Did my first five battles for the Pika Tournament. Won all five as well. Here's the team:
Mascot the Pikachu. Holds a Light Ball. Lonely nature. Lightning Rod. Fake Out, Volt Tackle, Knock Off, Reversal. Haven't used him yet, but I want to throw him in at least one battle before the end.
Mowdok the Rotom-Mow. Holds a Life Orb. Modest nature. Levitate. Leaf Storm, Hex, Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp. Used to destroy Stunfisk and Lanturn, or to burn physical attackers.
Buzz Buzz the Galvantula. Holds a Focus Sash. Timid nature. Unnerve. Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Sticky Web, Protect. Usually sent out first with Electivire, who have swept three of my five opponents on their own.
Surge the Electivire. Holds an Expert Belt. Jolly nature. Motor Drive. Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Ice Punch. Rips through everything with EQ.
Flattery the Stunfisk. Holds Leftovers. Quiet nature. Static. Earth Power, Scald, Sludge Bomb, Fissure. Hasn't seen use yet either. Fissure is filler.
Candace the M-Ampharos. Holds Ampharosite. Static -> Mold Breaker. Hasty nature. Agility, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem. Speeds up, then goes to town.
I faced a defensive Eelektrik, which i did not expect. Luckily, Fire Punch got a burn, which finished it off eventually. Everything else seemed like standard fare.