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Pokémon XY |OT4| Don't Bank On It

Starting to get tired of playing Heart Gold just so I can get the damn legendaries... at least I'm pretty far through this ordeal, going into the 8th Gym now.


Anyone have a female intimidate scraggy?

I've got:

drill run karablasts

acid armor goomys

storm drain lileeps (with recover and mirror coat)

simple beam inkays

and some freeze-dry lapras

PM me if you're interested or have that scraggy
Anyone have a female intimidate scraggy?

I've got:

drill run karablasts

acid armor goomys

storm drain lileeps (with recover and mirror coat)

simple beam inkays

and some freeze-dry lapras

PM me if you're interested or have that scraggy
I can make one for you. It's in a Timer Ball though.
So I'm trying to get an Eevee to max happiness, question, does it continually go up by 1 point with ever 256 steps or does it just happen once? I set up my 3ds to run in a circle and gave my Eevee a sooth bell.


So I'm trying to get an Eevee to max happiness, question, does it continually go up by 1 point with ever 256 steps or does it just happen once? I set up my 3ds to run in a circle and gave my Eevee a sooth bell.

In newer games, it's actually less steps(and I think 2 points?), but only a chance of it happening. EV reducing berries are great for increasing happiness. Leveling up is also great, if you're using a newly hatched/low level Pokemon you can max it out in one or two battles usually against Furisode Girls in the chateau. I usually go the latter route for evolutions.
In newer games, it's actually less steps(and I think 2 points?), but only a chance of it happening. EV reducing berries are great for increasing happiness. Leveling up is also great, if you're using a newly hatched/low level Pokemon you can max it out in one or two battles usually against Furisode Girls in the chateau. I usually go the latter route for evolutions.
Turns out I had soothing bags so I used those


97,531,096 Pokémon traded on the GTS. Should be a week or so until 100m and then bam, Vivillon distribution will be detailed


I am virtually a complete newbie to this game and the series. I did play Pokemon LeafGreen about eight years ago, but only up to the first cave, at which point I went mad from fighting dozens of Zubats in a row, and shut off the game in disgust.

The 3DS promotion inspired me to try this game again, but with my eight-year-old daughter. It always seemed this game would be better with someone to share the experience. I bought her a 3DS to compliment mine, and registered our systems to get the digital download codes. I dislike digital, so I sold the codes for $25 each and bought new retail copies for $30 each, then stored them away until her school was over for the summer.

I was unsure if she would even enjoy the thought of playing this game. A few days ago, I laid out the games and asked if she wanted to try. To my surprise, she was very interested. To make a long story short, I haven't seen her play a game so much since Minecraft. She basically wants to play it all day. She is somewhere just past route eight, and her main "Feny" is level 25.

My dudes are all around level 15 and I am at route seven. I am enjoying the game quite a bit.

One thing I found funny is in regards to the "exp share". When playing FireRed, I complained that only Pokemon who joined the battle received EXP. The Pokemon didn't even have to do anything. A playery could just switch through the whole party at the start of each fight without attacking and they all received full EXP. I thought it was stupid that the developers allowed players to game the system like that. Well, they "fixed" this with "exp share", except the first thing I did upon receiving that key item was to ensure it was disabled!

I actually prefer that a Pokemon has to join the battle and earn their EXP. I'm not sure if any changes were made to the battle system since FireRed, but I seem to recall that I could literally swap through the entire party at the start of battle without the enemy taking a turn. In X/Y, the enemy gets a free attack each time you switch, making this behaviour non-viable. I suspect I would be more open to "exp share" if the EXP were actually "shared"; a single pool of EXP divided amongst the party. As it is, it seems to be more of a "bonus", with EXP appearing out of thin air and being distributed without any loss to the actual participants of the battle (I enabled "exp share" for a single battle to see how it worked).

