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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I hope Joe Walsh loses and rots in the place that is right wing fringe


I was never a Republican, but this is one of those things that firmly solidified my opposition to these fuckheads back during the 2004 elections. With all the bullshit about supporting the troops these assholes went on about, I really thought that at least the military would be one area where they wouldn't attack anyone regardless of what party they belonged to. Then of course the swiftboating came around, and it became abundantly clear that the only thing that keeps one from being smeared is simply NOT being anything other than a Republican.
But one of the most notable exchanges was on immigration, when [Univision CEO Randy] Falco began by telling Romney how frequently President Obama has been on Univision in comparison to the Republican candidate, adding that he thinks it's important for the GOP hopeful to address what the president did on immigration a few weeks ago with his executive action move to halt some deportations.

Murdoch chimed in, three sources said, telling the candidate on the issue of immigration generally, "You have to take the fight to Obama on this." Romney said the Hispanic vote is important, noting he has Sen. Marco Rubio on the trail for him and that one of his own sons speaks Spanish, but indicated he is not going to change positions from some of what he said in the primaries.

"I know I took some positions in the primary that are" hard to contend with in a general, Romney said, according to two sources.

"I am not going to be a flip-flopper," he added, according to one guest. He talked more about the various concerns that he has to balance in terms of competing constituencies who have different views — and noted, two sources said, the precise percentage that Hispanic voters make up in the swing states, a figure that was less than 20 percent.

I can't believe what I'm reading. What a stunning display of...I don't even know what to call it


Auto industry the silver lining in gloomy economy
Car sales outpaced even the more optimistic forecasts, with several manufacturers setting all-time records. A number of others, notably General Motors, saw demand surge to levels not seen since before the start of the lingering U.S. recession.

Significantly, while the industry was clearly pushing hard to sell, sell, sell, industry data suggest automakers didn’t fall into the past trap of buying sales with hefty rebates and other incentives.

“The combination of new products, available credit, lower fuel prices and modest economic growth was a stronger influence on consumer behavior than economic and political uncertainty,” said Kurt McNeil, General Motors’ vice president of U.S. sales.

GM posted a solid, 16 percent year-over-year gain, June bringing the maker’s best monthly unit sales since September of 2008.

Chrysler, meanwhile, delivered its 27th consecutive monthly year-over-year increase — an increase of 20 percent — making it Chrysler’s best June in five years.

Honda had to look back to 2008 for the last time it did so well in June, a month normally buoyed by the so-called Spring buying season. Overall, the Japanese maker gained 48.8 percent, but its struggling luxury division, Acura, gained 76.5 percent — helped by the addition of some critical new products like the entry-luxury ILX. The mainstream Honda division did well, with a 45.6 percent increase despite the fact that its Accord sedan is months away from being replaced by an all-new model.

The Japanese did well across the board, Nissan reporting a 28.2 percent jump — its own luxury arm, Infiniti, gaining 66.1 percent for the month.

But the real winner was industry giant Toyota. Like its Japanese rivals it suffered severely in spring 2011 as it was forced to close or sharply cut back production at many of its key assembly plants due to the March earthquake and tsunami that devastated Northeast Japan. For June 2012, it saw sales rocket upwards by 60.3 percent — and forecast still better days to come.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I'm feeling particularly pessimistic.

35k for June.

Romney can look as silly as he wants, if unemployment crawls back upwards to 9% by November, Obama is going to be in a tight spot. That speaks to how good Obama is and how poor of a candidate Romney is. I actually had a dream last night in which it was revealed to me that Romney was actually sabotaging his own campaign, as he thought Obama was better. Turned out that all of his lying and bumbling was due to his innate desire for the best candidate to win. I woke up thinking that it actually made more sense than his actual campaign.

EDIT : 82k, btw. Book it.


Perfect campaign.

538 now has Obama up in Florida - by just half a point, but all the same. That would give 332 EC votes to the president if every state went by Nate's projections.

I am expecting lackluster jobs numbers... if this trend continues (and it probably will) he'll be lucky to get 332EV's, let alone win...


Just read about Joe Walsh trashing Tammy Duckworth's military record. What a piece of shit. Can't want for my state to throw his ass out in November. Max Cleland, John Kerry, and now Duckworth. This is getting to be a habit in GOP circles. I guess the slogan "support the troops" only goes so far for some.



