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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I think McCain's tweet speaks volumes, even if Romney disagreed with the handling the proper thing to do would to let Obama speak first then tear him to shreds after.

The fact Romney was frothing at the mouth just shows in a not pretty way how unprepared for national security they are

And here comes Obama...
lol, halperin:
Unless Mitt has gamed crisis out in some manner completely invisible to Gang of 500,doubling down=most craven+ill-advised move of '12

it should be noted that leading republicans such as boehner, cantor, and mcconnell all released statements condemning the attacks but not mentioning the administration at all. very diff from romney's path.


Mitt, now you just digusted me. This is not about whether you can be a good president anymore, you just disgusted me as a human being.


I don't see how you can possibly label Libya a failure.

Guys, don't worry, all is fine.

The Middle East is a clusterfuck - I'm now convinced we should follow one of two courses:

1) Pull everything out, stop buying their oil and figure out how to subsist on our the resources we have and those of our allies.
2) Just go take over a country for their oil, rather than continuing to funnel money to people who will never like us, and deal with the consequences.
Love the press shouting out about Romney's comment and one fucking dumbass reporter's question "Mr. President, is this an act of war?"

I really want to know which fucking dumbass said that.

Love that he ignored all of that bullshit.


I love when reporters yell out questions as the president (or whoever) walks away. "Mr. President, was this an act of war!?" As if he's going to turn around and come back and go, "Yes, reporter. Thanks for reminding me. This means war."

edit: And I don't know if anyone posts on SA, but one of the Americans who died was a mod there - Vilerat.


Guys, don't worry, all is fine.

The Middle East is a clusterfuck - I'm now convinced we should follow one of two courses:

1) Pull everything out, stop buying their oil and figure out how to subsist on our the resources we have and those of our allies.
2) Just go take over a country for their oil, rather than continuing to funnel money to people who will never like us, and deal with the consequences.

Jesus, you ARE the Republican party.


Jesus, you ARE the Republican party.

I am a realist and do not think there is a chance we are ever going to bring Democracy (or at least the lifestyle/safety) we enjoy in the west to the the Middle East - at least not in any sort of "passive" way like trying to organize revolutions through Twitter.


The contrast between Obama and Romney could not be more clear after this morning

Romney I now believe fears he is going to lose and lose hard, that is the only way I can explain his actions over the past 24hrs

His hope is most likely to fire up his base and pray for an advantage solely of GOTV
I am a realist and do not think there is a chance we are ever going to bring Democracy (or at least the lifestyle/safety) we enjoy in the west to the the Middle East - at least not in any sort of "passive" way like trying to organize revolutions through Twitter.

Go thank Bush for bringing the Freedoms to the Middle East. He made it his mission for more or less his entire presidency to liberate Iraq.


Sidhe / PikPok
someone tell me what fox's reaction is plz i can't bear to watch

"Romney isn't doing himself any favours" - Peggy Noonan

"We are still trying to work out the timeline of the embassy statement and events to determine whether or not it was an apology" - Bill Hemner(? one of their anchors anyway)


I think Obama should hit Romney and hit him hard for exploiting this, and I think he will since he hated Romney before and I am sure that level of hate increased after this morning


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Why stop with yesterday's embassy statement? They should go back a month or more and dig up more out of context statements. No reason to limit themselves to a single day.
it's pretty funny that romney complains of obama's "mixed messages" while doing his best to muddle the official US response by lying and trying to preempt the president

"Romney isn't doing himself any favours" - Peggy Noonan

"We are still trying to work out the timeline of the embassy statement and events to determine whether or not it was an apology" - Bill Hemner(? one of their anchors anyway)

wow not even fox is going all in on this

romney done fucked up

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Republicans vs. Democrats is usually a debate between Guns vs. Butter. Republicans usually win when security is the issue so Romney isn't dumb to start this line of attack he is just horrible at timing and being able to understand that today shouldn't of been the day to politicize this.
I think Obama should hit Romney and hit him hard for exploiting this, and I think he will since he hated Romney before and I am sure that level of hate increased after this morning

Nah, the press seems like it's doing its job. Even sweeter this way; stay above the fray and the politics. It's about the families of the people and the Americans who served our country in these foreign outputs.

The "Mr. President is this an act of war?" question seems to be picking up a bit. Wonder if we will find out about the identity of this idiot.

What's kind of scary is that some idiots on some other forums actually think that this is an act of war...


Republicans vs. Democrats is usually a debate between Guns vs. Butter. Republicans usually win when security is the issue so Romney isn't dumb to start this line of attack he is just horrible at timing and being able to understand that today shouldn't of been the day to politicize this.

Republicans have not really won a security argument since Obama took office

Romney's only hope of winning is the actual issue Americans are concerned with the economy, and he is purposefully trying to run with every other issue BUT that


Politico: So... what should Mitt Romney do?

With just under eight weeks till Election Day, the anxious chorus from nervous Republicans can be heard loud and clear throughout the land: “Mitt — what are you gonna do?”

