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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!




These 2 got me! :D


Why haven't they done an E4 with Grass/Fire/Water/Electric and have the Champion use Dragon? It seems like such an obvious one, but its never been done.


What would your team be?

This is actually a little difficult for me as I tend to like having a team of all separate types in one party, and the Elite 4/Champion don't have access to any non-uber legendaries. At the same time I also won't use my competitive team because in-game tiers and lore don't quite mix, and the Pokemon I use in my competitive team aren't my top of the line favorites.



This is actually a little difficult for me as I tend to like having a team of all separate types in one party, and the Elite 4/Champion don't have access to any non-uber legendaries. At the same time I also won't use my competitive team because in-game tiers and lore don't quite mix, and the Pokemon I use in my competitive team aren't my top of the line favorites.


My team would be 6 garchomps


My Choice Scarf Glaceon would take those 6 garchomps out. Now 5 Garchomps with Tyranitar putting sand up, is deadly.

This is actually a little difficult for me as I tend to like having a team of all separate types in one party, and the Elite 4/Champion don't have access to any non-uber legendaries. At the same time I also won't use my competitive team because in-game tiers and lore don't quite mix, and the Pokemon I use in my competitive team aren't my top of the line favorites.


That's pretty awesome, I'm a big Flareon fan too. He appears in the E4 more than any other Eevee evolution because he is that damn awesome.


Natures is actually easier to get through breeding now. IVs are ridiculously annoying - especially now that there's starting to be some strategy with regards to what your speed IV is.
Isn't it always as high as possible or as low as possible?

Wait, how is it in double battles? Is it important for one Pokemon on your team to be faster than another?


Isn't it always as high as possible or as low as possible?

Wait, how is it in double battles? Is it important for one Pokemon on your team to be faster than another?
Sometimes, yes. The most common of these was having a Pokemon with Lum Berry (often Metagross) be one speed slower than Cresselia so that it would move after Cresselia used Swagger in Trick Room. Scott used a speed IV of 14 at Nationals (here) and Ray did the same in his Worlds winning team (here). Ray also used a 0 IV but Adamant Tyranitar making it slow enough for Trick Room and getting down weather but not so slow that it couldn't outspeed certain Pokemon like Gastrodon outside Trick Room (explained here).

Edit: And yes, IV spreads are important for choosing Hidden Power while giving up as little as possible on important stats. I remember seeing some tweets back and forth between a friend and a Japanese player where they were trying to decide on 0 vs 2 IV in speed for HP Ice Eruption Heatran.
This is actually a little difficult for me as I tend to like having a team of all separate types in one party, and the Elite 4/Champion don't have access to any non-uber legendaries. At the same time I also won't use my competitive team because in-game tiers and lore don't quite mix, and the Pokemon I use in my competitive team aren't my top of the line favorites.


If I was Champion, I would probably use Dark-types and my team would be something like this:


A lot of Gen Fivers, but that was the generation that introduced the coolest Dark-types after all.


Sometimes, yes. The most common of these was having a Pokemon with Lum Berry (often Metagross) be one speed slower than Cresselia so that it would move after Cresselia used Swagger in Trick Room. Scott used a speed IV of 14 at Nationals (here) and Ray did the same in his Worlds winning team (here). Ray also used a 0 IV but Adamant Tyranitar making it slow enough for Trick Room and getting down weather but not so slow that it couldn't outspeed certain Pokemon like Gastrodon outside Trick Room (explained here).

Edit: And yes, IV spreads are important for choosing Hidden Power while giving up as little as possible on important stats. I remember seeing some tweets back and forth between a friend and a Japanese player where they were trying to decide on 0 vs 2 IV in speed for HP Ice Eruption Heatran.
Man. This is crazy. What if IVs didn't really exist and were made up online.

Gonna have a field day with the links this weekend.


Well its time to get my little pony from gamestop.

I did that yesterday. Loitering in my local gamestation, watching pother people actually shop while I downloaded a Pokémon was a little weird. At least when it's a thing where you have to be at a specific place on a specific date there's a bunch of other people doing that exact same " stand in the corner of the shop and switch between every copy of the game you own and the ones your friends gave you because they're too lazy to do it themselves" dance and you can share that awkward "you're not alone" head nod.


