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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I miss Michael Steele.
In retrospect Steel did a great job with the shit he had to work with.

Mitt and Priebus bit too hard on this. Priebus is gonna have to walk those comments back or it'll become a distraction.

I didn't think Obama was really ahead but these rabid attacks on anything in the news cycle make you wonder...
You don't think Obama is ahead? His reelection has been a lock since Republicans fielded their carnival of hopeless candidates. This whole election has been the sound and fury of a dying elephant.


You don't think Obama is ahead? His reelection has been a lock since Republicans fielded their carnival of hopeless candidates. This whole election has been the sound and fury of a dying elephant.

I am struggling to see how he can do it with 8% unemployment. I don't know what to make of the polls and futures markets giving him 60+% odds to win


I am struggling to see how he can do it with 8% unemployment
If you only needed 8% of the votes to be president, Romney might have a chance, but that 92% that do have jobs... well that's going to be a stickler. Math really is his worst enemy. That and the gays. And blacks. And latinos. And women. And people of moderate intelligence.


remember me
Does anybody really seriously give a shit about Israel? Most American Jews don't even give a shit. Obama got 77% of the Jewish vote in 2008, or something ridiculous like that.

It has to rank pretty damn low on people's priorities when they decide who to vote for.
Does anybody really seriously give a shit about Israel? Most American Jews don't even give a shit. Obama got 77% of the Jewish vote in 2008, or something ridiculous like that.

It has to rank pretty damn low on people's priorities when they decide who to vote for.

It's not that Jews don't care, it's that

A. Both sides have the same policy towards Israel, at least to like 97.43256%.

B. Jews are not one issue-voters and are often linked back to socialist movements.

But I'd say most Jews do care a lot about Israel. They're just not morons.


I am struggling to see how he can do it with 8% unemployment.

By still being the better candidate, by being fundamentally likeable and trustworthy even when he's not successful (dat Punahou), and by having the economy trend upwards. And by reminding the populace that there's more to elections than unemployment. And it doesn't hurt that nobody in America likes Mitt Romney.
if PD is serious, which isn't guaranteed, he has to understand that people don't pay attention to the news.

Unless it's a gaffe of epic proportions (ala Akin), the only people who hear about this stuff are people who already had their vote locked in months if not years ago.

Sometimes those of us who are active in paying attention to politics forget that very few people actually do pay attention. When Fox News proclaims it's the #1 News network, it's true, but it will still get beat out by Honey Boo Boo every night.


Professional Schmuck
No, Israel/Iran/Egypt/Syria going up right now would not be good for Obama. I don't think it would be good for Romney necessarily, but we definitely don't need this.

The analysis I heard earlier was that Netanyahu has maximum leverage over the Administration now, since Obama clearly has motivation see certain outcomes remain off the table. The day after the election, his leverage is gone.

You guys know I'm no alarmist, but world affairs of this potential magnitude (israel starting a war with iran and forcing Obama's hand) is definitely a BFD. Perhaps it makes him look more presidential, perhaps Romney pulls a McCain and destroys any remaining smell test he's trying so desperately to pass. But I'm pretty sure nobody wants to find out.
A spokesman for Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-N.Y.) is facing criticism after advocating violence against female Democratic senators in a Facebook post.

Jay Townsend, the official campaign spokesman for the freshman representative, went on a vicious online rant on Saturday, which he began by taunting a constituent who voiced criticism about an earlier post on gas prices. "Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz," Townsend wrote.

"My question today... when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let’s hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won’t abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

What. The. Fuck.
By still being the better candidate, by being fundamentally likeable and trustworthy even when he's not successful (dat Punahou), and by having the economy trend upwards. And by reminding the populace that there's more to elections than unemployment. And it doesn't hurt that nobody in America likes Mitt Romney.

I wonder how many Republicans and/or anti-Obama voters are just holding their noses and voting for Romney because he's the other choice and NOT because they like him.

It has to be pretty high.
I definitely think this is the potential game changer Romney needed. What a horrible situation. Seems like the only person saying anything is Hillary


I have the unsettling feeling that this instability in North Africa coupled with the Israel/Iran business is going to be the issue that ends up defining the remainder of the campaign. With all of this hitting at once, it's almost like the issues are begging to be picked up by one of the campaigns and forced into the forefront. The timing actually kind of reminds me of the last cycle and the paradigm shift from broader debates on foreign policy and like, to the issue of the economy emerging front and center amidst the collapse and McCain's initial denial.

That said, just as Obama won the debate on the economy in 2008, I think he could handily defeat Romney on foreign policy in 2012 (tonight's episode of Maddow provides a convincing argument why). But any change in the status quo of an election can be unpredictable, which is why I'm kind of nervous. Obama's in a good place right now, and it would suck if a bunch of overseas tensions ended up messing with the balance. Thankfully the American public seems to be over the Bush-era neocon insanity, so maybe a shift in this direction could even help Obama. But I'm still uneasy.
I just had a conversation (argument) with my mom about politics. My head hurts. She said that Obama is a socialist, that he doesn't care about national security, that he's spending us into oblivion, that he's probably a muslim, that he makes it impossible for small businesses to thrive, that he's inflating medicine costs, that America "won't survive another 4 years of Obama" (her words exactly), suggested that I watch 2016: Obama's America and told me that Spielberg directed it (no idea how she got that bit of misinformation), said that he's an extremely left president despite me telling her multiple times that he's actually pretty far right for a democrat, etc etc etc. I need an aspirin.

How can you convince someone who's arguments are starting so far from the truth and are so adamant about them that anything suggesting otherwise is, at best, not true and, at worst, a liberal media conspiracy?
what, you seriously think with Romney's track record on foreign affairs he can gain from instability in the middle east?

