So what are the legendaries I can't get from the GTS? I'm trying to fill up my poked
You might be able to get Jirachi and Victini, because there are unribboned versions of those.
I just read that you can get PokeMiles from Wonder Trading? Is that true? Because I should have a heck of a lot more than I do, if so...
Oh. I didn't realize that sent the miles elsewhere.Do you Game Sync often?
Each time you do that, it sends Poke Miles to the Global Link website.
Otherwise, no clue. I get a lot of Poke Miles, but I figured most were from StreetPass, rather than WT.
Speaking of long distances it turns out the Uchida Pikachu event is like nearly a two hour trip for me via train.
That's like longer than me going to Tokyo by bullet train! Lol
Of course a lot cheaper, but if I have the time this weekend I'll try to see if I can go.
I don't know why the World Cup XY Pikachu event can't just be held at a Pokemon Center.
Well... finally hit that 999:59 in my US copy of X. x_x
Where is the Uchida Pikachu being given at?
Edit: Nevermind, see they're at Aeon malls/shops. Too bad that shit is pretty much far away from EVERYONE.
And Aeon of all places? I'd go to Yokohama for this, but I'd be traveling all over looking at that list on Pokemon website. It's all in a few areas. They'd have been better leaving a few all around.
Yeah, I'm kinda second guessing it too. It doesn't help that it's this Sunday when I have to do things in the morning for my students' sports festival tournament event.
I don't blame you. That is just ludicrous. Though if you don't go and happen to come across one, let me know!
Well if I had a car it's not that bad only an hour's drive but yeah I have to use public transit like a bum. (Sorry I hate public transit)
I'll think about it but it's looking unlikely at this point.
Hey, guys. Long time.
Just wondering if anyone has Wartortle or Clefairy in their Safaris.
My FC is 2922-0153-0594, and I'd appreciate anyone that can help.
Ow, that is a hassle. Well, at least you can play Pokemon to pass the time (just remember to charge your 3DS), which you can't do if you're driving.
That said, I dunno how comfortable the trains in Japan are.
If you do end up going on a trip and manage to snag a spare Pikachu, I'd still be interesting in swapping Pokemon ^^
Oh they're comfy enough it's just that with my schedule this Sunday that would be in addition to the transit to said shopping mall at a far away city, that's a total of 4 hours on a train to get there and back. Basically it's a lot for an event Pikachu that doesn't really have anything special. Lol
And it's a train and not a Shinkansen either, hence why going to Tokyo is actually faster LOL even tho it's a lot further away. But again that's a 900y ticket vs a ~10000y ticket going one way.
I'll keep gaf updated nonetheless. Lol
The guy at Kiloude PokeCenter is the one who tells you what IVs are maxed out, right? I'm sort of confused about how to figure this out/if I'm doing it right. I've been breeding Torchics in hopes of getting a Shiny, so I've ended up with a million extras. I Wonder Trade most away, but I've been trying to calculate IVs lately. I've ended up with a handful that I think have 5.
Ok, so I guess I am doing this right after all, considering there's not much to do. Ha. I was using Serebii's calculator, which sort of threw me for a second. the Hidden Power really important when figuring this stuff out?Yep, take a look at this page for a good explanation:
If he says "Stats like those can't be beat" it means you have 31 in the stats he mentions.
I don't in my safari, but I have friends with those safaris. Are you looking for hidden abilities and/or particular balls? I can do those.
That'd be great. I'm just looking for a female Wartortle in a Net Ball with its HA, and a female Clefairy in a Heal Ball with its HA.
Thanks again for the help.
Anyone got any tips on how I could procure a Charizardite Y? I've got two Charizards, I want both Mega's. They can be transferred between games, right? Could they perhaps be cloned?
Yeah, you can clone the stone. If nobody gets back to you--I know you've been looking for a while--you can have mine.
It's just that I don't have access to Y (as it's in France lol), so I only have one Charizardite Y right now.
Well if I had a car it's not that bad only an hour's drive but yeah I have to use public transit like a bum. (Sorry I hate public transit)
I'll think about it but it's looking unlikely at this point.
