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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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CombatingIgnorance.com is available. That sounds pretty much exactly what I am looking for. Should I pull the trigger? Some bot on the internet is probably reading this post right now outgunning me to register it...
I'd get something short if I were you. Best to secure a short name and then make up a meaning or an acronym for it later.


Alright guys, I am contemplating creating a political blog and would like a few pointers and experience if anyone has it.

I have been writing op-eds for a while now, in a way compounding what I view as the destruction of the Republican Party from a Republican's viewpoint. I break down points on everything from tax cuts to immigration reform. I am sure like 50 people ever will read this site, but I would like to make it as professional looking as possible. To accomplish this, I figure I need 4 things:

1. a clever and memorable domain name. Any ideas?
2. A sleek interface free from clutter. I don't have the name of Realclearpolitics or drudgereport, so I can't afford to have a webpage that looks like a dictionary vomited all over it.
3. A way for people to interact. A Comments section at the end of each post? Do I manually moderate the comments, do I do a NeoGAF type of system where people must be approved before posting? I don't want every post to become the equivalent of a YouTube comments section. I will be speaking in provable facts, specific terms, and one bad apple continually steering discussion away from that will kill any sort of slight bit of effect it could have (in a one in a million shot, of course)
4. The ability for people to find me. Google a specific query about tax policy that I write about, it would be nice to see my page not be relegated to page 30 of Google (ie: the end of the internet)

as an aside, I would like to make revenue off of the site at some time in the future, if at all possible. Who is the best advertiser to go with that won't post off the wall nonsense? Barring that, is there any other way for a website to make revenue? What software should I use to create and maintain my site? I see a lot of WordPress sites out there, is that effective?

I would post this in the OT main forum, but since this is politics (and 99 times out 100, people in here are not the mouth-breathing My Little Pony fans of the OT) I figure I would dip my toes in this water for advice first. I realize that any sort of success that could come to my site would be at best a pie-in-the-sky dream and nothing more, so be it. I am doing this for myself and for my family/friends as much as I am for anyone else.



Indeed. He's sorely mistaken on every issue he enumerates. What's even worse is that he and the other two stooges gallivant about with a patina of expertise. He has no standing to criticize Obama.
I don't know, threat of actions that would lead to immediate war to skew election results disturb me more.
I dunno, it's pretty disturbing. God only knows what Obama's going to sell us out on.
“This is my last election,” Obama interjects. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”
So expect tomorrow to be dominated by the Egypt embassy attack. Romney campaign/GOP saying Obama sympathizes with the attackers because of that statement that the embassy put out. Democrats saying that statement was not authorized, etc, etc.

Well, not sure of any effect on the race here, but definitely not something Democrats would want to talk about all day.


So expect tomorrow to be dominated by the Egypt embassy attack. Romney campaign/GOP saying Obama sympathizes with the attackers because of that statement that the embassy put out. Democrats saying that statement was not authorized, etc, etc.

Well, not sure of any effect on the race here, but definitely not something Democrats would want to talk about all day.

Couple what is happening in Egypt with the $1.3B in military aid we provided (yes, I know it flows back to American contractors in the military-industrial complex) and it will a fun thing to watch him defend in the debates. Everything they have tried so far in Egypt, Libya, and Syria has been a complete failure.
Couple what is happening in Egypt with the $1.3B in military aid we provided (yes, I know it flows back to American contractors in the military-industrial complex) and it will a fun thing to watch him defend in the debates. Everything they have tried so far in Egypt, Libya, and Syria has been a complete failure.

Was more successful than Iraq or Afghanistan under Bush.


Couple what is happening in Egypt with the $1.3B in military aid we provided (yes, I know it flows back to American contractors in the military-industrial complex) and it will a fun thing to watch him defend in the debates. Everything they have tried so far in Egypt, Libya, and Syria has been a complete failure.

I don't see how you can possibly label Libya a failure.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Couple what is happening in Egypt with the $1.3B in military aid we provided (yes, I know it flows back to American contractors in the military-industrial complex) and it will a fun thing to watch him defend in the debates. Everything they have tried so far in Egypt, Libya, and Syria has been a complete failure.

Who is 'they?' and you're right, that monster Ghaddafi is still partying, Mubarak is still abusing his populace and Assad has another 50 years at the top. And so many American lives lost on the ground. Tragic, really.
So expect tomorrow to be dominated by the Egypt embassy attack. Romney campaign/GOP saying Obama sympathizes with the attackers because of that statement that the embassy put out. Democrats saying that statement was not authorized, etc, etc.

