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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Oh please let this have some truth to it . .

"Despite her national fan base and a massive war chest, Rep. Michele Bachmann may be in more danger than most suspect," says Alex Seitz-Wald at Salon. The Minnesota Republican and former presidential candidate has easily held her state's conservative 6th congressional district since winning the seat in 2006, but a new poll from Democratic opponent Jim Graves has the candidates statistically tied, with Bachmann leading by a slim 48 percent to 46 percent. The momentum seems to be in Graves' favor, with his support jumping three points from a June poll, independents swinging heavily in his direction, and Bachmann's approval ratings plummeting. At the same time, the Democrat's poll shows that only 38 percent of voters in the district even know who Graves is. And the wealthy hotelier has just $350,000 in his war chest versus Bachmann's $2.2 million. Can Graves pull off an upset, or is Bachmann's political demise just a liberal fantasy?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Something seriously wrong with this guy.

He managed the money of millions of people and is seemingly retarded at the same time. This dude was a governor!


It is hard not to take that as a sexual innuendo. What is it supposed to mean metaphorically? Literally it would mean he is supposed to plant an acorn, water it & fertilize it for 20 years, and then cut off a branch so he has a stick? That doesn't seem to be very effective and I can't see the metaphor.
The whole thing doesn't make any damned sense. The big stick is our huge powerful military. So, Obama is speaking softly and carrying a big stick, especially after the display of hunting down Bin-Laden. The right wants him to speak loudly and carry a big stick.


Romney gets the Bill Kristol stamp of approval

One can question the timing and tone of Mitt Romney’s statement last night. One can note he wasn't as fluent and clear as he might have been at his press conference this morning. Still, the fact remains that the events of September 11, 2012, represent a big moment for the country. Romney is right to sense this, and to seize on this moment as an occasion to explain the difference between his foreign policy and President Obama’s. He’s right to reject the counsel of the mainstream media, which is to keep quiet and give President Obama a pass.


Can historian-gaf provide a single example of a presidential candidate commenting before the president on such an issue. If so is there an example of a candidate using a lie to score political points during said circumstance?

They have zero respect for the presidency as long as Obama holds it. It's disgraceful


CNN is reporting attack was preplanned and had nothing to do with protest...

Meanwhile, a London think tank with strong ties to Libya speculated Wednesday that Stevens was actually the victim of a targeted al Qaeda revenge attack. The assault "came to avenge the death of Abu Yaya al-Libi, al Qaeda's second in command killed a few months ago," the think tank Quilliam said Wednesday.

It was "the work of roughly 20 militants, prepared for a military assault," the think tank said, noting that rocket-propelled grenade launchers do not normally appear at peaceful protests, and that there were no other protests against the film elsewhere in Libya.
This is highly plausible. Libya has extremely porous borders, and everyone and their pets have RPGs due to the revolution. Easy access, check. Weapons, check. Target? AMERICUH. Or the embassy, which was being guarded by two marines. The militants riled up the stupids into a protest around the embassy, which provided the perfect cover for them to operate.
This is such not a big deal, no Republicans are following Romney's attack line of "Obama apologizing" to the attackers on behalf of the country.

Hey, Kosmo, that's a good sign right?


I think Nate Silver said that one has a ridiclous pro-GOP House Effect about a month ago.

It has a four point GOP lean, but it's still a lousy result for Obama.

So the grim comedy of this morning is that, if it really is Al-Qaeda, Romney would've had a golden opportunity to attack the President on national defense, but it's going to be much, much more difficult for him to do so now.


Barack Obama shares on Intrade have been getting more and more expensive over the past three days, and over the last few hours they've gone up to the highest level I've seen so far.
I take back my previous response. After watching Romney's statement/Q&A plus the responses from Obama and Hillary, I am stunned at what has happened. There are plenty of politicians I really dislike, such as Cantor or Kwame Kilpatrick and Jennifer Granholm on the more local level for me. What Romney has done here is disgraceful and moves him from being someone I really dislike to someone I simply can't respect. As the smoke clears it has become clear that the embassy response was sent BEFORE the attack, and thus was an attempt to diffuse the situation. Romney not only purposely misled on this basic point, the media is apparently giving him cover; not a single reporter asked about this today.

