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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Figured I'd write up my experience with VR sickness for the benefit of other sufferers, or those holding back on buying PSVR due to nausea concerns.

RE7: played the first few hours (essentially up to the second floor of the old house, before the second boss) in 30-45 minute stints. Stopped whenever I started feeling green. Used anti-nauseants; sometimes they helped, sometimes they didn't. Playing on a full stomach led to greater nausea that came on faster. I still refused to switch off smooth movement, because I felt it was essential to the RE7 experience, and goddamnit, for whatever reason, the demo didn't make me sick! Nausea aside, I was loving the game, but that love was being eroded by the inevitable queasiness I experienced when playing.

Last night I played without any anti-nauseants, immediately after eating a largeish bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs, and had no issues at all. Played for a shade over 2 hours 30 minutes straight. It was fucking amazing. I finally got a sense of how well paced the game is, and found myself even more immersed. This was the VR experience I'd been waiting for, and it was more than worth the cost of admission and time spent playing in small bursts until the sickness went away. I was amazed before, but this really felt like a new world. I was right there in the game, fucking terrified, and felt like I'd woken up from a dream when I finally turned the game off.

So to those still waiting to get their VR legs, don't give up. It's a bit of an ordeal, but so, so worth it. Will update this post if last night was a fluke and the nausea comes back, but if the experiences of others are anything to go by, it should be gone for good.


I think you went about it the right way. Just keep at it, and stop when you start feeling bad. Eventually you get your legs under you, but the key is to not try to "will to power" yourself through it. That was what Here They Lie and Robinson: The Journey were like for me at first, but I can now play them without problems.


Lmao, this made me laugh. Cadburry Eggs are fucking delicious.
True, but only if they're Cadbury Creme Eggs. Those are my jam.

Also, how did you not get sick after eating a whole bag at once, Aske? I'd say that was playing with fire, you'd have had a very nasty puddle to clean up if you got VR sick didn't make it to a toilet. lol.


True, but only if they're Cadbury Creme Eggs. Those are my jam.

Also, how did you not get sick after eating a whole bag at once, Aske? I'd say that was playing with fire, you'd have had a very nasty puddle to clean up if you got VR sick didn't make it to a toilet. lol.

I like to live dangerously. Also I've never reached the point of feeling vomity; I always made sure to stop first, and the queasiness comes on slow when it hits me. But you're right, I chose the worst possible conditions. I just really wanted a crack at chasing down
. I couldn't have been more surprised.

Maybe the Mini Eggs are the secret. They weren't Mini Creme Eggs, they were the more pedestrian milk chocolate in a crisp candy shell, reputedly laid by Mr. Cadbury's parrot. I don't know who/what lays the Mini Creme Eggs, but obviously the large ones are manufactured. Mine were organic, bagged straight from the cloaca.


I like to live dangerously. Also I've never reached the point of feeling vomity; I always made sure to stop first, and the queasiness comes on slow when it hits me. But you're right, I chose the worst possible conditions. I just really wanted a crack at chasing down
. I couldn't have been more surprised.

Maybe the Mini Eggs are the secret. They weren't Mini Creme Eggs, they were the more pedestrian milk chocolate in a crisp candy shell, reputedly laid by Mr. Cadbury's parrot. I don't know who/what lays the Mini Creme Eggs, but obviously the large ones are manufactured. Mine were organic, bagged straight from the cloaca.
You win the day, sir. This just made me almost spit my drink all over my laptop.

Seriously though, I hope you've genuinely found your VR legs because RE7 is astonishing in VR. I couldn't imagine playing it on a TV. In fact, I haven't played it on the TV at all since I got the game; VR all the time.


For those who have the game, is there more to Trackmania Turbo than short drag race style events? I tried the demo and it was neat, but I'm not sure I see any longevity in it if that's all it has.


Neo Member
Is Fruit Ninja good on PS VR? Worth a buy?

It's a bit expensive since there's not much else then the modes of the mobile game. But it's still really fun and the move tracking is amazing, probably the best of all games I've tried. Me and my brothers played it a lot over christmas, trying to beat each others scores. But there's not much replay value other then trying to get better scores.

So a fun arcade game with great move tracking and you feel like a real fruit ninja, but a bit expensive for what you get
For those who have the game, is there more to Trackmania Turbo than short drag race style events? I tried the demo and it was neat, but I'm not sure I see any longevity in it if that's all it has.