Romney has had to quell doubters within his party throughout the 2012 cycle, but there is an extra dose of urgency this time. With Nov. 6 clearly in sight, several key moments of opportunity have already passed: he has chosen his running mate and the free media bonanza of his nominating convention has come and gone.

But still, in both national and swing-state polls, Romney is stubbornly short of the electoral majority he needs — a maddening predicament for Republicans who see a vulnerable incumbent saddled with a sputtering economy and high unemployment.

An early comment nails it:

lol...........another media dreamed-up story..............."anxious". When you UNCOOK these cooked polls and apply the real weight of the Republican vote on November 6th, 2012............if I was Obama I'd be very nervous because when you uncook these polls Romney and Ryan are winning by double digits.
Romney's comments will fire up his base.

Hopefully, that's all they fire up.

It's disgusting though that from my glance at Repo message boards, they seem to be eating up his comments with great vigor. I'm thinking the best political strategy for him is to double down on the rhetoric, throw in some jabs at Iran as well, then pivot back to a Wartime Keynesian platform.

If the campaign is all about firing up the base, then you just need to do the opposite of Obama.


Republicans vs. Democrats is usually a debate between Guns vs. Butter. Republicans usually win when security is the issue so Romney isn't dumb to start this line of attack he is just horrible at timing and being able to understand that today shouldn't of been the day to politicize this.

Obama's foreign policy has been hugely successful and popular. The Republicans have nothing to stand on.


Wow, sucks that so many died. How is there not better security?

I knew Mitt stepped in this yesterday. The twitter stuff wasn't even an apology. In their haste to score political points, they just threw anything out there. Disgraceful


If the base is eating it up then you know its the wrong side to be on, but then again he has no choice now

Can't wait to hear what smug ass Ryan has to say


Sidhe / PikPok
What's kind of scary is that some idiots actually think that this is an act of war...

They were saying that it was an act of war on Fox and Friends because it was "an attack on American soil" given technically that's what an embassy is.

They were also suggesting the attack was "by the very people we helped free", suggesting the whole nation was behind it.

And then topped it off with "their has been no condemnation or apology by the government there", even though there was.
I am a realist and do not think there is a chance we are ever going to bring Democracy (or at least the lifestyle/safety) we enjoy in the west to the the Middle East - at least not in any sort of "passive" way like trying to organize revolutions through Twitter.
Yea. Something about those people makes unfathomable that they would EVER be civilized.


Please note that we're less than 100 years from Europe constantly blowing itself up.


Apparently we're sending some Marines to help with security at the embassies now, which is the increased security Obama alluded to.

Josh Marshall's take on the Romney response is in line with how we've been reacting.

Some moments show you when a candidate is ready or not to become President of the United States. I suspect last night will become one of those moments for Mitt Romney. The verdict will not be positive.Some moments show you when a candidate is ready or not to become President of the United States. I suspect last night will become one of those moments for Mitt Romney. The verdict will not be positive.

It's a long post, but well thought out.

"They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it’s just completely blown up," said a very senior Republican foreign policy hand, who called the statement an "utter disaster" and a "Lehman moment" — a parallel to the moment when John McCain, amid the 2008 financial crisis, failed to come across as a steady leader.
He and other members of both parties cited the Romney campaign's recent dismissals of foreign policy's relevance. On adviser dismissed the subject to BuzzFeed as a "shiny object," while another told Politico that the subject was the "president's turf," drawing a rebuke from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.
"I guess we see now that it is because they’re incompetent at talking effectively about foreign policy," said the Republican. "This is just unbelievable — when they decide to play on it they completely bungle it."
These riots are about an American-made video that circulated on the Internet that supposedly insults Muhammad, not about Koran burning.

The Cairo statement was issued after the protests and attacks had commenced, but before they knew anyone had been killed.
So there were protests in Libya and Cairo about the same video?


Paul Ryan is going to comment on this soon at a town hall, apparently (saw it on twitter, so can't say for sure). Are we in for a triple down?


I am a realist and do not think there is a chance we are ever going to bring Democracy (or at least the lifestyle/safety) we enjoy in the west to the the Middle East - at least not in any sort of "passive" way like trying to organize revolutions through Twitter.

I just find it amazing that your two Middle East plans are Ron Paul and George W. Is there no moderate, reasoned Republican strategy for engaging with other countries? No wonder the Democrats are the party of foreign policy now.

For the record, it's not our job to bring democracy to people, it's their job to take it. All we can do is engage with them peacefully and trade with them productively so as to empower people to do so. Nothing is a greater moderating force than McDonalds. In the Christian world, this is called witnessing.

I really didn't think the Libya stuff was going to matter much. I am still a little concerned about Netanyahu, though, because Romney doesn't have to do anything right to benefit from his actions. Of course, maybe even he will perceive the danger of putting Romney in the Oval Office (and Bolton in the State Department).
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