I'm in love.
kyurem snivy, kyurem oshawott and kyurem tepig
I'm in love.
I started a new game last night in Black and it got me thinking...assuming that Black and White 2 will indeed be different from the usual third versions we get, who will the starters be?
If they're the same as now then I can't see the games being dramatically different because they'd need to be trained again which kinda implies going through the game again.
Either way I think calling the games Black and White 2 gives them a real chance to go off the board with these games. Like literally continuing where the previous ones left off or adding some areas (or a region) so that going through the whole game again is worth it.
No doubt the same system in place in all these games - no PalPark ability until late in the game.Only problem is, what's to stop experienced players from simply trading/importing a Level 100 Scrafty into the game and breezing through the gyms? (Assuming there still are gyms, of course)
No doubt the same system in place in all these games - no PalPark ability until late in the game.
No doubt the same system in place in all these games - no PalPark ability until late in the game.
But doesn't really matter, since there was nothing really stopping you from trading high level guys from Diamond or Pearl to Platinum.
We don't have any idea how the sequel thing is going to work, so to be honest any speculation about that particular aspect is wasted thought processes at this point.
I speculate that you will be able to visit Hoenn, only to find that it is now ruled by Tentacool.
So Team Aqua succeeded? half the map felt like it was run by tentacool anyway with rare wingull subordinates.
But she promises to take you somewhere else if you get every gold badge so you grind that for hours
and kyogre has an advantage on groudon >_>
i have 300 rattatas
But are they in the top of Rattata?
joey must have some kind of rare nature because after 300 tries i still havent got a top class rattata
what, he's pronouncing it wrong. its RAT-tata not Ra-TAT-ta
edit: my rattatas are not for any kind of breeding experiment. i just love them. its my favourite pokemon.
i bet you have a bourgie favourite like a legendary or psychic type. rattata is the common man's pokemon.
Oy! Scrafty, Munchlax and Espeon are not bourgies, you scallywag!
Andrex, release the 3-headed evil god dragon!
<3buizel and hydreigon<3 my other favourites are ledian and growlithe.
scrafty though....![]()
Also Hydreigon isn't evil, just misunderstood.
just like kyurem
This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack.
The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.
Mmhm. Pretty big misunderstanding, innit?