That's all it has, but there are a lot of them and you get addicted to the bite-sized challenges which are all actually pretty unique. It's one of my favorite PSVR games.
Rhombus of Ruin is pretty good. Looks great and the voice acting and animation is lovely, it really sells the world, the theme is brilliant. I think it's the perfect length, doesn't overstay its welcome and leaves you wanting more but satisfied, I preferred it to the original. Now I really hope Pixar do something in VR soon.


Rhombus of Ruin is pretty good. Looks great and the voice acting and animation is lovely, it really sells the world, the theme is brilliant. I think it's the perfect length, doesn't overstay its welcome and leaves you wanting more but satisfied, I preferred it to the original. Now I really hope Pixar do something in VR soon.

While I wouldn't go as far as to say I think it's better than the original game, I'm not surprised in the least that Psychonauts translated well into the adventure game format. I am surprised that they managed to make a "stationary" VR game work so well, though. I wasn't sure whether making the player immobile would be such a hot idea for a game like Psychonauts, but they worked the mechanics in well, and of course, it totally avoids the nausea issue, which makes it an accessible experience for everyone.

I'm still ready for more platforming in Psychonauts 2, though.
While I wouldn't go as far as to say I think it's better than the original game, I'm not surprised in the least that Psychonauts translated well into the adventure game format. I am surprised that they managed to make a "stationary" VR game work so well, though. I wasn't sure whether making the player immobile would be such a hot idea for a game like Psychonauts, but they worked the mechanics in well, and of course, it totally avoids the nausea issue, which makes it an accessible experience for everyone.

I'm still ready for more platforming in Psychonauts 2, though.

I really enjoyed the setting and charm of the original but was never a big fan of the actual game.


i just finished Here They Lie. fantastic game. similar to Bound in VR, it's like being in another world and I didn't want it to end. i think the demo killed interest for a lot of people, mostly because of the controls (i think it made people nauseous), but with the update they've added non-barfy controls. In terms of "horror", maybe half the game is scary-type horror / the other half is like Pan's Labyrinth. it's a trip. my PSVR faves are now (in order):

1) Resident Evil 7
2) Rez Infinite
3) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
4) Thumper
5) Volume
6) Bound
7) Here They Lie


Purchased Starship Disco earlier and loved it. The ability to import your own music is such a fantastic idea. I could play it for ages.


That's all it has, but there are a lot of them and you get addicted to the bite-sized challenges which are all actually pretty unique. It's one of my favorite PSVR games.
Hmm... Interesting. Is the VR a free add-on if you buy the full game? Maybe I can find it on the cheap somewhere.

Rhombus of Ruin is pretty good. Looks great and the voice acting and animation is lovely, it really sells the world, the theme is brilliant. I think it's the perfect length, doesn't overstay its welcome and leaves you wanting more but satisfied, I preferred it to the original. Now I really hope Pixar do something in VR soon.
Agreed on most points. I felt like the original game overstayed its welcome to an extent, I couldn't wait for it to be over by the end.
It didn't help that The Meat Circus was so aggravating. I also felt like finding/returning all of the campers' brains felt totally inconsequential and meaningless.
Rhombus tells a story, it does so at a steady pace, and it was satisfying from start to finish. It's funny how the mind-jumping from the original game fit so well as a navigational element in a VR setting. I was glad that one particular element
(the door to go into someone's brain)
only appeared once. And every psycho-power felt tastefully utilized.

What is the consensus on Dexed? I'm tempted to pick it up in an attempt to hit the $100 total for the $15 back promo.


Just replayed a chunk of RE7 because the game is a dick and I want the good ending. I figured I'd give it a whirl without VR. I have a KS8000, and games look sweet on it. I didn't bother using HDR because as we all know, it won't pass through the PSVR breakout box, and I didn't feel like screwing with the cables for a 15 minute session; but suffice to say I was playing in 4K on a Pro, and the game looked phenomenal.

I will never play RE7 outside VR again - or any other game that has the option. It went from being an experience I felt like I was living to feeling like any other game. The downgrade in PQ is significant in VR, but it's a small price to pay for the sense of presence as far as I'm concerned. I still enjoy non-VR games a ton, but in this case I found that because I was so used to playing virtually, going back felt like a huge and unacceptable step back.

