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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Before everyone gets too pessimistic, I'd like to once again direct everyone's attention to tonight's episode of Maddow. Provides a pretty good rundown of Obama's foreign policy accomplishments, Romney's void of experience, and the public's shifting opinions on these issues.

In a sane world Romney wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but then again election seasons are always crazy.
Romney will try and make an issue of it, but in case anyone needs to be reminded, Romney is horrible at campaigning, and everything.
Isn't this just another chance for Obama to flex his already toned foreign policy muscles? Sure, it's quite a weight to lift but Romney has only been doing economic curls this whole time so no one is going to wish he was spotting them instead.


SMFH @ Romney... Really? That's the shit you pull the day after 9/11? Divisive, desperate, and dangerous.
“We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Governor Romney would choose to launch a political attack,” LaBolt wrote.
Good response by the Obama team at least.


man, the generally good outlook for the future (at least from 'my guy') was one of the few ways i could offset the actually bad stuff happening way more locally and much, much sooner.


the only reason this is really bad is due to the white house trumpeting that they did actually get gadaffi out of there without losing anyone. it can be spun very easily by slimy people into 'you put these people in power'


the only reason this is really bad is due to the white house trumpeting that they did actually get gadaffi out of there without losing anyone. it can be spun very easily by slimy people into 'you put these people in power'
Can? No, it will be spun.
Romney's response to the attacks just makes him all the more loathsome. The man absolutely has no shame.

and Diablos, calm the fuck down!!!
Never read yahoo comments they are the absolute worst.


Alex, lay off the Kool Aid your saturated already. Romney is honest and obama is not, Romney does not bow to anyone and obama bows to everyone. Romney is a citizen and obama is not. Where have you been for the last 3 1/2 years? Certainly not paying attention to national events. Go get your food stamps and check then take a sleeping pill that will last until after the election.... Nite nite now.... zzzzzzz

So there.


Can? No, it will be spun.
You're chicken little-ing so hard right now it's more like egg microscopic. The average voter is not going to care about any of this shit no matter how serious it is, and no matter what Obama's response is. The world has changed since Carter lost the election, no matter how much the Republicans want to roll back on it.


Diablos, did you really think the road from now till election day was going to he a smooth one? The GOP are going to try every arrow in their quiver and see if one hits the target. Obama and co have proven they have the chops to weather every blow.

And if you're really freaking out, just remember: FP debate. Obama should embarrass Romney in this.


Attack of the Aarons! Eek!

Your boy Panther isn't downplaying this, either.

NO I did not think this would be easy. But he has a battle ahead of him with things as they were before this happened; we do not need any kind of new crisis in the ME during the election season. This can be spun in a variety of ways and it the GOP knows they are losing voters so they are going to go for the jugular. If they capitalize on fear and angst in an effective way they can make Obama look weak. Frankly, no matter what he does they're going to disprove it while they offer some extreme alternative due to his "lack of leadership".


I just had a conversation (argument) with my mom about politics. My head hurts. She said that Obama is a socialist, that he doesn't care about national security, that he's spending us into oblivion, that he's probably a muslim, that he makes it impossible for small businesses to thrive, that he's inflating medicine costs, that America "won't survive another 4 years of Obama" (her words exactly), suggested that I watch 2016: Obama's America and told me that Spielberg directed it (no idea how she got that bit of misinformation), said that he's an extremely left president despite me telling her multiple times that he's actually pretty far right for a democrat, etc etc etc. I need an aspirin.

How can you convince someone who's arguments are starting so far from the truth and are so adamant about them that anything suggesting otherwise is, at best, not true and, at worst, a liberal media conspiracy?

It's a waste of time. Some people are just set. My grandfather is the same way. I mainly use him for target practice these days, so that when I come across someone who really is an undecided voter, my game is just that much tighter.


BBC Radio is even talking about potential political fallout for Obama, geez.

Annnnnd the eurozone crisis.

We need a time machine to take us to Nov.
I think those arguing that Wisconsin is a legitimate swing state this election should look at the 2008 results. Obama won Wisconsin more decisively than McCain won Texas or Georgia. I don't think anything has shifted so drastically in four years to put the state in play.

And more in line with current discussion, I don't really foresee this recent news doing any serious damage. It's far away enough from the first debate that it likely won't be relevant by then and if it is I see no reason why Romney would want to get into a discussion on Obama's handling of foreign policy.
Hey look, Reince Preibus is still a piece of shit:

How do people get away with this...
Democrats would be forced to fire this person.
Shots already fired by the Romney camp.

Hopefully it backfires. Couldn't even wait until the 12th. What an opportunistic prick.
Again, how do people get away with this...


Bah, someone on my Facebook already shared Sarah Palin's idiotic thoughts on this whole situation. Yeah, there's a person we should be listening to on foreign policy matters... ugh


What did she say?


Sarah Palin said:
Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house. On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs. In Cairo, they scaled the walls of our embassy, destroyed our flag, and replaced it with a black Islamic banner. In Benghazi, the armed gunmen set fire to our consulate and killed an American staff member. The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire. The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” (Funny, the current administration has no problem hurting the “religious feelings” of Catholics.)

But where is the president’s statement about this? These countries represent his much touted “Arab Spring.” How’s that Arab Spring working out for us now? Have we received an apology yet from our “friends” in the Muslim Brotherhood for the assault on our embassy?

It’s about time our president stood up for America and condemned these Islamic extremists. I realize there must be a lot on his mind these days – what with our economy’s abysmal jobless numbers and Moody’s new warning about yet another downgrade to our nation’s credit rating due to the current administration’s failure to come up with a credible deficit reduction plan. And, of course, he has a busy schedule – with all those rounds of golf, softball interviews with the “Pimp with the Limp,” and fundraising dinners with his corporate cronies. But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief. America can’t afford any more “leading from behind” in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.
I am really fucking tired of your schtick, PD.

His schtick is getting tired just now?

Btw, I'm as realistic (read: pessimistic) as the next guy, but I think this is one of those chillthefuckoutIgotthis.jpg moments. I think Obama will deal with these sad events in the middle east/northern africa accordingly, as he has done the past 4 years. Both in substance (FP) and spin (Obama electoral team) he's very competent.


Obama's statement

I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.


I don't think this situation could hurt President Obama but perhaps hurt Romney. Now it looks like Romney's first response is to attack the president not issue concern and or have any empathy for the family of those that were killed. To remain calm and address the situation. No he jumps the gun and looks foolish compared to all the other responses. Also this is right after a day that reminds us that Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch and there hasn't been attack on the US while he's been in office. People aren't going to suddenly go "Romney would be better, etc". It looks like Romney is politicizing the tragedy.


I'm curious to what Republican think Obama should have done. Go back on a time machine and warn the people that a youtube video is about to bring down some idiot mobs?
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