by playing it in 15 minute chunks. It is very intense and hard to marathon.

My first time through I didn't care about scores. I just wanted to learn the mechanics and survive. Now I am going back through and S ranking every level. I am half way through level 3 getting all S ranks. It is such a great game.

I love the look of thumper but for a score attack game it's too slow and long. Too much downtime between the harder sections and they don't really sync the obstacles to the music most of the time.

I've only played 2 levels so I hope it gets better.


I love the look of thumper but for a score attack game it's too slow and long. Too much downtime between the harder sections and they don't really sync the obstacles to the music most of the time.

I've only played 2 levels so I hope it gets better.

It picks up and gets super freaking hard. I was somewhere around level 5 or 6 when I was convinced I would never beat it. I stuck with it and did, but it wasn't easy. The early levels are basically giving you a chance to understand and master the mechanics so that you have a chance in the later levels once it picks up. I suck really bad at rythym games or anything that requires playing to a beat. I treat it mostly as reaction and memorization game and could probably play it on mute and get the same scores that I do now.


Getting psn gift card Today. Should I buy Robinson VR or XCOM2?

I own quite a few VR games and the only one I actively hate is Robinson. It is slow, yet nausea inducing. Filled with dinosaurs, yet, somehow incredibly boring. I have tried to go back to it no less than a dozen times and each time I just get more disappointed.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It picks up and gets super freaking hard. I was somewhere around level 5 or 6 when I was convinced I would never beat it. I stuck with it and did, but it wasn't easy. The early levels are basically giving you a chance to understand and master the mechanics so that you have a chance in the later levels once it picks up. I suck really bad at rythym games or anything that requires playing to a beat. I treat it mostly as reaction and memorization game and could probably play it on mute and get the same scores that I do now.

I stopped playing on Level 7, due to alot of non-VR games coming out. Someday I'll go back and finish it.


How blurry is PS VR supposed to be? I've been playing Arkham VR and it's not so blurry that I can't see anything, but it's nowhere near sharp either. I tried the eye spacing thing but that didn't seem to help.

Also, is it normal that light kinda seeps through the bottom part of the headset? Like if I look down I can see some of the real world.

Make sure you didn't leave the plastic protective film on the lenses.


So i bought Thumper with the big January sale.

So.. This is what the Hell is really about right ?
I've been as far as the 3rd level but i don't think i want to go further lol.

It's great by the way!
Thumper is what I imagine a Journey to Hell would be like.


Hey guys, I'm buying my uncle a slim and Vr.

Is the experience still great even on the OG system compared to a Pro?

It's functional. The framerate remains the same, which is the most important thing, but some games will have less detail graphically. If you stick to the visually simpler games like Job Simulator or I Expect You To Die, there probably won't be any noticeable differences, but once you start playing the more visually realistic games like EVE or Until Dawn, you'll see the performance gap more clearly.


How blurry is PS VR supposed to be? I've been playing Arkham VR and it's not so blurry that I can't see anything, but it's nowhere near sharp either. I tried the eye spacing thing but that didn't seem to help.

Also, is it normal that light kinda seeps through the bottom part of the headset? Like if I look down I can see some of the real world.

The back of the headband is too low and the headset is angled too high. Sit the back of the headband higher, this should allow the rubber to sit more flush against the face and block out most/all light. This is the correct angle for the headset and will also clear up some of the blur due to focus.

Rule of thumb for me when I put on my headset is to make sure the bottom part of the visor touches my face before or at the same time as the top.
My VR Legs are going the wrong way... I used to be able to play everything, happily for hours. Now I'm starting to feel sweaty and sick almost instantly, whenever I play.


Hey guys,

Just got my VR, mind BLOWN of course.

I just have Rez and Vr Worlds, looking for my next experience.

The Demo for Job simulator was amazing to me, is that the best game like this?

I'm looking for a game that uses move controllers, not multiplayer or Batman if you have any other recommendations.


My VR Legs are going to wrong way... I used to be able to play everything, happily for hours. Now I'm starting to feel sweaty and sick almost instantly, whenever I play.

