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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Had to edit the post, I didn't mean to say I really like Romney, I meant I really disliked him - and now have moved to simply not respecting him at all.

Drone strike time? That didn't take long. It could further inflame things, especially if any innocents are taken out. I realize the government had to do something, but it's somewhat disappointing news regardless
Yeah. I understand the urge to respond. But I'm uncertain this is a wise decision. The U.S. has acted heedlessly in response to previous attacks on diplomatic missions. And I can't imagine a quicker means to sabotage our standing in Libya. If drone strikes commence, they should be especially judicious.


Romney is acting like he's President. Candidate Obama did a lot of stumping around during important events and such, but he stopped short of acting like he was entitled to speak as though he were the leader of the free world.
Rep. Mike Rodgers (R-MI) who is the Intelligence Committee Chair just said on MSNBC that he has no idea what Romney is talking about in regards to the Romney "apologizing" statement. Republicans are running away from Romney today


So what's the scenario where this somehow works out in Romney's favor? If it turns out this was a preplanne terrorist attack separate from the protests will Romney charge that the President failed to protect US officials or something?


Posted by Freezie KO in the other thread regarding the attacks.

CNN said:
The official said the plan is for U.S. surveillance drones to gather the intelligence and then hand it off to the Libyans to strike the targets.

So there is that. Not going overboard in the response.


he's not talking about it, but biden looks/sounds pissed

I would be seething too, but like others except Romney and his campaign actually understand, a calm articulate approach to the situation where people are briefed on the situation is needed and the only statements that should be made otherwise are of the victims of the attack itself.

I am really dumbfounded today and really mad at the Romney camp, even though I don't like him as a candidate or much of his policies I didn't take him for THIS much of a political opportunist to try to snatch victory the from the face of a tragedy less then 24 hours after it happened. Its appalling and shows a clearer reason then anything he has given why he has no right to be president. Foreign Policy is like THE one thing the president has actual control over both in designating ambassador and the message we send to the world, and he just went and diluted a sitting presidents message before he even had a chance to speak with out of context lies, I just... I can't think of a more heinous screw up for a challenging presidential nominee to make, and it just brings the discourse of the discussion down with it. The event shouldn't be political, but now Romney has made it political right out of the gate, he better not whine about how the media treats him over this, he will deserve anything everything that comes at him over the weeks news cycle.


So what's the scenario where this somehow works out in Romney's favor? If it turns out this was a preplanne terrorist attack separate from the protests will Romney charge that the President failed to protect US officials or something?
Sure, you can assume that. Basically, whatever the facts turn out to be, Romney will try to think of the most negative, hurtful thing to say about the President, labeled as a failure in leadership, and throw it against the wall in hopes that it'll sway the mood of the electorate back in his direction.

The scary thing is that it could work at some point.

The official said the plan is for U.S. surveillance drones to gather the intelligence and then hand it off to the Libyans to strike the targets.
Mittens: "WTF Obama, we should be striking the targets, not gathering intelligence for unstable leadership in Libya!"
One note of disagreement: I don't think Obama should be campaigning today - in fact one might argue this is a case where he can campaign by not campaigning. What I mean is that Romney has pretty much embarrassed himself today by playing politics with this issue. If I was an adviser I'd suggest Obama cancel all his rally plans for today and hold his own press conference, and implicitly state he has no intention of discussing politics; no need to attack Romney or even mention his name, Romney has done enough damage to himself today.

By holding a 30 minute press conference and discussing this issue as well as the Israel situation, Obama will look far more presidential than the shit Romney pulled today. Hence the idea of campaigning by not campaigning. He doesn't have to hold a rally - or even mention Romney's name - to do damage
One note of disagreement: I don't think Obama should be campaigning today - in fact one might argue this is a case where he can campaign by not campaigning. What I mean is that Romney has pretty much embarrassed himself today by playing politics with this issue. If I was an adviser I'd suggest Obama cancel all his rally plans for today and hold his own press conference, and implicitly state he has no intention of discussing politics; no need to attack Romney or even mention his name, Romney has done enough damage to himself today.

By holding a 30 minute press conference and discussing this issue as well as the Israel situation, Obama will look far more presidential than the shit Romney pulled today. Hence the idea of campaigning by not campaigning. He doesn't have to hold a rally - or even mention Romney's name - to do damage

I.....I....agree? What the hell is going on today?


One note of disagreement: I don't think Obama should be campaigning today - in fact one might argue this is a case where he can campaign by not campaigning. What I mean is that Romney has pretty much embarrassed himself today by playing politics with this issue. If I was an adviser I'd suggest Obama cancel all his rally plans for today and hold his own press conference, and implicitly state he has no intention of discussing politics; no need to attack Romney or even mention his name, Romney has done enough damage to himself today.

By holding a 30 minute press conference and discussing this issue as well as the Israel situation, Obama will look far more presidential than the shit Romney pulled today. Hence the idea of campaigning by not campaigning. He doesn't have to hold a rally - or even mention Romney's name - to do damage

You think he should pull a McCain?


