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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Mind if I ask where you ordered this from, and if you got a bundle or just the headset? I've been looking all over for a starter bundle (w/ camera and 2 moves) but everywhere I look is sold out except for resale (and for about $200-$300 more than MSRP). Really want to get one but it's already an expensive purchase...can't handle the after-market markup.

Just saw your question sry for the late reply, Amazon.de - just the headset for 399€. Already got 2 cheap Move controllers in preparation & camera.
Currently lying in the shelf, not even unboxed, still busy with Yakuza 0 but this weekend it should get some use.

Oni Jazar

Got the set yesterday. OMG it is amazing. Played Thumper, Rez, Super Hypercube. These were great on rails experiences.

Then tried the ones where locomotion is involved. nausea city. Had to take a break. Tried RE:7. Can't make it through the first area without feeling sick. I think there's a gradual tolerance that need to develop with VR. Definetly going to take my time.

30 degree angle turning helps a lot in RE.


I know there aren't a lot of Valkyrie fans here, but I'm one of them and this update sounds amazing.

It does look really cool. Can't wait to try it out and the full game when I finally get it next week. Loved the short demo when I got my PSVR last week, can't wait to enjoy the whole package.
Just looking for Pro on Amazon UK (out of stock), and I noticed that PSVR shows in stock, available for delivery tomorrow for Prime members.

Edit: it looks like it's either in stock or arriving tomorrow at a lot of retailers. Have they finally resolved their supply issue?

Can't get a Pro anywhere, though.
Just looking for Pro on Amazon UK (out of stock), and I noticed that PSVR shows in stock, available for delivery tomorrow for Prime members.

Edit: it looks like it's either in stock or arriving tomorrow at a lot of retailers. Have they finally resolved their supply issue?

Can't get a Pro anywhere, though.

I wouldn't say they're completely out of the woods on that but yeah, they're getting stock back on shelves. There's alot of people that have been waiting so best jump on it if one becomes available to you.
What would you guys suggest is an appropriate age to introduce a kid to VR? My Nephew is coming over tomorrow and he's really gotten into games this year. Mostly plays lego, racing and pokemon games on his 3DS. He turns 5 next week.

I asked my sister if i could show it to him and she said it's fine, but anyone else have any experience with showing it to kids at that age?


What would you guys suggest is an appropriate age to introduce a kid to VR? My Nephew is coming over tomorrow and he's really gotten into games this year. Mostly plays lego, racing and pokemon games on his 3DS. He turns 5 next week.

I asked my sister if i could show it to him and she said it's fine, but anyone else have any experience with showing it to kids at that age?
The box says 12. I thought I saw someone discuss this earlier in the thread and it was one of those CYOA things. Like, maybe it could damage developing eyes with prolonged use over time, but there's been no studies to support it.


Just got my PSVR last night, and I love it. Though I did make the mistake of playing the "Kitchen" demo late at night. Not a good idea. I figured it wouldn't be that bad. Man was I wrong. Watching other people I thought they might just be exaggerating horror games in VR, but that proved me wrong. Now I am both terrified and excited to try RE7.

Job simulator may be my favorite so far. Only did the office, but it's just so much fun. And I love being able to throw things when I'm done with them.
The box says 12. I thought I saw someone discuss this earlier in the thread and it was one of those CYOA things. Like, maybe it could damage developing eyes with prolonged use over time, but there's been no studies to support it.

I think 5 is pushing it, but I don't think anything would be "wrong" with it.

My 10 year old has tried it and is fine with it, but he doesn't like the feeling of games that have much movement. He also gets car sick easily though so there might be a correlation there. In more stationary games he is okay with it.

My 4 year old hasn't tried PSVR yet. I've tried phone base ones (Google Cardboard, etc) and he lost interest so quickly that I didn't have time to tell if it would cause him discomfort, but he isn't really interested in trying PSVR (and neither is my wife). He also has a fairly strong prescription for his glasses, so I'm not sure how well it work with him.

I'll hold it off for a few more years then.


What would you guys suggest is an appropriate age to introduce a kid to VR? My Nephew is coming over tomorrow and he's really gotten into games this year. Mostly plays lego, racing and pokemon games on his 3DS. He turns 5 next week.