He was mocking Romney's campaign as being awesome

I am expecting lackluster jobs numbers... if this trend continues (and it probably will) he'll be lucky to get 332EV's, let alone win...

Don't ever underestimate the power of Romney to completely turn off the voters. He has this innate ability to make people feel less comfortable around him and that goes a long way.

For many if the economy does not improve will be left with who are they more comfortable with, Romney never wins in that scenario


Junior Member
Not too worried about the jobs report. It'll bounce back in the fall, right when election season really kicks off.

Besides, Rombot's responses on immigration and health care has solidified the image of a candidate who has no real core. He's just a parrot for whatever group he's trying to pander to.

BTW, I'm guessing 50k.


I've received some jaw-dropping Republican chain e-mails before, but I think this might be the best one yet:


The Democratic Party has become the Lawyers Party.

Barack Obama is a lawyer. Michelle Obama is a lawyer.
Hillary Clinton is a lawyer. Bill Clinton is a lawyer.
John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.

Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate). Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.

Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress. Harry Reid is a lawyer. Nancy Pelosi is a lawyer.

The Republican Party is different. President Bush is a businessman. Vice President Cheney is a businessman. The leaders of the Republican Revolution: Newt Gingrich was a history professor. Tom Delay was an exterminator. Dick Armey was an economist. House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer. The former Senate Majority Leader Bill First is a heart surgeon.

Who was the last Republican president who was a lawyer? Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago and who barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, running against Ronald Reagan in 1976.

The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the targets of lawyers.

The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers. Democrats mock and scorn men who create wealth, like Bush and Cheney, or who heal the sick, like First, or who immerse themselves in history, like Gingrich. The Lawyers Party sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America .. And, so we have seen the procession of official enemies, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party, grow.

Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail?....Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation. This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers. Lawyers solve problems by successfully representing their clients, in this case the American people. Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side.

Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine. But it is an awful way to govern a great nation. When politicians as lawyers begin to view some Americans as clients and other Americans as opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming. Some Americans become adverse parties of our very government. We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit. We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers.

Today, we are drowning in laws; we are contorted by judicial decisions; we are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once private lives. America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast and unchecked. When the most important decision for our next president is whom he will appoint to the Supreme Court, the role of lawyers and the law in America is too big.

When House Democrats sue America in order to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.

Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers who already largely dictate American society and business. Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers but from personal dreams nourished by hard work. Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.

The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 66% of the worlds lawyers! Tort (Legal) reform legislation has been introduced in congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you and also to limit punitive damages in huge medical malpractice lawsuits. This legislation has continually been blocked from even being voted on by the Democrat Party. When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high!

At least 40% of American voters would read this shit and think, "Fucking preach it!" My urge to commit extreme acts of violence is rising.

I started on a reply, and I got about as far as "Mitch McConnell is a lawyer. Michelle Bachmann is a lawyer..." before realizing how pointless it would be.
I've received some jaw-dropping Republican chain e-mails before, but I think this might be the best one yet:

At least 40% of American voters would read this shit and think, "Fucking preach it!" My urge to commit extreme acts of violence is rising.

I started on a reply, and I got about as far as "Mitch McConnell is a lawyer. Michelle Bachmann is a lawyer..." before realizing how pointless it would be.

This is why we need Joe the (unlicensed) Plumber in Congress!


I've received some jaw-dropping Republican chain e-mails before, but I think this might be the best one yet:

At least 40% of American voters would read this shit and think, "Fucking preach it!" My urge to commit extreme acts of violence is rising.

I started on a reply, and I got about as far as "Mitch McConnell is a lawyer. Michelle Bachmann is a lawyer..." before realizing how pointless it would be.

Mitt Romney has "been a lawyer" for 16 more years than President Obama.
Behold math and be hoist on your own petard!

And how dated is this chain-mail that it still refers to Boehner as House Minority Leader and not Speaker.


