last one
ggs dood
ggs dood
I just went by GameStop and got a Charizard amiibo and the double sided Pokken pre-order poster. I didn't even buy the game there. Apparently I'm the only one who has gotten the poster, since the dude had to open the package to get me one.
I'll be putting it up Charizard side of course.
last one
ggs dood
Is Pikachu Libre's down+A special (the spin into the Stone Cold Stunner) actually a counter or does it just have super armor? I can't tell.
Damn that's nice
I hate Braxiens. Nothing but the lamest of gamest.
I've played countless Braxiens online which all do the same:lol i tried going in whenever i could but my braxiens normals are badddddd :/ trying to get in any sort of quick strikes just had me eating combos left and right :/ sorry it was so lame :/
Random Suicune decided to do constant beams and air beam. Lost a match and then we came back to fight again. It's super unsafe.Random Suicune player, your super may not be punisheable on shield, but the laser you inmediatly threw is.
*Pikachu spams thunder*
Pikachu telegraphs where his attack will land so you can dash under it and towards the opponent.
I've played countless Braxiens online which all do the same:
Field mode: Run left right while firing projectiles + phase shift move
Duel Mode: Spam Hadouken
Thing is, Braxien is open to air attack and fast rush down. Not to mention she has to respect a lot of the mixup game.
I'm sure you can actually leap the projectiles in Duel Mode but you have to be close so they don't spread out and I have to be at the height of my jump and then air dash.
Random Suicune decided to do constant beams and air beam. Lost a match and then we came back to fight again. It's super unsafe.
1 thing to note is has a big startup so you can run it and Suicune lands with his back to you. Go in for a big punish.
Pikachu telegraphs where his attack will land so you can dash under it and towards the opponent.
and yeah braxien in field mode really doesnt have much outside of yyyy projectile spam her homing attack is pretty bad honestly :/
But everyone expects you to spam projectiles, so they never expect the homing attack. Never.
true true but i never found as chance in getting in even if i circle around and trying to get in lol most of the time they just shield regardless i only like the projectiles because i just find i can get people off me and gives me a lot of breathing room to see what they might do if i luck out and get the duel phase then i try to space with fire blast and try to open up with her basic combos im still not used to the whole rps mechanic and i get blown up a lot with counters and grabs
I have no idea how to deal with either mewtwo, as I dont have them unlocked to study their moves.
On the other hand, getting close and doing empty jump into grab is surprisingly effective in this game. must be the players
I kinda like Braixen but I'm pretty sure the character is due for that "For Glory" stigma of being "lame to play".
I mean, play-to-win and all, but even playing as a Braixen you just feel lame, I feel like I'm not getting a visceral fighting experience.
Well, I will admit I can spam my own projectiles in field phase too. I try to change it up every so often though. Surprisingly, you can also jump and fire Brax's Y button projectiles and that seems to get people off guard.
Going into burst mode and opting for homing attacks rather than using a burst attack right away seems to work pretty well. It seems to lead most into getting drawn into her burst attack, especially since her homing attack will combo into a field change.
I don't share your sentiments. lol.I kinda like Braixen but I'm pretty sure the character is due for that "For Glory" stigma of being "lame to play".
I mean, play-to-win and all, but even playing as a Braixen you just feel lame, I feel like I'm not getting a visceral fighting experience.
Me either. I feel like all of my Mewtwo wins are either because I get lucky or the players are really bad.
I've noticed that too. Maybe once a few more people do that they'll realize that not everyone that jumps is about to do an aerial attack.
Do the GC pads for Wii U work? Or are they just GC pads repackaged
Man I've done nearly 100 battles online and I've only encountered one other Sceptile online. It was an interesting experience for sure as neither wanted to go near each others traps so it ended up with time-outs both times.
I've encountered Sceptile quite a lot myself (possibly my most faced opponent thus far) and its the bane of my life.
It's interesting how varied the character usage spreads are here from people's online experience, I think I've faced everyone but Machamp so far.
And having recently given Machamp a proper shake I'm kinda glad, dude hits like a runaway freight train.
surprised that Chandelure is a power pokemon, it looked like a projectile spammer in the trailers
I'll probably wait for a while until the price goes down a bit before I pick this up
surprised that Chandelure is a power pokemon, it looked like a projectile spammer in the trailers
I'll probably wait for a while until the price goes down a bit before I pick this up
Those wireless ones that connect to wiimotes work, but not the ones with GC connectors and cables.
It is a projectile spammer but the fact that it's power means it does so much damage. Super obnoxious to fight as both its melee and ranged attacks are a pain to get through.
Anyone here tried out the lan mode yet? You can connect 2 Wii U's together through the Ethernet adapters and a normal lan cable right?
neat, that sounds exactly like my kind of pokemon. I suppose the downside is that it's slow?
They are pads that you have plug into the Wii controller. So they are wireless.Do the GC pads for Wii U work? Or are they just GC pads repackaged
Played plenty of Braxiens online everyone has done the Run left/right and span projectiles. I know it's only day 2 but I don't see the character getting much deeper. Though her projectiles are some of the best.I kinda like Braixen but I'm pretty sure the character is due for that "For Glory" stigma of being "lame to play".
I mean, play-to-win and all, but even playing as a Braixen you just feel lame, I feel like I'm not getting a visceral fighting experience.
They are pads that you have plug into the Wii controller. So they are wireless.
Played plenty of Braxiens online everyone has done the Run left/right and span projectiles. I know it's only day 2 but I don't see the character getting much deeper. Though her projectiles are some of the best.
It is a projectile spammer but the fact that it's power means it does so much damage. Super obnoxious to fight as both its melee and ranged attacks are a pain to get through.
Oof. The Pro Pads are wired? Maybe I'll just order the Hori or Pro pad from Amazon then and return this one I got from Gamestop. It was only 20 bucks too. Shame D=
I don't share your sentiments. lol
That beam.
The third party GC pads usually work as Wii Pro controllers, so they plug into a Wii controller to be wireless unlike the Wii U Pro controller which is just fully wireless. It all doesn't matter anyway because I'm fairly certain you HAVE to use the Gamepad if you're playing as player 1 anyway.
So do you plug the Hori ones into the Wii U or the gamepads?
Not played online much as I was trying to get to grips with the game before I jumped in(First fighting game I'm even bothering with online in).
However, Shadow Mewtwo weirdly enough.
I haven't even unlocked him yet!
You can only select him in local/single play modes. To play him in League and Online, you need to unlock him through the League.
neat, that sounds exactly like my kind of pokemon. I suppose the downside is that it's slow?
Ah I think I picked up the former ones. The ones that were released before the GC was reprinted. That has to hook up to a wiimote right? Or can you hook it directly into the Wii U?
It was pretty cheap but I'm wondering how I'd use it at Evo if it requires a wiimote, lol.
Yeah, the 3rd party GC controller lookalikes connect to wiimotes only. Pokken doesn't support the GC controller adapter that came with Smash Bros, so you can't use real GC controllers. The only wired controller that works is the Hori Pokken controller.
how do you do critical hits?
how do you do critical hits?