The UI is extremely arcane and clunky. It feels like I am using an old cell phone from ten years ago. The concept of the "PC" with its boxes, all the extra steps require to do simple things such as rearrange your party or move items, and the bizarre labyrinth of menus and prompts when attempting to interact with other players feels like the developers are still using UI elements and design from the original Game Boy. As a 38 year old dude who has been playing with video games and computers since age four, I am able to figure stuff out. For my daughter, who is young enough to almost entirely skip the usage of a desktop computer period and has grown up with iOS and modern touch UI, the myriad of menu buttons and sub-menus is like a brick wall, closing off many features. Stuff like the TM and giving your Pokemon items is barely explained in the game. Having it all hidden behind a quagmire of menus means it may as well not exist for her.

I am extremely disappointed to see that 3D is hardly used here. It isn't even enabled for all battles. I wouldn't mind so much if it were enabled on the overworld, and disabled in battles. I extensively use the 3D in every game I play; it's one of the reasons I enjoy the 3DS.

This thread is long past the point of being useful for a newbie, so I suspect I'll just lurk occasionally. I just wanted to share my experience so far. I am really enjoying the game so far.


That's good to hear, and if you need help with completing the National Dex we can help with that or if you want competitive pokes we got those too.
Today I learned that if an NPC uses a move that might possibly flinch, you should change your sentence to will definitely flinch.

This thread can still be useful to someone who is new, don't worry about that. As for what you mentioned with the UI system, essentially it's because Pokemon is ultimately using the same framework as the RBY games, just with a shit ton of enhancements. And you may not believe me, but they are ALWAYS improving the system. I'm replaying through one of the DS games right now, and even just there some of it feels clunky as someone who played XY.

However, I'm not so sure they can distance themselves away from the way the menus are set up right now. Having 30 boxes is EXTRAORDINARILY helpful once you start amassing Pokemon. There's a billion and a half items because there are a billion and a half combat strategies. There are TMs for much the same reason. It may not look like it, but the Pokemon games have evolved into an incredibly complex and nuanced series of games -- even if it doesn't necessarily force you to find that out in the process of beating the main game.


Lots of stuff.

Some tips and tricks that I'm not sure you've discovered from your descriptions of the UI:

In the PC, never touch the Withdraw/Deposit options. Just use Organize. The others may as well be removed now, as unlike the past, Organize performs their functions just as well if not better while still doing a number of other useful things. Since the party is always on display now, dragging and dropping to deposit or withdraw is super fast.

For rearranging the party, you can just drag and drop your Pokemon around in the party screen. You don't have to use the switch buttons etc. So, that's actually as intuitive as possible for touch screen use lol.

Similarly, for moving items, you can drag and drop them around on the bag screen. Drag an item onto a Pokemon to use it or give it to them to hold, drag it off of them into the bag or onto another Pokemon just as easily. The only time anything extra is required here is for use-items as a confirmation really which is understandable imo.

The UI is vastly improved even over the previous generation, really. But I recognize my view is one of someone that's played every core series entry x.x

Great to hear you and your daughter are enjoying the game, though! And I'm glad to help with any questions or problems that may arise. Also I, and a number of others here, have a living dex so even Pokemon that aren't available in XY are within reach. Not super important for just casually playing through, but if you get really into it and want to collect or battle, we can provide you with stuff to get you started/help out haha.

Anyone want to help me out on the Flawless/perfect Vivillon collection?

Seeing as I'm currently going from collection goal to collection goal, I figure Vivillon forms might as well be added to my list lol. I've got a start on good Icy Snow Vivillon, or rather I've got a female I consider actually perfect(31/0/31/31/31/31) since if you don't use physical attacks, attack is purely a hindrance. Confusion and all that.

I've got a female Scatterbug with 31/X/31/31/31/31 if you'd like, or I could go for something else. I like to collect everything in Luxury Balls, so that's what it's in. If you'd like me to breed you one in a Premier Ball or something, I'd be glad to if you can provide a mother(I don't mind returning it since I'm a luxury ball person haha). And I'd love a decent one of your pattern in a luxury ball if possible.


Some tips and tricks that I'm not sure you've discovered
You are correct. I didn't discover those. I tend to only use the stylus when in the mini games, and I am hesitant to drag my finger around, so I never tried to drag and drop. The PC "organize" thing is mind blowing. I'll be sure to tell my daughter. Thanks a lot.

