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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I don't think this situation could hurt President Obama but perhaps hurt. Now it looks like Romney's first response is to attack the president not issue concern and or have any empathy for the family of those that were killed. To remain calm and address the situation No he jumps the gun and looks foolish compared to all the other responses. Also this is right after a day that reminds us that Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch and there hasn't been attack on the US while he's been in office. People aren't going to suddenly go "Romney would be better, etc". It looks like Romney is politicizing the tragedy.

This is similar to the 2008 Economy Crash where McCain suspended his campaign and Obama did not, the GOP is too reactionary and while it fires up their base most people will recognize that.

So far the response from many on the right should just go to show if Romney took office we would most certainly go to war or conflict with somebody in a matter of months.


I don't think this situation could hurt President Obama but perhaps hurt. Now it looks like Romney's first response is to attack the president not issue concern and or have any empathy for the family of those that were killed. To remain calm and address the situation No he jumps the gun and looks foolish compared to all the other responses.

Romney understands as much about foreign policy as a high school student, so it's no surprise. American lives were lost in a complicated situation, and Romney can't wait to release some goofy attack, like Obama uploaded that video that upset them.


I don't think this situation could hurt President Obama but perhaps hurt. Now it looks like Romney's first response is to attack the president not issue concern and or have any empathy for the family of those that were killed. To remain calm and address the situation No he jumps the gun and looks foolish compared to all the other responses. Also this is right after a day that reminds us that Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch and there hasn't been attack on the US while he's been in office. People aren't going to suddenly go "Romney would be better, etc". It looks like Romney is politicizing the tragedy.
Yep he fucked that up real quick.
This is the first US Ambassador killed in middle east since 1979 due to attacks. It would be curious to know how things are being played out in the media, since I won't be able to watch any of it.

It is also a risk for Romney for playing politics with a tragedy (so early).

Of course the American public should be intelligent enough to know that Obama could not have done anything about the video or the resulting attack.


This is the first US Ambassador killed in middle east since 1979 due to attacks. It would be curious to know how things are being played out in the media, since I won't be able to watch any of it.

It is also a risk for Romney for playing politics with a tragedy (so early).

Of course the American public should be intelligent enough to know that Obama could not have done anything about the video or the resulting attack.

I watched CNN coverage of it this morning for a while and they simply covered it by going over what had happened and speaking with foreign policy correspondents; they didn't address the political aspects of it at all. NPR did the same, basically.

But this is the American news media we're talking about. They'll get around to hamming it up eventually.


This is the first US Ambassador killed in middle east since 1979 due to attacks. It would be curious to know how things are being played out in the media, since I won't be able to watch any of it.

It is also a risk for Romney for playing politics with a tragedy (so early).

Of course the American public should be intelligent enough to know that Obama could not have done anything about the video or the resulting attack.

I am sure the media will play it up because they want an interesting race for their ratings. Unless Obama completely disregards the rights attack and acts as if its non-issue. If he engages the right they will make it into a bigger story.

But its Romney and he has proven he can't seize the moment or say anything that does not end up with his foot in his mouth.

He is only worthwhile on economic issues, social and foreign policy he downright stinks at. So regardless of what is going on overseas everyday he spends talking about something non-economical is a day he gets further behind.
People seem to have forgotten the 1983 bombing of the US military barracks in Lebanon. A whole lot more people died in that explosion, and the Reagan response was to withdraw. Now Romney can question Obama on foreign policy all he wants, but he is going to face the same questions himself. I don't think reporters are going to sit quietly by without getting his opinion on America's response to this incident. If he doesn't have any decent answers, then his campaign is truly run by idiots.


Sidhe / PikPok
CNN says Romney is going to exploit speak about the attack on the stump this morning

Yep, an hour before Obama makes his statement.

Amazing he is willing to confuse and dilute the official response to try and gain some political edge. Well, I imagine that is what he is going to do rather than what he should do which is either say nothing or defer to the sitting President who is actually tasked with responding on behalf of the American people.
In unrelated news, AIG baliout earns the taxpayers $2.7b


WASHINGTON -- The Treasury Department says it has received an additional $2.7 billion from the sale of American International Group stock. The sale comes one day after the government reported a profit on its four-year investment in the bailed-out financial firm.