He complains about mixed messages and then undercuts the official message of the US by speaking before the president and sec of state. And when challenged he basically said "they put out a statement, now I can put one out." First off, you aren't the president elect, Mitt. Nearly every mainstream republican has put out a statement of condolences. Even the McCain/Lieberman/Graham holy trinity has not rattled any sabres on this. This is a desperate disgrace, and hopefully the media treats it as such. While I felt the media dropped the ball during the press conference, at least it was clear their tone was appropriate; they were as befuddled as we are.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
TPM PollTracker gives everything equal weight, hence it generally being dragged down by Rasmussen's prolific polling, for example.

I drive by Rasmussen College every day on the way to a non-vulture college. I laugh almost every time. I'm not sure they are related.

At least it sounds more professional then the local college that was renamed to the name of a funeral home, which is at least not a vulture college.
I take back my previous response. After watching Romney's statement/Q&A plus the responses from Obama and Hillary, I am stunned at what has happened. There are plenty of politicians I really dislike, such as Cantor or Kwame Kilpatrick and Jennifer Granholm on the more local level for me. What Romney has done here is disgraceful and moves him from being someone I really like to someone I simply can't respect. As the smoke clears it has become clear that the embassy response was sent BEFORE the attack, and thus was an attempt to diffuse the situation. Romney not only purposely misled on this basic point, the media is apparently giving him cover; not a single reporter asked about this today.

He complains about mixed messages and then undercuts the official message of the US by speaking before the president and sec of state. And when challenged he basically said "they put out a statement, now I can put one out." First off, you aren't the president elect, Mitt. Nearly every mainstream republican has put out a statement of condolences. Even the McCain/Lieberman/Graham holy trinity has not rattled any sabres on this. This is a desperate disgrace, and hopefully the media treats it as such. While I felt the media dropped the ball during the press conference, at least it was clear their tone was appropriate; they were as befuddled as we are.
Great post.


I take back my previous response. After watching Romney's statement/Q&A plus the responses from Obama and Hillary, I am stunned at what has happened. There are plenty of politicians I really dislike, such as Cantor or Kwame Kilpatrick and Jennifer Granholm on the more local level for me. What Romney has done here is disgraceful and moves him from being someone I really like to someone I simply can't respect. As the smoke clears it has become clear that the embassy response was sent BEFORE the attack, and thus was an attempt to diffuse the situation. Romney not only purposely misled on this basic point, the media is apparently giving him cover; not a single reporter asked about this today.

He complains about mixed messages and then undercuts the official message of the US by speaking before the president and sec of state. And when challenged he basically said "they put out a statement, now I can put one out." First off, you aren't the president elect, Mitt. Nearly every mainstream republican has put out a statement of condolences. Even the McCain/Lieberman/Graham holy trinity has not rattled any sabres on this. This is a desperate disgrace, and hopefully the media treats it as such. While I felt the media dropped the ball during the press conference, at least it was clear their tone was appropriate; they were as befuddled as we are.

If I could post the applause pic from my phone I would

Triple U

This is highly plausible. Libya has extremely porous borders, and everyone and their pets have RPGs due to the revolution. Easy access, check. Weapons, check. Target? AMERICUH. Or the embassy, which was being guarded by two marines. The militants riled up the stupids into a protest around the embassy, which provided the perfect cover for them to operate.

I really don't want to get into the politics of this but Romney could possibly look even more like an ass if it gets out that this attack was by Al-Qaeda. Seriously though, how can anybody think Romney is ready to be president after this amateur hour shit?