Well, not sure of any effect on the race here, but definitely not something Democrats would want to talk about all day.

Very good. The more Romney wants to talk about random issues, the more he's reminding voters that he has nothing. Clock is ticking fast. Few days over 50 before the election.
Very good. The more Romney wants to talk about random issues, the more he's reminding voters that he has nothing. Clock is ticking fast. Few days over 50 before the election.

Partly true, but never good to be on the defensive in the Media. Plus, Obama + Muslims...just a meh situation overall.


Couple what is happening in Egypt with the $1.3B in military aid we provided (yes, I know it flows back to American contractors in the military-industrial complex) and it will a fun thing to watch him defend in the debates. Everything they have tried so far in Egypt, Libya, and Syria has been a complete failure.

A)You are expecting Romney to successfully bring this up accurately in a debate and frame it to his advantage

B)The fact that Syria changed leadership without American casualties is more than enough for the general public

As was said if Romney wants to push the National Security angle that is fine, he can only win on the Economy so each day spent away from that is a plus for Obama

You are good with Blaming Bush for every death in Iraq too right? A war that Romney supported and Obama opposed.

Anyone that's affected by anything having to do with "Obama + Muslims" is a radical racist rightest and wasn't voting for him to begin with.

Yea, but I also saw in 2010 a house race being won by a Republican by pretty much running a campaign in the closing weeks against supporting the mosque near 9/11. It was a close race to begin with and that campaign sealed the deal.

So, I don't know whether this will have any effect or not, American public seems very sensitive to perceived sympathy for Muslims. But at the end, its not something Democrats will want to talk about all day tomorrow.



I am aware of that story and it doesn't negate the point at all. It is indeed going great. I guarantee you more Americans were killed in Canada this year than the one in Libya who died while the new government is only a few months in office in a country that literally had no civil society. If you're expecting the rule of law to be perfect when there have yet to be any laws written then you live in an alternate reality. Oil production nearly is back to pre-intervention levels, Libya has the fastest growing economy in the world, the new government was democratically elected in free and fair elections, American franchises are being introduced, and the population thinks better of us than the Canadians do. This was achieved with a UN mandate with the burden shared among allies, including Arab nations, without a single American military casualty.

I ask again, how exactly was Libya a failure? Give me some fucking substance Kosmo, if you have any. Libya was a fucking masterstroke of Obama foreign policy.


I'm not entirely familiar with his modus operendi, but is this where Kosmo tends to just vanish for a page or two while he pretends that his bullshit wasn't called out?
Obviously if the press would do its job they would ask and tell the Romney campaign that the embassy statement being attacked was published before the attacks happened.
Kosmo is just a sad panda that Obama did what Bush couldn't: achieve complete global consensus against a mad dictator in an oil rich Middle eastern country, form a true NATO coalition, lead a swift and decisive campaign against the dictator, achieve a lopsided victory within months, and not lose a single American soldier all the while spending minimal treasure.

Bush invaded a sovereign country like he's playing Risk, no coalition to speak of, became mired in an bloody insurgency that ripped the country apart, lost thousands of American lives, and got stuck without a clear exit strategy.

But because of Obama we lost 1 American in Libya in a protest, 6 months after the conflict ended. Obama is such a monster!


Professional Schmuck
Kosmo is just a sad panda that Obama did what Bush couldn't: achieve complete global consensus against a mad dictator in an oil rich Middle eastern country, form a true NATO coalition, lead a swift and decisive campaign against the dictator, achieve a lopsided victory within months, and not lose a single American soldier all the while spending minimal treasure.

Bush invaded a sovereign country like he's playing Risk, no coalition to speak of, became mired in an bloody insurgency that ripped the country apart, lost thousands of American lives, and got stuck without a clear exit strategy.

But because of Obama we lost 1 American in Libya in a protest, 6 months after the conflict ended. Obama is such a monster!

Well if he was playing RISK we all know most winning campaigns start with Australia, and at least he got that far.
I'm not entirely familiar with his modus operendi, but is this where Kosmo tends to just vanish for a page or two while he pretends that his bullshit wasn't called out?

