Touche. That was a bit of a weird typing when I first saw it. Wow, Steel/Fighting...that's kind of good actually!
I'm a little confused though...didn't you fight Lucario before? I know Maylene in Sinnoh uses him...or were things different in Diamond?
You gotta abuse the protein and candies brother if you want your pokemon to be as big as the Hulkster! Your pokemon are curtain jerking vanilla midgets.
Of course it's the starters getting the Hogan push. Meanwhile Marill, Bellossom and Elekid are relegated to jobber status. "It's a whole new world we live in" was a lie, it's the same political-fueled world as the last time!
Munchlax > Pichu > Azurill > Wynaut > Elekid
For top 5 baby Pokemon.
There is no such thing as a cool baby Pokémon.
Of course it's the starters getting the Hogan push. Meanwhile Marill, Bellossom and Elekid are relegated to jobber status. "It's a whole new world we live in" was a lie, it's the same political-fueled world as the last time!
I like my Snorlax to be Snorlax.
what in the hell is that avatar
what in the hell is that avatar
One half good, one half terrible.
There's only one of your avatars I might consider that.Admit it, Chet; all of my avatars are 120% cooler than anyone else's.
There's only one of your avatars I might consider that.
Fuse Bayleaf with anything so it can be useful. Is it possible?
Bayleaf + Stunfisk + Dunsparce
The epitome of uselessness.
Enlighten me.
motherfuck this actually made me laugh
OG Gold and Silver were piss easy, man.
I wish they would do a gengar + mewtwo... would be interesting.
I can't be the only one who thought of Nigel right away.
omg my first post on Pokegaf and one of my first posts ever after two years of lurking. hi y'all!
I can't be the only one who thought of Nigel right away.
omg my first post on Pokegaf and one of my first posts ever after two years of lurking. hi y'all!