A shame about Black/White having the wifi shut down. I most certainly would have bought those games to play after this. I'll just wait for the next in the series now.


Seeing as I'm currently going from collection goal to collection goal, I figure Vivillon forms might as well be added to my list lol. I've got a start on good Icy Snow Vivillon, or rather I've got a female I consider actually perfect(31/0/31/31/31/31) since if you don't use physical attacks, attack is purely a hindrance. Confusion and all that.

I've got a female Scatterbug with 31/X/31/31/31/31 if you'd like, or I could go for something else. I like to collect everything in Luxury Balls, so that's what it's in. If you'd like me to breed you one in a Premier Ball or something, I'd be glad to if you can provide a mother(I don't mind returning it since I'm a luxury ball person haha). And I'd love a decent one of your pattern in a luxury ball if possible.

I can send you a flawless 5IV Timid Female Premier Ball Scatterbug for you to breed Icy Snow Vivillon, so yeah either 31/x/31/31/31/31 or 6IV Scatterbug would be dandy.

I can breed a flawless Luxury Ball Polar (Canada) and Elegant (Japan) Scatterbug for you no problem. :)

Edit: My FC is in my profile, ign is Black Mamba.

You are correct. I didn't discover those. I tend to only use the stylus when in the mini games, and I am hesitant to drag my finger around, so I never tried to drag and drop. The PC "organize" thing is mind blowing. I'll be sure to tell my daughter. Thanks a lot.

A shame about Black/White having the wifi shut down. I most certainly would have bought those games to play after this. I'll just wait for the next in the series now.

You can still play Black and White local and transfer via Pokebank. And since you are playing with your daughter it makes for a more fun experience between you too.


You are correct. I didn't discover those. I tend to only use the stylus when in the mini games, and I am hesitant to drag my finger around, so I never tried to drag and drop. The PC "organize" thing is mind blowing. I'll be sure to tell my daughter. Thanks a lot.

A shame about Black/White having the wifi shut down. I most certainly would have bought those games to play after this. I'll just wait for the next in the series now.

Glad to be of help. I tend to use the stylus a lot, and I'm glad I upgraded to an XL before XY came out since the stylus location is good for having it available while not actually holding it all the time lol. But yeah, the touch screen tends to be extremely useful for doing away with some of the legacy-ish menu management.

With how close Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are, no harm in waiting for a new entry really. And while working on my collection, I've gone back to gen 4 and 5 games the past couple weeks and the UI really is significantly better now haha. BW and BW2 were good games, though. BW has one of the best stories for a Pokemon game imo, and I found BW2 just fun to play through, minus the fact breeding was locked away until the post-game, though I usually wait til then for that anyway.

I can send you a flawless 5IV Timid Female Premier Ball Scatterbug for you to breed Icy Snow Vivillon, so yeah either 31/x/31/31/31/31 or 6IV Scatterbug would be dandy.

I can breed a flawless Luxury Ball Polar (Canada) and Elegant (Japan) Scatterbug for you no problem. :)

Edit: My FC is in my profile, ign is Black Mamba.

Added and can jump online in a moment if you'd like to go on and send over the premier ball one.

Also, any interest in a female HA Meowth in a luxury ball lol(you or anyone)? I got one in a trade yesterday and made 5 eggs to get one with my OT and ended up with 3, so 2 are up for grabs to a good home lol. Also have enigma berries if anyone's in need of one of those. I haven't bothered with the Maison much, so I'm missing Starf and Lansat =/

You can still play Black and White local and transfer via Pokebank. And since you are playing with your daughter it makes for a more fun experience between you too.

This is also true, I didn't think of that.


Added and can jump online in a moment if you'd like to go on and send over the premier ball one.

Also, any interest in a female HA Meowth in a luxury ball lol(you or anyone)? I got one in a trade yesterday and made 5 eggs to get one with my OT and ended up with 3, so 2 are up for grabs to a good home lol. Also have enigma berries if anyone's in need of one of those. I haven't bothered with the Maison much, so I'm missing Starf and Lansat =/

This is also true, I didn't think of that.