Our embassies are being attacked, an envoy was allegedly burned alive. People aren't going to be happy about this, and I have no idea what's going to happen. Are we going to bomb Egypt? Of course not. But with the other side ready to go in frenzy mode over this, the public will begin to question Obama


Our embassies are being attack, an envoy was allegedly burned alive. People aren't going to be happy about this, and I have no idea what's going to happen. Are we going to bomb Egypt? Of course not. But with the other side ready to go in fresh mode over this, the public will begin to question Obama
Yeah I've been reading and this isn't good at all.

Fuck fuck fuck.
I just had a conversation (argument) with my mom about politics. My head hurts. She said that Obama is a socialist, that he doesn't care about national security, that he's spending us into oblivion, that he's probably a muslim, that he makes it impossible for small businesses to thrive, that he's inflating medicine costs, that America "won't survive another 4 years of Obama" (her words exactly), suggested that I watch 2016: Obama's America and told me that Spielberg directed it (no idea how she got that bit of misinformation), said that he's an extremely left president despite me telling her multiple times that he's actually pretty far right for a democrat, etc etc etc. I need an aspirin.

How can you convince someone who's arguments are starting so far from the truth and are so adamant about them that anything suggesting otherwise is, at best, not true and, at worst, a liberal media conspiracy?

sorry its your mom, anyone else and I would just cut and run...
Yeah I've been reading and this isn't good at all.

Fuck fuck fuck.
Glad to see you're back to your old self.

Want to know how this ends? Obama deals with it like a pro and Romney looks like an idiot for trying to attack him on it. Read this and claim otherwise:

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt also commented on the statement from the Romney campaign. “We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Governor Romney would choose to launch a political attack,” LaBolt said in a statement.
Trying to attack Obama on this right now is going to make Romney look petty and small.


what difference would that make?

None really, but the article says the Romney camp originally meant to hold back the statement until after midnight, presumably out of respect (there hadn't really been much campaigning on 9/11). Instead it seems he couldn't wait to blow his load and capitalize on the tragedy.
Wow talk about overreactions.
Well, PD is desperate for anything to turn it around for Romney. Diablos is just doing what he does.

PhoenixDark said:
1980 comparisons seem more realistic now, depending on Obama's response and how far this escalates
Has Obama done ANYTHING to give the impression he's as weak and ineffective as Carter was? Fucking really?


Glad to see you're back to your old self.

Want to know how this ends? Obama deals with it like a pro and Romney looks like an idiot for trying to attack him on it. Read this and claim otherwise:
Do you remember part of the reason why Reagan was able to get into office? Does this not reek of history attempting to repeat itself just a little bit?

This not anything close to chicken little. This is pretty fucking serious.

1980 comparisons seem more realistic now, depending on Obama's response and how far this escalates
The GOP is desperate and will pour everything they have into this.

I seriously just want this election to be over and done with, for fuck's sake.


Well, PD is desperate for anything to turn it around for Romney. Diablos is just doing what he does.

Has Obama done ANYTHING to give the impression he's as weak and ineffective as Carter was? Fucking really?
No but the GOP will be quick to criticize the President no matter WHAT he does and box him in, then ram the shit out of that message during a heated Presidential campaign that doesn't need any more bullshit
Do you remember part of the reason why Reagan was able to get into office? Does this not reek of history attempting to repeat itself just a little bit?

This not anything close to chicken little. This is pretty fucking serious.

The GOP is desperate and will pour everything they have into this.

I seriously just want this election to be over and done with, for fuck's sake.
Oh shit! They have been holding Americans hostage since last year?!
Do you remember part of the reason why Reagan was able to get into office? Does this not reek of history attempting to repeat itself just a little bit?

This not anything close to chicken little. This is pretty fucking serious.
I'm not saying it's not serious. I'm saying Obama's not going to lose over it.

It's everyone's natural assumption that when something like this comes up, Democrats assume the fetal position. Obama's presidency has 100% defied that.

Not sure what everyone expects Obama to do anyway. Bomb Egypt?
None really, but the article says the Romney camp originally meant to hold back the statement until after midnight, presumably out of respect (there hadn't really been much campaigning on 9/11). Instead it seems he couldn't wait to blow his load and capitalize on the tragedy.

ok, never made the connection to 911


I'm not saying it's not serious. I'm saying Obama's not going to lose over it.
This could get pretty crazy depending on how things go. I mean one of our own was just burned alive. They aren't fucking around.

I can't wait until Israel starts talking shit :rolleyes:

I'm also really pissed that you would say I'm just "doing what I do". Obama could very well lose over this and I know I'm not the only one, Democrat or not, who feels that way.

I hope Romney's statement will backfire on him, but this is US politics we're talking about. He's capitalizing on a tragedy, really disgusting.
This could get pretty crazy depending on how things go. I mean one of our own was just burned alive. They aren't fucking around.

I can't wait until Israel starts talking shit :rolleyes:

I'm also really pissed that you would say I'm just "doing what I do". Obama could very well lose over this and I know I'm not the only one, Democrat or not, who feels that way.
The thing is though, Obama is NOT Carter. If he bungles this really badly or it turns into something, it could have some electoral implications, but he/it probably won't. His foreign policy record is ace.


Before everyone gets too pessimistic, I'd like to once again direct everyone's attention to tonight's episode of Maddow. Provides a pretty good rundown of Obama's foreign policy accomplishments, Romney's void of experience, and the public's shifting opinions on these issues.

In a sane world Romney wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but then again election seasons are always crazy.
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