I asked my sister if i could show it to him and she said it's fine, but anyone else have any experience with showing it to kids at that age?
I think 5 is pushing it, but I don't think anything would be "wrong" with it.

My 10 year old has tried it and is fine with it, but he doesn't like the feeling of games that have much movement. He also gets car sick easily though so there might be a correlation there. In more stationary games he is okay with it.

My 4 year old hasn't tried PSVR yet. I've tried phone base ones (Google Cardboard, etc) and he lost interest so quickly that I didn't have time to tell if it would cause him discomfort, but he isn't really interested in trying PSVR (and neither is my wife). He also has a fairly strong prescription for his glasses, so I'm not sure how well it work with him.


Bad news:
Star Trek - Bridge Crew has been delayed to May 30th.

Good news:
Classic Enterprise will be included.


What would you guys suggest is an appropriate age to introduce a kid to VR? My Nephew is coming over tomorrow and he's really gotten into games this year. Mostly plays lego, racing and pokemon games on his 3DS. He turns 5 next week.

I asked my sister if i could show it to him and she said it's fine, but anyone else have any experience with showing it to kids at that age?

I've let my daughters try PSVR for a few times for short (5 minute) games. We played the monster and ghost catcher games from Playroom VR. My 8 year-old loved it and understood it immediately; my 5 year-old took a little longer to get used to it, but when it clicked I was having to get out of the way while she headbutted helicopters saying "I'm a monster!".

I was fairly cautious when initially letting them try the headset. I think one of the concerns is the weight and fit of the device; it looks pretty unweildy on a small kid and I can see any extended use hurting a child's neck. The other concern is that the IPD must be way out for a kid. I tried to get my oldest to tell me if it was blurry or not, but she wasn't really able to give me much info.

I think the warnings are more for CYA than any specific risk, but everyone has to make their own call.


Bad news:
Star Trek - Bridge Crew has been delayed to May 30th.

Good news:
Classic Enterprise will be included.




Oh well, if you're going to inflict wounds, at least there's a band aid in this. Still, as fan of the series, this was a day one for me. Though perhaps this is for the best. If it will make the game better, let me sit in the freakin' TOS bridge, AND give me something to play in May, that's not a bad proposition. I'm floored by how many decent games are set in Q1 this year, I can't remember the last time when every month of a new year had at least one or two games I needed to buy.


Can Bridge Crew be played with just two people (you and a friend) or do you have to play with other strangers?

Good question. I think I read somewhere that there is a single player campaign of sorts, but I don't know whether you could just play online with a friend and have AI handle other duties, or whether you'd need the full roster.

Local co-op would be even cooler, but that''s pretty unrealistic.


I let my 5 year old experience a Youtube fighter jet video, she loved it. Just a quick jaunt with the headset, she immediately picked it up and wasn't fearful. But this wont become a common thing.


Good question. I think I read somewhere that there is a single player campaign of sorts, but I don't know whether you could just play online with a friend and have AI handle other duties, or whether you'd need the full roster.

Local co-op would be even cooler, but that''s pretty unrealistic.

This really needs to be answered. It's not like Ubisoft doesn't know but of course I haven't seen a single game journalist ask.


During the holidays I had my 9 year old nephew play the X-Wing VR mission.

He didn't get sick but the game concepts were a bit too advanced for him. It was also difficult to keep him correctly seated and listening to my directives, the whole experience was a bit too stimulating for him.

I'd say it's fine to let young kids try it out but make sure you keep your eyes on them at all times cause they might get very excited.


The Star Trek news is a little bit of a downer, but the new release date is better for me, plus classic enterprise being included is an awesome inclusion! So I can wait a bit more for it.
Hey can anyone confirm this is new? I noticed with the beta firmware and the VR update to the headset, when it's showing you what the camera sees and to make sure things are clear around you, it now has a note that says optimal seating is between 5 to 7 feet away. I don't remember that being displayed before. Can anyone confirm?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
My 9 and 11yr Olds are all over it. No sickness either even in stuff like rigs or Robinson. My daughter plays job Sim and catlateral damage for the most part son anything but horror.

Re 7 messes me up fierce.


