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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

I never did Platinum's post game because I wasn't satisfied with my team meaning i've missed like half the point of actually owning Platinum, I tried to give it another swing earlier this year but after Black I just can't go back.


I never did Platinum's post game because I wasn't satisfied with my team meaning i've missed like half the point of actually owning Platinum, I tried to give it another swing earlier this year but after Black I just can't go back.

it's hard to return to a world without infinite TMs and Audino.
I'd be more inclined to play D/P if their pacing didn't make it seem the games ran at 2 fps.
That's why Platinum is soooo much better.
But overall D/P/Pt were probably my least favourite.

OMG Aero

So let me get this straight, the latest Pokemon episode revolves around a herd of Bouffalant who attack anyone they see that doesn't have an afro?

This is fucking stupid. Fuck this episode.


Okay never mind, this is the best episode.
The only way it could be better is if it kept its Japanese name which I found when looking for those screenshots:
Afro GO! Bouffalant NO!!


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