Yes. Super fast.Would Electrode be a cool mon to use for the story? I've never used one before.
Yes. Super fast.Would Electrode be a cool mon to use for the story? I've never used one before.
So, I killed Mesprit in a Mirage Zone, do they respawn, or did I fuck up?
Thanks for that. It was for my friend, he wanted a specific hatch location cause he is weird like that lol.What's the egg for DaBoss? Lol
Edit: Lol, nevermind.
Thanks for that. It was for my friend, he wanted a specific hatch location cause he is weird like that lol.
I have some Pokemon I can give to you in OR if you can come online.
And in other news, I give up on the shiny Pawniard cause I just want to go on Battle Spot now.
Thanks so much for the Litleo and Mudkip, fek and sez! I hope you can use the Skrelp! (Specs Adaptability Dragalge wrecks lives!)
The only thing is that I'm not entirely sure I'd want to evolve it.
Don't give up! You''v already been at it for 18 days.
You can't let Shiny Latias win!
I took a break from Pokemon Y after a bunch of no Shiny Tailows. :/
Jolly or Adamant for Medicham? He has Huge Power already so that's making me lean towards more speed, but having even more attack on top of that is so tempting.
Someone posted a pikachu clone hall of fame entry that I wish I'd saved now. Anyone remember who it was?
In related news, I'm almost inspired to get a pachirisu now.
I went with Adamant, and put a Quick Claw on him when I used him in the old days...but now if you're wanting to use Mega Medicham, Jolly probably.
Man, have fun! Medicham is by far my favorite Pokemon to use. Hi Jump Kick, Psycho Cut, and Ice and Thunder Punch. Just so fun.
I think you can turn off saving before you go online? Check PSS settings. It really is annoying though x.xif you said this an hour before I could have given you a 4 or 5 IV Pachirisu, but sadly I wonder traded my box of them away
speaking of wonder trade, I wish GF would make the process more streamlined. Having to save and go in and out of that menu is pretty annoying, especially since I'm trying to wonder trade almost 5 boxes of stuff away :/
Is there a way to determine if a Porygon Z will have Adaptability or Download based on its ability as a Porygon, or is it random?
Is there a way to determine if a Porygon Z will have Adaptability or Download based on its ability as a Porygon, or is it random?
I think if it has Trace as a porygon it'll get Adaptability as a porygon-z. Because I don't think it'll lose download if it has it since all the other porygon evolutions has download.
Trace will always change to Adaptability and Download will remain the same.
Man why didn't they add in a Friend Safari? With different Pokemon. I was hoping I'd be able to breed a Treecko in a Nest Ball (or even better - a Friend Ball!) this time around but nooooo. Then again, when do GameFreak make sense? Using the R/S trainer teams as opposed to the Emerald ones, grr.
Or at least wild Hoenn starters somewhere so we can DexNav them.Man why didn't they add in a Friend Safari? With different Pokemon. I was hoping I'd be able to breed a Treecko in a Nest Ball (or even better - a Friend Ball!) this time around but nooooo. Then again, when do GameFreak make sense? Using the R/S trainer teams as opposed to the Emerald ones, grr.
Man why didn't they add in a Friend Safari? With different Pokemon. I was hoping I'd be able to breed a Treecko in a Nest Ball (or even better - a Friend Ball!) this time around but nooooo. Then again, when do GameFreak make sense? Using the R/S trainer teams as opposed to the Emerald ones, grr.
Man why didn't they add in a Friend Safari? With different Pokemon. I was hoping I'd be able to breed a Treecko in a Nest Ball (or even better - a Friend Ball!) this time around but nooooo. Then again, when do GameFreak make sense? Using the R/S trainer teams as opposed to the Emerald ones, grr.
As far as I'm aware, Treecko can't ever be caught in the wild?I believe i have a female treecko in a nest ball if you need one. I'll check when i get back home.
As far as I'm aware, Treecko can't ever be caught in the wild?
Shiny Charm + Masuda MethodSo... what's the best way to get a shiny squirtle? If it helps, I have Y and a squirtle there.
Shiny Charm + Masuda Method
You gotta complete the National Pokedex minus mythicals. I went the Living Dex route, but just doing a ton of tradebacks is quicker.
As far as I'm aware, Treecko can't ever be caught in the wild?
Okay.I would have to do this in Y I guess since I haven't started my sapphire copy. Is it hard? Talk to me like I haven't played pokemon Y since it came out and also don't follow pokemon much at all.
It's not hard but it's very time-consuming.
Since you haven't started sapphire yet then we can cut down a lot of that time, though. What region is your 3DS? Once you tell us that we can tell you what country to temporarily change your 3DS to before starting your game. Then you save and save it back. Then later on, once you beat the game, you just raise a lot of Vivillon, which will be of a pattern that is so rare you can trade for legendaries and shit.
Nobody has Sandstorm. Nobody.At this point though, since I haven't really been in Vivillon game on GTS for a bit, what is big still?
D-darude has them...Nobody has Sandstorm. Nobody.
Well, except trolls but they might as well be nobody.
D-darude has them...
Nobody has Sandstorm. Nobody.
Well, except trolls but they might as well be nobody.