I take back my previous response. After watching Romney's statement/Q&A plus the responses from Obama and Hillary, I am stunned at what has happened. There are plenty of politicians I really dislike, such as Cantor or Kwame Kilpatrick and Jennifer Granholm on the more local level for me. What Romney has done here is disgraceful and moves him from being someone I really like to someone I simply can't respect. As the smoke clears it has become clear that the embassy response was sent BEFORE the attack, and thus was an attempt to diffuse the situation. Romney not only purposely misled on this basic point, the media is apparently giving him cover; not a single reporter asked about this today.

He complains about mixed messages and then undercuts the official message of the US by speaking before the president and sec of state. And when challenged he basically said "they put out a statement, now I can put one out." First off, you aren't the president elect, Mitt. Nearly every mainstream republican has put out a statement of condolences. Even the McCain/Lieberman/Graham holy trinity has not rattled any sabres on this. This is a desperate disgrace, and hopefully the media treats it as such. While I felt the media dropped the ball during the press conference, at least it was clear their tone was appropriate; they were as befuddled as we are.

i was kinda worried too, but i had totally forgot that he was an anti-charismatic robot who lacks basic human emotion.
Had to edit the post, I didn't mean to say I really like Romney, I meant I really disliked him - and now have moved to simply not respecting him at all.

Drone strike time? That didn't take long. It could further inflame things, especially if any innocents are taken out. I realize the government had to do something, but it's somewhat disappointing news regardless


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


The Romney campaign (and Diablos) serious miscalculated this one. This is provoking disgust the likes of which I've never seen in moderate political circles.
PD slowly reconciling?

I'm shocked.


It would take Glenn Beck levels of insanity to spin what Romney has done the last 16 hours in a good light.

Edit: My mom, a lifelong Republican just called me and said she is disgusted by what Romney did today. She said while she probably won't vote for Obama, she won't be voting for Romney either
Drone strike time? That didn't take long. It could further inflame things, especially if any innocents are taken out. I realize the government had to do something, but it's somewhat disappointing news regardless
If anything, this should be an advocation (is this even a word?) of why we NEED drone strikes. See countries parading as democracies cannot guarantee to protect American citizens. What would an American president do? He's not going to invade the country where two dozen militants operate. They're stateless. And their host government is either coddling them, or not being effective. Only country that effectively eradicated Al Qaida militants from it's soil is strangely Saudi Arabia. Prince Naif (interior minister) waged an incredibly aggressive campaign against them after they attacked US Consulate in Jeddah, and Al Qaida has struck off Saudi Arabia as one of it's potential bases of operation in just 3-4 years. But not all countries take such a decisive step.


I take back my previous response. After watching Romney's statement/Q&A plus the responses from Obama and Hillary, I am stunned at what has happened. There are plenty of politicians I really dislike, such as Cantor or Kwame Kilpatrick and Jennifer Granholm on the more local level for me. What Romney has done here is disgraceful and moves him from being someone I really dislike to someone I simply can't respect. As the smoke clears it has become clear that the embassy response was sent BEFORE the attack, and thus was an attempt to diffuse the situation. Romney not only purposely misled on this basic point, the media is apparently giving him cover; not a single reporter asked about this today.

He complains about mixed messages and then undercuts the official message of the US by speaking before the president and sec of state. And when challenged he basically said "they put out a statement, now I can put one out." First off, you aren't the president elect, Mitt. Nearly every mainstream republican has put out a statement of condolences. Even the McCain/Lieberman/Graham holy trinity has not rattled any sabres on this. This is a desperate disgrace, and hopefully the media treats it as such. While I felt the media dropped the ball during the press conference, at least it was clear their tone was appropriate; they were as befuddled as we are.

Now this is the PD I like to see.



-Boehner and McConnell did not attack Obama
-McCain, Graham, and Lieberman did not attack Obama
-Former Sec. Rice did not attack Obama
-Marco Rubio did not attack Obama
-Priebus backpedaled and released a statement (tweet) sympathizing with the families and didn't mention Obama.

Looks like we can assume this backfired on Romney. And rightfully so. What a fucking piece of shit he is. I didn't think he had this in him. He's always been a shitstain but wow, what a terrible human being. Terrrrible. No moral compass whatsoever.
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