Treasury says the banks underwriting the sale have exercised their option to buy 83.1 million additional AIG shares at $32.50. Together with Monday's $18 billion in stock sales, Treasury says the government has recovered a total $197.4 billion from the company. That's all of its original investment of $182.3 billion plus a return of $15.1 billion to taxpayers.​


Its like Romney is running the McCain campaign by the book, getting out in front of the issue is only going to hurt him. Obama will come out looking collected and as a leader and then it gives Obama ammunition on the stump (or Biden and Clinton) to talk about how a Romney Presidency would jump the gun and cause worse messes than Iraq

How can they not see this (shaking head)


As sad as this event is, I seriously doubt it will have a lasting impact on the race. In fact, I would not be surprised at all if no one's even talking about it (besides conservative op-ed writers) a week from today. Also, the Romney camp is playing a dangerous game politicizing this as their first action. It can easily backfire on them. But they're a desperate campaign, so I guess they have to take whatever chance they get, regardless of risk.


Yep, an hour before Obama makes his statement.

Amazing he is willing to confuse and dilute the official response to try and gain some political edge. Well, I imagine that is what he is going to do rather than what he should do which is either say nothing or defer to the sitting President who is actually tasked with responding on behalf of the American people.
The Romney campaign is desperate and looking for any potential footing it can find.

Their statements are unlikely to appeal to anyone except the core right wing fringe that makes up their base already. Mitt has zero credibility and is already seen as a naked political opportunist.

The Cairo embassy's statement will get lost in the fact that the ambassador to Libya was killed.

(On another note, fuck extremists--both right wingers here at home and the fascist Islamic fanatics that did this.)


Sidhe / PikPok
Fox has a split screen showing the empty Romney and Obama podiums like its some kind of race.

Looks like Clinton will be first to speak, though if Romney comes out at the same time it will be interesting to see who Fox cuts to.


Fox has a split screen showing the empty Romney and Obama podiums like its some kind of race.

Looks like Clinton will be first to speak, though if Romney comes out at the same time it will be interesting to see who Fox cuts to.

You have to wonder LOL


See what happens when you try and jump the gun?

Romney Adviser: Obama’s Foreign Policy Led To Tuesday’s Attacks
Rich Williamson, a top foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney, blamed President Obama's policies in the Middle East for the violence that broke out in Egypt and Libya Tuesday in an interview with Foreign Policy late Tuesday. The interview came before reports that Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, had been killed in the attacks.

"It's all part of a broader scheme of the president's failure to be an effective leader for U.S. interests in the Middle East," Williamson said.

Williamson said the attacks were a result of both Obama's ineffective leadership as well as "the regard in which the United States is held under President Obama" in Egypt and Libya.
"Maybe if [Obama] had continued to support democracy and civil society in these countries the way that Bush did, the way they should, maybe the more moderate forces would have better prepared to compete for political power," Williamson said.
MITT ROMNEY: “I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

.....Fuck this asshole so fucking hard.


"Maybe if [Obama] had continued to support democracy and civil society in these countries the way that Bush did, the way they should, maybe the more moderate forces would have better prepared to compete for political power," Williamson said.

Holy shit, these people...
romney cancelled his event to instead hold a press event with questions. now he's cancelled that and will just release a statement. mitt protection program gearing up...


romney cancelled his event to instead hold a press event with questions. now he's cancelled that and will just release a statement. mitt protection program gearing up...

Wow talk about walking back your comments, the man cannot even stand firm when he tries to stand firm


romney cancelled his event to instead hold a press event with questions. now he's cancelled that and will just release a statement. mitt protection program gearing up...

Yup. They saw how badly they fucked up with their statements, gotta get an extra layer of bubble around him. Totally irresponsible and utterly pathetic.


romney cancelled his event to instead hold a press event with questions. now he's cancelled that and will just release a statement. mitt protection program gearing up...

It's hilarious how bad this guy is at answering questions from the press, considering he's ran a company since the 70s, been running for office since 1994, was a governor for four years, and is less than two months away from being on the ballot to be elected President of the United States. He is terrified of the media because he can't control absolutely everything. What's worse is that even when the Romney campaign is in full control they usually screw something up anyway.


Sidhe / PikPok
Incognito said:
romney cancelled his event to instead hold a press event with questions. now he's cancelled that and will just release a statement. mitt protection program gearing up...

The first Romney flip flop where he didn't actually have to say anything?


Man when you have Hilary as your Sec of State how do you ever lose a narrative on National Security. She totally has 2016 locked down if she runs


Even if I were completely on board with Romney's economic and social platform, I would be terrified of him setting our foreign policy.


lol @ people thinking Republicans are going to come out of this looking good.

Exactly, and to think the chicken littles in this thread actually thought Mitt would be able to take the rights ignorant stance and come out ahead

Where is the Obama got this image
Was listening to the BBC over breakfast and the host had a foreign contractor in Benghazi on the phone.

Contractor said that most of the townsfolk were upset and ashamed over this as most of them recognize the importance of American support in the toppling of Qadaffi. Said that this was the actions of a few and not representative of Libyan sentiment in general.

Edit: God damn why is it so hard to find transcripts of their segments...
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