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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.

All according to the plan...


Looks presidential, doesn't it?

Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
There was an episode of Modern Family where Claire Dunphy tends to smile in a ridiculous manner when confronted with the news of someone's death.

She also lost her election for the local city council versus Tobias Funke.


Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

Dumbest thing I've read this week. Thanks.

Triple U

The fact that there is someone in here actively trying to defend romney in this thread says alot about how fucked up people are.

I don't know why people are surprised with Kosmo. He defended Bachmann's insane Muslim conspiracy theory earlier this year. He'll defend literally anything Republicans do.

Kind of new in here
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

Keep fuckin' that chicken Kosmo ;-)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.
what about your candidate's smirks? Care to offer a reasonable explanation or are you going on one of your multipage minibreaks?


Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

If the helps you deal with how badly Romney fucked himself then continue


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

And I thought PD's post calling this a game changer last night was the dumbest thing said today.
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

There is a time and place for this type of stupidity, this isn't it.


Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

You are like a living, breathing, republican talking point...

Romney came out the (political) loser here, in the real world anyway.
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

A loss for Obama, a disaster for Romney?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Looks presidential, doesn't it?

Let's pair that shit right up with his smarmy objectivist kid sidekick who lies about being obsessed with Ayn Rand and talks down over everyone who asks him to actually put up or shut up.
Now this is the PD I like to see.
It's too bad PD invested himself so heavily into trolling for Romney. Trust us, PD, it's a lot more fun criticizing Romney than twisting our intelligence to support everything he does. See below.

LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.

This is rich, coming from Lysol Wipes Boy.
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.
Today is a terrible loss for the entire country. There's nothing political about it.
Utter and complete trash. He almost makes W look classy by comparison.
I watched the Frontline documentaries on the financial crisis today and they talk about when McCain suspended his campaing. Everyone who was anyone was in the room and at one point during comments from McCain, Bush leaned over to Pelosi who was sitting next to him and said ''You guys are going to miss me''. I think if Romney had been sitting in that room, W would have said the same thing.
How is today a "political" loss for Obama? It's a loss for the country. If anyone "lost" politically it's Romney, who has been thrown under the bus by the GOP over this.


The smiles are of no consequence other than Romney making a bad move. He always smiles -- it's the same forced smile that most politicans put on whenever they are speaking to the public. There's plenty of other stuff to critique about his handling, the smile doesn't add anything of significance.

He should know better than to use the fake smile for this kind of statement though.
I think harping on the smiles is a nonstarter - it's not a story. However I do find it interesting that Kosmo, who tends to focus on nonstarters like this, can't possibly imagine why anyone is focusing on this.
LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.
I think harping on the smiles is a nonstarter - it's not a story. However I do find it interesting that Kosmo, who tends to focus on nonstarters like this, can't possibly imagine why anyone is focusing on this.
It's not a question of whether a President or a candidate for the office can smile while taking a question, it's a question of should the President or a candidate for the office smile while taking a question.

A question from a 6 year old on his favorite hobby? Smile = OK.

A question from a reporter on his thoughts on 3 US civilians dying in an attack on a diplomatic outpost? Why in the fuck would any sane person -- let alone the President or a candidate for the office -- smile? Under what context does it make sense?

The POTUS, aside from the obvious job description, is also a communicator and a representative of the American sentiment as he is the face of America in international situations like this. As another diplomat or as a soldier, how would you feel if your boss was just smiling on camera in front of an international media team during a press conference regarding the deaths of 3 American diplomats?

Romney is a fucking embarrassment and he proved it this morning. Not even Fox News can chalk this up as a win for him and that's telling you something.
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.
Unbelievable. Even for you Kosmo, and that's saying something.

I never liked Romney much, but after his performance over the last 24 hours I can't stand the man and what he represents.

Triple U

The smiles are of no consequence other than Romney making a bad move. He always smiles -- it's the same forced smile that most politicans put on whenever they are speaking to the public. There's plenty of other stuff to critique about his handling, the smile doesn't add anything of significance.

He should know better than to use the fake smile for this kind of statement though.

I don't understand this line of thinking at all. It makes no sense. Especially when you are trying to imply that he is somehow forcing the smile of all things. Just stop it. No need to try and justify a damn thing. It is what it is.
Human tragedy aside (we all sympathize with the families of those who were killed), today is a political loss for Obama, sorry. Not sure it will have an effect in November, but for today, it's not a good thing for the administration.

Great news! For John McCain!
LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.

Ugh, why did Kosmo beat me to this, haha.

