I just had a conversation (argument) with my mom about politics. My head hurts. She said that Obama is a socialist, that he doesn't care about national security, that he's spending us into oblivion, that he's probably a muslim, that he makes it impossible for small businesses to thrive, that he's inflating medicine costs, that America "won't survive another 4 years of Obama" (her words exactly), suggested that I watch 2016: Obama's America and told me that Spielberg directed it (no idea how she got that bit of misinformation), said that he's an extremely left president despite me telling her multiple times that he's actually pretty far right for a democrat, etc etc etc. I need an aspirin.
How can you convince someone who's arguments are starting so far from the truth and are so adamant about them that anything suggesting otherwise is, at best, not true and, at worst, a liberal media conspiracy?