One note of disagreement: I don't think Obama should be campaigning today - in fact one might argue this is a case where he can campaign by not campaigning. What I mean is that Romney has pretty much embarrassed himself today by playing politics with this issue. If I was an adviser I'd suggest Obama cancel all his rally plans for today and hold his own press conference, and implicitly state he has no intention of discussing politics; no need to attack Romney or even mention his name, Romney has done enough damage to himself today.

By holding a 30 minute press conference and discussing this issue as well as the Israel situation, Obama will look far more presidential than the shit Romney pulled today. Hence the idea of campaigning by not campaigning. He doesn't have to hold a rally - or even mention Romney's name - to do damage

If he does this and it doesn't send the polls jumping then I've lost faith in the American electorate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
One note of disagreement: I don't think Obama should be campaigning today - in fact one might argue this is a case where he can campaign by not campaigning. What I mean is that Romney has pretty much embarrassed himself today by playing politics with this issue. If I was an adviser I'd suggest Obama cancel all his rally plans for today and hold his own press conference, and implicitly state he has no intention of discussing politics; no need to attack Romney or even mention his name, Romney has done enough damage to himself today.

By holding a 30 minute press conference and discussing this issue as well as the Israel situation, Obama will look far more presidential than the shit Romney pulled today. Hence the idea of campaigning by not campaigning. He doesn't have to hold a rally - or even mention Romney's name - to do damage

I don't see a net-negative for Obama to be on the stump. He needs to keep the base energized. If he mentions Libya, he should do it by just mentioning the tragic loss and move on.
You think he should pull a McCain?

I don't think that's comparable to McCain; he wouldn't be suspending his campaign, he'd simply be cancelling his schedule for the day to look/act presidential; that's not to say holding a rally makes him look un-presidential. I just think there's a clear advantage to be seized here.

I'd hold a conference and then send drones to Libya immediately afterward; I don't see the point in revealing the plan so early, which is what happened. Just start bombing and let the AP find out on their own. That's not to say I agree with sending in drones, but at this point it probably has to be done.


Not "campaigning" for a day is nowhere near pulling a McCain and I think is a pretty smart move.

I think he was making a comment about how Obama should 'make a comment' to not campaign. It should be implicit and that may end up being what PD meant to say. Don't campaign, talk about the situation, do your job, let your opponent look like the fool and be done with it. Its not only smart politically its the right thing to do anyways, no one likes political games and they especially don't over tragedies. Just the act of stating "no politics today" can have a negative remark because it implies there is a time for politics.



So, like, those movies and shows where the villain makes a statement to the press all somber-like and then when he turns and walks away he smiles to himself like a fox?

This is it. The GOP has gone full metal crazy with the theatrical.

I'm impressed, really.
They're calling him out for being an oppertunist, which is something.
To be honest it feels like they're merely asking the question whether he is being an opportunist. Which definitely is something, but this deserves a stronger reaction. They still let him talk about the statement as if it was in response to the deaths and as if it was an actual apology.


Fuck the media.

And this is why Romney might be able to get away with it. People put too much faith in the media to be unbiased and/or objective when they're really not.


I don't think that's comparable to McCain; he wouldn't be suspending his campaign, he'd simply be cancelling his schedule for the day to look/act presidential; that's not to say holding a rally makes him look un-presidential. I just think there's a clear advantage to be seized here.

I'd hold a conference and then send drones to Libya immediately afterward; I don't see the point in revealing the plan so early, which is what happened. Just start bombing and let the AP find out on their own. That's not to say I agree with sending in drones, but at this point it probably has to be done.

I guess I don't see the connection between a one day hold of campaign, and addressing the attacks. He's the President, he should be able to manage all that. Especially considering how important they are making the election out to be.


Chuck Todd is a damn joke as well.

Hey say something stupid everyday now.

Yeah on Twitter this morning he was going on about how now we get to see contrasts in the candidate's foreign policy and forcing himself to be as "BOTH SIDEEEEZ" as possible.
I don't see how anyone can like Romney now. Look at that Cheshire cat smile on his face after giving a press conference on the deaths of human lives. It's sickening.


Just saw on Twitter that Romney smirked a total of fifteen times while speaking about Americans being murdered.

LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Just saw on Twitter that Romney smirked a total of fifteen times while speaking about Americans being murdered.

I thought I was the only one who noticed. If this gains traction I wonder how the Romney campaign will try to spin it into a positive light.
I'll take the bait. It's not that he's smiling at their deaths, but smiling that their deaths have given him something to attack Obama on foreign policy.*

*in Romney's mind.
LOL, you guys will grasp at anything. Romney always smiles (or that smirk) while he's taking a question - yes, I'm sure he was smiling about people dying.

It's totally ok. There is never a time that big grins are inappropriate. I always smile when conversations strike up. I smirked real big when I was at a funeral and paid my respects to the widow.
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