A touch of VR sickness popped up again out of the blue, but only during my second play session of the evening, and only after I'd played so much I'd almost finished the game. I was ready to stop anyway, so I wasn't all that inconvenienced. But I guess that means the VR anti-nauseant effects of Cadbury Mini Eggs are only good for about 24 hours, so other users should be mindful and take a fresh dose accordingly.
I really need to try that Joshua Bell experience this weekend, have it downloaded just not played.

Midlife Ballers (podcast from Matt brother of Nick from Kinda Funny) have been releasing part and now a whole podcast in 360 video currently pateron exclusive, but will reach out and see if it can share it here. But wow watching podcasts in VR is amazing expecially with an active producer off screen (cause can turn round and see them) really enjoyed the exerience as really makes you feel like you are there, youtube streaming even on a 70mb broadband could be better though did have it completely de res at one point to like 8bit graphics, but all in all would love to see more podcasts/shows in 360 video and even better if in actual VR great for as no distractions etc.


Junior Member
Anyone still play RIGS? How's the online playerbase at the moment?

I want to get into RIGS online, but I suck at single player so I'd just bring down any team I was on. .

I've only played Eve Valkyrie a few times in multiplayer. Is it just me, or do they fill anyone not playing with bots? Seems like me and maybe two other people there with names that don't read like they were from the game.


Haven't really been posting in here, but I got a PSVR about two weeks ago, and while I haven't had a massive amount of time with it, I'm really digging it. I've also had absolutely zero problem with motion sickness, even from playing for extended periods. I'll probably post some better impressions here sometime.

Currently the two games I've got are Resident Evil 7, and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. I've also played almost everything on the demo disc.

Going by either the playable demos, or impressions online, here are the titles I'm planning to pick up over the course of the next month or two:

Job Simulator
Rez Infinite
Starship Disco
Wayward Sky

Just curious if anyone has any notes on the above, whether any of these games aren't too highly thought of around here, or if there are any glaring omissions.



Haven't really been posting in here, but I got a PSVR about two weeks ago, and while I haven't had a massive amount of time with it, I'm really digging it. I've also had absolutely zero problem with motion sickness, even from playing for extended periods. I'll probably post some better impressions here sometime.

Currently the two games I've got are Resident Evil 7, and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. I've also played almost everything on the demo disc.

Going by either the playable demos, or impressions online, here are the titles I'm planning to pick up over the course of the next month or two:

Job Simulator
Rez Infinite
Starship Disco
Wayward Sky

Just curious if anyone has any notes on the above, whether any of these games aren't too highly thought of around here, or if there are any glaring omissions.


I argue that Thumper and Super Hyper Cube are two of the "must get" games for PSVR. At the very least, try the demos (I know one exists for Super Hyper Cube, at least).


I argue that Thumper and Super Hyper Cube are two of the "must get" games for PSVR. At the very least, try the demos (I know one exists for Super Hyper Cube, at least).

Thanks. I'll definitely look into these. At a quick glance, I like the look of both.

I think I might have seen Super Hyper Cube being shown on GiantBomb a while ago, but i'd forgot the name. I remember it looked like a lot of fun.


Just curious if anyone has any notes on the above, whether any of these games aren't too highly thought of around here, or if there are any glaring omissions.


Wayward Sky is definitely a good buy for people that want to see an adventure game done right in VR. It's short, and the puzzles aren't especially complex, but it gives you an amazing sense of watching over a diorama as you steer your character around solving puzzles.
Do we have any idea when Farpoint is coming? I am hoping Spring but that's probably too optimistic.

Sony's gone dead silent about it which makes me think that will be pushed to Q2/Q3. It's one of their few marketable PSVR games so I'm sure they want to give some proper marketing away from the Q1 craziness.
Has anyone had issues making purchases on the PSN Store? I'm at work attempting to buy some VR titles and my first order went through fine. It wouldn't let me add everything I wanted so I had to split the order. I go to check out a second time and now it's constantly giving me this "Your purchase may not be complete. Check your transaction history in your Account settings." message. I've even attempted to do it on my cell phone (over the cell network, i.e. I disconnected from WiFi) and I'm still getting this message. It's like my account has been suddenly locked from purchasing...


Has anyone had issues making purchases on the PSN Store? I'm at work attempting to buy some VR titles and my first order went through fine. It wouldn't let me add everything I wanted so I had to split the order. I go to check out a second time and now it's constantly giving me this "Your purchase may not be complete. Check your transaction history in your Account settings." message. I've even attempted to do it on my cell phone (over the cell network, i.e. I disconnected from WiFi) and I'm still getting this message. It's like my account has been suddenly locked from purchasing...

