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Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

Congratulations! It is a weird and wonderful feeling this generation to complete the Pokedex. Best part is seeing so many folks doing it, completing their kid dreams. :)

Only thing about event legendaries is you can't be their OT. But maybe with time that will change. Seeing as Deoxys is in ORAS, I hope it means good things for the others too. But what you did is way more a focused goal than I did. Was just happy completing it where ever they came from. Want a new challenge? Shiny dex with you as their OT.
Sounds painful.

Yeah event pokemon scupper my OT plans a little (I have mons with XY/CHANNEL/GAME2014, etc in their own box with dupes in my name where possible) but I'll just add those to my main collection soon, I'm happy with having the majority being 'mine' so-to-speak.
Have all of the event legendaries been released with their English names so far?

A shiny dex sounds insane!
Thinking of doing that, or completing the dex in each language makes me light headed.
Yeah event pokemon scupper my OT plans a little (I have mons with XY/CHANNEL/GAME2014, etc in their own box with dupes in my name where possible) but I'll just add those to my main collection soon, I'm happy with having the majority being 'mine' so-to-speak.
Have all of the event legendaries been released with their English names so far?

A shiny dex sounds insane!
Thinking of doing that, or completing the dex in each language makes me light headed.

There's a few XY/ORAS specials that haven't been released at all yet and may not get released (Hoopa, Volcanion, AZ's Floette) but everything else has been available in English at least once.


Yeah event pokemon scupper my OT plans a little (I have mons with XY/CHANNEL/GAME2014, etc in their own box with dupes in my name where possible) but I'll just add those to my main collection soon, I'm happy with having the majority being 'mine' so-to-speak.
Have all of the event legendaries been released with their English names so far?

A shiny dex sounds insane!
Thinking of doing that, or completing the dex in each language makes me light headed.

That's most interesting. Hadn't even thought of completing a dex in each language. That's a bit too hardcore for me. Though would be easier to do these days than in past, since you can choose language in-game. I doubt my Pokebank could support that anyway. Bank is full of my completed dex, my shiny dex in progress, breeding stuff, events, teams, etc.


That's most interesting. Hadn't even thought of completing a dex in each language. That's a bit too hardcore for me. Though would be easier to do these days than in past, since you can choose language in-game. I doubt my Pokebank could support that anyway. Bank is full of my completed dex, my shiny dex in progress, breeding stuff, events, teams, etc.

You're not a real Pokefan until you have a living Pokedex in each language of all shiny Pokemon.


You're not a real Pokefan until you have a living Pokedex in each language of all shiny Pokemon.

LOL dear god. I'd have to actually bow out of that.

Hint HINT Nintendo:
Have enough Pokebank space to at least allow this if someone is crazy enough. Only then it might be enough space.


While you're at it you might as well have males and females of every Pokemon (including shinies) to 100% that forme Pokedex :p
You're not a real Pokefan until you have a living Pokedex in each language of all shiny Pokemon.

Lets see.. 512 attempts on average, 721 pokemon , 8 Languages = 2953216 attempts.

If we assume each attempt to takes ~30 seconds (probably a little short since some pokemon take about 7 minutes to hatch (in optimal circumstances) but you can do 5 at once), then we get 2 years and 10 Months straight. Or 1.5x of that if you spend 8 hours doing things like eating/personal hygiene/sleeping/making trades to get the required pokemon.


Lets see.. 512 attempts on average, 721 pokemon , 8 Languages = 2953216 attempts.

If we assume each attempt to takes ~30 seconds (probably a little short since some pokemon take about 7 minutes to hatch (in optimal circumstances) but you can do 6 at once), then we get 2 years and 10 Months straight.

Sweet Arceus on a pogostick.


LOL OMG .... even my husband started laughing. I think you've earned the Serperior I have in Pokebank for you with that. :3


The starry night sky reflected in the water...

Don't make me love you Hoenn.

[edit]They removed the Safari Zone rules? WHY NOT JUST CALL IT "BORING ZONE"


I have x4 HA Serperior that I've farmed in-game. Up for grabs here. Let me know if interested. On my way to bed now so will get to it in the morning.

Also have yours Blue Ninja.


I have x4 HA Serperior that I've farmed in-game. Up for grabs here. Let me know if interested. On my way to bed now so will get to it in the morning.

Also have yours Blue Ninja.
I am interested. :) Only have access to european/german events.
Whoa, just bred a 31/30/31/30/31/30 HA Snivy.

I can trade some breedjects now/soon if people are interested. Will accept any female Pokemon in a cool ball.

Even have a HP Fire HA female (although its Speed and Defence sucks).
Whoa, just bred a 31/30/31/30/31/30 HA Snivy.

I can trade some breedjects now/soon if people are interested. Will accept any female Pokemon in a cool ball.

Even have a HP Fire HA female (although its Speed and Defence sucks).

Do you count Dream Balls as cool balls ? I have a lot of Dream Ball females if you're interested.