It's a weird thing really. I find my tolerance goes down if I don't play it for a while so in a sense it's not like learning to ride a bike, you have to start over after absence.

I also find if I gently ease myself in to VR I'm more tolerant of the more nauseating experiences later in the same play session.

Furthermore I have different reactions to certain games. Rigs doesn't make me nauseated, but does give me a very slight headache behind the eyes after an hour or two which dissipates within minutes of stopping. I guess this is eye strain or something.

Thankfully I never sweat whilst VR'ing, I imagine that's pretty uncomfortable. In my experience if you're not feeling 100% (health-wise or tiredness) you will be more susceptible to motion sickness.
Hey guys,

Just got my VR, mind BLOWN of course.

I just have Rez and Vr Worlds, looking for my next experience.

The Demo for Job simulator was amazing to me, is that the best game like this?

I'm looking for a game that uses move controllers, not multiplayer or Batman if you have any other recommendations.

Wayward Sky is an excellent and charming game. Haven't played it myself but I expect you to die seems to be pretty awesome.


Wayward Sky is an excellent and charming game. Haven't played it myself but I expect you to die seems to be pretty awesome.

It's short, with only 4 missions, but if you have any love for nostalgic 60s style James Bond-inspired spy ambiance, I Expect You To Die is a hilarious and amazing experience. Also has one of the best opening credits for a game I've ever experienced.


5 of my top 10 games in the gaf games of the year thread are psvr games. no surprise that psvr has been my favorite thing this year


My holiday stories:

Family impressions:
-My nephews are in love with it, seeing the little one trying to touch the fish in Ocean Descent and having a huge smile was nice.
-As everything else, my parents are not interested at all. My father at least tried it but he put it on at the end of Ocean Descent so there was really nothing to see and he stopped quickly because he was afraid to get nauseous, after my oldest brother warned him.
-My oldest brother seemed to like the London Heist car chase scene but he got nauseous rather quick.
-My sister in law thought it was impressive but was super scared when she did Ocean Descent and had to stop right when the shark came.
-My brother in law enjoyed it but got nauseous rather quick, he played some Drive Club and some other stuff I think.
-My sister was not interested at all, like always.

-Playroom VR was the hit with my nephews. They really enjoyed every game, especially Robot Rescue.
-We tried Keep Talking and Nobody Will Explode for a bit and it was rather fun, we will probably play it more tomorrow. Sadly, there is no official German bomb manual but thank god for the community translation.
-Bought Headmaster, the game starts rather slow compared to the demo. Hopefully I will get to try it more.

May I ask what sale you're referring to?

Probably already answered, but meant the EU holiday sale.
How's the replay value of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes? Are the bomb configurations random?

Yep the bomb configurations are random, however there seems to be quite a difficulty spike around the end of the 'challenging' section bombs - my wife and I had done all the bombs between us up to that point but it needed 3 people for us to progress any further and it's bloody tough now. Still its one of my most played games now and always a favourite when people come round to try vr.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Holy shit, I got a set for Christmas! My parents rock. It's the base pack, but I'll buy some Move controllers later. They also gave me SW: Battlefront, something I wouldn't really buy myself since I'm not that into mp, but I am a huge SW fan... Will give it a good spin, especially because it's the ultimate edition with a VR mission.

Anyway, great gift. And I know how I'll be playing RE7 now.
Yep the bomb configurations are random, however there seems to be quite a difficulty spike around the end of the 'challenging' section bombs - my wife and I had done all the bombs between us up to that point but it needed 3 people for us to progress any further and it's bloody tough now. Still its one of my most played games now and always a favourite when people come round to try vr.

I'm thinking of buying it as a game to play with family and friends so you told me exactly what I needed to know. Thanks!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
That's a great gift, enjoy it. Though you might want to test your VR legs and see how sensitive you are to motion sickness before giving RE7 a try in VR mode.

I've already tried VR for a while and I was fine during: Batman, Rez, Until Dawn and Thumper. RIGS was the only game where I started feeling a bit uneasy.
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