I hear ya. Though can't say I'd want a car in Japan. Small roads and stuff? No thanks. People around here in my neighborhood drive like maniacs. I don't think I'd feel any safer in a car, LOL. Normally I don't mind public transit, but here it's meh. Always so busy. Though Tokaido line is one I hate most. I especially don't want to be traveling on it during rush hour.
Though, doesn't Pikachu learn a move? One sec thought I remember reading it did. Ah yeah it knows Mega Kick. Only interesting part about it though.
Oh yeah definitely also the reversed driving still messes me up psychologically.
Might as well bring up a Pikachu from FRLG then. Lol
Actually after living here so long, saved my mom from getting hit last summer after visiting a country that has traffic going in same direction as here. The only time I can think that has come in handy (living in a country where they drive in opposite direction).
Though, sorry if I don't get FRLG reference? My only point was it was only redeeming thing about the Pikachu. But still not worth any extreme effort going for. I think their fail on this was allowing it to be put out at malls near no one. (Maybe that was point.)
Actually, outside of the weekly Pokemon Center Pokemon, the next event Pokemon here is Diancie, right? Actually reminds me, I need to look at my ticket thing. Not even sure how it works, and whether I can go on day 1 of movie.
Pikachu can learn Mega Kick on FireRed/LeafGreen by Move Tutor. (The only game where it can learn it). So he would need to transfer Pikachu from that game into a B/W game and later export it to XY.
Snap, thought this was something new for it. Then yeah, even less exciting. Though, wish there was a better way to breed for IVs further in past. If there was I'd go back and do that.
I defintely hope we get move tutors in the remakes
I wouldn't know if the pro community would consider this a "fair" trade, but I think it is because I'm looking to trade one Master Ball-eating one-per-game version-exclusive Pokémon for another:
I have a Xerneas, and I'm looking to trade it for a Mewtwo with Mewtwonite Y.
The Xerneas has only seen one battle (it's not even Level 51 yet), so you can train it however you like and make it learn any move in any order you want it to as it levels up, or EV train it etc.
Edit: Also probably useful to know is that the Xerneas has a Brave nature.
Just curious, but did you ever get this? Also curious why you're looking for a Mewtwo with the Mewtwonite. Should be able to catch one in your copy of game. One of the easiest legendaries to get in game. (If worried about stone being connected to a Pokemon, you can attach it to any and trade it over.)
I can't get Mewtwonite Y, only X, because I have Pokémon X, which naturally only has X. I want both because I want the option.
Also because I'm interested in getting two Mewtwos. I have a Mew, so I feel like two Mewtwos would just be a fun formation to see in triple battles, hence why I'm open to having it be of absolutely any nature.
I haven't found any takers at this point, so the offer is still open.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the trade for that Ditto, Muku. I've been really busy for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully we can trade at some point in the next few days.
Anyway, I just hatched this:
Eevee - #133 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 0 - 3
Def: 30
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31
Perfect for a Hidden Power Ice Jolteon! Hatched in a Quick Ball too.
Anyone got a spare 5IV Gligar with HA (Immunity)? Trying to make a physical wall but can't manage to find one in Horde encounters with that ability
Does anyone have any Pawniard rejects with good IVs and Sucker Punch? I want to try out Bisharp, but I can't breed anything at the moment because my friend borrowed my 6IV Ditto + Destiny Knot and left his 3DS at his house in another city -_-
For now, the only thing I have to offer is a shiny 5IV Snivy and uh...Blazikenite, if anyone still wants that...
Still looking for this one.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the trade for that Ditto, Muku. I've been really busy for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully we can trade at some point in the next few days.
Anyway, I just hatched this:
Eevee - #133 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 0 - 3
Def: 30
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31
Perfect for a Hidden Power Ice Jolteon! Hatched in a Quick Ball too.
I can let you borrow my Bisharp to use for breeding. I can also give you a 6IV Ditto + Destiny Knot, if you want to breed other stuff right away.
No worries. I still have it waiting for you. He's just chilling with a few Scatterbug in a box, so he's not a alone.
Ah yes, the Pikachu. Doubt anyone here has one. Not sure if anyone lived close enough for that. Though always interested in it if someone happens across one!
I'm finally getting a 3DS today and I was wondering which of the two versions should I go for. Is there a superior version?