Might be slightly OT, but do you guys ever nickname your pokemon? I've made a habit of nicknaming every single one that I catch, regardless of whether or not I plan on actually using it. Usually I just use a name of another character from other media, name them based on what they look like or what they can do, or name them as part of a joke. I haven't picked up Gold yet but I plan on doing the same when I get around to this game. I was looking through my PC box in Diamond recently and came across names that I had forgotten I had used.
A few examples:
Tentacool named
Winkles (reference to Calamari from TimeSplitters 3

Chancey named
Poached (obvious reasons)
Machop named
Rookie (compared to his evos I always felt like he was a shrimp)
Gengar named
Eliphas (40k fans may recognize the name)
Alakazam named
Neugog (Name of a super intelligent brain-eating monster from a really old cartoon, I think Men in Black? Seems to fit :lol )
Staraptor named
Shrike (they're... both birds?)
Does anyone else do this
at all? As horrifically cliche as it sounds, I feel like this makes each pokemon a little bit more unique. Everyone who I've talked to personally (who has played the games) doesn't seem to bother, but I always take the time to think up a name for anything that gets captured. Ultimately it's useless but it's certainly made it more hilarious going through my boxes again. :lol