Yeah that's OK.Would you mind if I kept the scyther and houndour? need that scizor.
Yeah that's OK.Would you mind if I kept the scyther and houndour? need that scizor.
Yeah that's OK.
Yeah, I've got a Razor Claw if you still need one. I don't need a replacement, as if I ever needed one I can buy one at the Battle Resort. Fc is 2535 3609 2492. Just tell me when you can trade if you still need it.Looking at my team like this I've just realized that I'll need a Razor Claw to evolve Sneasel, and I can't get one in AS until I get access to Mirage Islands. :/ Any chance anyone has a spare they could trade me? I actually have one in my Omega Ruby, but don't have a spare 3DS to trade by myself. If someone has ten minutes to trade we could just transfer that one from my Ruby to your game and then back to my Sapphire. There's no rush for this really as I'm not planning on evolving Sneasel until level 40 or so. Any help would be appreciated!
Hey - I'm here now if you're still available! My FC is 4725-8064-6593.Yeah, I've got a Razor Claw if you still need one. I don't need a replacement, as if I ever needed one I can buy one at the Battle Resort. Fc is 2535 3609 2492. Just tell me when you can trade if you still need it.
Yep, online now.Hey - I'm here now if you're still available! My FC is 4725-8064-6593.
Thanks! Send me a PM if you ever need any items or breeding stock, etc. and I'll see what I can do.Yep, online now.
Will do. Thanks.Thanks! Send me a PM if you ever need any items or breeding stock, etc. and I'll see what I can do.
I can give you all but the Seviper which I haven't got on hand. My fc is 2535 3609 2492.Could somebody throw me a Treeko , Lotad, Seviper, Lunatone or Sableye? Anything whatsoever, I'm just finally starting to fill the Hoenn dex out and need AS exclusives and that Treeko.
I have nothing special to offer in return, but help would still be appreciated!
FC is 1306 5220 1486
I can give you all but the Seviper which I haven't got on hand. My fc is 2535 3609 2492.
This Key Item increases the likelihood that you will encounter Shiny Pokémon. When you have the item in your bag, then the chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon in the wild is increased to 300% of normal, making it a 1 in 2,730.6 chance. If, however, you're using the Masuda Method to breed, it increased it from 1 in 1,365.3 down to 1 in 1024.
As of Pokémon X & Y, the rate increases from the standard 1 in 4096 to 1 in 1365.3.
I'm back with more requests
Still need a Seviper and Lileep if anybody has any laying around.
Also need a Kyogre and a Latias. I can offer up Groudon, Rayquayza, Latios, Yveltal, Kyurem, Virizion, Terrakion, or Cobalion for either of those two.
Natures/items don't matter, just trying to fill a dex.
I've now got a Seviper and a Lileep that you can have.I'm back with more requests
Still need a Seviper and Lileep if anybody has any laying around.
Also need a Kyogre and a Latias. I can offer up Groudon, Rayquayza, Latios, Yveltal, Kyurem, Virizion, Terrakion, or Cobalion for either of those two.
Natures/items don't matter, just trying to fill a dex.
I have a Kygore and Latias you can have. I keep extra legendaries around for folks.
oh cool
do you want any of the legendaries I mentioned? Scratch Deoxys and Groudon off that list tho, I guess I don't have those. Could've sworn I did :/
EDIT: thanks Linkandzelda! you are one awesome dude
Naw, I'm good. Did you get them already? I see the edit. My FC is on my profile if you still need it. (Add non JPN one.)
kay I added ya, mine is a couple posts up
thanks again Lindandzelda and Muku! You guys legit made my night
Awesome.Hey guys, just saw this on Bulbanews! Sorry if it's old news, but they're giving out a shiny Rayquaza at EB in Australia.
Please be tradeable, please be tradeable, please be tradeable.
(If you didn't know, Maxsoft's previous Shiny Rayquaza can't be traded online because of a bug.)
please don't be bullshit and release on just OR/AS like that Dragonite did.
Yar, not sure why, but whatever floats their boat.Assuming Maxsoft's page is always behind IP check ya?
Yar, not sure why, but whatever floats their boat.
Hopefully it's because their customer service doesn't extend globally and not because tney're backwards.
Pokemon fans always find a way anyway : P
Sharpedo is to be given at Worlds
I guess it's just interesting as a Pokemon for competitive battling. And that's thanks to ORAS.Hm, I like it. Any particular reason why Sharpedo? No complaints, because I actually like it's something different. Plus Sharpedo is a boss in ORAS. Will always have a guaranteed spot in my ORAS games.
I guess it's just interesting as a Pokemon for competitive battling. And that's thanks to ORAS.
Oh wow, Poke Transporter is exceptionally annoying to use.
Should be my last request for a while, and it's an easy one too!
Could anybody trade and then trade back these Clamperls so I can evolve them?
Also if anybody has any ditto whatsoever I could have that'd be great. I decided last second I wanna do a living dex and need one to pump out babbies.
I can help you evolve the Clamperls. Did you want a specific nature or IV Ditto?
nah, anything's fine
you seriously kick ass, thanks so much
I'll send you the trade request
Alright, give me a moment to get on.
Sorry don't have an extra Ditto at the moment. Just my collection of different nature ones. As well as the few I keep around for IVs.I'd go to Pokemon Village and catch ya one but not sure I have something that wouldn't one shot it at the moment. x_x
nah it's fine, the clamper's are enough!
Hope it gets ya just that bit closer to finishing.![]()
Thanks again, it did! I officially have all Hoenn Pokemon I'd need to get using trading/wifi, all that's left if catching what I can get on my cart.
Still need a ditto if anybody has anything extra. Can't believe I didn't think to take mine out of my Black 2 file when I transferred all those guys to the bank :/
You're welcome. Nice!
If you have Pokemon X/Y (not sure if you do) you can head to Pokemon Village. Out there you can catch Ditto. They come in at level 50.
On my Coballion hunt after Heatran...
Yah I do, but I restarted after transferring guys to the bank and now I'm not that far.
Hiding Ditto behind Mirage spots was dumb. Come to think of it so was putting certain items there too. Ah well, maybe I'll get the cave tomorrow.
EDIT: holy balls just caught a Regirock on the first Pokeball. Are their catch rates higher in the remakes?
Can you farm one for me Muku?![]()
No, any nature is fine. English language would be good thoughUnfortunately, both AS and OR are in middle of games. However, since you were the first to ask, you can have the one from my OR if you'd like. :3 Farming Shiny Coballion on AS at the moment, but can do it on OR for ya. You want a specific nature?