Although, I wonder if Kennedy would have came forward as being the swing vote, if he wouldn't have stuck with his initial inclination (of overturning). Seems likely.
Speaking of which, Salon published an article yesterday, in response to Crawford's article on CBS, purporting that most of the dissent was drafted by Roberts before he switched. If that were veracious, the mandate was even more perilously proximate to being invalidated. Too, the maneuvers of SCOTUS politics are damn intriguing.
By Paul Campos

It’s notable that Crawford’s sources insist on the claim that the joint dissent was authored specifically in response to Roberts’ majority opinion, without any participation from him at any point in the drafting process that created it. It would, after all, be fairly preposterous for the four dissenters to jointly “author” an opinion that was in large part written originally by the author of the majority opinion to which the joint dissenters were now so flamboyantly objecting.

Yet that, I am told by a source within the court with direct knowledge of the drafting process, is exactly what happened. My source insists that “most of the material in the first three quarters of the joint dissent was drafted in Chief Justice Roberts’ chambers in April and May.” Only the last portion of what eventually became the joint dissent was drafted without any participation by the chief justice.

This source insists that the claim that the joint dissent was drafted from scratch in June is flatly untrue. Furthermore, the source characterizes claims by Crawford’s sources that “the fact that the joint dissent doesn’t mention [sic] Roberts’ majority … was a signal the conservatives no longer wished to engage in debate with him” as “pure propagandistic spin,” meant to explain away the awkward fact that while the first 46 pages of the joint dissent never even mention Roberts’ opinion for the court (this is surely the first time in the court’s history that a dissent has gone on for 13,000 words before getting around to mentioning that it is, in fact, dissenting), the last 19 pages do so repeatedly.

I've received some jaw-dropping Republican chain e-mails before, but I think this might be the best one yet:

At least 40% of American voters would read this shit and think, "Fucking preach it!" My urge to commit extreme acts of violence is rising.

I started on a reply, and I got about as far as "Mitch McConnell is a lawyer. Michelle Bachmann is a lawyer..." before realizing how pointless it would be.
Forget the wretched array of modern Republicans. Many of our Founding Fathers were lawyers: Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and John Adams. And they created the greatest nation in history.
Just ribbing on PD.

I don't know what happened. Even you guys would have to admit Romney's camp came out the gate swinging initially, and looked quite superior to McCain's team in 08. They countered every Obama move, even the absurd (ie combating the Seamus story with the dog eating nonsense). The economy was in shambles, and every first Friday of the month Romney seemed poised to do damage.

But we've gone like 2 months during which Obama has completely reshuffled the board and fired up his base all without losing support moderates/independents. And every move has revealed a Romney camp that is slow, dithering, and unsure on how to respond. How many republicans in the past would basically go mute over a democrat endorsing gay marriage, providing amnesty (their words, not mine) to illegal aliens, and having a signature piece of legislation decreed a giant tax? I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Things should get back to normal on Friday with another bad jobs report. But given the past few months, I'm already wondering what Obama will do to change the subject


The tea party had an absolutely massive float displaying constitutional crap at our parade today. I really wanted to troll them about the Obamacare supreme court decision so badly...


I don't know what happened. Even you guys would have to admit Romney's camp came out the gate swinging initially, and looked quite superior to McCain's team in 08. They countered every Obama move, even the absurd (ie combating the Seamus story with the dog eating nonsense). The economy was in shambles, and every first Friday of the month Romney seemed poised to do damage.

But we've gone like 2 months during which Obama has completely reshuffled the board and fired up his base all without losing support moderates/independents. And every move has revealed a Romney camp that is slow, dithering, and unsure on how to respond. How many republicans in the past would basically go mute over a democrat endorsing gay marriage, providing amnesty (their words, not mine) to illegal aliens, and having a signature piece of legislation decreed a giant tax? I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Things should get back to normal on Friday with another bad jobs report. But given the past few months, I'm already wondering what Obama will do to change the subject

They came out swinging alright, like a 5 year old punching the air after not getting dessert.


Professional Schmuck
I don't know what happened. Even you guys would have to admit Romney's camp came out the gate swinging initially, and looked quite superior to McCain's team in 08. They countered every Obama move, even the absurd (ie combating the Seamus story with the dog eating nonsense). The economy was in shambles, and every first Friday of the month Romney seemed poised to do damage.

