GAH! My bad! Totally the wrong thread.
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2...e-in-national-guard-speech.php?ref=fpnewsfeedHe did touch on some defense issues, however, speaking broadly about the need for a strong military and support for veterans at home. Romney also delved into Afghanistan policy, something he omitted from his convention speech and was widely criticized as a result. But he mostly echoed Obamas 2014 timetable for turning security responsibilities over to Afghanistans own forces.
While the war in Iraq is over, nearly 70,000 American troops still remain in Afghanistan, Romney said. Our goal should be to complete a successful transition to Afghan security forces by the end of 2014. We should evaluate conditions on the ground and solicit the best advice of our military commanders.
I had already lost it apparently, lol.titiklabingapat said:I lost it when you posted that second post, futurevoid lol
Haven't decided as of yet to be frank.Diablos said:Who are you voting for Futurevoid?
We caught a swing voter, guys!Haven't decided as of yet to be frank.
I have some issues with the Obama administration and I tend to skew towards more Libertarian views but the most direct answer I can give you right now is: NOT Mitt Romney or the insanity that the Republican party has become.
AZ Senate has been surprisingly close every time PPP has polled it. Carmona's got the right profile for the state, but it might not be enough to overcome the natural advantage Republicans have.
Flake has 79% name rec while Carmona has only 50%, so maybe he has room to grow.
NOT Mitt Romney or the insanity that the Republican party has become.
NOT Mitt Romney
You can always vote for Gary Johnson. But it's essentially throwing your vote away (otherwise known as "conscious" voting)...Hopefully in second term, Obama does not renew Patriot Act (up for renewal in 2015) and becomes hippy about other civil liberties issues. More importantly, there are going to be very important Supreme court appointments. That's the reason alone why you should vote for Bams this year, rather than Johnson or Romney.Haven't decided as of yet to be frank.
I have some issues with the Obama administration (despite being very much in favor or Healthcare reform) and I tend to skew towards more Libertarian views but the most direct answer I can give you right now is: NOT Mitt Romney or the insanity that the Republican party has become.
This is dumb.
And H.W. wasn't a bad president.
We caught a swing voter, guys!
C'mon, man. You can't be buying that crap Mitt is selling, as you basically stated. The GOP is out of their mind. Obama is the rational candidate.
It does...if you think yourself as part of collective. Only a neo-conservative individualist would believe your free market crap!Vote don't matter anyway, be real.
Vote don't matter anyway, be real.
Let's see which state he lives in first before expending any energy on him![]()
(warning: the surgeon general has determined that tpm is linked to liberal backpatting)
It seems Paul Ryan is about to start running some ads aimed at keeping his House of Representatives seat.
i'm not voting for Obama. Don't see the point, really. Might even vote for Mitt.
i'm not voting for Obama. Don't see the point, really. Might even vote for Mitt.
Tell that to Ohio voters in 2004 or Florida voters in 2000. A very very tiny increase in democrat turnout in each instance would have resulted in two different presidents.
Obama would not have become president, but John Roberts wouldn't be on the SC either. Win win
Lakers-age everyone.
This. I can't respect the argument that votes don't matter, or this new argument that if don't live in a swing state your vote doesn't matter. It's dangerous nonsense.
You would think that the "both sides are the same, no point in voting" nonsense would have died in 2000. Does anyone honestly think Al fucking Gore would have attacked Iraq? Afghanistan sure, I'm sure he would have done that, but Iraq? No way. Likewise, what would the SC look like if Gore had won?
Same with Kerry. Obama would not have become president, but John Roberts wouldn't be on the SC either. Win win
Okay, so why exactly would Mittens lie about this:
Is it just so he has an excuse to use Reagan in a sentence? Cause that's the most generous explanation I give him.
Obama promised to cure cancer. But since he didn't, this time I'm gonna vote for cancer.
Okay, so why exactly would Mittens lie about this:
Is it just so he has an excuse to use Reagan in a sentence? Cause that's the most generous explanation I give him.
Pennsylvania.Amir0x said:The important question is what state does Futurevoid live in?
I'm in California, my vote won't change the election. Don't get me wrong, if I was in Ohio I'd vote for Obama.
But the potential for Mitt to win the popular and lose the electoral vote might make me choose a Mitt vote if it's close. If not, then I'll just do something else. I'm not a big fan of the democrats and feel Obama has lacked a spine in many respects, so he hasn't earned my vote.
Some votes matter. Mine will not. Hell, there's a good chance the election will be over before I vote.
If anything, this is probably due to the human memory being so bad. We often mix up 2 memories into one. I doubt he's lying. Both stories has Reagan in it, anyway.
Who needs ACORN when you can threaten pollsters?
I'm hearing a lot of "Well, Jimmy Carter was ahead of Reagan during this point in the presidential election" or some variation of that. The electorate, candidates, and a host of other things I'm probably forgetting, are completely different. Romney isn't Reagan. Obama--despite what conservatives say--is not Jimmy Carter. Obama doesn't have a foreign policy debacle hanging around his neck. Hoping that history repeats itself seems rather weak at this point.
I'm glad more people in Califforina don't think like you do.
How is it a lie? Seems like he misremembered what he was doing. Both stories occur in the same Ronald Reagan building
In pivotal Florida, Barack Obama comes out of the Democratic National Convention 4 points atop Mitt Romney, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for WFLA-TV in Tampa. Romney leads among Florida's white voters, but that lead is erased by Florida's minorities: Obama leads by 16 points among Cubans, by 36 points among non-Cuban Hispanics, and by 67 points among African Americans.
MN Senate Survey USA
Klobuchar - 55%
Ron Paul supporter - 34%
Up 4 in FL on SUSA. Nelson up 11.
How is it a lie? Seems like he misremembered what he was doing. Both stories occur in the same Ronald Reagan building
Obama up 4 in FL on SUSA. Nelson up 11.
Obama up 4 in FL on SUSA. Nelson up 11.
Tell that to Ohio voters in 2004 or Florida voters in 2000. A very very tiny increase in democrat turnout in each instance would have resulted in two different presidents.
The important question is what state does Futurevoid live in?
If it's not Virginia, Ohio or Florida (and Colorado or North Carolina... I guess), that you guys don't need to push him. Vote don't matter anyway, be real.
My indecision doesn't stem from a choice between Romney and Obama. I could never vote for Romney. The man is the worst kind of political flip flopper. He stands for nothing and comes off as nothing more than a GOP puppet in his current incarnation. The sad part is that Romney as a Governor was a more moderate and thus appealing candidate in some key areas for me. Right now, the Tea Party base and the extremism they represent is not something I can get behind.
I consider myself to be an independent as I have a healthy mix of liberal and conservative views (definitely far more liberal on the social side of things). Though I'm sure would call me a RINO. My wife and I voted for Bams in '08.
Even if you aren't in a swing state you better vote because of Congress.