Region? I bought ME:Catalyst a few hours ago in EU.
Has anyone had issues making purchases on the PSN Store? I'm at work attempting to buy some VR titles and my first order went through fine. It wouldn't let me add everything I wanted so I had to split the order. I go to check out a second time and now it's constantly giving me this "Your purchase may not be complete. Check your transaction history in your Account settings." message. I've even attempted to do it on my cell phone (over the cell network, i.e. I disconnected from WiFi) and I'm still getting this message. It's like my account has been suddenly locked from purchasing...

Same thing here. Using my card or PP directly gives the the same exact error. It completes successfully sometimes doing it from the PC, and sometimes it wont accept purchases from the PC and I must do it from the console.

I've made due just buying on the Vita, since for some reason that works every time.


So there's a casual flight sim named Ultrawings that was just released for Oculus. It's inspired by Pilotwings. I emailed the developer about it, he said to watch out for an announcement soon. Sounds like it might be coming to PSVR soon!

Check out Reddit for impressions, which are pretty good.


Ah yeah silly me.

It's a bit weird how Sony classifies some of this stuff. The Joshua Bell video is its own piece of software that appears on your dashboard when you use it, but the Kygo "Carry Me" video is buried in with the rest of your media apps like Netflix and such. I'm not sure how they're making these distinctions.
It's a bit weird how Sony classifies some of this stuff. The Joshua Bell video is its own piece of software that appears on your dashboard when you use it, but the Kygo "Carry Me" video is buried in with the rest of your media apps like Netflix and such. I'm not sure how they're making these distinctions.

It's a mess - If you go into the PS VR section and sort by "Games" it leave a ton of items out as well.


It's a bit weird how Sony classifies some of this stuff. The Joshua Bell video is its own piece of software that appears on your dashboard when you use it, but the Kygo "Carry Me" video is buried in with the rest of your media apps like Netflix and such. I'm not sure how they're making these distinctions.

The Joshua Bell VR app does not stream video and therefore is not classified as a media app. Just like other standalone VR non-game apps like Alumette and Invasion.


The Joshua Bell VR app does not stream video and therefore is not classified as a media app. Just like other standalone VR non-game apps like Alumette and Invasion.

That's what I mean though, the Kygo "Carry Me" VR app isn't streaming either. It's just a straight up musical track set to some VR imagery, yet it's in that same category along with the Netflix and Funimation apps.
Do you guys think we'll see a price drop this year (holiday perhaps)? I'm seriously tempted to buy this but I feel like I should wait a few months to see if there's more games/a price drop.


Do you guys think we'll see a price drop this year (holiday perhaps)? I'm seriously tempted to buy this but I feel like I should wait a few months to see if there's more games/a price drop.

I think a holiday price drop is actually realistic. The hardware will have been out for a while, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sony is already working PS VR 2, probably with a 4K display, maybe fewer wires, or no wires entirely.

If they can keep up a reasonable stream of good VR releases, they PS4 base by holiday 2017 might be big enough to justify a price/sale drop to get more people on board.
All this talk of mini eggs is making me want some now, trouble is they are so damn nice a small bad is never enough, so end up buying a big bag. Will have to try some next time I play on my PSVR, to see if it really helps with sickness........... it's a good excuse to eat them anyway lol


Speaking of which is the Kygo thing any good? I still need to spend some money to reach the $100 get $15 promo. I think I'll go with VR stuff.
I think a holiday price drop is actually realistic. The hardware will have been out for a while, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sony is already working PS VR 2, probably with a 4K display, maybe fewer wires, or no wires entirely.

If they can keep up a reasonable stream of good VR releases, they PS4 base by holiday 2017 might be big enough to justify a price/sale drop to get more people on board.
Sweet! I can't imagine VR 2 coming before PS5 though, right? I mean, I don't want to buy the thing and then have VR 2 announced a few months later :p


Do you guys think we'll see a price drop this year (holiday perhaps)? I'm seriously tempted to buy this but I feel like I should wait a few months to see if there's more games/a price drop.

Costco has been selling the core headset for $349 when they have it in stock. Might want to keep an eye on them, if that price is right for you.
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