Ahhhhhhh I finally completed my living dex!*

Young me is so proud :)

I've been sat on it almost complete for a couple of days, just short of Latias and patiently (heh) waiting for that one lucky EON Streetpass to come in.

Today I started tidying up everything and now have everybody with their correct English names and I'm the OT on everybody except the Y and AS legendaries I had to trade for.
I just finished doing this a few minutes ago and realised I hadn't checked my passes since getting in today..... and whadda know!? Eon ticket!

I caught Latias in a pink Heal ball.

So I'm now done, first time I've filled the dex on any game too :)

(*okay okay I'm technically only at 710 with only Jirachi, Celebi and Diancie of the mythical's gotten but shhhhhh, I'm not thinking about those right now)

My first living dex was in Pearl, but that was done with the help of GTS and trading with various people.

With Gen VI and Pokemon Bank I have put the hunt for a living dex to a whole new level. ;)
I have very strict rules:
  1. Every pokemon needs to catched by myself in a Pokeball.
  2. All Pokemon need to be untouched. That means leveling only through day care. Last level before evolving is done through Rare Candy.
  3. Pokemon not available in the specific game is catched by myself in either the other version (Y, OR) or from an older gen (X only)
  4. Mythic pokemon are not counted
Other things I am working on since Gen VI:
  1. Item dex: At least one of every (available) item in my bag.
  2. Have all forms registered in my dex (male and female as well): This is not a living dex but can be done through fights etc.
  3. Shiny dex: This is a actually a lifetime project. Working on a shiny living dex with all shiny Pokemon as male and female in the box. (Probably never gonna complete it ;) )
Yeah I know. I am insane :D


I have quite a few female HA Eevees in Premier Balls that I could trade, if you're interested? Might have one in a Dusk Ball too, though I have to double check that.
I have quite a few female HA Eevees in Premier Balls that I could trade, if you're interested? Might have one in a Dusk Ball too, though I have to double check that.

Is that for HA Snivy? I'd love the Dusk Ball one.

I'm actually breeding Premier Ball HA Eevees right now : P
Yup! Do you have a list? I'll give ya the female Snivy.

I can breed anything from this list: https://www.dropbox.com/s/39vl8zxtvm9lqvm/Dreamball Female List.txt?dl=0
Weedle, Cottonee and Elgyem

On hand at the moment I have:
Scraggy,Mawile,Basculin(Red),Geodude,Elekid,Trapinch,Rhyhorn,Caterpie,Larvitar,Teddiursa,Illumise,Swinub.Meditite,Onix,Dratini,Wailmer,Croagunk,Smeargle,Poliwag,Stunky,Growlithe,Kricketot,Zangoose,Magby,Slugma,Tangela,Diglett,Snubuul and Cleffa. And a few others if you don't care about HAs.
I can breed anything from this list: https://www.dropbox.com/s/39vl8zxtvm9lqvm/Dreamball Female List.txt?dl=0
Weedle, Cottonee and Elgyem

On hand at the moment I have:
Scraggy,Mawile,Basculin(Red),Geodude,Elekid,Trapinch,Rhyhorn,Caterpie,Larvitar,Teddiursa,Illumise,Swinub.Meditite,Onix,Dratini,Wailmer,Croagunk,Smeargle,Poliwag,Stunky,Growlithe,Kricketot,Zangoose,Magby,Slugma,Tangela,Diglett,Snubuul and Cleffa. And a few others if you don't care about HAs.

Does Scraggy have its HA? I think I'll go with that.

Otherwise, I don't have any of those except Cleffa and Zangoose so I'll take any with its HA.

EDIT: When you want to trade, please add this FC: 4613-8294-9204


Is that for HA Snivy? I'd love the Dusk Ball one.

I'm actually breeding Premier Ball HA Eevees right now : P

Yep, I've just found the female HA Dusk Ball Eevee. :) I'm just breeding her with a Ditto now to get a second one with HA, since she's the only one I had left.
Does Scraggy have its HA? I think I'll go with that.

Otherwise, I don't have any of those except Cleffa and Zangoose so I'll take any with its HA.

EDIT: When you want to trade, please add this FC: 4613-8294-9204

Everything listed there has its HA, my FC is 4253-3526-7631, I'll probably be on in ~5 hours or so.
Yep, I've just found the female HA Dusk Ball Eevee. :) I'm just breeding her with a Ditto now to get a second one with HA, since she's the only one I had left.

Gotcha! I'll be back in a hour or so, or similar time tomorrow... no, actually, I'm out on Friday and Saturday : P

Everything listed there has its HA, my FC is 4253-3526-7631, I'll probably be on in ~5 hours or so.