Smirk is his default expression. I think it's inherently creepy that he has it on all the time but it doesn't say anything about what he was thinking after the press conference. He just doesn't know how to make a real expression.
Smirk is his default expression. I think it's inherently creepy that he has it on all the time but it doesn't say anything about what he was thinking after the press conference. He just doesn't know how to make a real expression.

You're completely downplaying this. Even Bush got it right after 9/11 and Reagan was a master at this. It sets a tone of somberness, respect for those that were lost, and seriousness. Romney's expression is one that exposes his inability to sympathize, a lack of understanding of the loss for these families, a lack of respect, and is inappropriate for a man that would assume the role of Commander in Chief.
I don't understand this line of thinking at all. It makes no sense. Especially when you are trying to imply that he is somehow forcing the smile of all things. Just stop it. No need to try and justify a damn thing. It is what it is.
No. I agree with him. He is not having fun with the subject matter. He's just too trained to have that fake smirk on his face when in public.

You can fault him for lacking enough empathy to NATURALLY not smirk during this event. But thats not the same criticism as saying he's enjoying all of it.


Ugh, why did Kosmo beat me to this, haha.

Smirk is his default expression. I think it's inherently creepy that he has it on all the time but it doesn't say anything about what he was thinking after the press conference. He just doesn't know how to make a real expression.

Yup, he's just an awkward human being. He doesn't know how to act, and he was probably nervous knowing he was sinking his campaign to "McCain has an illegitimate black child" and swiftboating territory, except this time had a decent chance of backfiring.

Besides that though, it's just bad optics. He looked exactly like the sleazy, scumbag politician he is.


Ugh, why did Kosmo beat me to this, haha.

Smirk is his default expression. I think it's inherently creepy that he has it on all the time but it doesn't say anything about what he was thinking after the press conference. He just doesn't know how to make a real expression.

I don't buy this, he has been solemn in the past when needed to be, he doesn't have a perpetual smirk. Furthermore I also don't think that should excuse him, as someone else said the president is the face of the nation in times of international tragedy, even the often times gaffe prone/indifferent Bush knew to put a serious face in front of tragedy, you are there to remind the people the president represents you and what you are feeling at the moment. I suppose a smile could sometimes be used as a mechanism to get over grief but I don't fucking buy that when sum of his response was an attack on the sitting president before he has even had a chance to make a statement. The smirk/smile is the icing on an extremely disgusting cake.


Professional Schmuck
guys, lay off Kosmo. You should've gotten your decoder rings in the last NeoGAF Liberal monthly email. If you'd actually use it, you'd know that this is as close to admitting complete despair and utter devastation to both his party and his party's brand as he'll ever get. Give it a rest already.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So killing bin Laden was just a win for the country, not in any way a political win for Obama? You guys amaze me.

All success is a win for the country and whatever politicians preside over it. Success. You're conflating success and failure as somehow equal. Which is a fascinating insight into how you actually think about this shit. George HW Bush raised taxes and everyone on this thread thinks that made him a better president. Mitt Romney smiled as he lied directly to the American public about a fucking tragedy.

Kosmo, I wish you were a clever troll, because the fact that you're completely real is fucking horrifying.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
guys, lay off Kosmo. You should've gotten your decoder rings in the last NeoGAF Liberal monthly email. If you'd actually use it, you'd know that this is as close to admitting complete despair and utter devastation to both his party and his party's brand. Give it a rest already.

I'm not part of that email... I must not be liberal enough.

So killing bin Laden was just a win for the country, not in any way a political win for Obama? You guys amaze me.
It's a win for the entire country, but also a great win for Obama because under his direct command the JSOC carried out operation Geronimo. It was Obama's call to send in two helicopters under the cover of night inside Pakistan's lines, take out OBL, and fly back. So yeah he deserves credit.


Professional Schmuck
And I know PD has since backtracked, which is good for him. But after consulting with Andrew Sullivan we've agreed to rename the Dick Morris Worst Predictions Award to the Phoenix Dark Worst Predictions Award.

We're still tossing around nicknames at this point, but "getting PD'd" has a good ring to it.


You're comparing a successful military operation to a terrorist attack in another country? What the fuck

I am simply saying that successful military operations are positive for Presidents, and ones that have negative results are a negative. Don't forget that we ousted Ghadafi (to quote Hillary: "We came, we saw, he died") and this attack grew out of that, ultimately.

It's a win for the entire country, but also a great win for Obama because under his direct command the JSOC carried out operation Geronimo. It was Obama's call to send in two helicopters under the cover of night inside Pakistan's lines, take out OBL, and fly back. So yeah he deserves credit.

Obama had absolutely nothing to do with ousting Ghadafi, got it.
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