Espeon becuase Esp est numero uno huehuehuehuehue
Alright, well now that I've made that decision where do I go to find out if Eevee likes me enough to evolve before screwing with the clock?
Espeon becuase Esp est numero uno huehuehuehuehue
Alright, well now that I've made that decision where do I go to find out if Eevee likes me enough to evolve before screwing with the clock?
Man Pokemon World Tournament just cheats in the world did a Cloyster of all things get the jump on my Ludicolo?! And then moves that should do neutral or weak damage...knock me out in one hit!
Wait, how does Miltank outspeed Infernape?? Or Gengar even?!
Call Bianca. She'll say that your Pokémon absolutely adores you if it's ready to evolve.
Man Pokemon World Tournament just cheats in the world did a Cloyster of all things get the jump on my Ludicolo?! And then moves that should do neutral or weak damage...knock me out in one hit!
Wait, how does Miltank outspeed Infernape?? Or Gengar even?!
Alright done and done, thanks =) Now I can drop Psyduck and use Espeon =D
Man Pokemon World Tournament just cheats in the world did a Cloyster of all things get the jump on my Ludicolo?! And then moves that should do neutral or weak damage...knock me out in one hit!
Wait, how does Miltank outspeed Infernape?? Or Gengar even?!
Man Pokemon World Tournament just cheats in the world did a Cloyster of all things get the jump on my Ludicolo?! And then moves that should do neutral or weak damage...knock me out in one hit!
Wait, how does Miltank outspeed Infernape?? Or Gengar even?!
Man Pokemon World Tournament just cheats in the world did a Cloyster of all things get the jump on my Ludicolo?! And then moves that should do neutral or weak damage...knock me out in one hit!
Wait, how does Miltank outspeed Infernape?? Or Gengar even?!
I can't seek him in the wi fi trade since I haven't seen him/ghastly's on the national pokedex
EV's and IV's can go to the ninth circle of hell.
Oh and hey Clair is still a royal jerk, all is well. Take that L sucker!
I'm going to like...never play this mode again. They cheat so much. And I don't want to train my Pokemon so they have max EV and IV...
I can trade you a haunter if thats ok.
So my dream radar Tornadus-T has max IVs in Defense, Speed, and Attack, plus jolly nature.
Sweet jesus. Acrobatics/U-turn based movepool here I come. Maybe add superpower in there somewhere
already trained.....ok its flawless![]()
I will gladly take it then. Do you want something for it?
I will gladly take it then. Do you want something for it?
Hey guys, just popping in with a quick question: Would there be any point in getting Pokemon Dream Radar before getting Black/White 2? I plan on getting 2 in a couple months but I was wondering if Dream Radar might be a fun way to kill the time until then, but if it's dependent on having Black/White 2 to enjoy I'll just wait.
Dream Radar does not depend on B2/W2 to be played. You can start collecting pokemon on the dream radar and transfer them to the game once you get it. The game can hold up to I think 6 pokemon and once you get a new one you have to discard one of those you have already caught. Legendaries are stored in a different place so you won't accidentally replace them.
Hmm i want something extremely rare.
....a patrat or some other weak pokemon will do fine/
Black 1 fc is 3224-9919-3951
Added and standing by, I think.
Alright added. In the trading area waiting.
sorry if he's overleveled.
Realize that nobody actually *trades* Pokemon that can be bred. They just give them away.
I'll never give away my Flying Pikachu and Surfing Raichu.
Do you really get a Zorua just handed to you? lol
It's to the right ofHow do I get to the Strange House?
In the bottom room of Strange House, there's this item behind a ghost couch. How do I get it?
In the bottom room of Strange House, there's this item behind a ghost couch. How do I get it?
The Strange House: where furniture hates you.
Plus all the death and dying references... what is happening to this series? :O Tryin' to get some of dat Persona crowd?