Did the YouTube app for PS VR get tweaked? I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but a lot of the 3D VR videos that used to give me trouble like the Ghost In The Shell Trailer actually look okay now. There are still a few videos that have messed up 3D effects, but a lot of them actually seem to be functioning now, whereas before they image was usually split in some weird to resolve way.
So, apparently Sony are making the launch bundles available again. Just happened to see one in the locked case at Target while doing unrelated shopping. The store associate said it was the last one (he said they come in boxes of 2, and they get shipments every 2-3 weeks). He said it definitely wasn't going to make it to the weekend if I didn't buy it. I snagged it for my friend who hadn't had any luck finding one and didn't want to buy Gamestop's mega bundle. I actually checked online and it said there were no PSVRs, standalone or a bundle, available in any Target within a 100mi. Maybe that's why this went under the radar. But after I checked out in the electronics section, I walked back past the game section on my way out and there were 3 other groups of people surrounding the cabinet and asking if there were any PSVRs in stock. I just had lucky timing.


What would you guys suggest is an appropriate age to introduce a kid to VR? My Nephew is coming over tomorrow and he's really gotten into games this year. Mostly plays lego, racing and pokemon games on his 3DS. He turns 5 next week.

I asked my sister if i could show it to him and she said it's fine, but anyone else have any experience with showing it to kids at that age?

My buddy borrowed mine and let his 8 year old try it and the kid loved it. No motion sickness from any games at all.


Is it really that simple?

I ordered mine as soon as I played RE7. Finished it in 2D. Havent touched dlc or second playthrough yet.

I'm about to lose my VRginity, what should I play first? I have;

RE7 + season pass (unplayed)
Trackmania Turbo
Driveclub VR
VR Demo
* no move controllers yet
PS4 Pro

Can afford one other game, can't decide between rigs and battlezone. Guess the demo will help there.

So which to lose VRginity?!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I ordered mine as soon as I played RE7. Finished it in 2D. Havent touched dlc or second playthrough yet.

I'm about to lose my VRginity, what should I play first? I have;

RE7 + season pass (unplayed)
Trackmania Turbo
Driveclub VR
VR Demo
* no move controllers yet
PS4 Pro

Can afford one other game, can't decide between rigs and battlezone. Guess the demo will help there.

So which to lose VRginity?!

Playroom. It's free.


Is it really that simple?

Im not sure, but I think its a combination of the difficulty finding one for a considerable amount of time building up with all the good impressions combined with the excitement of Resident Evil 7. But Im sure it differs in each region. Where I am in Japan, its simply been the hot item everyone wants to try and get since the first day of preorders, and has been one of the hardest things to find Ive seen in video games here in quite a long time. Glad I got one recently, but it wasn't easy, but well worth the effort.


I ordered mine as soon as I played RE7. Finished it in 2D. Havent touched dlc or second playthrough yet.

I'm about to lose my VRginity, what should I play first? I have;

RE7 + season pass (unplayed)
Trackmania Turbo
Driveclub VR
VR Demo
* no move controllers yet
PS4 Pro

Can afford one other game, can't decide between rigs and battlezone. Guess the demo will help there.

So which to lose VRginity?!

You can't go wrong with any of those, although I would say try out the demo disk first. Thats what I did and the first thing I tried was the EVE Valkyrie demo. Nothing could prepare me for how cool that was, an amazing first experience, but way too short. To finally be able to step in and feel like I'm in a space shooter, a dream of mine since i was a kid, was an amazing experience.

I would even say hold off on RE7 for last after trying out the other games a bit. But of course do the kitchen demo and even the old re7 demo too. Because while all the games so far have been a blast, RE7 in VR is so amazing its pretty much changed my outlook on what I want from games from now on. In fact most of the VR titles have done that. But especially RE7, its a special title for sure for VR,
So what's with the sudden surge of PSVR demand?
Don't think it's a surge in demand, rather than actual supply being available. I was trying to get one since right after launch and ended up with a Pro instead just before Christmas. Managed to finally snag one recently because I made it to the site before it sold out. Was using nowinstock alerts but the few times I had gotten one I was always too late (as it sold out in minutes on most sites).