Or maybe he has to go to bed because he has to get up early for work? Some people still have jobs even in Obama's economy after all


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I wonder how he spins this stuff in his head so that he doesn't realize how wrong he is all the time.
Depends on what his metric for being right is. If it's based on how much he manages to rile up PoliGAF, I imagine he's pretty happy with the outcome.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
AlteredBeast, what specifically are you going to blog about?

Tea Party politics vs. reality, the need for reasonable taxation at all levels vs tax cuts for the rich (F you, I've got mine), infrastructure spending, military spending, deficits and debt ceilings, climate change, willful ignorance towards science and deductive reasoning, etc, etc, etc. Basically, I am pleading and begging Republicans to take a stand against the deliberately ignorant factions of the party who constantly obscure the facts to get what they want, vote against their best interests, hypocrisy against their "religious beliefs" and so on and forth. I want the return of Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, not the deification of Ronald Reagan coupled with the demonization of the poor, the immigrants, and people of other creeds.

I'd get something short if I were you. Best to secure a short name and then make up a meaning or an acronym for it later.

Short names are best, to be sure, but I have no clue what else I would use. At least with that name, there is no confusion about what the site is about, exactly. Even better, further on down the line, as I expand my political coverage to covering topics outside of "Wake up, fellow Republicans!" articles and into why I think X policy choice is bad, or how Y news topic will affect people in different situations.
I am aware of that story and it doesn't negate the point at all. It is indeed going great. I guarantee you more Americans were killed in Canada this year than the one in Libya who died while the new government is only a few months in office in a country that literally had no civil society. If you're expecting the rule of law to be perfect when there have yet to be any laws written then you live in an alternate reality. Oil production nearly is back to pre-intervention levels, Libya has the fastest growing economy in the world, the new government was democratically elected in free and fair elections, American franchises are being introduced, and the population thinks better of us than the Canadians do. This was achieved with a UN mandate with the burden shared among allies, including Arab nations, without a single American military casualty.

I ask again, how exactly was Libya a failure? Give me some fucking substance Kosmo, if you have any. Libya was a fucking masterstroke of Obama foreign policy.
Yeah . . . it looked a bit dicey for a while but in the end Libya has been a MASSIVE victory for Obama (and France and the UK) that is totally un-appreciated. A nasty dictator has been replace by a quasi-democracy that will hopefully get better. And it is an oil-exporting nation that is now happy to export oil and develop its economy. win-win-win.

People that whine and nit-pick are just fucking haters that are jealous that they dumped $1Trillion into Iraq to try to do the same thing but it is not going as well.
Tea Party politics vs. reality, the need for reasonable taxation at all levels vs tax cuts for the rich (F you, I've got mine), infrastructure spending, military spending, deficits and debt ceilings, climate change, willful ignorance towards science and deductive reasoning, etc, etc, etc. Basically, I am pleading and begging Republicans to take a stand against the deliberately ignorant factions of the party who constantly obscure the facts to get what they want, vote against their best interests, hypocrisy against their "religious beliefs" and so on and forth. I want the return of Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, not the deification of Ronald Reagan coupled with the demonization of the poor, the immigrants, and people of other creeds.

Hey look, Reince Preibus is still a piece of shit:


This is utterly disgusting. Bleh, wish I didn't check twitter, this is just sad. Our embassy getting attacked has nothing to do with "strength" or "projecting weakness." Do these people honestly think this wouldn't happen with Bush in office?

The goal now should be to contain and diffuse the situation, not to further incite things. It'll be interesting to see how the public reacts to this. I'd imagine it won't reflect well on the administration, regardless of the facts.


Survey USA polls are very weird. Be wary of trusting them. Just yesterday they had Mitt Romney up by 10% in NC and claimed he was getting 30% of the african american vote.
You have to distinguish independent SurveyUSA polls and the ones they do for often partisan organizations. I believe they only provide their automated calling services and leave methodology to the one who ordered the poll. In this case, the poll was for Civitas Flash which is a NC conservative institute. Their press release doesn't even mention SurveyUSA and the poll isn't up on the main SurveyUSA website. To be fair, the african american subsample was pretty small (~100), so it's possible to have that kind of variance every now and then.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I am glad people seem to be behind this, it needs to be done. We can't have only one semi-competent party in this country while the other is constantly poking itself in the eye with the straw in its drink.


Mitt and Priebus bit too hard on this. Priebus is gonna have to walk those comments back or it'll become a distraction.

I didn't think Obama was really ahead but these rabid attacks using anything in the news cycle make you wonder...
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