I just got back from a gathering with our friends, I was talking about RNG and based my example on 645's Zapdos. Best example ever, seriously.Ondore said:Probably LTTP on this, but I'm officially jealous as shit about sixfortyfive's Zapdos. I think that's the inspiration I need to go RNGing.
Probably Ice Path. Make sure you have a pokemon that knows or can learn an ice move for the final gym, or catch and level a piloswine from the Ice Path, as it makes the final gym much easier.Mafro said:Where's the best place to grind with my squad of lvl 33-ish Pokemon? I want to prepare a bit for the final Johto gym.
I'm wondering if I should level my pokemon evenly this time around. For over a decade now I've been leveling only my starter the whole game and destroying every gym and elite four. Seems more fun to do it evenly?Mafro said:Where's the best place to grind with my squad of lvl 33-ish Pokemon? I want to prepare a bit for the final Johto gym.
2d games are incredibly better. (HOOOLY shit Castlevania... :Q__)Calantus said:I know this isn't the best place to ask this, but this is the most popular DS game thread.
With the new DSi XL, do the games scale well with the screen size? i'm really wanting a DS but i'm not sure if the extra size is worth it.
Couldn't tell you. Try to see if there are some comparison vids on Gametrailers or something. I probably wouldn't mind it, myself but I like my portables to be... well... you know... portable.Calantus said:I know this isn't the best place to ask this, but this is the most popular DS game thread.
With the new DSi XL, do the games scale well with the screen size? i'm really wanting a DS but i'm not sure if the extra size is worth it.
Echoes said:I just got back from a gathering with our friends, I was talking about RNG and based my example on 645's Zapdos. Best example ever, seriously.
Oh and...
I think Surf is one of the better water moves since it has 100% accuracy and one of the more powerful water moves.Johnlenham said:Feraligatr
Ice Punch (could replace with Ice Fang if I can't get a female Totodile)
Dragon Dance
Got mine from a gaffer but he has the above, surf is because im lazy:lol
I'd prefer not to have Surf and Waterfall on the same monster, honestly. Even a mixed sweeper.Johnlenham said:Feraligatr
Ice Punch (could replace with Ice Fang if I can't get a female Totodile)
Dragon Dance
Got mine from a gaffer but he has the above, surf is because im lazy:lol
upandaway said:That's some bullshit right there Echoes. Even Killer is going 5 boxes and you already have the shiny Shuckle? I hate you.
upandaway said:That's some bullshit right there Echoes. Even Killer is going 5 boxes and you already have the shiny Shuckle? I hate you.
I have three boxes full of Shuckles. I still didn't get it from the Japanese Ditto technique. I was waiting for upandaway to say "hey that hatched in D/P/Pt it's RNG!" lol. My friend did it for me yesterday, although, I know absolute NOTHING about RNG, since I don't have a shiny in Platinum (and therefore can't get my SID). He RNG'd it, though it took him couple of times because he was just trying it for the first time.Veitsev said:If he is using RNG it sure is bullshit. RNG abuse is an exploit. If you are going to do it you might as well go all the way and use an AR to get shinies.
Screw that. As far as I'm concerned, if it can be done in-game using nothing but the engine, it's legit. That's why I'm not concerned about the cloning glitch in Emerald, the stat-reducing berry trick in Gen 4, the GTS trick (for evolving) or soft-resetting for beneficial nature/EVs.Veitsev said:If he is using RNG it sure is bullshit. RNG abuse is an exploit. If you are going to do it you might as well go all the way and use an AR to get shinies.
Why would you wish you had less shinies than what you already haveEchoes said:Oh, and I wish I have 40 shinies!
It's been a while since I discussed this. My stance on the whole deal is that everything goes, including external devices.viciouskillersquirrel said:Screw that. As far as I'm concerned, if it can be done in-game using nothing but the engine, it's legit. That's why I'm not concerned about the cloning glitch in Emerald, the stat-reducing berry trick in Gen 4, the GTS trick (for evolving) or soft-resetting for beneficial nature/EVs.
All these things mess with the way the developers intended the game to be played and all of them can be done in-game. RNG abuse is legit (and difficult). AR codes are not legit as they require an external device.
upandaway said:Why would you wish you had less shinies than what you already have
It's been a while since I discussed this. My stance on the whole deal is that everything goes, including external devices.
If a user decides he wants to cheat using a difficult, yet satisfying way, his choice. If he wants to cheat using an easy cop-out, that's fine too. In the end, he's the one who got the better experience, as opposed to someone who forced himself to play by the developers' guidelines. He came out on top and got the most out of the game to suit his own liking.
No. It doesn't. What you're supposed to do when the search comes up is hit the "Trade" button. You can pull a pokemon out of your party (or out of a box) and trade right away.btkadams said:k so looking online at the pokemon-gts.net it shows someone with a male squirtle wanting a charmander. i put then deposited my charmander and put it as seeking a male squirtle.
does it just find him automatically and trade them for us?
I'm not so sure about that. I think the problem lies with his opponents, who refuse to admit that he invests less in the game than them, and force him to invest the same amount in order to battle them.Hex said:I can see that view point to a point but I think as soon as that person decides to go into tournament or online play- especially without outing themselves move into the very wrong territory.
that's so stupid ugh. i wish they had made this system a bit smarter.viciouskillersquirrel said:No. It doesn't. What you're supposed to do when the search comes up is hit the "Trade" button. You can pull a pokemon out of your party (or out of a box) and trade right away.
Your Charmander is going to sit there until someone finds your trade notice and decides to want to trade with you.
Welcome to the Battle Frontier!Echoes said:There's something wrong with the game. I'm in the Battle Frontier farming BPs. I used Crunch on Mime Jr. and it missed. The hell? How come Crunch misses at the start of a battle?
Veitsev said:If he is using RNG it sure is bullshit. RNG abuse is an exploit. If you are going to do it you might as well go all the way and use an AR to get shinies.
Sorry man, didn't realise you would reply. I can be on now if you aren't busy.Echoes said:Gecko! I'm in a battle now. Will you be here after, say, 15 to 30 minutes? I wanna give you the item I promised.
Echoes said:There's something wrong with the game. I'm in the Battle Frontier farming BPs. I used Crunch on Mime Jr. and it missed. The hell? How come Crunch misses at the start of a battle?
viciouskillersquirrel said:Could someone let me know what they think of these builds?:
Ice Punch (could replace with Ice Fang if I can't get a female Totodile)
Screech/Dragon Dance/Superpower/Earthquake (can't decide, can I get Dragon Dance and Ice Punch on the same Feraligatr?)
viciouskillersquirrel said:Ampharos
Signal Beam
Power Gem
Thunder Wave
Holy shit.larvi said:It's called the opponent holding brightpowder/lax incense and happens all of the time. Just wait until Walrein gets quick claw activation and sheer cold hits all 3 pokemon as happened to me in emerald:
viciouskillersquirrel said:Screw that. As far as I'm concerned, if it can be done in-game using nothing but the engine, it's legit. That's why I'm not concerned about the cloning glitch in Emerald, the stat-reducing berry trick in Gen 4, the GTS trick (for evolving) or soft-resetting for beneficial nature/EVs.
All these things mess with the way the developers intended the game to be played and all of them can be done in-game. RNG abuse is legit (and difficult). AR codes are not legit as they require an external device.
larvi said:In my opinion RNG abuse is no different than memorizing AI patterns to gain an upper hand in fighting, platform and other arcade type games. And that's certainly something mos video gamers do.
thefil said:Is there any way to check a newly hatched Pokemon's IVs without having 50 or so Rare Candies?