So on the fence about this. If I trade in my OG ps4 and some games (and my move controllers and camera since you can't just buy the headset solo anywhere around here) I can get the bundle for a little under $300 with tax. I really don't see myself being able to get a better deal than that anytime soon so why not jump in now?
The only thing holding me back I think is having to deal with gamestop again after so many years and the fact that I got so burned by PS Move back in the day.
quick question, in vr games that use a gun or something similar can I pick it up and use it with either hand no problem? I'm left handed and nearly every motion controlled game I've played does not account for that so you have to hold shit really weird or just have shit all aim.
If i get one, resident evil is at the top of the list
I have bound
I would look for maybe a racing game, or maybe rigs if its not dead
I'll just rent some of the shorter games/experiences on the weekends
that should be enough to keep me occupied for a little bit I think