But we've gone like 2 months during which Obama has completely reshuffled the board and fired up his base all without losing support moderates/independents. And every move has revealed a Romney camp that is slow, dithering, and unsure on how to respond. How many republicans in the past would basically go mute over a democrat endorsing gay marriage, providing amnesty (their words, not mine) to illegal aliens, and having a signature piece of legislation decreed a giant tax? I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Things should get back to normal on Friday with another bad jobs report. But given the past few months, I'm already wondering what Obama will do to change the subject

I think your analysis is largely correct, except for the beginning where you give far too much credit to Romney's initial attacks, and at the end where you think the trend will reverse because of job numbers. Anything but negative growth will keep Obama's momentum growing.

What's next, though? Look at this list of Republican scare topics/strengths that Obama has now completely neutralized if not pushed in his favor:

1. Gays
2. Illegals
3. Health Care
4. Environmentalists
5. Foreign Policy Hawks
6. Unions
7. Black People
8. Women
9. "Evolutionists"

Take your pick, fellas. He's coming after every one of these. I suspect the next attacks will maintain the Bain messaging but with a renewed call for union strength, and an increased focus on Romney's foreign policy hilarity. John Bolton might seriously be the biggest weakness of Romney to be taken seriously (other than nonstop pandering and being extremely unlikeable) and I think the Chicago Hit Squad knows this.
I don't know what happened. Even you guys would have to admit Romney's camp came out the gate swinging initially, and looked quite superior to McCain's team in 08. They countered every Obama move, even the absurd (ie combating the Seamus story with the dog eating nonsense). The economy was in shambles, and every first Friday of the month Romney seemed poised to do damage.

But we've gone like 2 months during which Obama has completely reshuffled the board and fired up his base all without losing support moderates/independents. And every move has revealed a Romney camp that is slow, dithering, and unsure on how to respond. How many republicans in the past would basically go mute over a democrat endorsing gay marriage, providing amnesty (their words, not mine) to illegal aliens, and having a signature piece of legislation decreed a giant tax? I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Things should get back to normal on Friday with another bad jobs report. But given the past few months, I'm already wondering what Obama will do to change the subject
Disagree. Romney's campaign has always been shit. It's just you clinging to a bet.

PantherLotus said:
What's next, though? Look at this list of Republican scare topics/strengths that Obama has now completely neutralized if not pushed in his favor:

1. Gays
2. Illegals
3. Health Care

4. Environmentalists
5. Foreign Policy Hawks
6. Unions
7. Black People
8. Women
9. "Evolutionists"

Take your pick, fellas. He's coming after every one of these. I suspect the next attacks will maintain the Bain messaging but with a renewed call for union strength, and an increased focus on Romney's foreign policy hilarity. John Bolton might seriously be the biggest weakness of Romney to be taken seriously (other than nonstop pandering and being extremely unlikeable) and I think the Chicago Hit Squad knows this.
Take off #5. Obama has a clear lead there. If Romney really wants to zing Obama on foreign policy, be my guest as long as Obama gets to carry around a photo of OBL everywhere he goes.


Obsidian fan
Romney really wants to zing Obama on foreign policy, be my guest as long as Obama gets to carry around a photo of OBL everywhere he goes.



It's startling how fast the GOP jumped off the "hunt down TEH TERRORRISTS" bandwagon after Barack authorized the action to kill OBL.

Just think about the height of the Bush years. It's really insane on their behalf.

Par for the course...
I don't know what happened. Even you guys would have to admit Romney's camp came out the gate swinging initially, and looked quite superior to McCain's team in 08. They countered every Obama move, even the absurd (ie combating the Seamus story with the dog eating nonsense). The economy was in shambles, and every first Friday of the month Romney seemed poised to do damage.

But we've gone like 2 months during which Obama has completely reshuffled the board and fired up his base all without losing support moderates/independents. And every move has revealed a Romney camp that is slow, dithering, and unsure on how to respond. How many republicans in the past would basically go mute over a democrat endorsing gay marriage, providing amnesty (their words, not mine) to illegal aliens, and having a signature piece of legislation decreed a giant tax? I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Things should get back to normal on Friday with another bad jobs report. But given the past few months, I'm already wondering what Obama will do to change the subject

They showed some skin earlier on, backed by some conservative news outlets and obama gaffes. Also he had just become nominee, honeymoon period and all.

Then obama campaign made moves they clearly did not expect and some news outlet started to dig deeper. Previously it was just obama accusing him off being an outsourcing person now there is news reporting behind it.

One of the most surprising thing for me was the lack of movement towards Romney after the May job numbers.
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