I'll take a Meowth!

Edit: thanks for the flawless icy snow! The Eevee is cool too.


Anyone want to help me out on the Flawless/perfect Vivillon collection?
I have my very own "competitive" 5IV Vivillon, marine pattern caught in a Net Ball (which i think fits better the colours) i could breed another one easily with the rng gods permission,no egg moves though since i don't use them in its moveset, should i start breeding?


I have my very own "competitive" 5IV Vivillon, marine pattern caught in a Net Ball (which i think fits better the colours) i could breed another one easily with the rng gods permission,no egg moves though since i don't use them in its moveset, should i start breeding?

Oh a marine pattern, I was looking for that but in a dive ball. I can breed a 5iv parent for that for you to breed. Did you need both parents? Or do you have a 6iv ditto?

I can readily breed Flawless Polar and Elegant in a Premier Ball, but I can do Luxury Ball as well.

My FC is in my profile, ign Black Mamba.

Probably do this on Monday after work since I need to sleep now haha.


Oh a marine pattern, I was looking for that but in a dive ball. I can breed a 5iv parent for that for you to breed. Did you need both parents? Or do you have a 6iv ditto?

I can readily breed Flawless Polar and Elegant in a Premier Ball, but I can do Luxury Ball as well.

My FC is in my profile, ign Black Mamba.

Probably do this on Monday after work since I need to sleep now haha.

One parent is fine since i have a 6IV ditto, just pm me when you can trade FC is in my profile aswell.
I don't really need anything in return so don't worry, just doing it because GAF.


One parent is fine since i have a 6IV ditto, just pm me when you can trade FC is in my profile aswell.
I don't really need anything in return so don't worry, just doing it because GAF.

Think I could get one as well? Except in a Luxury Ball? Already have a mother I can provide.
I have my very own "competitive" 5IV Vivillon, marine pattern caught in a Net Ball (which i think fits better the colours) i could breed another one easily with the rng gods permission,no egg moves though since i don't use them in its moveset, should i start breeding?

Can you put me in the line for a flawless Marine too?

I can breed Garden or Meadow if you'd like. I also have quite a few flawless Gardens already (all in Nest Balls).


Can you put me in the line for a flawless Marine too?

I can breed Garden or Meadow if you'd like. I also have quite a few flawless Gardens already (all in Nest Balls).

Could I bother you for one(or both) of those in luxury balls? x.x Again can provide a parent and it'd be Icy Snow. Have a couple extra Icy Snow males in Premier Balls to offer in exchange if you'd prefer that over Luxury yourself.
Could I bother you for one(or both) of those in luxury balls? x.x Again can provide a parent and it'd be Icy Snow. Have a couple extra Icy Snow males in Premier Balls to offer in exchange if you'd prefer that over Luxury yourself.

Which one? Garden or Meadow?

I have parents in Luxury Balls already : )


Which one? Garden or Meadow?

I have parents in Luxury Balls already : )

Hmm. If I had to pick, probably Meadow. I don't have much else I can throw in. I have some 5IV calm Eevee and female Unnerve Meowth(random nature and IVs) in luxury balls for whatever those are worth haha.


Can you put me in the line for a flawless Marine too?

I can breed Garden or Meadow if you'd like. I also have quite a few flawless Gardens already (all in Nest Balls).

Didn't expect Marine to be so requested!
I can breed one np, need it in any specific ball? Send me a pm when ready etc.
Hmm. If I had to pick, probably Meadow. I don't have much else I can throw in. I have some 5IV calm Eevee and female Unnerve Meowth(random nature and IVs) in luxury balls for whatever those are worth haha.

That's fine; I can do both. I kind of misread your post a bit ^^

Didn't expect Marine to be so requested!
I can breed one np, need it in any specific ball? Send me a pm when ready etc.

Marine would be totally awesome : D
Awesome, thanks!