That said, I think more visible want for it has become present due to RE7 and upcoming games like Star Trek and Ace Combat.
Don't think it's a surge in demand, rather than actual supply being available. I was trying to get one since right after launch and ended up with a Pro instead just before Christmas. Managed to finally snag one recently because I made it to the site before it sold out. Was using nowinstock alerts but the few times I had gotten one I was always too late (as it sold out in minutes on most sites).

That said, I think more visible want for it has become present due to RE7 and upcoming games like Star Trek and Ace Combat.

I know supply has been short, but I saw quite a few core bundles at my local best buy before Christmas, and now they're tapped everywhere lol.

Maybe some advertising that flew under my radar or something lol. Maybe just the good press.


You can't go wrong with any of those, although I would say try out the demo disk first. Thats what I did and the first thing I tried was the EVE Valkyrie demo. Nothing could prepare me for how cool that was, an amazing first experience, but way too short. To finally be able to step in and feel like I'm in a space shooter, a dream of mine since i was a kid, was an amazing experience.

I would even say hold off on RE7 for last after trying out the other games a bit. But of course do the kitchen demo and even the old re7 demo too. Because while all the games so far have been a blast, RE7 in VR is so amazing its pretty much changed my outlook on what I want from games from now on. In fact most of the VR titles have done that. But especially RE7, its a special title for sure for VR,

Perfect. EVE Valkyrie demo it is!!



Perfect. EVE Valkyrie demo it is!!


Its a fun demo, just don't be surprised at how short it is. It really should've been a few minutes longer than it is. Still that was an amazing first experience for me. Enough so that Im going to pick it up next week when I get the chance. Theres also a nice call of duty demo like eve as well available for download. Its a bit longer and very similar. And yeah try out all the demos you can on the disk. They are all quite fun. Although you will need move controllers for things like Job Simulator. Thats also a fantastic demo to try whenever you get them.

But yeah really they are all quite amazing little experiences. Cant go wrong with any of what you got as your first choices.


Its a fun demo, just don't be surprised at how short it is. It really should've been a few minutes longer than it is. Still that was an amazing first experience for me. Enough so that Im going to pick it up next week when I get the chance. Theres also a nice call of duty demo like eve as well available for download. Its a bit longer and very similar. And yeah try out all the demos you can on the disk. They are all quite fun. Although you will need move controllers for things like Job Simulator. Thats also a fantastic demo to try whenever you get them.

But yeah really they are all quite amazing little experiences. Cant go wrong with any of what you got as your first choices.

Brilliant. Thanks for your advice.

Firing it up after dinner (Aus) but she's ready to go. Followed setup guides etc. very very excited!!!

:) might even buy eve if it blows my mind.


Brilliant. Thanks for your advice.

Firing it up after dinner (Aus) but she's ready to go. Followed setup guides etc. very very excited!!!

:) might even buy eve if it blows my mind.

Enjoy! that first experience in VR is really something. Everyone tries hard to describe how it is, but words really can't express just how amazing an experience it is. And when you get to resident evil 7, thats where it will get even more intense! Nothing Ive experienced in games or movies or haunted houses or what not compares to that experience. Its a real game changer thats for sure.


I ordered mine as soon as I played RE7. Finished it in 2D. Havent touched dlc or second playthrough yet.

I'm about to lose my VRginity, what should I play first? I have;

RE7 + season pass (unplayed)
Trackmania Turbo
Driveclub VR
VR Demo
* no move controllers yet
PS4 Pro

Can afford one other game, can't decide between rigs and battlezone. Guess the demo will help there.

So which to lose VRginity?!

Rez for Area X. Amazing VR


Eve valkyrie is a very fun multiplayer game but every time I play it I just get sad that I dont have NMS, or Elite: Dangerous in VR
I know supply has been short, but I saw quite a few core bundles at my local best buy before Christmas, and now they're tapped everywhere lol.

Maybe some advertising that flew under my radar or something lol. Maybe just the good press.

The thirst for RE7 VR is real. That's basically the only game right now driving me to fork over $400.


Bought PSVR yesterday and have downloaded everything that's free.
Eve felt great but I'm not sure about buying because of all the micro dlc they sell,it looks like an expensive game over time?
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