I did that yesterday. Loitering in my local gamestation, watching pother people actually shop while I downloaded a Pokémon was a little weird. At least when it's a thing where you have to be at a specific place on a specific date there's a bunch of other people doing that exact same " stand in the corner of the shop and switch between every copy of the game you own and the ones your friends gave you because they're too lazy to do it themselves" dance and you can share that awkward "you're not alone" head nod.

I going to get a replacement stylus too since the one for my 3ds disappeared somewhere


I did that yesterday. Loitering in my local gamestation, watching pother people actually shop while I downloaded a Pokémon was a little weird. At least when it's a thing where you have to be at a specific place on a specific date there's a bunch of other people doing that exact same " stand in the corner of the shop and switch between every copy of the game you own and the ones your friends gave you because they're too lazy to do it themselves" dance and you can share that awkward "you're not alone" head nod.

haha I did the exact same thing once. Swapped between three games to get shiny Suicunes or something.


If I was Champion, I would probably use Dark-types and my team would be something like this:


A lot of Gen Fivers, but that was the generation that introduced the coolest Dark-types after all.

I'd probably got for variety.

Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Trait: Snow Clock (apparent Thick Fat is illegal)
~ Stealth Rock
~ Ice Shard
~ Icicle Crash
~ Earthquake

Gyarados @ Wacan Berry
Trait: Moxie
~ Dragon Dance
~ Waterfall
~ Stone Edge
~ Earthquake

Flareon @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Guts
~ Flame Charge
~ Facade
~ Iron Tail
~ Quick Attack

Gengar @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
~ Giga Drain
~ Shadow Ball
~ Thunderbolt
~ Destiny Bond

Salamence @ Expert Belt
Trait: Moxie
~ Outrage
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast
~ Draco Meteor

Meganium @ Leftovers
Trait: Overgrow
~ Reflect
~ Light Screen
~ Giga Drain
~ Dragon Tail

Not the best sets, but I wanted it to be a little unique compared to the standard Smogon sets.


Mamoswine isn't illegal with thick fat and ice shard/stealth rock anymore.

Oh nice, then that would be my Champion Team then.

Also I would remove the "player gets free chance to switch out after KOing a foe" feature from the Champion battle, to add to the challenge feel.
I'd probably go for variety.


You clearly don't know who you're talking to.

I'm the gorram Champion. My team is not in danger; it is the danger. A guy becomes champion and gets defeated by the first brat that comes knocking on his door, and you think that of me?


I am the one who knocks.

I was just looking for an excuse to post this art. Your team is pretty good, though. I'd probably give Salamence Brick Break though, if only so it could tank my team :p


Oh nice, then that would be my Champion Team then.

Also I would remove the "player gets free chance to switch out after KOing a foe" feature from the Champion battle, to add to the challenge feel.
You know you can do that in-game right? Options->battle style->set


Air Balloon Flareon is immune to Heatran's Earth Power and also Flash Fire ability nullifies all of Heatran's Fire Moves, while Flareon uses 4x Super Effective Hidden Power Ground off a decent 95 base Special Attack to defeat Heatran.

Don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of Heatran's carry Air Ballon, and no Flareon's have Hidden Power Ground

PK Gaming

If I were champion i'd use:

Zoroark (disguised as a Raichu)
Infernape (I'd use Mew, but E4 champs don't really use legendaries :s)

My team style would be "balance" (incorporating as many types as possible)


I'd use my mono-Poison team of PURE BADASS.

Maybe I should use Muk instead of Roserade for a more consistent colour scheme.


lol earthquake

Only Nidoking and Drapion are weak to Ground here. Any Ground-types you'd care to use will quickly be dispatched by Giga Drain and Ice Beam.

Similarly, Psychic-types generally don't like Megahorn, Crunch, or Shadow Ball.

As for things that resist Poison, Fighting-types are powerless against the MIGHT OF GOLBAT, and Fighting is not very effective against Poison too. Steels get wrecked by Nidoking. Rival Poison-types are more of a challenge (Poison being the best type after all).

EDIT: Beaten.
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