Get something fast with Mean Look etc and they become infinitely easier. Combine with sleep and false swipe for best results =p

I've got no issues running into them in the wild, but I paralyzed them instead of putting them to sleep, I paralyzed them. Turns out that Sleep is much better for catching, so now I have to KO them and beat the E4. Yay. But overall, I'd rather just keep throwing Quick Balls at them while they perma sleep, instead of trying to fight them without them running off.
Just sucks that the catch rate is so low.
Does anyone have that beautiful Timid Pokeball Vivillon/Prismillon that you can clone or I can clone?

I haven't bothered with the Maison much, so I'm missing Starf and Lansat =/

Do you have Icy Snow Vivillion? If so, could you catch me a Scatterbug in a plain Pokeball? I can send you Lansat AND Starf berries. :)

OMG, I need an Ocean Scatterbug. Will stalk PreyingShark later.

Let me know what you'd like, if you'd like; I breed Oceans

Not Pokeball Vivillon, though. I'd rather give a clone of that other guy's one when I'm able to get my hands on it.

Do you already have the Sandstorm Scatterbug? If so, we can trade for shiny Eevee now.
Does anyone have that beautiful Timid Pokeball Vivillon/Prismillon that you can clone or I can clone?

Let me know what you'd like, if you'd like; I breed Oceans

Are you ready to trade now? I can give you a Poke Ball Vivillon to clone. I don't need it back for a while.

EDIT: Or in one hour. Gonna head off for a bit ^^

EDIT 2: Heading to sleep.

For the Ocean, can you breed a 5 IV minus Attack in a Dive Ball? I can provide the female parent if you need it (plus Garden or Meadow Scatterbug).


All I did was run into one pokemon with a sticky barb, now every battle afterward is sticky barb city lol. Strange how my pokemon dont take damage from it.
Are you ready to trade now? I can give you a Poke Ball Vivillon to clone. I don't need it back for a while.

EDIT: Or in one hour. Gonna head off for a bit ^^

EDIT 2: Heading to sleep.

For the Ocean, can you breed a 5 IV minus Attack in a Dive Ball? I can provide the female parent if you need it (plus Garden or Meadow Scatterbug).

I can do that, Timid? Modest? Yes please, I'd love a Pokeball Vivillon to clone. I'll be sure to return it quickly. Is that the one from the screencap a few days ago? (Lack of communication = Zoo visit with out-of-state visitors)

Yeah, I did the Sandstorm one first so I have it. :p

Also, Ocean master race.

Woot woot! (I love Sun and Savanna equally as much though) Looking forward to the trade.

Looks like gaf is turning flawless Vivillon crazy. :)

Edit: Nintendo PSX I'm also interested in said berries. :)

You got it! Still have Love Ball Buneary?


Do you have Icy Snow Vivillion? If so, could you catch me a Scatterbug in a plain Pokeball? I can send you Lansat AND Starf berries. :)

I can do that, or I could try breeding one of my males to get a 5IV one in a Pokeball if you'd prefer.

I'd love a 5IV Ocean to add to this newly started collection, too, if you wouldn't mind.


Newbie question: does the Pokemon type affect their normal attacks? In other words, if I have a water Pokemon attack with Tackle (normal), does it have any bonus against a fire enemy?
Newbie question: does the Pokemon type affect their normal attacks? In other words, if I have a water Pokemon attack with Tackle (normal), does it have any bonus against a fire enemy?

Normal is a type just like any other. aka there are Normal-typed pokemon as well


Newbie question: does the Pokemon type affect their normal attacks? In other words, if I have a water Pokemon attack with Tackle (normal), does it have any bonus against a fire enemy?

Normal is a type in and of itself, so no. A Pokemon of the same type as an attack gets STAB(Same Type Attack Bonus), so Tackle used by a Normal type would be treated as a 75 power attack instead of 50.

Some moves are unaffected by STAB, and there are other exceptions, like Pokemon with Normalize or Pixilate abilities. Normalize turns all attacks into Normal type, Pixilate turns Normal attacks into Fairy type.

Ah, I'll breed you a Scatterbug later then since I already have it set up in the Daycare. TY for the Eevee <3

That'd be great, thanks.
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