Cool, I should be around then : )


till now i couldn't see Virizion in the game

i saw this on serbii

Location: Pathless Plain (Near Pacifidlog Town)
Additional Requirements: Three Pokémon with max Effort Values on your team

When Soaring around by Pacifidlog Town, you will discover a large island called the Pathless Plain. When you land, you will find a small path to a peninsula where a portal is standing. Interact with the portal and Virizion, Terrakion and then Cobalion will challenge you. Cobalion can be captured on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Terrakion can be captured on Tuesdays and Saturdays and Virizion can be captured on Mondays and Thursdays

its Thursday now , i can see the red star above Pathless Plain , and i have 3 - 5 pokemon with max value
i already caught Terrakion and Cobalion
but i can't find Virizion


Whoa, just bred a 31/30/31/30/31/30 HA Snivy.

I can trade some breedjects now/soon if people are interested. Will accept any female Pokemon in a cool ball.

Even have a HP Fire HA female (although its Speed and Defence sucks).

I can give you a Kangaskhan in a Safari Ball or a Scyther in a Sport Ball for a breedject if you're interested :)


wait ..wait ..wait ..wait

i just returned to my house and ,, birch in another problem , and i get another starters ?
5th gen


And my first AS masuda shiny isss....The Royal Heir Tyrunt. 491 eggs according to the pokedex's times encountered.


Glad that's over. Next up is contrary snivy.
Whoa, just bred a 31/30/31/30/31/30 HA Snivy.

I can trade some breedjects now/soon if people are interested. Will accept any female Pokemon in a cool ball.

Even have a HP Fire HA female (although its Speed and Defence sucks).
Want a Love Ball Buneary? I can go breed one if you want. Same offer to anyone else who has either HA Snivy or HA Espurr.


I'm definitely interested since I'm trying to collect all HA pokemon.

I am interested. :) Only have access to european/german events.

Can I have one?

Yes, just send me a PM and we can talk further. Blue, send me one as well and we can work out the details of getting yall the HA Serp's. Nothing required in trade for them.

I would be happy just getting one of the offspring with HA

You can have the event Pokemon and breed more HA's if you want. But you're welcome to the last one if you'd like.

Okay, seriously going to bed now though. Will try to work out trades in morning with yall.

If anyone else would really like the event Pokemon, versus just getting an HA one, let me know via PM.
I can give you a Kangaskhan in a Safari Ball or a Scyther in a Sport Ball for a breedject if you're interested :)

Want a Love Ball Buneary? I can go breed one if you want. Same offer to anyone else who has either HA Snivy or HA Espurr.

Hehe, I have all of those (even the HA Espurr; I was saving a 6 IV Espurr for Muku too).

I'll just take anything similar. My FC is 4613-8294-9204.

Just gonna say I'm starting to get a queue now (here and on Facebook) XD
I have x4 HA Serperior that I've farmed in-game. Up for grabs here. Let me know if interested. On my way to bed now so will get to it in the morning.

Also have yours Blue Ninja.


Got an exam in the morning, I'll try and catch you online after that.


Hehe, I have all of those (even the HA Espurr; I was saving a 6 IV Espurr for Muku too).

I'll just take anything similar. My FC is 4613-8294-9204.

Just gonna say I'm starting to get a queue now (here and on Facebook) XD

I might have to pull out my SS copy and get you something you don't have then!
So just catching Deoxys and Giratina until I trade things off this cart and erase the save. So I don't really care for Deoxys but still decided to go for an offensive Naive one. Problem, only have a Jolly syncer so go ahead anyway and what do you know I roll the 1/50 chance to get Naive (since Sync+random chance makes Jolly 26/50 of the outcome...) and the IVs:
IVs: 20, 21 / 30 / 19 / 31 / 31 / 31
Not bad at all.
Hehe, I have all of those (even the HA Espurr; I was saving a 6 IV Espurr for Muku too).

I'll just take anything similar. My FC is 4613-8294-9204.

Just gonna say I'm starting to get a queue now (here and on Facebook) XD

Thanks! Enjoy the Buneary, might be good for Masuda method-ing or something.
OK! Feel free to drop me to last on your ever growing queue. While I'm there, I might start catching some random stuff for myself as well so this may take a while lol

Or you could just have the Snivy for free right now XD

I don't really mind since I'm not doing anything in ORAS at the moment.

I can always catch Unown in the Mirage Spots... if I find the right one.


Or you could just have the Snivy for free right now XD

I don't really mind since I'm not doing anything in ORAS at the moment.

I can always catch Unown in the Mirage Spots... if I find the right one.

I would love to but I'm in class right now and then I have to leave for home afterwards so I won't be online on my 3DS for a while >.<
I would love to but I'm in class right now and then I have to leave for home afterwards so I won't be online on my 3DS for a while >.<

Sorry, I meant as soon as you're free : P

I can wait; and if I'm not around, hopefully somebody else can fix you with a Snivy ^^
My current team: Manectric, Swampert, Gallade, Salamence, Aggron and Blaziken.

Overall I'm pretty happy, even if it's probably not very competitive. I'm not very sure about the two fighting types, but I might switch out Blaziken for a HA Serperior or Torterra once I get my hands on them.
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